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praise and magnify thy holy Name; I will rejoice and be glad in thee; I will read that blessed Book* which is more valuable, important, and instructive than any in the world; I will "call my ways to remembrance;" I will repent of my transgressions, beseech thy forgiveness, live in charity with

The following lines were found written in the late Lord BYRON's Bible.

Within this awful volume lies,
The mystery of mysteries:

Oh! happiest they of human race,
To whom our God has given grace
To hear, to read, to fear, to pray,
To lift the latch, and force the way:
But better had they ne'er been born,
Who read to doubt, or read to scorn.

Would to God that all were impressed with the beauty, sublimity, and importance of these words! and would that all his Lordship's writings bore the same stamp of proper feeling, and real and rational piety!

my fellow creatures, and, as far as my ability extends, be kind to every body.

Give me grace, O merciful God, to listen to thy Word with attention, humility, and seriousness; and let neither visiting, nor want of zeal, or inclination on my part, keep me away from thy house of prayer. Let me not set a bad example to those around me. Grant that each returning sabbath may find me less unmindful of my duty, and more desirous of reaping knowledge, and supplicating the forgiveness of all my sins. I have nothing, O Lord, but what thou hast in thy goodness bestowed upon me; thou gavest me my being, and hast hitherto preserved it in safety from many perils and vicissitudes; and I now look up to thee for the continuance of those blessings and advantages which I have so

long enjoyed, and of which I am so undeserving. O that I could truly say, that I had made returns unto thee in any measure equal or suitable to the benefits which I have received from thy bountiful hands; but, alas! I am constrained to acknowledge, that I am not so grateful, reverential, and religious, as I ought to be. Give me opportunities of humbling myself before thee in my secret chamber, and in the assembly of thy sacred worship; lead me to lead me to a true and

righteous repentance of all my sins, whether

of omission, or of commission; and be not

angry with me for ever.

Make me mindful

that I cannot escape thy all-seeing eye;— that I am hastening to my eternal home; and that nothing can arrest the fleeting moments of life, but death and the grave, to which I am fast approaching! Assist and

prosper all my exertions to do my duty in an acceptable manner, so long as I may remain in this life; and inspire me with strength and resolution to meet with hope, humility, and resignation, the awful change that must and will come upon me. Grant me, O God, if it be consistent with thy. divine will, length of years, and days of usefulness, for the sake of those who are dear to me; continue the several branches of my family in the enjoyment of life and godliness, health and safety, unanimity and affection; and make us all in thy good time, "meet to be partakers" of thy heavenly kingdom, in the society "of angels, and of just men made perfect," in the name and for the sake of our adorable Mediator, who hath loved us, and given himself for us; and to whom

be ascribed glory and honour, salvation and

praise, now and for ever.

Our Father, &c.


The grace of our Lord, &c.





O LORD, OUR HEAVENLY FATHER, ALMIGHTY AND EVERLASTING GOD, who has safely brought me to the beginning of this day; defend me in the same by thy mighty power; and grant that this day I fall into no sin; neither run into any kind

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