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[Fac-simile of first page of Preface.]


ET SINGVLIS HAS noftras lecturis, nos qui ijfdem nomina noftra fubfcripfimus Auguftanæ Confeffioni addicti Electores, Principes, & Sacri Romani Imperij, in Germania ordines, pro dignitate & gradu cuiufq3, noftra ftudia, amicitiam ac falutem cum officio coniunctam deferimus & nun




Opt. Max. benefici

um eft, quòd poftremis temporibus, & in hac mundi fenecta, pro ineffabili amore, clementia ac miferi

cordia fua, humano generi lucem Euangelij & verbi fui (per quod folum veram falutem accipimus) poft tenebras illas Papisticarum fuperftitionum, in Germania chariffima patria noftra, A 2




[The Latin text is from the editio princeps, 1531, as printed in the best editions of the 'Book of Concord,' and especially (with all the various readings) in the Corpus Reformatorum, ed. Bindseil, Vol. XXVI. (1858), pp. 263-336. I have inserted in brackets the most important additions of the German text, and marked in foot-notes the chief alterations of the edition of 1540. The English translation (in the style of the sixteenth century) was prepared (1868), and at my request carefully revised for this work (1874), by my friend, the Rev. Dr. CHARLES P. KRAUTH, Vice-Provost of the University of Pennsylvania, and Professor of Theology in the Evangelical Lutheran Seminary, Philadelphia. First English translation by Richard Taverner, London, 1536; recent translations, more or less complete, by S. S. Schmucker (1834); E. Hazelius (1841), Ambrose and Socrates Henkel (1851 and 1854). See Vol. I. § 41, pp. 225 sqq.]


Exhibita Invictissimo Imperatori Carolo V. Cæsari Augusto in Comiciis Augusta. Anno MDXXX.1


Presented to the Invincible Emperor Charles V., Cæsar Augustus, at the Diet of Augsburg, Anno Domini MDXXX.1

Et loquebar de testimoniis tuis in conspectu Re- I will speak of thy testimonies also before kings, gum, et non confundebar.-PSALM CXIX. 46.

and will not be ashamed.-PSALM CXIX. 46.

PREFATIO AD CESAREM CAROLUM V. PREFACE TO THE EMPEROR CHARLES V. Invictissime Imperator, Cæsar Auguste, Most Invincible Emperor, Cæsar Augustus, Domine clementissime. Cum V. C. M. indi- Most Clement Master: Inasmuch as Your zerit conventum Imperii Augustæ, ut delibe- Imperial Majesty has summoned a Convenretur de auxiliis contra Turcam, atrocissi- tion of the Empire at Augsburg, to deliberate mum, hæreditarium atque veterem Christiani in regard to aid against the Turk, the most nominis ac religionis hostem, quomodo illius atrocious, the hereditary, and ancient enemy scilicet furori et conatibus durabili et perpe- of the Christian name and religion, in what tuo belli apparatu resisti possit; deinde et way, to wit, resistance might be made to his de dissensionibus in causa nostræ sancto re- rage and assaults, by protracted and perpetual ligionis et Christianæ fidei, et ut in hac causa preparation for war: Because, moreover, of religionis partium opiniones ac sententiæ inter dissensions in the matter of our holy religion sese in caritate, lenitate et mansuetudine mu- and Christian faith, and in order that in this tua audiantur coram, intelligantur et ponde- matter of religion the opinions and judgments rentur, ut illis, quæ utrinque in Scripturis of diverse parties may be heard in each other's secus tractata aut intellecta sunt, sepositis presence, may be understood and weighed et correctis, res illæ ad unam simplicem veri- among one another, in mutual charity, meektatem et Christianam concordiam componan-ness, and gentleness, that those things which tur et reducantur; ut de cætero a nobis una, in the writings on either side have been sincera et vera religio colatur et servetur, handled or understood amiss, being laid aside

1 The title of the German edition is Confessio odder Bekantnus des Glaubens etlicher Fürsten und Stedte: Uberantwort Kaiserlicher Majestet: zu Augspurg, Anno M.D.XXX.

ut, quemadmodum sub uno Christo sumus et | and corrected, these things may be harmomilitamus: ita in una etiam Ecclesia Chri- nized and brought back to the one simple stiana, in unitate et concordia vivere possimus; cumque nos infra scripti Elector et Principes, cum aliis, qui nobis conjuncti sunt, perinde ut alii Electores et Principes et Status ad præfata Comitia evocati simus, ut Casareo mandato obedienter obsequeremur, mature venimus Augustam; et, quod citra jactantiam dictum volumus, inter primos affui


Cum igitur V. C. M. Electoribus, Principibus et aliis Statibus Imperii etiam hic Augustæ sub ipsa initia horum Comitiorum inter cætera proponi fecerit, quod singuli Status Imperii vigore Cæsarei edicti suam opinionem et sententiam in Germanica et Latina lingua proponere debeant atque offerre; et habita deliberatione proxima feria quarta, rursum responsum est V. C. M. nos proxima feria sexta articulos nostræ Confessionis pro nostra parte oblaturos esse:

Ideo ut V.C.M. voluntati obsequamur, offerimus in hac religionis causa nostrorum Concionatorum et nostram Confessionem, cujusmodi doctrinam ex Scripturis Sanctis et puro verbo Dei hactenus illi in nostris terris, ducatibus, ditionibus et urbibus tradiderint, ac in Ecclesiis tractaverint. Quod si et cæteri Electores, Principes ac Status Imperii, similibus scriptis, Latinis scilicet et Germanicis, juxta prædictam Cæsaream propositionem, suas opiniones in hac causa religionis produxerint: hic nos coram V. C. M. tanquam Domino nostro clementissimo paratos offerimus, nos cum præfatis Principibus et amicis nostris de tollerabilibus modis ac viis amice conferre, ut, quantum honeste fieri potest, conveniamus, et

truth and Christian concord; so that hereafter the one unfeigned and true religion may be embraced and preserved by us, so that as we are subjects and soldiers of the one Christ, so also, in unity and concord, we may live in the one Christian Church: And inasmuch as we, the Elector and Princes, whose names are subscribed, together with others who are conjoined with us, in common with other Electors, and Princes, and States, have been called to the aforenamed Diet,- —we have, in order to render most humble obedience to the Imperial Mandate, come early to Augsburg, and, with no desire to boast, would state that we were among the very first to be present.

When, therefore, Your Imperial Majesty, among other things, has also at Augsburg, at the very beginning of these sessions, caused the proposition to be made to the Princes and States of the Empire, that each of the States of the Empire, in virtue of the Imperial Edict, should propose and offer in the German and in the Latin language its opinion and decision; after discussion on Wednesday we replied to Your Imperial Majesty, that on the following Friday we would offer on our part the Articles of our Confession :

Wherefore, in order that we may do homage to the will of Your Imperial Majesty, we now offer in the matter of religion the Confession of our preachers and of ourselves, the doctrine of which, derived from the Holy Scriptures and pure Word of God, they have to this time set forth in our lands, dukedoms, domains, and cities, and have taught in the churches. If the other Electors, Princes, and States of the Empire, should in similar writings, to wit, in Latin and German, according to the aforementioned Imperial proposition, produce their opinions in this matter of religion : we here, in the presence of Your Imperial Majesty, our most Clement Lord, offer ourselves, prepared, in conjunction with the Princes and

re inter nos partes citra odiosam contentio- | our friends already designated, to compare nem pacifice agitata, Deo dante, dissensio views in a kindly manner in regard to mode

dirimatur, et ad unam veram concordem religionem reducatur; sicut omnes sub uno Christo sumus et militamus et unum Christum confiteri debemus, juxta tenorem edicti V. C. M. it omnia ad veritatem Dei perducantur, id quod ardentissimis votis a Deo petimus.

and ways which may be available, so that, as far as may honorably be done, we may agree, and the matter between us of both parts being peacefully discussed, with no hateful contention, by God's help the dissension may be removed, and brought back to one true accordant religion (as we are all subjects and soldiers under one Christ, so also we ought to confess one Christ, in accordance with the tenor of the decree of Your Imp. M.), and all things should be brought back to the truth of God, which with most fervent prayers we beseech God to grant.

But if, as regards the rest of the Electors, Princes, and States, those of the other party, this treatment of the matter of religion, in the manner in which Your I. M. has wisely thought fit it should be conducted and treated, to wit, with such a mutual presentation of writings and calm conference between us, should not go on, nor be attended by any result; yet shall

Si autem, quod ad cæteros Electores, Principes et Status, ut partem alteram, attinet, hæc tractatio causæ religionis, eo modo, quo V. C. M. agendam et tractandam sapienter duxit, scilicet cum tali mutua præsentatione scriptorum ac sedata collatione inter nos non processerit, nec aliquo fructu facta fuerit: nos quidem testatum clare relinquimus, hic nihil nos, quod ad Christianam concor- we leave a clear testimony that in no manner diam (quæ cum Deo et bona conscientia fieri | do we evade any thing which can tend to propossit) conciliandam conducere queat, ullo mote Christian concord (any thing which God modo detrectare; quemadmodum et V. C. M. and a good conscience allow); and this Your deinde et cæteri Electores et Status Imperii I. M. and the other Electors and States of the et omnes, quicunque sincero religionis amore Empire, and all who are moved by a sincere ac studio tenentur, quicunque hanc causam love of religion and concern for it, all who are æquo animo audituri sunt, ex hac nostra et willing to give an equitable hearing in this matnostrorum Confessione hoc clementer cognoscere ter, will kindly gather and understand from et intelligere dignabuntur. the Confession of ourselves and of ours.

Cum etiam V. C. M. Electoribus, Principibus et reliquis Statibus Imperii non una vice, sed sæpe clementer significaverit, et in Comitiis Spirensibus, quæ anno Domini etc. XXVI, habita sunt, ex data et præscripta forma vestræ Cæsarea instructionis et comissionis recitari et publice prælegi fecerit: Vestram M. in hoc negocio religionis ex causis certis, quæ V. M. nomine allegatæ sunt, non velle quicquam determinare, nec concludere posse, sed apud Pontificem Romanum pro officio V. C. M. diligenter daturam operam de congregando Concilio generali. Quemad

Since, moreover, Your I. M. has not once only, but repeatedly signified to the Electors, Princes, and other States of the Empire; and at the Diet of Spires, which was held in the year of our Lord 1526, caused to be recited and publicly proclaimed, in accordance with the form of Your Imperial instruction and commission given and prescribed: That Your I. M. in this matter of religion for certain reasons, stated in the name of Your Majesty, was not willing to determine, nor was able to conclude touching any thing, but that Your I. M. would diligently endeavor to have the Roman Pontiff,

modum idem latius expositum est ante annum | in accordance with his office, to assemble a in publico proximo conventu, qui Spira con- General Council; as also the same matter was gregatus fuit. Ubi V. C. M. per Dominum more amply set forth a year ago in the last Ferdinandum, Bohemiæ et Ungariæ Regem, public Convention, which was held at Spires, amicum et Dominum clementem nostrum, de- where through His Highness Ferdinand, King inde per Oratorem et Comissarios Cæsareos, of Bohemia and Hungary, our friend and clemhæc inter cætera proponi fecit, quod V. C. M. ent Lord, afterward through the Orator and the intellexisset et expendisset Locum Tenentis Imperial Commissioners, Your I. M., among V. C. M. in Imperio et Præsidentis et Con- other propositions, caused these to be made : siliariorum in Regimine et Legatorum ab aliis that Your I. M. had known and pondered the Statibus, qui Ratisbonæ convenerant, delibe- | resolution to convene a Council, formed by the rationem de Concilio congregando, et quod Representatives of Your I. M. in the Empire, judicaret etiam V. C. M. utile esse, ut con- and by the Imperial President and Counselors, gregaretur Concilium, et quia causa, quæ and by the Legates of other States convened tum tractabantur inter V. C. M. et Romanum at Ratisbon, and this Your I. M. also judged Pontificem, vicinæ essent concordia et Chri- that it would be useful to assemble a Council; stianæ reconciliationi, non dubitaret V.C. M. and because the matters which were to be adquin Romanum Pontifex adduci posset adjusted at this time between Your I. M. and the habendum generale Concilium: ideo significabat se V. C. M. operam daturam, ut præfatus Pontifex Maximus una cum V. C. M. tale generale Concilium primo quoque tempore | emissis literis publicandum congregare consentiret.

Roman Pontiff were approaching agreement and Christian reconciliation, Your I. M. did not doubt that, but that the Pope could be induced to summon a General Council: Wherefore Your I. M. signified that Your I. M. would endeavor to bring it to pass that the Chief Pontiff, together with Your I. M., would consent at the earliest opportunity to issue letters for the convening of such a General Council.

In the event, therefore, that in this matter of religion the differences between us and the other party should not be settled in friendship and love, we here present ourselves before Your I. M. in all obedience, as we have done before, ready to appear and to defend our cause in such a general, free, and Christian Council, concerning the convening of which there has been concordant action and a determination by agreeing votes on the part of the Electors, Princes, and the other States of the Empire, in all the Imperial Diets which have been held in the reign of Your I. M. To this Convention of a General Council, as also to Your I. M., we have in the due method and legal form before made our protestation and appeal in this greatest and gravest of

In eventum ergo talem, quod in causa religionis dissensiones inter nos et partes amice et in caritate non fuerint composita, tunc coram V. C. M. hic in omni obedientia nos offerimus, ex superabundanti comparituros et causam dicturos in tali generali, libero et Christiano Concilio, de quo congregando in omnibus Comitiis Imperialibus, quæ quidem annis Imperii V. C. M. habita sunt, per Elec tores, Principes et reliquos Status Imperii semper concorditer actum et congruentibus suffragiis conclusum est. Ad cujus etiam generalis Concilii conventum, simul et ad V. C. M. in hac longe maxima et gravissima causa jam ante etiam debito modo et in forma juris provocavimus et appellavimus. Cui appellationi ad V. C. M. simul et Concilium adhuc adheremus, neque eam per hunc vel alium tractatum | matters. To which appeal both to Your I. M.

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