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ficiency of the Crops, particularly in this Island; but it has also in part arisen from that necessary diminution of the rate of Duty on the Exportation of Oil, voted in your last Session. Had the old Duty been maintained, it would have given, notwithstanding the diminished quantity exported, a result beyond what has actually been levied, of very nearly £18,000 sterling, or 83,076 dollars.

In every other branch of Publick Revenue, it may be confidently stated, that there is a progressive improvement.

The Year of highest Revenue since the establishment of your present Government, was 1824; abstracting the amount collected for the Oil Duty of that Year (which was also far greater than that of any other Year) from the total Revenue of the said Year, and subtracting the proceeds of the Oil Duty from the Revenue of this Year, it will be found that the Produce of the Year 1826, exceeds that of 1824, hy £5,000 sterling, or about 23,000 dollars: and it must be kept in mind, that the rate of various other Duties was lowered during your last Session, whilst the Tythes in all the Islands have been abolished, and no Tax to replace them has yet been imposed. The only rate of Duty augmented, was the increase of 1 per cent. on the importation of Foreign goods: but this impost has been fully counterbalanced, if not more than cousterbalanced, by the reduction of Duty between Island and Island, which this additional per centage was meant to replace.

Thus then, though the Duties have been materially reduced, your Revenue goes on increasing: this increase, though it is partly to be attributed to an augmentation of trade, arises chiefly from a more perfect collection of Revenue, a point to which I alluded, in opening the last Session, and on which subject various very interesting Returns will be submitted to your consideration.

The failure of the Oil crop in two successive Years is certainly to be regretted, as it affects the Revenue of the State; but it is much more deeply to be lamented, that so severe a visitation should have occurred, in another point of view, I mean as affecting the immediate welfare of so large and interesting a portion of the population, and more especially that of the Island of Corfu, where nearly the whole dependence of both Proprietors and Peasantry rests on the produce of Oil; and this reiterated misfortune is the more severally felt, owing to the continuation, for a long series of Years, of very inadequate crops and (with a partial and short temporary exception) of very low prices of this staple commodity. Both these are circumstances which urgently demand the anxious deliberation of the Legislature, as they have already occupied that of the Government.

I shall reserve, in concert with your Executive Government, to enter upon a more ample detail with the Legislative Body on this most interesting subject; and shall only now add, that I believe there is not one reflecting Man in the community, at all capable of forming a sound

opinion upon the subject, who is not agreed, that, in order to redeem this most beautiful Island, endowed by nature with the amplest sources of wealth, from the misapplication of its natural resources, and to render possible any solid and permanent improvement in its agriculture, the whole system, of the tenure of land, and economical arrangement between Landlord and Tenant, must be remodelled and reformed. A like system, fortunately for the other Islands of these States, does not obtain in any of them. Whether the existing system was-or was not suited to this Island, in other times and under other circumstances, it certainly is inapplicable at present; it most materially checks, if it does not entirely render nugatory, every attempt at improvement, and encourages, by its very nature, sloth and indolence, instead of exciting industry and exertion.

But, Mr. President and Gentlemen, though I thus declare my persuasion of the necessity of a reform in this most important branch of economy, I most distinctly wish to be understood that a reform, so important in itself, and affecting so extensively the interests of such numerous Classes, should only be carried into effect gradually, and after the most mature consideration, that the utmost circumspection and judgment will be required to guard the interests of all Parties, particularly where those interests appear to be in collision, though they are not so in reality. But, as I have said, a more precise and detailed communication will be made to the Assembly on this subject.

The Act passed during the last Session for the establishment of the Ionian University has been carried into effect; and your Executive Government has given every assistance to this Institution, authorized by the judicious provisions of the Bill.

The fervid anxiety of the Noble Lord at the head of the University to see it established, the splendid generosity displayed by him during a series of Years, in preparing for its institution, his liberal benefactions to all those who evince a love of study, his ardour for the advancement of learning and science, are features so eminently distinguishing the character of this philanthropic Nobleman-they are so generally appreciated, and so deeply felt by all, that however great my estimation of them may be, it is unnecessary for me to dwell on them; and indeed nothing from me could add to those sentiments of regard and affection which are so universally felt towards him.-The zeal displayed by the Chancellor, in endeavouring to forward the progress of the University since the establishment, has not fallen short of the anxiety shewn by him to see it commenced upon; it has been unremitting; and it may be permitted to indulge in the hope that, if the Institution be kept within those limits which are suitable to the circumstances, to the means, and to the wants of these Islands, for whose benefit it was principally instituted, and for the advantage of which it may now be considered almost exclusively intended, it may in the progress of time

produce usefulness, as extensive as even the Noble Chancellor himself anticipates.

Sanguine, however, as I may be, that this hope will be realized, I still consider that experience is the only guide to which we can securely trust; and that a further trial of the practical benefits of the Institution is necessary, before the full extent of its real utility can be decidedly pronounced.

At the Opening of the last Session, I adverted to the necessity of establishing a Seminary for the education of young men, designed for the Dominant Church. Although it has been commenced upon, circumstances have prevented the Institution taking that form which the Government contemplates for its permanent establishment, and which will place it under the more immediate superintendence and direction of the Government.

The due administration of Justice, the securing of which is of such vital importance, has occupied the most serious attention of the Executive Government; and it has considered that no administrative measure would be more conducive to ensure this important object, than the nomination to each Island, of Judges unconnected with any local interests or any family ties; and in consequence, during the recess of Parliament, this principle was acted upon, so far as the Judges of the Superior Courts are concerned.

This principle is not novel in these Islands, and it is one which is acted upon in many other Countries, of even greater extent than any

one of the divisions of the Ionian States.

It was not however to be expected that competent Persons would be found willing to make so great a sacrifice, as withdrawing themselves for a length of time from their native Islands, and thus forego all the economical advantages derived from a domicile in them, unless some equivalent was offered: the Senate therefore thought, it was not only just in itself, but expedient under every point of view, to augment the Salaries of the translocated Judges, and further to offer the additional advantage of provision in old age, after a period of long and

honourable service.

With this view the Act of Government, No. XVI, now upon your table, has been framed; and I entertain no doubt that the Legislative Body will confirm its provisions.

So far as our experience has gone, the success of the measure above alluded to, has justified its adoption; and I confess it appears to me a reasonable expectation, that the measure will prove permanently beneficial.

I do not think it necessary to occupy your time by now entering into a detail of the various measures, which it is in the contemplation of the Executive Government to submit to your consideration. Many of them will be important; and, as I have already said, I know in what

spirit they will be received and discussed. I am perfectly satisfied that the general good will be the only principle which will guide your deliberations, and that your decisions will be uninfluenced by any undue local or personal considerations; and I anticipate confidently, that our most gracious Sovereign will have equal cause to approve the conduct of the Second Parliament, as he has already graciously been pleased to declare himself satisfied with that of the First; and that his beneficent views, as Sole Protector of these States, will not be disappointed. By Command,


Secretary to the Lord High Commissioner.

CONVENTION of Commerce between France and Mexico. Signed at Paris, the 9th May, 1827.


ART. 1. Il y aura entre la France et les Etats Unis Mexicains, amitié, bonne intelligence, et liberté réciproque de Commerce. Leurs habitans pourront respectivement aller avec leurs navires et leurs cargaisons dans tous les ports, toutes les rivières, et tous les lieux où les étrangers sont ou seraient admis, y séjourner ou rester sur quelque point que ce soit, y louer et occuper des maisons et magasins pour les besoins de leur négoce; et, en général, les Commerçans de chaque Etat jouiront, sur le Territoire de l'autre, d'une protection, d'une liberté et d'une sûreté complètes.

Le droit réciproque qu'établit cet Article d'aller dans les ports, rivières et autres lieux des deux Pays, ne comprend pas le privilège du commerce d'échelle et de cabotage qui, dans chacun d'eux, pourra être soumis à des règles spéciales.

II. Les habitans du Mexique jouiront dans les différentes Possessions de France hors d'Europe, tant sous le rapport du Commerce que sous celui de la Navigation, de tous les avantages accordés aux autres étrangers, et réciproquement les Commerçans ou Navigateurs Français, venant de ces Possessions, jouiront au Mexique, sous les deux mêmes rapports, de tous les avantages accordés aux Commerçans ou Navigateurs venant de toute autre Pays.

III. Il ne sera point imposé, à l'entrée dans les Ports de France des produits du sol ou de l'industrie du Mexique, et il ne sera point imposé, à l'entrée dans les Ports des Etats-unis Mexicains des produits du sol ou de l'industrie de la France, de droits plus élevés ou autres que ceux qui sont ou seraient payés par les produits analogues de la Nation étrangère la plus favorisée. Le même principe sera observé pour la sortie; aucune prohibition ne sera établie à la sortie ni à l'entrée des produits du sol ou de l'industrie des deux Pays dans leur com

merce respectif, qui ne s'étende également aux produits analogues des autres Contrées.

Il est entendu que la première disposition de cet Article ne saurait s'appliquer aux adoucissemens de son Tarif d'Importation dont la France croirait convenable de faire jouir les produits d'Haïti, en retour des priviléges qui lui sont réservés à elle-même en Haïti par l'Ordonnance du 17 Avril, 1825.

Tous les produits exportés de l'un des deux Pays pour l'autre, devront être accompagnés de certificats d'origine, délivrés et signés par les Officiers compétens des Douanes dans le port d'embarquement. Les certificats de chaque navire seront numérotés progressivement et joints avec le Sceau de la Douane au Manifeste; cette dernière Pièce sera visée par les Consuls respectifs, et le tout devra être présenté à la Douane du port d'entrée. Dans les ports d'embarquement où il n'y a point de Consuls, les Certificats de la Douane, toujours numérotés progressivement et joints au Manifeste, suffiront pour constater l'origine, et dans ceux où il n'y aurait ni Douanes, ni Consuls, les Certificats d'Origine seront délivrés et signés, toujours dans les mêmes formes, par les Autorités Locales.

IV. Les droits de tonnage, de phare, de port, de pilotage, de sauvetage et autres charges locales, seront, dans les Ports du Mexique, pour les navires Français, les mêmes absolument que ceux payés dans les mêmes Ports par les navires de la Nation la plus favorisée. Ils seront d'ailleurs, dans tous les Ports de France, pour les bâtimens Mexicains, exactement les mêmes que ceux acquittés dans les mêmes Ports par les bâtimens de la Nation la plus favorisée.

Il est évident que le traitement de la Nation la plus favorisée, qui est assuré à la Navigation Mexicaine en France par cet Article, ne saurait signifier, dans aucun cas, le traitement des Nationaux doat jouissent certains Peuples, mais seulement en vertu du principe de la réciprocité; étant d'ailleurs entendu que le jour où le Mexique voudrait accorder à la Navigation Française dans ses Ports le traitement des Nationaux, la sienne jouirait immédiatement en France du même privilége.

V. Les produits du sol ou de l'industrie de la France paieront les mêmes droits à l'entrée en Mexique, soit que l'importation se fasse par navires Français, soit qu'elle ait lieu par navires Mexicains. Les produits du sol ou de l'industrie du Mexique paieront les mêmes droits à l'entrée en France, que l'importation s'effectue par bâtimens Mexicains ou par bâtimens Français. Les produits du sol ou de l'industrie de la France paieront à leur sortie les mêmes droits, jouiront des mêmes franchises et allocations, soit que l'exportation se fasse par navires Mexicains, soit par navires Français. Les produits du sol ou de l'industrie du Mexique, exportés pour la France, paieront les mêmes droits, jouiront

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