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Indicible, adj., unspeakable. Indifférence, n. f., indifference. Indifférent, e, adj., indifferent, unconcerned.

Indigence, n. f., indigence, poverty. Indigène, n. m. f., adj., indigenous, native.

Indigent, e, adj., indigent, needy. Indignation, n. f., indignation. Indigne, adj., unworthy, scandalous.

Indignement, adv., unworthily. Indigner, v. a., to shock, to exasperate. S'-, v. pr., to be indignant.

Indignité, n. f., indignity, infamy. Indiquer, v. a., to indicate, to

point out, to show. Indirect, e, adj., indirect, circumstantial.

Indirectement, adv., indirectly. Indiscret, rète, adj., indiscreet, blabbing.

Indiscrètement, adv., indiscreetly. Indiscrétion, n. f., indiscretion. Indispensable, adj., indispensable. Indissoluble, adj., indissoluble. Individu, n. m., individual, person. Indomptable, adj., indomitable, untamable.

Indulgence, n. f., indulgence. Indulgent, e, adj., indulgent. Industrie, n.f., industry, skill, trade. Industrieux, se, adj., industrious, clever.

Inébranlable, adj., unshaken.

Ineffable, adj., ineffable.

Ineffacé, e, adj., uneffaced.

Inégalité, n. f., inequality.
Inénarrable, adj., unspeakable.

Inépuisable, adj., inexhaustible.
Inévitable, adj., unavoidable.
Inexcusable, adj., inexcusable.
Inexorable, adj., unrelenting.
Inexprimable, adj., inexpressible.
Inextinguible, adj., inextinguish-
able, irrepressible.
Infaillibilité, n. f., infallibility.
Infaillible, adj., infallible, certain.
Infâme, adj., infamous, filthy.
Infamie, n. f., infamy.
Infatigable, adj., indefatigable.
Infect, e, adj., infectious, foul.
Infecter, v. a., to infect, to taint.
Inférieur, e, n. m. f., adj., inferior,

Infidèle, n. m. f., adj., unfaithful, false, infidel, unbeliever. Infidélité, n. f., infidelity, faithlessness, inaccuracy.

Infini, e, adj., infinite. A l'—,

and so on, without end.
Infiniment, adv., infinitely.
Infinité, n. f., infinity.
Infirme, adj., infirm, sickly.
Infirmier, ière, n. m. f., nurse.
Infirmité, n. f., infirmity.
Inflexible, adj., inflexible.
Influence, n. f., influence, sway.
Influer, v. n., to have influence.
Infortune, n. f., misfortune.
Infortuné, e, adj., unhappy,

Infus, e, adj., intuitive, inborn.
Infuser, v. a., to infuse.

Infusoires, n. m. pl., infusoria.
Ingénieux, se, adj., ingenious,


Ingénuité, n. f., ingenuousness, simplicity, candor.

Ingrat, e, adj., ungrateful, sterile. Inhospitalier, ière, adj., inhospitable.

Inimitable, adj., inimitable.
Iniquité, n. f., iniquity.

Initier, v. a., to initiate, to introduce.

Injure, n. f., injury, slander.
Inné, e, adj., innate, inborn.
Innocemment, adv., innocently,

Innocence, n. f., innocence. Innocent, e, p. n. m., adj., innocent, harmless.

Innombrable, adj., numberless.
Inouï, e, adj., unheard.

Inquiet, iète, adj., uneasy, unquiet. Inquiéter, v. a., to disquiet, to vex. S'-, v. pr., to alarm one's self.

Inquiétude, n. f., uneasiness. Inscrire, v. a., to inscribe, to regis

ter. S'-, v. pr., to write down one's name.

Insecte, n. m., insect.

Insensé, e, adj., insane, mad. Insensibilité, n. f., insensibility, unconcern, apathy. Insensible, adj., insensible. Insensiblement, adv., insensibly, gradually.

Insipide, adj., insipid, flat. Insister, v. n., to insist upon. Insolence, n. f., insolence, pertness. Insouciant, e, adj., careless, un


Inspecter, v. a., to inspect, to survey.

Inspection, n. f., inspection, sur


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Instruire, v. a., to instruct, to inform, to teach.

Instrument,'n. m., instrument, tool. Insuffisant, e, adj., insufficient. Insulte, n. f., insult, injury. Insupportable, adj., intolerable. Insurmontable, adj., insuperable. Intact, e, adj., intact, whole. Intelligence, n. f., intelligence, intellect, skill, correspondence. Intelligent, e, adj., intelligent, sensible.

Intelligible, adj., intelligible. Intempérie, n. f., ihclemency. Interdire, v. a., to interdict, to forbid, to suspend.

Intéressant, e, adj., interesting. Intéresser, v. a., to interest, to associate, to concern.

Intérêt, n. m., interest, profit, con


Intermède, n. m., interlude. Interprète, n. m., interpreter. Interpréter, v. a., to interpret, to explain.

Interrogation, n. f., interrogation, question.

Interroger, v. a., to interrogate, to question.

Interrompre, v. a., to interrupt, to suspend.

Interruption, n. f., interruption.

Intervalle, n. m., interval, space,


Intervenir, v. n., to intervene, to interpose.

Intime, adj., intimate, familiar.
Intimement, adj., intimately.
Intimité, n. f., intimacy, connec-

Intrépide, adj., intrepid, dauntless.
Intrigue, n. f., intrigue, plot.
Introduction, n. f., introduction.
Introduire, v. a., to introduce, to
show in, to bring in. S'-, v. pr.,
to enter, to get in.
Inutile, adj., useless, needless.
Inutilement, adv., uselessly.
Invalide, n. m., adj., invalid.
Invasion, n. f., invasion, outbreak.
Inventer, v. a., to invent, to forge.
Inventeur, rice, n. m. f., inventor,

Invention, n. f., invention, fiction, discovery.

Investigation, n. f., investigation, inquiry.

Investir, v. a., to invest. Invincible, adj., invincible, unanswerable.

Invisible, adj., invisible.

Invitation, n. f., invitation, incite


Inviter, v. a., to invite, to induce. Invoquer, v. a., to invoke.

Iris, p. n. f., Iris; n. m., rainbow.

Irlandais, se, n. m. f., adj.,


Irlande, p. n. f., Ireland.

Ironie, n. f., irony.

Ironique, adj., ironical.

Irréfléchi, e, adj., unreflecting, unguarded.

Irreligion, n. f., irreligion. Irréparable, adj., irretrievable. Irrésolu, e, adj., irresolute. Irrévérence, n. f., irreverence, disrespect.

Irrévocable, adj., irrevocable, irreversible.

Irritant, e, adj., irritating.
Irriter, v. a., to irritate, to chafe.
Isabelle, p. n. f., Isabella.
Islam, p. n. m., Islam.

Isolé, e, adj., isolated, apart, lonely. Isolement, n. m., isolation, solitude.

Isolément, adv., separately.

Isoler, v. a., to isolate, to detach. S'-, v. pr., to retire.

Israélite, n. m. f., Israelite, Jew, Jewess; adj., Jewish.

Issu, e, adj., sprung, descended. Issue, n. f., issue, exit, means, loophole.

Italien, ne, n. m. f., adj., Italian, Italic.

Ithos, p. n. m., Ithos.

Itinéraire, n. m., itinerary, guide. Ivoire, n. m., ivory.

Ivrognerie, n. f., drunkenness.

Jabot, n. m., crop, frill.

Jacqueau, p. n. m., Jack (to animals only).

Jadis, adv., of old, of yore.
Jaillir, v. n., to gush out, to flash.
Jalousie, n. f., jealousy, lattice.
Jaloux, se, adj., jealous, ambitious.
Jamais, adv., never, ever.
Jambe, n. f., leg.
Jambon, n. m., ham.

Japon, p. n. m., Japan.

Japper, v. n., to yelp, to bark.
Jaquette, n. f., jacket, frock.
Jardin, n. m., garden.

Jarret, n. m., hock.

Jaunir, v. a. n., to turn, to make yellow.

Javelle, n. f., sheaf.

Javelot, n. m., javelin.
Je, pron., I.

Jean, p. n. m., John.

Jeanne, p. n. f., Jane.

Jeannette, p. n. f., Janet, Jenny.
Jefferson, p. n., Jefferson.
Jephté, p. n. m., Jephthah.
Jérôme, p. n. m., Jerome.
Jérusalem, p. n. f., Jerusalem.

Jésuite, p. n. m., Jesuit.
Jésus, p. n. m., Jesus.
Jeter, v. a., to throw, to cast.

Jeu, x, n. m., play, game, sport,

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Journaliste, n. m., journalist. Journée, n. f., day, day's work, day's journey, battle, march. Jovial, e, adj., jovial, merry. Joyeuse, p. n. f., Joyeuse (sword of Charlemagne).

Joyeusement, adv., joyfully. Joyeux, se, adj., joyful, merry. Juan (Don), p. n. m., Don Juan. Judée, p. n. f., Judea.

Judicieux, se, adj., judicious, pru


Judith, p. n. f., Judith.
Juge, n. m., judge, justice.
Jugement, n. m., judgment, opin-
ion, sentence.

Juger, v. a., to judge, to try, to


Jupin or Jupiter, p. n. m., Jupiter, Jove.

Jurement, n. m., oath, swearing.

Jurer, v. a. n., to swear, to blaspheme.

Jureur, n. m., swearer.

Juif, ve, n. m. f., Jew, Jewess; adj., | Jurisdiction, n. f., jurisdiction,

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Là, adv., there.

Labeur, n. f., labor, toil.
Labial, e, adj., labial.

Laborieux, se, adj., laborious, industrious, difficult.

Laboureur, n. m., ploughman, husbandman.

Lacer, v. a., to lace.

Lâche, n. m. f., coward, dastard; adj.,

lazy, cowardly, loose, slothful. Lâchement, adv., cowardly, slackly. Lâcher, v. a., to slacken, to relax,

to release.

Lâcheté, n. f., cowardice, sloth.


Lacordaire, p. n. m., Lacordaire.
Lacs, n. m., string, snare.

La Fontaine, p. n. m., La Fontaine.
Laid, e, adj., ugly, naughty.
Laine, n. f., wool.

Laisser, v. a., to leave, to quit, to bequeath.

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