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Mandons et ordonnons que la présente Loi soit insérée au Journal Officiel, et que Nos Ministres, et autres Autorités qu'elle concerne, tiennent strictement la main à son exécution.

Donné à la Haye, le 24 Décembre de l'an 1827, de Notre Règne le 15ème.

Par le Roi:

J. G. DE MEy de Streefkerk. Publié le 27 Décembre, 1827.


J. G. DE MEY De Streefkerk,

Le Secrétaire d'Etat.

LOI des Pays Bas, du 24 Décembre 1827, qui détermine les moyens de faire face aux Dépenses comprises dans la se conde Partie du Budget des Dépenses du Royaume pour l'Année 1828.

NOUS, GUILLAUME, par la grace de Dieu, Roi des Pays-Bas, Prince d'Orange Nassau, Grand Duc de Luxembourg, etc. etc. etc.

A tous ceux qui les présentes verront, salut! savoir faisons: Ayant pris en considération, que, d'après l'Art. 126 de la Loi fondamentale, les moyens de faire face aux dépenses, qui appartiennent à la seconde partie du Budget, ne sont arrêtés que pour un An, et que par conséquent, il convient d'arrêter ces moyens pour l'année 1828;

Considérant en outre que, par la Loi du 12 Juillet, 1821, et par les Lois spéciales, arrêtées successivement, les bases du systême d'impôts pour le Royaume ont été fixées, et que, par la Loi du 27 Décembre, 1822, pour l'institution d'un Syndicat d'Amortissement, et pour régler différens intérêts Financiers du Royaume, ainsi que par celle du 5 Juin, 1824, qui détermine le mode de paiement de nouvelles pensions extraordinaires et d'autres dépenses qui s'éteignent, et qui règle différens objets Financiers du Royaume et du Syndicat d'Amortissement, il a été assuré des fournissemens au Trésor pour couvrir quelques besoins, sans qu'il en résulte des charges pour les contribuables.

A ces causes, Notre Conseil d'Etat entendu, et de commun accord avec les Etats-Généraux, avons statué, comme Nous statuons par les présentes :

ART. I. Pour faire face aux dépenses comprises dans la première subdivision de la seconde partie du Budget pour l'année 1828, seront employés les moyens ci-après indiqués:

a. Une somme de 3,267,950 florins, 90 cents, formant le total de ce que, déduction faite du million que la Loi a mise à Notre disposition, le produit des impôts a excédé en 1826, la somme nécessaire pour couvrir les dépenses.

b. Les droits d'entrée, de sortie et de transit, le droit de tonnage à l'extérieur, les produits des péages d'eau, les droits de balises et de fanaux.

c. Les revenus des domaines cédés par la Loi du 25 Mai, 1816, à Notre bien-aimé Fils le Prince Frédéric des Pays-Bas.

d. La loterie.

e. Les produits des objets à vendre, les revenus extraordinaires, et toutes autres recettes éventuelles.

f. Trois centièmes additionnels sur les contributions foncières, sur les propriétés bâties et non-bâties; 13 sur le personnel et les patentes, sur les impositions indirectes, et sur les accises (excepté la mouture) dont la perception est autorisée par la Loi du 12 Juillet, 1821.

II. En vertu de la Loi du 21 Avril, 1810, la redevance proportionnelle des mines est fixée pour l'année 1828, à 2 pour cent du produit net. Il en sera tenu un compte particulier au Trésor Public, et le montant sera appliqué aux dépenses de l'administration des mines, d'après l'Art. 39 de la dite Loi.

III. Pour faire face aux dépenses, comprises dans la seconde subdivision de la deuxième partie du Budget pour l'année 1828, seront employées :

a. Une somme de 2,000,697 florins, à fournir au Trésor par le Syndicat d'Amortissement, sur celle de 30,000,000 de florins, dont le paiement doit être fait aux termes de l'Art. 4, § d, de la Loi du 27 Décembre, 1822, pour l'institution d'un Syndicat d'Amortissement, et pour régler différens intérêts Financiers du Royaume.

b. Une somme de 3,089,957, florins 54 cents, à fournir également par le Syndicat d'Amortissement, d'après l'Art. 9. de la Loi précitée, à l'effet de mettre le Trésor en état de payer les pensions extraordinaires, les rentes viagères et autres dépenses qui s'éteignent successivement.

c. Une somme de 800,000 florins, à fournir par le Syndicat d'Amortissement, d'après l'Art. 1er de la Loi du 5 Juin, 1824, à l'effet de mettre le Trésor en état de payer toutes les nouvelles pensions, les traitemens personnels, supplémens, traitemens de non-activité et autres dépenses qui s'éteignent successivement.

Mandons et ordonnons que la présente Loi soit insérée au Journal Officiel, et que Nos Ministres et autres Autorités qu'elle concerne, tiennent strictement la main à son exécution.

Donné à La Haye, le 24 Décembre de l'an 1827, de Notre Règne le 15ème.

Par le Roi,


Publié le 27 Décembre, 1827.


J. G. DE MEY DE STREEFKERK, Le Secrétaire d'Etat.

MESSAGE from the President of The United States to Congress, relating to the Impressment of Seamen from on board American Vessels, since 18th February, 1815. 15th January, 1827.

To the House of Representatives of The United States.

Washington, 15th January, 1827.

IN compliance with a Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 20th May last, I transmit, herewith, a Report from the Secretary of State, touching the Impressment of Seamen from on board American Vessels, on the High Seas or elsewhere, by the Commanders of British or other Foreign Vessels or Ships of War, since the 18th of February, 1815, together with such Correspondence on the subject as comes within the purview of the Resolution.


Department of State, 12th January, 1827. THE Secretary of State, to whom has been referred by the Presi dent, the Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 20th May, 1826, requesting him to cause to be laid before the House " any information in his possession, touching the Impressment of Seamen from on board American Vessels on the High Seas, or elsewhere, by the Commanders of British or other Foreign Vessels or Ships of War, since the 18th February, 1815, together with any Correspondence on the subject with any Foreign Government, so far as the Communication of the same be not inconsistent with the publick service," has the honour to report:

That, on the 8th day of May last, having then just received at this Department the Letter, of which a Copy marked A, is herewith re ported, a Correspondence was opened with Mr. Vaughan, the British Minister, in relation to the instances of alleged Impressment which are stated in that Letter: that a Copy of the Notes which passed on that occasion, is herewith also reported, marked B. No further explanation of the circumstances which attended the taking of the two Seamen from on board the Brig Pharos, has been yet received at this Department that it will be seen, from an inspection of the Correspondence, that the Captain of that Vessel, had sailed from The United States before the Attorney for the District of Massachusetts could obtain his deposition; and information of his return has not reached this Department. But it is proper to add that Mr. Vaughan has verbally stated that his Government, having received a Copy of the Note abovementioned, of the 8th May last, has given the proper orders to procure from Africa all the information necessary to enable it to decide on the conduct of Captain Clavering; and that he presumes the distance of

the place whence it was to be obtained, has hitherto prevented the receipt of instructions, adapted to the state of the case.

No other instances of Impressment, falling within the scope of the Resolution, are known at this Department, except one which is stated in a recent Despatch, from Mr. Raguet, from which an extract is herewith reported, marked C.


All which is respectfully submitted,


(A.)-Consul Samuel Hodges, jun. to the Secretary of State.

Consulate of The United States, Cape de Verd Islands,
Villa da Praya, St. Jago, March 16, 1826.

I HAD the honour to inform you, on the 12th of August last, of the outrage committed by Captain D. C. Clavering, Commander of His Britannick Majesty's Ship Redwing, on this Station, by firing into the brig Ruby, of Bucksport, and now acquaint you of his impressing two Seamen from the brig Pharos, of Boston, on the 6th of December last, while that Vessel was at anchor in the Harbour of Freetown, Sierra Leone; one of whom, Studson Roberts, of Portland, was given up after a detention of 11 days, by order of Commodore Bullen, who arrived in the mean time, and the other detained under a plea that he was a British Subject. I have the honour, &c, The Hon. H. Clay.



(B. 1.)—Mr. Clay to Mr. Vaughan.

Department of State, 8th May, 1826. I HAVE just received intelligence that Captain D. C. Clavering, Commander of His Britannick Majesty's Ship Redwing, on the 6th day of December last, impressed two Seamen from on board the American brig Pharos, of Boston, while she was at anchor in the Harbour of Freetown, Sierra Leone, on the Coast of Africa; that, after 10 days detention of one of them, he was released; and that the other is still detained in the British Service. Although these facts have been communicated through an official channel, the surprise which they justly excite creates an unwillingness to credit them. If, as we are, at present, bound to believe, they are well founded, Captain Clavering must not only have acted without, but contrary to the orders of his Government. For it is, otherwise, impossible to believe that the outrage which they disclose should have been attended with the aggravating circumstance of being perpetrated in a season of profound Peace between Great Britain and the rest of Christendom. Assuming, however, the information which we have received, to be correct, the President cannot doubt that the conduct of that Officer has been unauthorized, nor that the Government of His Britannick Majesty will promptly animadvert upon it,

in such signal manner, as will prevent, by the example, the recurrence of similar enormities in future. If you are without Instructions on this subject, I have the honour to request that you will, with as little delay as possible, transmit this Note to your Government.

I seize the occasion to tender to you assurances, &c. The Right Hon. C. R. Vaughan.


(B. 2.)-Mr. Vaughan to Mr. Clay.


Washington, 10th May, 1826.

I HAVE the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Note complaining of the Impressment of two American Seamen on the Coast of Africa, by Captain Clavering, Commander of His Britannick Majesty's Ship Redwing. I shall lose no time in transmitting a Copy of your Note to His Majesty's Government, and I shall anxiously await an explanation of this disagreeable event.

[blocks in formation]

I HAVE the honour to transmit to you a Copy of a Letter which I have this day received from Mr. Manners, His Majesty's Consul at Boston, containing certain facts which he has collected from the Master of the American Ship Pharos, relative to the Impressment of two Sailors from the Vessel under his command, off the Coast of Africa, by Captain Clavering, of His Majesty's Ship Redwing.

It appears by the enclosed Letters, that Mr. Merchant, the Master of the Pharos, has distinctly admitted that neither of the Men taken on board the Redwing were Natives of The United States. One of them was an Englishman, whom he had picked up at the Cape de Verd Islands, the other a Native of Norway, and that they had both of them volunteered to serve His Majesty on board the Redwing. When the boat of the Redwing went alongside of the Pharos, an inquiry was made which were the two Men who had volunteered to serve His Majesty; they were pointed out, and told by the Person in command of the Pharos, at the time, to go into the boat from the Redwing, which they did, voluntarily. It being found, afterwards, that the Seaman who was a Native of Norway had an American protection, he was sent back to the Pharos.

When I had the honour to receive your Note of the 8th instant, relating to this alledged Impressment of two American Sailors, I had no doubt but that, in due time, I should receive a satisfactory explanation of the transaction complained of, as I am not aware of any Act

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