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TABLE 1. Two Syllables, accented on the FIRST.

[blocks in formation]

Camp den Car diff Caithness

Brent ford

Bris tol

Chat ham

Chel sea

Chelms ford

[blocks in formation]

Brom ley

Chep stow

Au gust

Bewd ly

Ax bridge

Bol ton

[blocks in formation]

Cæ sar
Cal ais

Cam bridge

Ches hunt Chi na

Christ mas

Fe lix

Eng land

[blocks in formation]

Clif ton Coln brook

Con naught
Corn wall
Croy don

Cy prus
Dart ford

Har row Har wich High gate

Hol land

Dept ford
Der by

Do ver
Dub lin
Dur ham
Eas ter
E den

E noch E nos Ep ping Ep som Es sex

Eu rope

[blocks in formation]

Fal mouth


Kirk wall

La ban

La mech

Land grave

Mine head

Lau rence

[blocks in formation]

Mon arch

Mon day

Mon mouth

Jo nas

Lin coln

Na ples

Jo seph

Lind sey

Na than

Ju das

Lon don

No ah


[blocks in formation]

FABLE 2. The Boy and the Butterfly.

A boy, greatly smitten with the colours of a butterfly, pursued it from flower to flower. First he tried to surprise it among the leaves of a rose; then to cover it with his hat as it was feeding on a daisy; now he hoped to secure it as it rested on a sprig of myrtle; and now grew sure of his prize, perceiving it loiter on a bed of violets.

But the fickle fly, changing one blossom for another, still eluded his attempts. At length, seeing it half buried in the cup of a tulip, he rushed forward, and snatching it with violence, crushed it to pieces.

The dying insect, observing the poor boy somewhat disappointed, thus addressed him: See now the end of thy solicitude, and know that all pleasure is but a painted butterfly; which, although it may serve to amuse thee in the pursuit, if embraced with too much ardour, will perish in thy grasp.

FABLE 3. The Wolf and the Shepherds.

A wolf, peeping into a hut, where a company of shep herds were regaling themselves with a joint of mutton,"Bless me," said he, "what a clamour these men would have raised, if they had caught me at such a banquet!" MORAL. We often censure that conduct in others which we practice ourselves without scruple,

Ar gyle

Dun bar

Ar magh

Dun blane


TABLE 5. Two Syllables, accented on the LAST.

Pall mall
Pe gu

Lan daff

Le vant

Bel fast

Dun dee

Lor rain

Pe lew

[blocks in formation]


A bra ham

Ab sa lom

An ti och

THREE Syllables, accented on the FIRST.
An ti christ Bev er ley Chi ches ter
Bil lings gate Chip pen ham
Bir ming ham Chris ti an
Bridge wa ter Chris to pher
Buc king ham Clar en don
Can dle mas Cock er mouth
Car di gan

Af ri ca
Ar ra gon
Al der ney
Aus tri a
Al trin cham Bab y lon

Ban bu ry
Bar na bas

Am er sham
An cas ter
An do ver
An gle sea
An tho ny

Barn sta ple

Bed ling ton
Ben ja min

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Dev on shire Gal i lee
Don cas ter Gas co ny
Dor ches ter Gen o a
Dor set shire Ger ma ny
Ed in burgh Greg o ry
Ex o dus Hal i fax

[blocks in formation]


Far ring don Han o ver

Jer i cho
Jes u it

Fins bu ry
Flo ri da

Hav er ford
Her e ford

Jon a than
Josh u a
Ju pi ter


Man ches ter Pad ding ton Som er set

Mar ga ret Phar i sees
Marl bo rough Por tu gal
Ma ry land Ro ches ter
Mex i co
Rot ter dam
Sam u el

Mus co vy
New bu ry

Nin e veh

Sel a by

Span i ard

Lim e rick
Liv er pool

Lu ci fer
Mac cles field
Ma ho met

Up ping ham

Wal ling ford

War ring ton

Sun der land
Swit zer land Wed nes day
Ten bu ry West min ster
Tewks bu ry

Whit sun tide

Thorn bu ry

Win ches ter

[blocks in formation]

Shaftes bu ry Tim o thy
Shrews bu ry Tus ca ny

Nor man dy
Not ting ham Si ci ly


FABLE 4. The Country Maid and her Milkpail.

A country maid was walking with a pail of milk upon her head, when she fell into the following train of thoughts: The money for which I shall sell this milk will enable me to increase my stock of eggs to three hundred. These eggs will bring at least two hundred and fifty chickens.

The chickens will be fit to carry to market about Christmas, when poultry always bears a good price; so that by May-day I shall have money enough to buy me a new


Green-let me consider-yes, green becomes my complexion best, and green it shall be. In this dress I will go to the fair, where all the young fellows will strive to have me for a partner; but I shall perhaps refuse every one of them, and with an air of disdain turn from them.

Charmed with this thought, she could not forbear acting with her head what thus passed in her mind, when down came the pail of milk, and with it all her fancied happiness.

FABLE 5. The Boy and the Filberts.

A certain boy put his hand into a pitcher in which were a quantity of figs and filberts. He grasped as many as his hand would hold, but, when he tried to pull it out, the smallness of the neck prevented him.

Unwilling to lose any of them, but unable to draw out his hand, he burst into tears, and bitterly bemoaned his hard fortune. An honest fellow who stood by gave him this wise advice: Grasp only half the quantity, my boy, and you will easily succeed.

MORAL. The surest way to gain our ends is to moderate our desires.

[blocks in formation]

THREE Syllables, accented on the LAST.

Lab ra dor
Lan gue doc
Mil den hall
Mont ser rat
pa han Na za rine

Ab er deen Char le roy
Al be marle Fon ta nelle
Am ster dam Har tle pool
Can da hor In ver ness
Char le ville Is

Ad der bu ry
Al ex an der
Almond bury
Am bres bu ry
At tle bo rough-

A bed ne go
A bi a thar
A bim e lech
A hi to phel
A mal e kite

Ca per na um
Co per ni cus
Co rin thi an
De mos the nes
E liz a beth

Mol da vi a
Mont go me ry
Mont pe li er
Mo ra vi a
Na than i el

O why hee

Pam pe lune
Pon ty pool

Scan da roon

FOUR Syllables, accented on the FIRST.

Feb ru a ry

Foth er in gay

Glas ton bu ry

Gor ham bu ry
Jan is sa ry

Jan u a ry
Kid der min ster
Pe ter bo rough

Ad ri an o ple
Can ter bu ry

FOUR Syllables, accented on the SECOND.

A me li a
A mer i ca

A min a dab
A ra bi a
Ar me ni a


Ga lip o li
Ga ma li el
He ro di as
Ho ra ti o
I tal i an


Sa ma ri a
Sar din i a
Sen nach e rib
Si le si a
The ophi lus

As syr i a

Bar ba ri an
Bar thol o mew
Bo he mi a
By zan ti um

Je ru sa lem
Je hoi a kim
Je hosh a phat
Ma hom e tan
Me thu se lah

Ve ne ti an
Ve su vi us
Vir gi ni a
West pha li a
Xe no cra tes

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