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oppression. The moral power of the press, is indeed incalculable. Its value as an auxiliary in the cause of benevolence, is most strikingly exhibited in the following estimate. Without the aid of printing, some of our noblest institutions, as the Bible and Tract societies could not exist, and all the benevo lent operations of the age, would be reduced to a very limited scale. It is announced in the London Times, that that paper is now printed on an improved machine, which takes off the astonishing number of four thousand copies in an hour, or seven. ty in a minute. It is computed, that to write out the contents of one of the numbers of that paper, would employ an amanuensis six days; and as about 8,900 copies are circulated daily, it would require about 48,000 persons, to accomplish what is now done with one press. The American Bible Society is now prepared to print at the rate of three hundred thousand copies of the scriptures yearly. We shall leave it to our readers to make an estimate, how many scribes would be requisite to produce bibles at this rate, together with the number of buildings, desks, &c. which would be necessary for their ac commodation. But this is not the whole view of the matter.The great saving of paper is to be taken into the account, to say nothing of the comparative neatness of the execution. The paper requisite for an amanuensis to write out in an ordinary hand, the contents of the Times news-paper, would cost twelve times as much as the paper used for printing it. The great bulk of this paper would make it very inconvenient to read; and almost impossible to circulate the journal. The importance of compression then is obvious; and if for the sake ofit, the amanuensis should be obliged to compress his writing, into the same space as the printing, supposing it possible, it would take at least four times as long to perform the task.

On the manufacture of paper, it is stated in the Wheeling Compiler of March 3d, 1830, "That Messrs. Amos &Co. of Springfield Massachusetts, have sixteen engines continually in operation, day and night; and it is stated, consume upon an

average, three tons of rags every twenty-four hours, turning out at least 80 reams of the largest size of printing paper, and a 180 of foolscap or letter paper, equivalent to 390 reams of the latter kind. The paper comes out in an endless sheet, and it is within the compass of possibility, to form one of any given length, even to the extent of many miles. The American paper machine, is said to be superior to any previously in use;― was invented by one of the partners of the above firm. By the assistance of this contrivance, one man can do the work that formerly required more than thirty."

Here it is clearly seen that there is no limit set, to the making of paper; and the power of the press moved by steam power; but the wants of the world. Our responsibility then, as well as our privileges, are inconceivably great, as an enlightened and great republic. We should first enlighten our own population, by a judicious system of state, and Laticral education; and we may be the honored instruments in conjunction with the wise and good of other nations, of enlightening the world.

The largest newspaper in the world, is the Atlas, printed in Lordon. The paper which contained the history of the late king, was a double sheet of 96 columns, of which 29,000 were struck off in a few hours. Here may be seen clearly, at the first glance, the facility of enlightening the whole human race, when aristocracy and their tools, kings-craft and priest craft, are removed out of the way, and the humble, faithful preacher of the glorious gospel of God cur Saviour can, call to his aid, the power ofthe press, in publishing in all the languages of the world of mankind without the gift of tongues, the glad tr dings of salvation.

To write out in this way, the Times newspaper would therefore requie, one tundred and ninety-two thousand scribes!!!Yet, all the manual operations that produce the result, are performed by about two dozen hands! Such are the advantages we owe to mechanical art, that one man can do in the present

day, what four centuries ago, would have required one hundred thousand. Now here is a power, together with the facility of making paper, by machinery, moved also by steam power, and the noble invention of Stereotypes, if wisely directed, would in a short time enlighten the world. What hinders it then? Simply aristocracy, kings-craft and priest-craft, which stands in the way like an impenetrable wall of adamant, in every spot of our benighted world. And why has not the labor saving machinery, invented by the ingenuity of mechanics and artizans, proved to be a blessing to mankind, as they ought to be? Because aristocracy monopolizes the whole amount, to pamper their insatiable rapacity, hardly allowing the opera tives sufficient food and clothing, to maintain sentient existence. When, if there was any thing like justice done, the mechanic by his industry and ttention to business, ought to obtain a comfortable competence; and his family be educated, not barely to read and write, but to be made acquainted with science and learning generally, while the employer would absolutely become rich. But instead of this, what do we behold at manufacturing establishments every where, but a collection of poor emaciated, pale and ragged children, overworked, pent up in the sickly atmosphere of a factory, growing up to minhɔɔl, without any moral or intellectual culture, sunk to the lowest degree of ignorance and vice, just for want ofa humane, wise and right system. Manufacturers should make use of all possible. labor saving machinery; and they should have two sets of hands to attend to a free school and work alternately. But to the aristocratic avaricious task-master, this or any other plan will be esteemed visionary stuff, where he does not absorb all, and where the operatives are not kept in abject ignorance and pov erty. It is necessary for the comfort, accommodation and con venience of human society, that manufacturing should be car ried on; it is really a blessing to the world; but the avarice & rapacity of aristocracy, has turned it into a curse.

It is indeed consoling, and it is one of the happy signs of the

the timer, that the undivided attention of the working and wealth producing people, are now turned to the all important and too long neglected subject of educating the children and youth of our great republic. The world has a just right to look for more from us, than any other people under the sun. And shall we betray our own dearest interests and the claims of the world! Our responsibility is great beyond any people that ever existed. We have been too long in a state of supiness and apathy, till even sophistry itself cannot find an excuse or an apology, for our criminal neglect, of the intellectual improvement of the whole population of the republic.

A writer in the Philadelphia Aurora, speaking of education says, the state of New-York, in the belief, that knowledge is power," now takes the lead in the great and important concern of educating, her immense population. In 1816, she had but forty thousand; but in 1828, no less than 468,205 of her children attending the common schools which were under the supervision of forty-nine thousard school-officers; and for the support of which the sum of 408,986 dollars was expended, all which is independent of colleges, academies, and numerous private schools; and it is no exaggeration to say, that within that state, six hundred thousand children, from 4 to 16 years of age, are now receiving instruction at an annual expense of one million of dollars; and I will venture to assert, that no stock in that state will firally produce a more certain or greater interest than this invested in knowledge and virtue. Her canals are great, and very productive; but her excellent extensive schools are infinitely greater, and are the brightest diamonds in her escutcheon.

This great and noble state is magnanimously setting an example to her sister states, a d to the world. They are pursuing a dignified course such as Ligh-minded and enlightened freemen ought to do. This great state is taking the lead in every thing excellent and worthy of their high destiny. While Pennsylvania and Ohio, whose march is onward, in their bright ca

reer, becoming this age of wonders, & the nineteenth century. The mind is solaced and refreshed, in beholding the luminous, wise and liberal councils of these three great pillars of our mighty Republic. But the heart sickens with disgust at the rarrow minded short-sighted dark and gloomy policy of the aristocrats of the South, who misrule the excellent, the worthy people of that section of the republic. The high-handed injustice. cruelty and oppression, toward the poor aborigi-. nes. Just emerging from the abyss of barbaris.n, into the light of life. They are like all former aristocrats, laboring with all their power to paralize, counteract, and frustrate all the good that has been done; to rescue the poor natives from the reign of darkness & death, by the efforts of the humane, & pious people of the south, and the united energies of the friends of virtue and truth in every section of the Union.



The late Governor Forsyth in his message to the Legislature of Georgia, proposes to tax the Indians within the limits of the State. for the purpose of enumerating them to form a part of the Federal representative population!! These Indians are, of course, to have no voice in the choice of representatives to Congress. They are to be taxed without their consent and without representation! They are not even admitted to give evidence in a court of justice, and yet they are to be counted for so many free white men, and to add to the political power of Georgia in the same proportion.

Another item in the blind and absurd policy of these quandam politicians who unhappily misrule that noble state, at present, may be seen in the following: "On Monday, January 11, 1830, in Senate, Mr. Forsyth presented a preamble and resolution of the Legislature of Georgia, instructing their Senators, and requesting the Representatives of that State in Congress, to use their best efforts and their warmest co-opera

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