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tice; remove the latter, and the former falls to the ground. I want to know by what arts of illufion is mortal man to deify himself and induce his fellow creatures to be duped by the monftrous apotheofis to fuch a depth of infatuation, as to let him, fword in hand, command mankind to believe what he believes, and think what he thinks? Ask the commanders of the army, whether the logic of the fword has ever convinced the world? Bid them tell you what were the effects of violence and rigour against the Vandals? I was in Sicily; Salomon arrived in the extremity

of defpair: » All is over in Africa, faid he, the Vandals have re» volted: Carthage is taken, and they have committed the vileft ravage within the walls and >> round the country all is a deluge

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Entre nous,

Ainfi me parla ce brave homme. il avoit raifon. C'eft bien affez des paffions humaines pour troubler un fi vafte Empire, fans que le fanatifme encore y vienne agiter fes flambeaux.

Et qui appaifera les troubles éle vés? demanda l'Empereur. L'ennui répondit Bélifaire, l'ennui de difputer fur ce qu'on n'entend pas,


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of blood; and this horrible con» fufion is owing to certain pole»mical zealots, who do not understand themselves, and of course never can be reconciled. If the ,, emperor will mix himfelt thus in abstract fophiftry, and pu blish his edicts in fupport of fub tleties which he does not com,, prehend, let him put his irre,, fragable doctors at the head of his armies for my part I re,, fign: they have driven me be,, yond all patience." Thus that

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brave man declared his fentiments between ourselves he was in the right. There are paffions enough incident to human nature for the difquiet of the world, without having the torch of difcord lighted up by fanaticism.

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And who, enquired the emperor shall quench the flames of difcord? The nature of the human mind will quench the flame,

fans être écouté de perfonne. C'eft l'attention qu'on a donnée aux nouveautés, qui a produit tant de novateurs. Qu'on n'y mette aucune importance, bientôt la mode en paffera, & ils prendront d'autres moyens pour devenir des perfonnages. Je compare tous ces gens-là à des champions dans l'arêne : s'ils étoient feuls, ils s'embrafferoient. Mais on les regarde; ils s'égorgent.

En vérité, dit le jeune homme, fes raifons me perfuaderoient. Ce qui m'en afflige, dit l'Empereur,

returned Belifarius: for cafuifts will grow tired at last of skirmishing about propofitions men cannot understand, and cavilling about diftinctions none have leifure to attend to. At first indeed, new fangled opinions excited curiofity, and that curiofity encouraged the eagerness of difputation. Take away from controverfy all importance in the eyes of the world, and it will foon be out of fashion: men in that cafe will endeavour to diftinguish themselves by fomething different from an idle hypothefis. I compare these polemical bigots to a fet of champions in the public games, who would embrace one another in perfect good humour if left to themselves; but being gazed at by the multitude, they cut one another's throats.

To avow the truth, faid Tiberius his reafonings have almoft convinced me.what troubles me,

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