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shall be punished, even unto death, according to the magnitude of the crime.

Given in the Hall of Session of the General Constituent Congress, in Buenos Ayres, the 24th day of December, 1826.

Signed by JOSE MARIA ROXAS, President, and by 9 other Deputies for the Capital; by 8 Deputies for the Territory dismembered. from the Capital; 6 for the Province of Cordova; 5 for Corrientes; 4 for Catamarca; 4 for Entre Rios; 4 for Mendoza; 2 for Misiones; 4 for Montevideo; 2 for Rioja; 6 for Salta and Jujuy; 6 for Santiago del Estero; 2 for Santa Fé; 1 for San Juan; 3 for San Luis; 4 for Tucuman; and 1 for Tarija. ALEJO VILLEGAS, Secretary. JUAN C. VARELA, Secretary.

TREATY of Federation between Peru and Bolivia.-Signed at Chuquisaca, the 15th of November, 1826.

DESEANDO los Gobiernos de las Repúblicas Peruana y Boliviana asegurar de un modo firme su independencia, y libertad, y queriendo ademas estrechar las relaciones que las unen, han acordado un Pacto de Federacion.

Con este fin han nombrado sus respectivos Plenipotenciarios: á saber:

El Consejo de Gobierno de la República del Perú, al Señor Don Ignacio Ortiz de Zeballos, Ministro de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de aquel Estado: y el Presidente de la República Boliviana à su Ministro en el Departamento de Relaciones Exteriores, Coronel Facuudo Infante, y al Señor Don Manuel Urcullu, Diputado en el Congreso Constituyente, y Ministro de la Córte Suprema de Justicia.

Quienes habiendo cangeado sus respectivos Plenos Poderes, y hallàndose estos extendidos en debida forma, han concluido y convenido en los Artículos siguientes:


THE Governments of Peru and Bolivia, being desirous to insure in a firm manner their Independence and liberty, and wishing moreover to draw closer the ties which unite them, have agreed to a Treaty of Federation.

For this purpose they have named their respective Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:

The Council of Government of

the Republick of Peru, Senor Don Ignacio Ortiz Zeballos, Minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of that State: and the President of the Republick of Bolivia, his Minister in the Department of Foreign Affairs, Colonel Facundo Infante, and Senor Don Manuel Urcullu, Deputy in the Constituent Congress, and Minister of the Supreme Court of Justice.

Who having exchanged their respective Full Powers, and these having been found in proper form, have concluded and agreed upon the following Articles:

ART. I. Las Repúblicas del Perú y Bolivia se reunen para formar una Liga, que se denominarà Federacion Boliviana.

II. Esta Federacion tendrà un Gefe Supremo vitalicio, que lo serà el Libertador, Simon Bolivar.

III. Habrá un Congreso Federal de la Federacion, compuesto de 9 Diputados por cada uno de los Estados Federados.

IV. Luego que se hayan ratificado estos Pactos, se procederá al nombramiento de los diputados para el Congreso Federal, por los Cuerpos Legislativos de los Estados Federados, si se hallaren reunidos: en este caso el nombramiento deberà recaer en Individuos del seno de los mismos Cuerpos Legislativos.

V. A falta de Cuerpos Legislativos, ó en su receso, se hará el nombramiento de Diputados al Congreso General, por los Pueblos, en la forma y términos que lo determine el reglamento que ha de dar cada uno de los Gobiernos de los Estados.

VI. En todo evento, los Diputados para el Congreso General deberán reunir, ademas de las calidades comunes, las de probidad, y patriotismo notorio, y conocida ilustracion en las materias que han de ser de la atribucion de este Congreso.

VII. El Libertador queda autorizado para designar el lugar donde se ha de reunir el primer Congreso, procurando sea un punto el mas proporcionado por su centralidad, comodidades, y salubridad.

ART. I. The Republicks of Peru, and Bolivia unite, in order to form a League which shall be denominated the Bolivian Federation.

II. This Federation shall have a Supreme Chief for life, who shall be the Liberator, Simon Bolivar.

III. There shall be a Federal Congress of the Federation, composed of 9 Deputies from each of the Federal States.

IV. Immediately after the Ratification of this Treaty, the nomination of Deputies for the Federal Congress shall be proceeded upon by the Legislative Bodies of the Federal States, if they should be then assembled ; in which case the nomination shall fall upon Individuals belonging to the said Legislative Bodies.

V. In default of Legislative Bodies, or during their recess, Deputies for the General Congress shall be nominated by the People, in such form and manner, as may be determined upon by the regulations, which each of the Governments of the said States may fix.

VI. In any case, the Deputies for the General Congress must, besides the usual qualifications, possess probity, well known patriotism, and a perfect knowledge of the matters which are to come under the cognizance of this Con


VII. The Liberator is authorized to designate the place where the first Congress shall assemble, chusing such point as may be best adapted to that object, from its central situation, convenience, and salubrity.

VIII. La reunion del Congreso durará, para sus Sesiones ordinarias, á lo mas el tiempo de dos meses en cada año, los que empezarán á correr desde el primer dia de la instalacion.

IX. Son atribuciones del Congreso Federal,

1. Elegir el lugar en que deba residir el Congreso y Gefe Supremo de la Federacion, y decretar su traslacion á otra parte, cuando lo exijan graves circunstancias, y lo decidan á lo menos las dos terceras partes de los Diputados presentes.

2. Designar la parte del Ejèrcito, y Marina militar, que proporcionalmente cada uno de los Estados debe poner à las inmediatas órdenes del Gefe Supremo de la Federacion.

3. Señalar la parte proporcional de las cantidades con que los Estados deben concurrir todos los años para los gastos de la Federa


4. Investir al Gefe de la Federacion de la Autoridad Suprema, recibiéndole el correspondiente juramento.

5. Autorizar al Gefe Supremo para negociar los empréstitos que sean necesarios para sostener los intereses de la Federacion : en cuyo caso deberá preceder la aprobacion de los Cuerpos legislativos de los Estados, prévia la manifestacion de la parte que á cada uno toque amortizar, y los intereses que le correspondan.

6. Decretar la Guerra, á propuesta del Gefe Supremo, é invitarle á hacer la paz.

VIII. The sittings of the Congress shall last, in its ordinary Session, for the period of two months at most in every year, which Session shall count from the first day of its installation.

IX. The Attributes of the Federal Congress are,

1. To choose the spot at which the Congress and Supreme Chief of the Federation shall reside, and to determine their removal to any other place, whenever weighty circumstances may require, and two thirds of the Deputies present shall decide for, the same.

2. To designate what proportion of the Army and Navy of each of the States is to be placed under the immediate orders of the Supreme Chief of the Federation.

3. To determine the proportional amount which each State is to furnish every Year towards the expenses of the Federation.

4. To invest the Chief of the Federation with the Supreme Authority, receiving from him the corresponding oath.

5. To authorize the Supreme Chief to negotiate the Loans which may be necessary to support the interests of the Federation; on which occasions the approbation of the Legislative Bodies of the States shall be previously obtained, with respect to the proportion which each has to contribute, and of the interest which will accrue on the same.

6. To declare War, on the proposal of the Supreme Chief, and to invite him to make peace.

7. Aprobar ó rechazar los Tratados que hiciere el Supremo Gefe de la Federacion.

8. Arreglar y componer pacíficamente, las diferencias que puedan ocurrir entre los Estados Federados, y cuando esto no baste, indicar al Supremo Gefe los medios que debe adoptar para restablecer su paz, y buena armonia.

9. Conocer de las diferencias que se susciten entre los Estados Federados, y cualquiera otra Nacion, para componerlas pacíficamente; y siendo ineficaces estos medios, declarar el negocio comun, y propio de la Federacion.

10. Examinar la inversion de las rentas que se pongan á disposicion del Gefe Supremo para los gastos de la Federacion.

11. Investir en tiempo de Guerra, ó de peligro extraordinario, al Gefe Supremo con las facultades que se juzguen indispensables para la salvacion de los Estados Federados.

12. Aprobar el nombramiento que haga el Gefe Supremo de la Persona que debe sucederle.

13. Aprobar el señalamiento de sueldos que haga el Gefe Supremo á todos los Empleados y Funcionarios de la Federacion.

14. Establecer las reglas, y dictar las providencias consiguientes à la observancia y cumplimiento de estos Tratados, y al mejor régimen de los negocios de la Federacion; sin poder alterar, ni variar en lo substancial ninguno de sus Artículos.

15. Ordenar su régimen interior por reglamentos, y corregir á sus

7. To approve or reject the Treaties made by the Supreme Chief of the Federation.

8. To arrange and compose pacifically, the differences which may arise between the Federal States; and, should the same not succeed, to point out to the Supreme Chief the measures which should be adopted to re-establish peace and harmony.

9. To take cognizance of the differences which may arise between the Federal States and any other Nation, in order to compose them pacifically; and, such measures being ineffectual, to declare the affair common, and appertaining to the Federation.

10. To examine into the aplication of the Revenue, placed at the disposal of the Supreme Chief, for the expenses of the Federation.

11. To invest the SupremeChief, in time of War, or of any extraordinary peril, with such powers as may be judged indispensable for the safety of the Federal States.

12. To approve the nomination made by the Supreme Chief, of the Person who is to succeed him.

13. To approve of the Salaries appointed by the Supreme Chief for the Officers and Functionaries of the Federation.

14. To establish the rules, and dictate the provisions, necessary for the observance and fulfilment of this Treaty, and for the better regulation of the affairs of the Federation; without the power of altering or varying the substance of any of its Articles.

15. To regulate its own internal management, and to punish its

miemoros por su infraccion.

16. Prevenir el modo y caso en que han de ser juzgados los individuos de su seno, y Ministros del despacho del Gefe Supremo.

X. Las atribuciones del Gefe Supremo son:

1. El mando Supremo Militar de los Ejércitos de mar y tierra de los Estados, que el Congreso Federal haya decretado y puesto á sus inmediatas órdenes.

2. Pedir á los Cuerpos Legislativos de los Estados, y en su receso, á los Gobiernos respectivos, el aumento de las fuerzas que crea necesarias para objetos del bien


3. Dirigir y mantener relaciones con las Potencias, y Estados que convenga y nombrar los Ministros públicos, Agentes, Cónsules,

y demas subalternos de la lista Diplomática, y removerlos segun lo estime conveniente.

4. Recibir Ministros Extrangeros, y hacer Tratados de Paz, Alianza, Treguas, Neutralidad armada, Comercio, y demas que interesen al bien general: debiendo preceder á su Ratificacion la aprobacion del Congreso.

5. Conceder patentes de corso, en los casos de conocida utilidad.

6. Declarar la Guerra, previo el decreto del Congreso Federal; y en su receso, podrá hacerlo por si en casos urgentes, con el cargo de dar cuenta al Congreso luego que

se reuna.

Members for any infraction of the


16. To arrange the mode and form in which its own Members, and the Ministers of the Government of the Supreme Chief, are to be tried.

X. The attributes of the Supreme Chief, are:

1. To have the Supreme Military Command of the Forces of the States, both by sea and land, which the Federal Congress may have placed under his immediate orders.

2. To request from the Legislative Bodies of the States, and, during their recess, from the respective Governments, such augmentation of those Forces as he may consider necessary for their common benefit.

3. To direct and maintain such relations with other Powers and States as may be expedient; and to name public Ministers, Agents, Consuls, and others in the Diplomatic Service, and to remove them when he may think proper.

4. To receive Foreign Ministers, and to make Treaties of Peace, Alliance, Truce, Armed Neutrality, Commerce, and others, for the general good; the approbation of the Congress preceding the Ratification thereof.

5. To grant Letters of Marque, in cases of admitted publick expediency.

6. To declare War, after a pre. vious resolution of the Federal Congress, and, during its recess, of his own accord, in urgent cases, under an obligation to render an account of the same to Congress as soon as it re-assembles.

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