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We will have some music and poetry; the children shall learn to dance to it and sing to it! perhaps some of the old people, in time, may also.-From Fors Clavigera.

With John Ruskin we will conclude this work on the history of English literature. Traces of this extraordinary man and author may be met with in the life of all branches of English art during the last fifty years, and the memory of his days on earth will still live in a distant future. He is one of the few all-round men of our time, who are able to point out to everyone a way to be followed closely, and with singleness of purpose. He has also produced some poetry, which, like all his writings, is of unusual power-although a truly poetic genius was denied him.


CARLYLE.-Excellent bibliography by J. Anderson in R. Garnett's little masterwork on Carlyle (1887); cheap popular edition in thirty-seven vols.; Carlyle's Letters to The Times (see page 476), together with Letters from Mommsen, Strauss, and Max Müller in Letters on the War between Germany and France (London, 1871); biographies of Carlyle by M. D. Conway, H. J. Nicoll, Shepherd, Masson, Larkin, Fischer, E. Oswald; J. A. Froude, Carlyle, A History of the first Forty Years of his Life; the same, Reminiscences of Carlyle and Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle; Correspondence with Goethe, by C. E. Norton; Correspondence with Emerson (very valuable), the same; a good Carlyle anthology by E. Barrett (New York, 1876); Althaus, Englische Charakterbilder; numerous essays on Carlyle since his death, in English and German newspapers and periodicals (see Anderson's bibliography); H. A. Taine, L'Idéalisme anglais, Etude sur Carlyle; Gildemeister, T. Carlyle.

RUSKIN. No complete edition, the most comprehensive is the American, in nineteen vols.; good selection in Essays and Letters selected from the Writings of John Ruskin; Ruskin Birthday Book; E. Ginn, Selections from the Writings of John Ruskin; The Ruskin Reader (1895), by W. G. Collingwood; good selection (in German) by J. Feist in Wie wir arbeiten und wirtschaften müssen. Eine Gedankenlese an den Werken des John Ruskin; V. D. Scudder, An Introduction to the Writings of John Ruskin; Axon, A Bibliographical Biography of John Ruskin; Collingwood, The Life and Works of John Ruskin (the chief work); Downes, John Ruskin, a Study; Mather, Life and Teaching of John Ruskin; C. Waldstein, The Work of John Ruskin: Its Influence upon Modern Thought and Life (to be recommended); W. M. Rossetti, Ruskin, Rossetti, Preraphaelitism, etc.; A. C. Meynell, John Ruskin (in Modern English Writers).




HE following are either interred in Poet's Corner, or honourably commemorated by monuments there:-CHAUCER, SPENSER, SHAKESPEARE (buried at Stratford-on-Avon), BEN JONSON, DRAYTON, DRYDEN, ROWE (the first biographer of Shakespeare), MILTON (buried in St. Giles's, Cripplegate, London), CONGREVE, BUTLER, PRIOR, GAY, ADDISON, JAMES THOMSON (author of "The Seasons"), OLIVer Goldsmith, S. JOHNSON, Newton, William Pitt, MACPHERSON, SHERIDAN, CUMBERLAND, Wilberforce, WordswORTH, COLERIDGE, SOUTHEY, CAMPBELL, DICKENS, THACKERAY, DISRAELI, ROBERT BROWNING, TENNYSON, LONGFELLOW (the only American; he is commemorated by a bust), MACAULAY, GROTE, DARWIN, RICHARD COBDEN, KINGSLEY, MATTHEW ARNOLD.


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Barchester Towers, 463
Barham, Richard, 417
Barnaby Rudge, 452

Battle of Hastings, The, 328
Battle of Naseby, The, 238, 466
Beaconsfield, Lord, 459

Beaumont, Francis, 177, 193
Becket, 427

Bede, cited, 32; History of the Church

of the English, 38

Beggar's Opera, The, 285 seq.

Behn, Aphra, 264
Belinda, 440

Beowulf, 16, 27 seq.

Beppo, 367, 377

Berkeley, Bishop George, 241, 297
Bestiary, The, or Book of Beasts, 35, 45
Bible, the, 66, 230

Bibliography, 10, 26, 39, 50, 65, 74, 84,
95, 121, 184 seq.; 203, 219, 232, 243,
249, 262, 274, 284, 291, 301, 311, 317,
332, 342, 352, 362, 384, 395, 403, 413,
420, 427, 434, 442, 448, 460, 464, 474,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Celtic Words, survival of, 16

Cenci, The, 393

Century of Praise, A, 167

Chanson de Roland, 18, 27, 30, 37, 46
Chansons de Geste, 42
Chapman, George, 201

Characteristics of Men, Manners, Opinions,
and Times, 295

Charge of the Light Brigade, The, 426
Chatterton, Thomas, 325-9

Chaucer, 51-65; stanza to, by Dunbar,

Chester Plays, The, 87, 91

Chesterfield, Philip Stanhope, Earl of,

Chettle, Henry, 200

Chevy Chase, 78

Childe Harold, 367, 371 seq.
Christabel, 412

Christianity as old as the Creation, 295
Christianity not Mysterious, 293, 294
Chronicle, The Saxon, 39

Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of, 240
Clarissa Harlowe, 344

Classical Antiquity, influences of, in

England, 103, 108
Cobden, Richard, 418

[blocks in formation]

Daniel, Samuel, 108
Daniel Deronda, 456
D'Arblay, Madame, 440
Darnley, 446

Darwin, Charles, 470
David Copperfield, 451
David Elginbrod, 446
Day, George, 201
Death-Bed, The, 417
Defence of Poesie, 225 seq.
Defoe, Daniel, 302
Deists, 292 seq.

Dekker, Thomas, 192, 218
Deor's Lament, 31

De Quincey, Thomas, 462

De Veritate, 293; De Religione Gentilium,

Dickens, Charles, 449-52

Dictionary of the English Language
(Johnson), 311; (Murray), 471
Digby Mysteries, The, 87
Discourse of Freethinking, 294
D'Israeli, Isaac, 459

Disraeli, Benjamin (Lord Beaconsfield),

Dixon, W. Hepworth, 470
Dombey and Son, 451
Don Juan, 367, 380 seq.
Donne, Dr. John, 218
Donnelly, 180

Drama, old English national, 85; re-
ligious, 87 seq.; in the sixteenth cen-
tury, 99; centre of Renaissance in

[blocks in formation]

Earthly Paradise, The, 433
Edgeworth, Maria, 440
Edward III., 145, 147
Eikon Basilike, 239, 254
Eikonoklastes, 240, 254

Elegy to the Memory of an Unfortunate
Lady, 282

Elegy in a Country Churchyard, 329
Eliot, George, 441, 455-8

Elliott, Ebenezer, 418
Eloisa to Abelard, 282
Encyclopædists, the, 277

Endymion (Keats), 397; (Lord Beacons-
field), 459

English Bards and Scotch Reviewers,
368, 370

English Humorists of the Eighteenth
Century, The, 454
Englishman, The, 309
Epithalamium (Spenser), 205
Esmond, 454

Essays: Bacon, 227; Locke, 242, 294;
Antony, Earl of Shaftesbury, 296;
Swift, 315; De Quincey, 462; Macaulay,
467; Freeman, 469

Essay on Man, 280, 283; on Criticism,
281; on the Freedom of Wit and
Humour, 296; on Projects, 304; on
the Original Genius and Writings of
Homer, 322;
on the Genius and
Writings of Pope, 322
Eugene Aram, 458

Euphues, 113, 223; Euphuism, 224

Evelina, 440

Every Man in his Humour, 190

Examiner, The, 309, 312

Exeter Book, The, 31

Fabiola, 447


Fabliaux, 42; influence of, 45, 60
Fairy Queen, The, 207 seq.
Falcon, The, 427
False Demetrius, 350
Farquhar, George, 270
Faustus (Marlowe), 117
Felix Holt, 456
Fielding, Henry, 345
Fifine at the Fair, 431
Fletcher, John, 193
Flower and the Leaf, The, 65
Ford, John, 196

Fors Clavigera, 481

For the Sake of Somebody, 359
Four Georges, The, 454
Frankenstein, 439

Frederick the Great, 478
Freeman, E. A., 469
Freethinkers, 9, 292 seq.

Free Thoughts of Religion, 297

French language copied by Saxons,
41; decline of, in England, 42; Verse-
Romance, 45; value of imitations
from, 46

French Revolution, The, 478

Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay, 115
Froude, J. A., 468

Fuller, Thomas, cited, 189, 240


Game of Chess, A, 200

Gammer Gurton's Needle, 106
Gardiner, S. R., 469

Gascoigne, George, 109
Gay, John, 285

Gebir, 398

Gentle Shepherd, The, 290

Geoffrey of Monmouth, 43; Chronicle,

German, language, compared with Eng-
lish, 1-9 passim; lyrics influenced by
English, 9; Germanic immigration,
14; elements in English, 21; words
in English, percentage of, 22; origin
of English words, 23; appreciation
of Shakespeare, 172 seq.; translation of
English freethought, 300; folklore,
affected by English, 323; novel con-
trasted with English, 437; scientific
writingsditto, 465; influence on Carlyle,
475 seq.

Gertrude of Wyoming, 405
Giaour, The, 374

Gibbon, Edward, 340

Godwin, William, 440; Mary, 439
Going out of Israel, The, 33

Gorboduc, 107, 161

Governail of Princes, The, 70

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