An Encyclopædia of Architecture: Historical, Theoretical, and Practical

Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1842 - 1089 pages

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Page 6 - In taking two stations having the same value, the one to the north and the other to the south of...
Page 316 - The angle at the centre of a circle is double of the angle at the circumference upon the same base, that is, upon the same part of the circumference.
Page 16 - The western face, which is the least elevated, is the most interesting on account of the appearance of building it presents. Near the summit of it appears a low wall, with interruptions, built of unburnt bricks, mixed up with chopped straw or reeds, and cemented with clay-mortar of great thickness, having between every layer a layer of reeds ; and on the north side are also some vestiges of a similar construction.
Page 375 - As 360 is to the degrees in the arc of the sector, so is the area of the whole circle to the area of the sector.
Page 17 - ... in breadth, diminishing in thickness to the top, which is broken and irregular, and rent by a large fissure extending through a third of its height.
Page ix - Vive, vale ; si quid novisti rectius istis, Candidus impertí ; si non, his utere mecum.
Page 51 - Twenty-five years, and above three millions sterling, were employed by the founder: his liberal taste invited the artists of Constantinople, the most skilful sculptors and architects of the age; and the buildings were sustained or adorned by twelve hundred columns of Spanish and African, of Greek and Italian marble. The hall of audience was...
Page 372 - PROBLEM I. To find the area of a parallelogram, whether it be a square, a rectangle, a rhombus, or a rhomboides.
Page 199 - The taste of all these stately mansions was that bastard style which intervened between Gothic and Grecian architecture; or which perhaps was the style that had been invented for the houses of the nobility, when they first ventured on the settlement of the kingdom after the termination of the quarrel between the Roses, to abandon their fortified dungeons, and consult convenience and magnificence...
Page 216 - What the back-ground is in painting, in architecture is the real ground on which the building is erected ; and no architect took greater care that his work should not appear crude and hard, that is, that it did not abruptly start out of the ground without expectation or preparation.

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