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escrupulosa, los nombres que se hayan puesto á los Negros, los nombres de las embarcaciones en que hayan sido apresados, los de las personas á cuyo cuidado se encomendaren, y cualesquiera otras circunstancias que contribuyan al fin propuesto.

Artículo VI. El registro á que se refiere el precedente Artículo, servirá para formar un estado jeneral, que la mas alta autoridad civil de aquella parte de las posesiones de la Republica de Bolivia en que resida el Tribunal Mixto de Justicia, será obligado á entregar cada seis meses al mencionado Tribunal Mixto, con el objeto de hacer constar la existencia de los Negros que en vertud de este Tratado se emanciparen, las mejoras de su condicion, y los progresos de su enseñanza religiosa, moral, é industrial. Dicho estado especificará asi mismo los nombres y descripciones de los Negros emancipados que hayan fallecido durante el periodo á que corresponde el estado.

Artículo VII. Las Altas Partes Contratantes acuerdan, que si en adelante pareciere necesario adoptar nuevas medidas por haber resultado ineficaces las que en este Adicional van mencionadas, consultarán entre si, y de comun acuerdo establecerán otros medios mas á proposito para el complete logro de los fines que se proponen.


Artículo VIII. Los infrascritos Plenipotenciarios han acordado, de conformidad con el Artículo XIII del Tratado que han firmado el dia de hoy veinticinco de Setiembre, mil ochocientos cuarenta, que el presente Adicional, compuesto de ocho Artículos, correrá anexo á dicho Tratado, y será considerado como parte integrante del mismo. Hoy veinticinco del mes de Setiembre, de mil ochocientos cuarenta.

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Artículos Adicionales al Tratado concluido hoy veinticinco del mes de Setiembre, de mil ochocientos cuarenta, entre la Republica de Bolivia y Su Majestad Britanica, para la abolicion del Comercio de Esclavos.

ARTICULO I. Queda acordado y entendido, que si hubiere alguna demora en el nombramiento del juez y del arbitro que por parte de la Republica de Bolivia han de ser

destinados á actuar en cada uno de los Tribunales Mixtos de Justicia que deben establecerse en conformidad con este Tratado, ó si dichos empleados, despues de su nombramiento, se hallaren ausentes; en uno ú otro de estos casos, y en cualquier tiempo que esto suceda, el juez y el arbitro nombrados por parte de Su Majestad Britanica, y presentes en dichos Tribunales, procederán, en ausencia del juez y arbitro Bolivianos, á abrir dichos Tribunales, y á juzgar los casos que, de conformidad con el Tratado, se les presenten; y que la sentencia pronunciada en tales casos por los dichos juez y arbitro Britanicos, tendrán la misma fuerza y valor, que si el juez y el arbitro Bolivianos hubiesen sido nombrados, y se hallaren presentes y actuaren en los Tribunales Mixtos en los referidos casos.

Artículo II. Queda tambien acordado que, no obstante las estipulaciones del Artículo I del Adicional B, mientras no se nombraren el juez y el arbitro Bolivianos, no será necesario que la Republica de Bolivia nombre el secretario ó actuario que en dicho Artículo se menciona; que entretanto el secretario ó actuario del Tribunal que exista en el territorio de la Republica de Bolivia, será nombrado y pagado por el Gobierno de Su Majestad Britanica; y que todos los gastos de los dos Tribunales que se establezcan en virtud de este Tratado, serán á cargo del Gobierno de Su Majestad Britanica.

Artículo III. Si al vertirse este Tratado al idioma Español, se incidiese en algun error involuntario en la traduccion, el texto Ingles deberá ser seguido.

Los presentes Artículos Adicionales formarán parte integrante del Tratado para la abolicion del Trafico de Esclavos, firmado el dia de hoy, y tendrán la misma fuerza y valor, que si se hallasen insertos en el, palabra por palabra; y serán ratificados al mismo tiempo.

En testimonio de lo cual los respectivos Plenipotenciarios lo han firmado, y sellado con sus sellos.

Hecho en Sucre, el dia veinticinco de Setiembre, del año de nuestro Señor de mil ochocientos cuarenta.

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CONVENTION between His Majesty and the Emperor of Brazil, for the abolition of the African Slave Trade.Signed at Rio de Janeiro, November 23, 1826.

[Ratifications exchanged at London, March 13, 1827.]

WHEREAS, upon the separation of the Empire of Brazil from the Kingdom of Portugal, His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Majesty the Emperor of Brazil, respectively acknowledged the obligation which devolves upon them to renew, confirm, and give full effect to the stipulations of the Treaties subsisting between the Crowns of Great Britain and Portugal, for the regulation and final abolition of the African Slave Trade, in so far as these stipulations are binding upon Brazil;

And whereas, in furtherance of that important object, His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Majesty the Emperor of Brazil, are animated with a sincere desire to fix and define the period at which the total abolition of the said trade, so far as relates to the dominions and subjects of the Brazilian Empire, shall take place; their said Majesties have accordingly named as their Plenipotentiaries to conclude a convention for this purpose; that is to say :

His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Right Honourable Robert Gordon, a member of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, and his Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court of Brazil:-and His Majesty the Emperor of Brazil, the Most Illustrious and Most Excellent Marquis of Inhambupe, Senator of the Empire, of the Council of State, Dignitary of the Imperial Order of the Cross, Commander of the Order of Christ, and Minister and Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs; and the Most Illustrious and Most Excellent Marquis of Santo Amaro, Senator of the Empire, of the Council of State, Gentleman

of the Imperial Chamber, Dignitary of the Imperial Order of the Cross, and Commander of the Orders of Christ and of the Tower and Sword:

Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found to be in due and proper form, have agreed upon and concluded the following Articles :

ARTICLE I. At the expiration of three years, to be reckoned from the exchange of the ratifications of the present Treaty, it shall not be lawful for the subjects of the Emperor of Brazil to be concerned in the carrying on of the African Slave Trade, under any pretext or in any manner whatever, and the carrying on of such trade after that period, by any person, subject of His Imperial Majesty, shall be deemed and treated as piracy.

Article II. His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Majesty the Emperor of Brazil, deeming it necessary to declare the engagements by which they hold themselves bound to provide for the regulation of the said trade, till the time of its final abolition, they hereby mutually agree to adopt and renew, as effectually as if the same were inserted, word for word, in this Convention, the several Articles and Provisions of the Treaties concluded between His Britannic Majesty and the King of Portugal on this subject, on the 22nd of January, 1815, and on the 28th of July, 1817, and the several Explanatory Articles which have been added thereto.

Article III. The High Contracting Parties further agree, that all the matters and things contained in those Treaties, together with the instructions and regulations, and forms of instruments annexed to the Treaty of the 28th of July, 1817, shall be applied, mutatis mutandis, to the said High Contracting Parties and their subjects, as effectually as if they were recited, word for word, herein; confirming and approving hereby, all matters and things done by their respective subjects under the said Treaties, and in execution thereof.

Article IV. For the execution of the purposes of this Convention, the High Contracting Parties further agree to appoint forthwith Mixed Commissions, after the form of those already established on the part of His Britannic

Majesty and the King of Portugal, under the Convention of the 28th of July, 1817.

Article V. The present Convention shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged in London within four months from the date hereof, or sooner, if possible.

In witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed thereto the seals of their arms.

Done at Rio de Janeiro, the 23rd day of November, in the year of our Lord, 1826. (L.S.) ROBT. GORDON.



TREATY between Great Britain and Portugal.-Signed at Vienna, the 22nd January, 1815.

In the Name of the Most Holy and Undivided Trinity.

His Royal Highness the Prince Regent of Portugal having, by the 10th Article of the Treaty of Alliance, concluded at Rio de Janeiro, on the 19th February, 1810, declared his determination to co-operate with His Britannic Majesty in the cause of humanity and justice, by adopting the most efficacious means for bringing about a gradual abolition of the Slave Trade; and his Royal Highness, in pursuance of his said declaration, and desiring to effectuate, in concert with His Britannic Majesty and the other Powers of Europe, who have been induced to assist in this benevolent object, an immediate abolition of the said traffic upon the parts of the coast of Africa which are situated to the northward of the line: His Britannic Majesty and his Royal Highness the Prince Regent of Portugal, equally animated by a sincere desire to accelerate the moment when the blessings of peaceful industry and an innocent commerce may be encouraged throughout this extensive portion of the continent of Africa, by its being delivered from the evils of the Slave Trade, have agreed to enter into

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