Orientalia, Volume 16Pontificium Institutum Biblicum., 1947 |
À l'intérieur du livre
Résultats 1-3 sur 15
Page 409
... Uruk VI - IV . These earliest documents , although only brief records of temple administration , are important because they seem to be written in the language afterwards known as Sumerian . At Uruk the two sacred edifices of the period ...
... Uruk VI - IV . These earliest documents , although only brief records of temple administration , are important because they seem to be written in the language afterwards known as Sumerian . At Uruk the two sacred edifices of the period ...
Page 410
... Uruk IVb which lay beneath it . The mighty columns and half - columns of that earlier complex of buildings were ... Uruk in the archaic Stratum Uruk IV . These seal impressions are a great artistic achievement . Among them are some ...
... Uruk IVb which lay beneath it . The mighty columns and half - columns of that earlier complex of buildings were ... Uruk in the archaic Stratum Uruk IV . These seal impressions are a great artistic achievement . Among them are some ...
Page 411
... Uruk IIIc . The core of this cultural world was the Mother - goddess Innin , whose sanctuary Eanna at Uruk represented the religious and social centre of the community . The aspect of the whole Eanna area was now completely changed ...
... Uruk IIIc . The core of this cultural world was the Mother - goddess Innin , whose sanctuary Eanna at Uruk represented the religious and social centre of the community . The aspect of the whole Eanna area was now completely changed ...
Autres éditions - Tout afficher
Orientalia commentarii de rebus assyro-babylonicis, arabicis, aegyptiacis Affichage du livre entier - 1928 |
Orientalia commentarii de rebus assyro-babylonicis, arabicis, aegyptiacis Affichage du livre entier - 1928 |
Orientalia: commentarii de rebus assyro-babylonicis, arabicis, aegyptiacis Affichage du livre entier - 1920 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
a-na abbuttu ahli Akkadian akkadischen al-Farrā al-Kisa'i Amarna Amenemhêt Ancient Apsu Assyrian assyrischen atru Babylon Babylonian BASOR century B. C. Cylinder Seals Delaporte design dicono le parole divine Douglas VAN BUREN dub-sar dumu Enlils eterno example figures first Form found gods gu-za Guardians Halet Çambel Hebrew hethitischen Hittite Horo Ideogramm Indiktionsjahr Inscriptions Iraq Ištar JAOS JNES kaspu Kassite king kišib Kodizes Kufa Landsberger later Lesung line Liste Marduk meaning Moortgat n. a. neut name Nekhbet Neo-Babylonian nome Omen Oriental Orientalia Pohl racconto read regola Renenutet Rollsiegel šá Šamaš Scedet Schn seal secondo seems Semitic Sobk Steuerquittungen Sumerian sumerischen šumma t'ho dato tablet Tafel taken Tammuz Tell Halaf temple text Tiamat Tontafel tutta udu-niga unserer Ur III Urkunden Uruk vita vocale vowel Wort wwww zwei