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Shcr. Elle n'en fait pas encore la nouvelle.
Xant. Fort-bien.


Dans un moment je vais la lui donner. Xant. Et vouz promettez-vous de la déterminer ? Socr. J'ignore

Xant. Quelle femme eft ce? quel caractere ?

Socr. Eh! mais il eft un peu fujet à la colere.
Xant. En ce cas, mon mari, prenez bien garde à vons,
Car vous pourriez fort bien réveiller fon courroux
Et lui, quel homme est-il ?


Mais c'eft un homme comme

Comme quoi vous dirai je? il est comme au autre homme. Xant. Eft il jeune, beau?

Secr. Non.

Xant. Riche?

Socr. Non plus.

Xant. Ha, ha!


Le connois je, au furplus, ce perfonnage là 2

Xant. Connois-je auffi la phyfionomie

De fa femme?

Secr. Oui-dà! c'eft-votre meilleure amie.
Vous n'avez qu'à vouloir, elle consentira ;
Ce que vous réfoudrez, elle le réfoudra.

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S'il eft vrai, j'y confens du meilleur de mon ame.

Xant. D'honneur.

Socr. D'honneur !

Xant. De bonne foi:

Mais qui font donc enfin ces gens-la ?

Socr. [froidement.] Vous & moi.

Xant. [en colere] Ah? fourbe, fcélérat, infidèle, perfide,
Trop indigne mari que la débauche guide!

Traître! c'eft donc ainfi que par de vains détours
Tu me fais applaudir à tes lâches amours ?
Mais ne te flatte pas d'en tirer avantage :
La honte de tes feux fera tout leur partage,

Et je faurai fort bien t'empêcher d'abuser
D'un décret, dont tu veux en vain t'autorifer.

Socr. [tranquillement.] Quoi ne voulez-vous pas qu'au bien de

la Patrie

Comme un autre, à fon tour, votre époux facrifie ?

Xant. Sacrific bon là! facrifice, ma foi!

Qui le feroit, de grace, ou de vous, ou de moi?
Sacrifice! ce mot redouble ma colere.

Socr. Je fuis vraiment fâché qu'il ait pû vous déplaire.
Xant. Certes! il lui fied fort, avec ce beau minois,
De vouloir pofféder deux femmes à la fois,

Lui qui devroit fans ceffe adorer la Fortune,
Qui, contre tout espoir, lui fit en trouver une !
Et c'est moi, malheureufe, à qui dans fon courroug
La Déeffe a donné ce monftre pour époux!
Ce monftre de laideur, ce cœur double & volage,
Qui cherche à s'appuyer d'un ridicule utage,

Pour fuivre un vain caprice, & fans honte infulter
Une femme d'honneur qu'il devroit respecter!

After the account of the plot and characters already given, it is almost needless to add, that, to the great fatisfaction of Xantippe, Euclid is difcovered to be a man, and that Alcibiades and Myrto are reconciled: A marriage is the neccflary confequence, and the play concludes with thefe lines, fpoken by Alcibiades.

Devant l'Etre inconnu, mais qui connoit le cœur,

Venez que je vous jure un eternel ardeur'

We infert them only for the purpose of remarking that the first line contains a jeu de mots; which, confidering the temper of mind and circumftances of the speaker, and that God is the being spoken of, is improper, puerile, and contrary to every principle of good taste.

Several manufcript corrections appear in the copy now be fore us; many of the declamatory paffages are expunged, and the play in other refpects much altered, with a view we fuppofe to fit it for the ftage. We have fome idea that it has been acted, but of this we cannot fpeak with any certainty.

ART. XIX. Mon Voyage en Espagne par, M. Le Marquis de Langle. 2 tom. Chez. Favre, à Neuchatel.

My journey into Spain.

THE author of these travels is as eccentric and egare, as any difciple of the Shandean school. But the vivacity of a Frenchman is as different from that of an Englishman, as the climate of Paris from that of London. The intention of the author is not to describe the fcenes or paint the manners of Spain, much lefs to confine himself within the bounds of truth and nature, but to obtain the character of an hømme d'esprit, and to fay brilliant things on all occafions; in which however he very feldom fucceeds. The following observation on the English character will appear new as well as amufing to the reader. Having had occafion to remark on that natural though abfurd prejudice in manners, by which children are expofed to fhame for the crimes of their fathers, he thus pro


In what code of laws is it written, that fhame fhall be hereditary. and that the crimes of parents fhall be imputed to their children? fhall we punish the innocent even before they are born? Let us break this odious, this ridiculous compact, which we have made with opinion, and re-establish the unfortunate in the rights of humanity, and in the esteem of the univerfe. Our neighbours the English have no occasion to blush at this barbarous prejudice. In England, where a Lord Mayor or a Viceroy of England would efpoufe without reluctance the daughter or the niece of Malagrida: In England, where I could fay without a blufh Cartouch is my father, Dr. Dodd is my uncle;" in England, where crimes are perfonal, the fame cart frequently drags to Tyburn a baronet and a butcher, a lord and a scavenger, and next day at the Exchange, at the court or the theatre, they pay compliments of congratulation to the friends and relations of those criminals who have been hanged for the good of their country.'

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The Marquis de Langle fpeaks very freely concerning men of letters.

M. de Paw is the firft hiftorian, the greatest political writer, and without exception the most ingenious man of his age. Without exception! Yes, without exception. The admirers of M. Raynal will raise a cry of injuftice against me; but thefe cries will not justify that hiftorian for being diffufe, a plagiary, unfaithful in his narration, partial, unjuft, and ill informed; but thefe cries will make nobody forget, that as foon as he approaches to Mount Sinai, to the burning bufh, to the lightnings and the thunder, the Abbe de Raynal feems to come from the prefence of God; the Abbe de Raynal feems to fay with Mofes "Give ear, O heavens, and attend O earth!" and all thofe who liften to him hear nothing but tales, anecdotes, and differtations on fugar and coffee, indigo and tobacco. Plutarch advifes the boafters of his time only to keep company with perfons above them, that their prefence may conftrain them to filence, or at leaft to speak to the purpofe. The receipt of Plutarch is excellent, but will not always fuffice. When Prince Henry paffed through Laufanne, the Abbe de Raynal dined with the prince, whom he interrupted every moment, to fatigue him with idle tales. In vain were signs made for him to hold his tongue; the Abbe faw nothing, and felt nothing; he talked, he talked, he talked.'

From these extracts the reader will fee that the Marquis de Langle is a lively and amufing writer.

ART. XX. Frederic le Grand; or, precious Anecdotes of the prefent King of Pruffia, and his Friends and Enemies. Amfterdam.

THIS collection is intended as a fupplement to Voltaire's

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Memoirs of the King of Pruffia; and is fuch a fequel to that celebrated work, as night is to day. The most remarkable, anecdotes which we find here concerning his Pruffian Majefty are, that the found of his voice is pleafant, efpecially when


he fwears, which he does as frequently and familiarly as a dragoon; that he fhaves his own beard, and dreffes his own hair; that he neither wears a night-cap nor a night-gown; that he always walks in boots, and that the upper part of his waiftcoat is generally covered with fnuff.




ART. XXI. From the Imperial Academy of Sciences at Petersburgh.

T HE first conception, or view of any defign or object, is that which forms and determines its features and character. Before the times of Peter the Great, the vast domains of the Muscovites were funk in barbarism and floth: The maxims that governed the court, were no other than those that regulate the conduct of an Asiatic defpot, or that of the chief of a Tartar hord: Princes rather nominally than really fubordinate, while they lorded it over their own vaffals with a tyrannic fway, difputed the authority of the crown, in frequent infurrections and rebellions.

Thus the vaft Ruffian empire was unwieldy and disjointed ; and, as the Roman empire, according to the elegant expreffion of Livy, tottered under its own weight, in an advanced ftate of its exiftence, fo the Ruffian empire, feebly cemented, and benumbed by ignorance still more than the rigour of climate, was inert in its infancy, except when it was roufed by war, infurrection, and sedition. An energetic and controlling mind was wanting to move and regulate the mighty body. The spirit of the immortal Czar brooded over the incoherent mafs and, infusing his own great ideas into a well-digefted plan for new-moulding and improving his fubjects, merited, more juftly than ever mortal did, the appellation of FATHER OF HIS


This prince, in the year 1697, formed a refolution to vifit foreign nations; which he fulfilled, attended by a great number of young men, and of noblemen, whom he carried with him as hoftages, or pledges for the tranquillity of his domini-. ons. The Czar himfelf, wherever he came, vifited the princes and their minifters; and fent his mcft ingenious young men to the proper places for learning the arts, fciences, language,' and manners of different countries. Having returned from his travels, he taught the Ruffians the principles of government; inftructed them in the military difcipline of the most civilized European nations, and established feminaries for the


liberal and useful arts; and by divers laws and inftitutions laid the foundation of an empire, which will one day eclipse all other governments in the world.

The auguft princefs who now fways the Ruffian fceptre, treads with dignity and glory in the fteps of her great predeceffor, and makes it her conftant aim to accomplish the fchemes which he defigned. Her efforts to introduce, into her dominions, liberty, with all her train, though far from being fruitless, have yet been refifted with too great fuccefs by the defpotic ideas of the Ruffian princes and nobles. But by the light of literature fhe advances, though with flow yet fure fteps, to difpel barbarifm, and to prepare her fubjects for the introduction of fuch laws as fhall nourish, together with free→ dom, all the arts and bleffings of life..

The Imperial Academy of Sciences at Petersburgh, has been diftinguished by feveral illuftrious genuifes, particularly the great Euler, the firft geometrician of his age, and produced feveral curious and important difcoveries in fcience. Subjects, themes, or questions in fcience, are annually given out by this refpectable body, on which the learned and ingenious of all nations are invited to exercise their talents. To the best difcourfe or effay on each of thefe fubjects is given a premium, of one hundred golden crowns, or Flemish ducats +: a mode of reward, which, uniting advantage with honour, is exceedingly well fuited at once to the circumftances and the predo minant paffion of moft literary men. While this reward is. bestowed on the best effay on each of the queftions proposed, other effays that have merit are honourably mentioned and diftinguished. The affairs of this academy, under the auspices. of CATHERINE II. who is juftly ftiled, THE GREATEST PROTECTRESS OF LITERATURE AND THE ARTS ‡, are conducted by the illuftrious princefs DASCHKAW, a lady of the bedchamber, and adorned with the order of St. Catherine, who acts in the character of principal, or directress of the academy; an appointment which is very proper in a female reign, and which adds, in fome degree, the principle of gallantry to the other incitements, by which the great Czarina promotes the cultivation of science.

A member of the imperial academy has communicated to us a publication, written in the Latin language, from which we learn these particulars; it recites the fubject for the prize for the year 1785, and specifies the effay that obtained it, with other effays of great merit; it announces the subject

† Aureorum fcutatorum, value each 9s. 3d.
‡ Literarum atque artium protećtricis maxime.

ENG. REV. Vol. VI. Feb. 1786.



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