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French, stationed on the coasts of America, Africa, or Madagascar, shall be carried or sent to Genoa: and whereas the landing of Negroes from such ships at Genoa may be productive of great inconvenience; the undersigned Plenipotentiaries of the Three Powers, parties to the aforesaid Treaty of Accession, being hereunto specially authorized and instructed by their respective Sovereigns, have agreed to the following Additional Article to the before-mentioned Treaty.

ARTICLE. Negroes who shall be found on board vessels under the flag of Sardinia, which may be so detained, and which, according to the stipulations of the said Treaty, are to be sent to Genoa, shall be landed at some port nearer than Genoa to the place where such Slave-vessels may be found.

That is to say:

1o. If such Sardinian vessel shall be detained by an English cruizer, the Negroes found on board such vessel shall be landed at that port or place, to which an English Slave-vessel found and detained under similar circumstances, and at the same place, by a French cruizer, would, under the aforesaid Conventions with France, be sent or taken.

2o. If such Sardinian vessel shall be detained by a French cruizer, the Negroes found on board such vessel shall be landed at that port or place, to which a French Slave-vessel found and detained under similar circumstances, and at the same place, by an English cruizer, would, under the aforesaid Conventions with France, be sent or taken.

3°. If such Sardinian vessel shall be detained by a Sardinian cruizer, the Negroes found on board shall be landed at the nearest of those ports or places, English or French, to which, under the aforesaid Conventions with France, the vessel having such Slaves on board, would have been taken or sent, if such vessel had been either English or French, instead of being Sardinian, and if she had been detained by an English or by a French cruizer.

The present Additional Article shall have the same force and effect as if it had been inserted word for word in the before-mentioned Treaty of Accession signed at Turin on the 8th of August last.

It shall be ratified by each of the High Contracting Parties, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Turin within the space of six months.

In faith of which, we, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries, have caused three copies of this Additional Article to be made perfectly conformable to each other, have signed them with our hands, and have thereunto affixed the seal of our arms.

Done at Turin, this 8th day of December, 1834.



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Attendu que par l'Article IV du Traité signé à Turin le 8 d'Août, 1834, par lequel Sa Majesté le Roi de Sardaigne accède aux deux Conventions conclues entre leurs Majestés le Roi du Royaume Uni de la Grande Bretagne et d'Irlande, et le Roi des Français, le 30 Novembre, 1831, et le 22 Mars, 1833, il est stipulé que tous navires sous pavillon Sarde, qui, en vertu du Traité et des Conventions susmentionnés, seraient arrêtés par les croiseurs de Sa Majesté le Roi du Royaume Uni de la Grande Bretagne et d'Irlande, ou de Sa Majesté le Roi des Français, stationnés sur les côtes de l'Amérique, de l'Afrique, ou de Madagascar, seront conduits ou envoyés à Gênes: et attendu que la débarquement à Gênes de Nègres qui se trouveraient à bord de ces bâtimens pourrait entraîner de graves inconvéniens; les soussignés Plénipotentiaires des trois Puissances signataires du susdit Traité d'Accession, à ce spécialement autorisés, et conformément aux instructions que chacun d'eux a reçues de son Souverain, sont convenus de l'Article suivant Additional au susdit Traité.

ARTICLE. Les Nègres trouvés à bord des bâtimens sous pavillon Sarde qui seraient ainsi arrêtés, et qui, conformément aux stipulations du dit Traité, doivent être envoyés à Gênes, seront débarqués sur un point plus rapproché que Gênes du lieu ou les dits bâtimens Négriers auront été rencontrés.

C'est à dire que :

1o. Si un bâtiment Négrier Sarde est arrêté par un croiseur Anglais, les Nègres trouvés à bord de ce navire seront débarqués au port ou dans l'endoit auquel un bâtiment Négrier Anglais trouvé et arrêté dans des circonstances semblables, et dans le même endroit, par un croiseur Français, serait, d'après les susdites Conventions avec la France, envoyé ou conduit.

2o. Si un bâtiment Négrier Sarde est arrêté par un croiseur Français, les Nègres trouvés à bord du dit navire seront débarqués au port ou dans l'endroit auquel un bâtiment Négrier Français trouvé et arrêté dans des circonstances semblables, et dans le même endroit, par un croiseur Anglais, serait, d'après les susdites Conventions avec la France, envoyé ou conduit.

3°. Si un bâtiment Négrier Sarde est arrêté par un croiseur Sarde, les Nègres trouvés à bord de ce bâtiment seront débarqués au plus rapproché des ports ou lieux de débarquement, Anglais ou Français, auquel, d'après les susdites Conventions avec la France, le navire ayant des Esclaves à bord aurait été conduit ou envoyé, si le dit navire eût été Anglais ou Français au lieu d'être Sarde, et s'il eût été arrêté par un croiseur Anglais ou Français.

Le présent Article Additionnel, après avoir été duement ratifié, aura la même force et le même effet que s'il avait été textuellement inséré dans le susdit Traité d'Accession signé à Turin le 8 Août dernier.

Il sera ratifié par chacune des Hautes Puissances Contractantes, et les ratifications en seront échangées dans l'espace de six mois à Turin.

En foi de quoi nous, Plénipotentiaires soussignés, avons fait faire trois copies du présent Article Additionnel, parfaitement conformes entre elles, les avons signées, et y avons apposé le cachet de nos armes.

Fait à Turin, ce jour huit Décembre, 1834.



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TREATY between His Majesty and the Queen Regent of Spain, during the Minority of Her Daughter, Donna Isabella the Second, Queen of Spain, for the abolition of the Slave Trade.-Signed at Madrid, June 28, 1835.

[Ratifications exchanged at Madrid, Aug. 27, 1835.]

His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and Her Majesty the Queen Regent of Spain during the minority of her daughter Donna Isabella the Second, Queen of Spain, being desirous of rendering the means taken for abolishing the inhuman Traffic in Slaves more effective, have, in order to obtain this important object, resolved to conclude a new Convention, in the spirit of the Treaty contracted between both Powers on the 23rd of September, 1817, naming respectively for this as their Plenipotentiaries, to wit:-His Britannic Majesty, George Villiers, Esquire, his Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court of Madrid; and Her Majesty the Queen Regent of Spain, Don Francisco de Paula Martinez de la Rosa, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal and distinguished Spanish Order of Charles the Third, of that of Christ of Portugal, and of that of Leopold of Belgium: who, having duly communicated to each other their respec tive full powers, and found them in proper form, have agreed upon and concluded the following Articles :

ARTICLE I. The Slave Trade is hereby again declared, on the part of Spain, to be henceforward totally and finally abolished in all parts of the world.

Article II. Her Majesty the Queen Regent of Spain during the minority of her daughter Donna Isabella the Second, hereby engages, that immediately after the exchange of the ratifications of the present Treaty, and from time to time afterwards, as it may become needful, Her Majesty will take the most effectual measures for preventing the subjects of Her Catholic Majesty from being concerned, and her flag from being used, in carrying on, in any way, the Trade in Slaves; and especially, that within two months after the said exchange, she will promulgate

throughout the dominions of Her Catholic Majesty, a penal law, inflicting a severe punishment on all those Her Catholic Majesty's subjects, who shall, under any pretext whatsoever, take any part whatever in the Traffic in Slaves.

Article III. The captain, master, pilot, and crew of a vessel condemned as good prize by virtue of the stipulations of this Treaty, shall be severely punished according to the laws of the country of which they are subjects: as also the owner of the said condemned vessel, unless he proves that he had no participation in the enterprise.

Article IV. In order more completely to prevent all infringement of the spirit of the present Treaty, the two High Contracting Parties mutually consent that those ships of their royal navies, respectively, which shall be provided with special Instructions for that purpose, as hereinafter mentioned, may visit such merchant vessels of the two nations as may, upon reasonable grounds, be suspected of being engaged in the Traffic in Slaves, or of having been fitted out for that purpose, or of having, during the voyage on which they are met by the said cruizers, been engaged in the Traffic in Slaves, contrary to the provisions of this Treaty; and that such cruizers may detain, and send or carry away such vessels, in order that they may be brought to trial in the manner hereinafter agreed upon.

In order to fix the reciprocal right of search in such a manner as shall be adapted to the attainment of the object of this Treaty, and at the same time avoid doubts, disputes, and complaints, the said right of search shall be understood in the form and according to the rules following:

Firstly. It shall never be exercised except by vessels of war, authorized expressly for that object, according to the stipulations of this Treaty.

Secondly. In no case shall the right of search be exercised with respect to a vessel of the royal navy of either of the two Powers, but only as regards merchant vessels.

Thirdly. Whenever a merchant vessel is searched by a ship of war, the commander of the said ship shall, in the act of so doing, exhibit to the commander of the merchant vessel the document by which he is duly authorized to that end; and shall deliver to him a certificate, signed by him, stating his rank in the naval service of his country, and the name of the vessel he commands, and which also

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