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prolonged. Decree of the fenate, granting liberty to the Macedonians and Illyrians. Paulus Æmilius, during the winter-quarters, vifits the moft celebrated cities of Greece. Upon his return to Amphipolis, he gives a great feaft. He marches for Rome. On his way he fuffers his army to plunder all the cities of Epirus. He enters Rome in triumph. Death of Perfeus. Cn. Octavius and L. Anicius have alfo the honour of a triumph decreed them,


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SECT. I. Attalus comes to Rome to congratulate the Romans upon their fuccefs in Macedonia. The deputies of the Rhodians prefent themselves before the fenate, and endeavour to appease their wrath. After long and warm folicitations, they prevail to be admitted into the alliance of the Roman people. Severity exercifed against the Etolians. All of them in general, who had favoured Perfeus, are cited to Rome, to answer for their conduct. A thoufand Achæans carried thither: Polybius, one of the number. The fenate banishes them into several towns of Italy. After feventeen years of banishment, they are fent back into their own country, when only three hundred of them remained,

100, IOI

SECT. II. Mean flatteries of Prufias, King of Bithynia, in the fenate. Eumenes, become fufpected by the Romans, is not fuffered to enter Rome. Ariarathes, King of Cappadocia, dies, and is fucceeded by his fon of the fame name. Death of Eumenes. Attalus his brother fucceeds him as guardian to his fon then very young. War between Attalus and Prufias. The latter having formed the defign of putting his fon Nicomedes to death, is killed by him. Embaffy of three celebrated Athenian philofophers to Rome. Another from the peo



ple of Marseilles. Digreffion upon the city of Marfeilles, SECT. III. Andrifcus, who gave himself out for the fon of Perfeus, makes himfelf mafter of Macedonia, and caufes himself to be proclaimed king. The prætor Juventius attacks him, and is killed in the battle with part of his army. Metellus, who fucceeds him, retrieves that lofs. The ufurper is overthrown, taken, and fent to Rome. A fecond and third ufurper are alfo defeated, 135 SECT. IV. Troubles in Achaia; which declares war against the Lacedæmonians. Metellus fends deputies to Corinth to appease those troubles; they are ill used and infulted. Metellus, after having exhorted them ineffectually to peace, gives them battle, and defeats them. The conful Mummius fucceeds him; and after having gained a battle, takes Corinth, fets it on fire, and entirely demolifhes it. Greece is reduced into a Roman province. Various actions and death of Polybius. Triumphs of Metellus and Mummius,


SECT. V. Reflections upon the caufes of the grandeur, declenfion, and ruin of Greece,

The first and fecond ages of Greece,

The third age of Greece,

The fourth age of Greece,






SECT. I. A chronological abridgement of the history of the kings of Egypt and Syria, as mentioned in the third article, 164, 166 SECT. II. Antiochus Eupator, aged nineteen, fuc-. ceeds his father Antiochus Epiphanes in the kingdom of Syria. Demetrius, who had been long an hoftage at Rome, demands in vain to return to Syria. Celebrated victories of Judas Maccabæus against the generals of the king of Syria, and the king himself in perfon. Long differences between


the two Ptolemies, brothers and kings of Egypt, terminated at length by an happy peace, 176 SECT. III. Octavius, ambaffador of the Romans in Syria, is killed there. Demetrius escapes from Rome, puts Eupator to death, afcends the throne of Syria, and affumes the name of Soter. He makes war against the Jews. Repeated victories of Judas Maccabæus: death of that great man. Demetrius

is acknowledged king by the Romans. He abandons himself to drunkennefs and debauchery. Alexander Bala forms a confpiracy against him. Demetrius is killed in a battle. Alexander efpouses the daughter of Ptolemy Philometor. Temple built by the Jews in Egypt. Demetrius, fon of the first of that name, fets up his claim to the throne of Syria. Alexander is deftroyed. Ptolemy Philometor dies at the fame time, 187 SECT. IV. Phyfcon efpoufes Cleopatra, and afcends the throne of Egypt. Demetrius in Syria abandons himself to all manner of exceffes. Diodotus, firnamed Tryphon, causes Antiochus, the fon of Alexander Bala, to be proclaimed King of Syria; then kills him, and takes his place. He feizes Jonathan by treachery, and puts him to death. Demetrius undertakes an expedition against the Parthians, who take him prifoner. Cleopatra his wife efpouses Antiochus Sidetes, brother of Demetrius, and places him upon the throne of Syria. Phyfcon's exceffive follies and debauches. Attalus Philometor fucceeds Attalus his uncle, whom he causes to be regretted by his vices. He dies himfelf, after having reigned five years, and by his will leaves the Roman people heirs to his dominions. Ariftonicus feizes them. He is overthrown, led in triumph, and put to death. SECT. V. Antiochus Sidetes befieges John Hyrcanus in Jerufalem. That city furrenders by capitulation. He makes war against the Parthians, and perishes in it. Phraates, King of the Parthians, defeated in


his return by the Scythians. Phyfcon commits moft horrible cruelties in Egypt. A general revolt obliges him to quit it. Cleopatra, his firft wife, is replaced upon the throne. She implores aid of Demetrius, and is foon reduced to leave Egypt. Phyfcon returns thither, and reafcends the throne. By his means Zebina dethrones Demetrius, who is foon after killed. The kingdom is divided between Cleopatra the wife of Demetrius, and Zebina. Antiochus Grypus afcends the throne of Syria. The famous Mithridates begins to reign in Pontus. Phyfcon's death,

225 SECT. VI. Ptolemy Lathyrus fucceeds Phyfcon. War between Grypus and his brother Antiochus of Cyzicum for the kingdom of Syria. Hyrcanus fortifies himself in Judæa. His death. Ariftobulus fucceeds him, and affumes the title of King. He is fucceeded by Alexander Jannæus. Cleopatra drives Lathyrus out of Egypt, and places Alexander his youngest brother on the throne in his ftead. War between that princess and her fons. Death of Grypus. Ptolemy Apion leaves the kingdom of Cyrenaica to the Romans. Continuation of the wars in Syria and Egypt. The Syrians chufe Tigranes King. Lathyrus is re-established upon the throne of Egypt. He dies. Alexander his nephew fucceeds him. Nicomedes, king of Bithynia, makes the Roman people his heirs, 240 SECT. VII. Selena, fifter of Lathyrus, conceives hopes of the crown of Egypt. She fends two of her fons to Rome for that purpose. The eldest, called Antiochus, on his return goes to Sicily. Verres, prætor of that island, takes from him a golden fconce, defigned for the capitol. Antiochus, firnamed Afiaticus, after having reigned four years over part of Syria, is difpoffeffed of his dominions by Pompey, who reduces Syria into a province of the Roman empire. Troubles in Judæa and Egypt. The Alexandrians expel Alexander their king, and fet


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