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the same, and have affixed thereto the Seals of their Arms.

Done at Rio de Janeiro, the 23d day of November, in the Year of our Lord, 1826. (L.S.) ROBERT GORDON.

náraõ a mesmo, e lhe pozeraō o Sello dos suas Armas.

Feita na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, aos 23 de Novembro, 1826.




ACT of the British Parliament, "to carry into execution a Convention between His Majesty and the Emperor of Brazil, for the regulation and final abolition of the African Slave Trade."

[7 and 8 Geo. IV. Cap. 74.]

[2d July, 1827.]

WHEREAS a Convention was concluded between His Majesty and His Majesty the Emperor of Brazil, for the regulation and final abolition of the African Slave Trade, so far as relates to the Dominions and Subjects of the Brazilian Empire, and signed at Rio de Janeiro on the 23d day of November, in the Year of our Lord 1826.

And whereas by the 1st Article of the said Convention it was agreed upon and concluded between the High Contracting Parties, that at the expiration of 3 Years, to be reckoned from the exchange of the Ratifications of the present Treaty, it should not be lawful for the Subjects of the Emperor of Brazil to be concerned in the carrying on of the African Slave Trade, under any pretext or in any manner whatever, and that the carrying on such trade after that by any Person, Subject of His Imperial Majesty, should be deemed and treated as Piracy.

And whereas by the 2d Article of the said Convention, His Majesty and His Majesty the Emperor of Brazil, deeming it necessary to declare the engagements by which they hold themselves bound to provide for the regulation of the said trade till the time of its final abolition, did mutually agree to adopt and renew, as effectually as if the same were inserted word for word in the said Convention, the several Articles and Provisions of the Treaties concluded between His Majesty and the King of Portugal on this subject, on the 22d of January, 1815, and on the 28th of July, 1817, and the several Explanatory Articles which have been added thereto; and by the 3d Article of the said Convention, the High Contracting Parties further agreed that all the matters and things contained in those Treaties, together with the Instructions and Regulations, and forms of Instruments annexed to the Treaty of the 28th July, 1817, should be applied, mutatis mutandis, to

the said Contracting Parties and their Subjects, as effectually as if they were recited word for word therein, confirming and approving thereby all matters and things done by their respective Subjects under the said Treaties, and in execution thereof; and by the 4th Article of the said Convention, for the execution of the purposes of the said Convention, the said High Contracting Parties further agreed to appoint forthwith Mixed Commissions, after the form of those already established on the part of His Britannick Majesty and the King of Portugal, under the Convention of the 28th of July, 1817: And whereas by the 5th Article of the said Convention it is agreed, that the said Convention should be ratified, and the Ratifications should be exchanged at London within 4 months from the date thereof, or sooner, if possible; and the same has been done accordingly: And whereas it is expedient and necessary that effectual provision should be made for carrying into execution the provisions of the said Convention:

And whereas the several Articles and provisions of the Treaties, and the several Explanatory Articles which have been added thereto, mentioned in the said 2d Article, and the instructions and regulations and forms of Instruments annexed to the Treaty mentioned in the said 3d Article, are fully set forth in an Act made and passed in the 5th Year of His present Majesty, [Cap. 113.] intituled, " An Act to amend and consolidate the Laws relating to the abolition of the Slave trade," reciting and confirming an Act made and passed in the 58th Year of His late Majesty King George the Third, [Cap. 85.] intituled, " An Act to carry into execution a Convention made between His Majesty and the King of Portugal, for the preventing traffic in Slaves," and an Act made and passed in the 59th Year of His late Majesty King George the Third, [Cap. 17.] intituled, "An act to amend an Act of last Session of Parliament, for carrying into execution a Convention made between His Majesty and the King of Portugal, for the preventing the traffic in Slaves;" be it therefore enacted, by the King's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, that the several Treaties, Articles, matters and things aforesaid, as the same are set forth in the said Acts, and the several powers, penalties, provisions, enactments, and clauses in the same Acts relating thereto, shall be applied mutatis mutandis to His Majesty and the Emperor of Brazil, and their respective Subjects, and that all matters and things done or to be done in pursuance thereof, so far as they are applicable to the said Convention between His Majesty and His Majesty the Emperor of Brazil, shall be deemed lawful and authorised by this Act, in like manner, form, and effect, as if all the said several Treaties, Articles, matters, and things, and all the said powers, penalties, provisions, enactments, and clauses were repeated and set forth mutatis mutandis in this Act; and that from and after

the passing of this Act, it shall not be lawful for any person to commence, prosecute or proceed in any claim, action or suit whatever, in the High Court of Admiralty or in any other Court, or before any Judges or Persons whomsoever, other than the several Mixed Courts of Justice, appointed under and by virtue of the said Convention between His Majesty and His Majesty the Emperor of Brazil, and the instructions and regulations therein mentioned or referred to, and this Act, for the condemnation or restitution, of any Ship or Cargo, or Slaves, or for any compensation or indemnification for any loss or damage, or for any injury sustained by such Ship, Cargo or Slaves, or by any person on board any such Ship, in consequence of any capture, seizure or detention under the authority or in pursuance of the provisions of the said last-mentioned Convention, or of the instructions and regulations therein mentioned or referred to, or of this Act; and that the pendency of any claim, suit, or proceeding instituted or which may be instituted before any of the said Mixed Courts, so to be appointed under the authority of the said last mentioned Convention, and the instructions and regulations therein mentioned or referred to, and this Act, for the condemnation or restitution of any Ship or Cargo, or Slaves, taken, seized or detained by virtue of the said last-mentioned Convention, or of the instructions and regulations therein mentioned or referred to, or for any compensation or indemnification for any loss or damage in consequence of the taking, seizing or detaining any such Ship, or the final adjudication, condemnation, judgment or determination of any such Mixed Court, as they case shall require, may be pleaded in bar or given in evidence under the general issue; or in case no such claim, suit or proceeding shall have been instituted before any such Mixed Court, then the said last-mentioned Convention, and the instructions and regulations therein mentioned or referred to in this Act, may in like manner be pleaded in bar, or given in evidence under the general issue; and every such plea in bar or evidence so given under the general issue, shall be deemed and adjudged to be a good and complete bar to any such claim, action, suit or proceeding in the said High Court of Admiralty, or in any Court or place other than such Mixed Courts; any thing in any Act or Acts, or Law or Laws to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding.

TREATY of Amity, Commerce and Navigation, between Great Britain and Mexico.-Signed at London, December 26, 1826.

In the Name of the Most Holy Trinity. EXTENSIVE Commercial Intercourse having been established,

En el Nombre de la Santisima Trinidad,

Habiendose establecido hace algun tiempo un estenso trafico

for some time, between the Dominions of His Britannick Majesty and the United States of Mexico, it seems good for the security, as well as the encouragement of such commercial intercourse, and for the maintenance of good understanding between His said Britannick Majesty, and the said States, that the relations now subsisting between them should be regularly acknowledged and confirmed, by the signature of a Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation.

For this purpose they have named their respective Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:

His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Right Honourable William Huskisson, a Member of His said Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, a Member of Parliament, President of the Committee of Privy Council for Affairs of Trade and Foreign Plantations, and Treasurer of His said Majesty's Navy ;-and James Morier, Esq. :

And His Excellency the President of the United States of Mexico, His Excellency Señor Sebastian Camacho, his First Minister of State, and for the Department of Foreign Affairs :

Who, after having communicated to each other their Full Powers, found to be in due and proper form, have agreed upon and concluded the following Articles :

ART. I. There shall be perpetual amity between the Dominions and Subjects of His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of

comercial entre los Estados Unidos de Mejico y los Dominios de Su Magestad Británica, ha sido conveniente para la seguridad, como tambien para fomento de sus mutuos intereses, y para la conservacion de la buena inteligencia entre los mencionados Estados Unidos Mejicanos y Su Magestad Británica, que las relaciones que ahora existen entre ambos sean reconocidas y confirmadas formalmente, por medio de un Tratado de Amistad, Comercio, y Navegacion.

Con este obgeto, han sido nombrados los respectivos Plenipotenciarios á saber :

Por Su Excellencia el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de Mejico, á Su Excellencia el Señor Sebastian Camacho, Su Primer Secretario de Estado, y del Despacho de Relaciones:

Y por Su Magestad el Rey del Reyno Unido de la Gran Bretaña é Irlanda, al Muy Honorable William Huskisson, Miembro del Consejo Privado de Su dicha Magestad, Miembro del Parlamento, Presidente de la Comision del Consejo Privado para los Negocios del Comercio y de las Colonias, y Tesorero de la Marina de Su dicha Magestad; y á James Morier, Escudero:

Quienes, despues de haberse comunicado mutuamente sus Plenos Poderes, y hallandolos en debida y regular forma, han acordado y concluido los Articulos siguientes:

ART. I. Habrá una perpetua amistad entre los Estados Unidos de Mejico, y sus Ciudadanos, y los Dominios y Subditos de Su Ma

Great Britain and Ireland, and the United States of Mexico, and their Citizens.

II. There shall be, between all the Territories of His Britannick Majesty in Europe and the Territories of Mexico, a reciprocal freedom of Commerce. The Inhabitants of the two Countries, respectively, shall have liberty freely and securely to come, with their Ships and Cargoes, to all Places, Ports, and Rivers in the Territories aforesaid, saving only such particular Ports to which other Foreigners shall not be permitted to come, to enter into the same, and to remain and reside in any part of the said Territories respectively; also to hire and occupy houses and warehouses for the purposes of their commerce; and, generally, the Merchants and Traders of each Nation, respectively, shall enjoy the most complete protection and security for their Commerce.

In like manner, the respective ships of war, and post-office packets of the two Countries, shall have liberty freely and securely to come to all Harbours, Rivers and Places, saving only such particular Ports (if any) to which other Foreign ships of war and packets shall not be permitted to come, to enter into the same, to anchor, and to remain there and refit; subject always to the Laws and Statutes of the two Countries, respectively.

By the right of entering the Places, Ports and Rivers, mentioned in this Article, the privilege of carrying on the coasting trade is not understood, in which National

gestad El Rey del Reyno Unido de la Gran Bretaña é Irlanda.

II. Habrá entre los Estados Unidos Mejicanos, y todos los Dominios de Su Magestad Britanica en Europa, libertad reciproca de comercio. Los habitantes de los dos Paises tendrán la respectiva libertad, franquicia, y seguridad para ir, con sus buques y cargamentos, á todas las plazas, puertos, y rios de los Estados y Dominios respectivos, en los que actualmente se permite ó permitiere entrar á otros estrangeros, y á permanecer y residir en cualquiera parte de los mencionados Estados y Dominios; arrendando y ocupando en ellos casas y almacenes para los fines de su comercio; y, en general, los Comerciantes y Negociantes de cada Nacion, respectivamente, gozarán, en los Territorios de la otra, la mas completa proteccion y seguridad para su comercio.

Del mismo modo, los respectivos buques de guerra, y paquetes de los dos Paises, tendrán libertad para llegar franca y seguramente á todos los puertos, rios, y lugares, ecsepto unicamente aquellos particulares puertos (si hai alguno) en donde tampoco se les permita á los buques de guerra y paquetes de otras naciones entrar, anclar, permanecer, ni repararse; sugetos siempre à las leyes y estatutos de los dos Paises, respectivamente.

Por el derecho de entrar en Parages, Puertos, y Rios de que se hace relacion en este Articulo, no está comprendido el privilegio del comercio de escala y cabotage,

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