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wheth'er on'e mem'ber suf'fer, a'll the mem'bers suf'fer with' it; or one member be honoured, a'll the members rejoi'ce with it. 27 Now ye' are the body of Chri'st, and members in particular. 28 And Go'd hath set som'e in the church, first', apostles; sec'ondarily, proph'ets; thirdly, te'achers; af'ter that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diver'sities of ton'gues. 29 Are' a'll apostles? 'are' a'll prophets? are' a'll te'achers?are' a'll workers of miracles? 30 Have all the gifts of healing? do a'll speak with ton'gues? do a'll interpret? 31 But covet earnestly the best gifts and yet shew I un'to you a mo're ex'cellent way.


CHAP. XIII. Though I speak with the tongues of men' and of a'ngels, and have not char'ity, I am become 'as' soun'ding brass', or a tink'ling cym'bal. 2 And though I have the gift of' prophecy, and understand' a'll mys'teries, and a'll knowledge; and though I have a'll faith, so that I could remo've moun'tains, and have not char'ity, I am nothing. 3 And though I besto'w a'll my goods to fe'ed the po'or,' and though I give my bod'y to be burn'ed, and have not charity, it prof'iteth me noth'ing. 4 Charity suf'fereth long, 'and' is kind; charity en'vieth not; charity vaun'teth not itself', is not puff'ed up, 5 Doth not beha've itself' unse'emly, se'cketh not her o'wn, is not easily provoked, think'eth no e'vil; 6 Rejoi'ceth not in iniq'uity, but rejoiceth in the truth; 7 Bea'reth a'll things, belie'veth a'll things, ho'peth a'll things, endu'reth a'll things. 8 Charity never faileth: but wheth'er 'there be' proph'ecies, they shall fa'il; wheth'er there be' tongues, they shall ce'ase; whether there be knowledge, it shall van'ish away. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. 10 But when that which is perfect is com'e, then that' which is in part shall be done awa'y. When I was a child, I spa'ke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man', I put awa'y childish things. 12 Fo'r now' we see through a glass', da'rkly; but then' fa'ce to fa'ce: now' I know in pa'rt; but then' shall I kno'w e'ven as also I am known. 13 And now abi'deth faith, ho'pe, charity, these thre'e; but the greatest of these 'is' char'ity.

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CHAP. XIV. Follow af'ter char'ity, and desire spir'itual gifts,' but rath'er that ye may proph'esy. 2 Fo'r he that speaketh in an 'unknown' tongue, spc'aketh not un'to



men', but ụn'to Go'd: fo'r no' man understan'deth him ;* howbe'it in the spir'it he spe'aketh mys'teries. 3 But he that proph'esieth spe'aketh un'to men 'to'edifica'tion, and exhorta'tion, and com'fort. 4 He that speaketh in an 'unknown' tongue ed'ifieth himself'; but he that proph'esieth ed'ifieth the church'. 5 I would' that ye all spa'ke with tongues, but rath'er that ye prophesied; fo'r grea'ter 'is' he that proph'esieth than he that spe'aketh with ton'gues, except' he inter'pret, that the church' may rece’ive ed'ifying. Now, breth'ren, if I com'e un'to you spe'aking with tongues, what' shall I prof'it you, except' I shall speak to you either by revela'tion, or by knowl'edge, or by prophesying, or by doc'trine? 7 And e'ven things without' li'fe giving sound, wheth'er pi'pe or ha'rp, except they give a distinction in the sounds, how' shall it be known what' is pi'ped or ha'rped? 8 Fo'r if the trum'pet give an uncer'tain sound', who shall prepa're himself to the bat'tle? 9 So likewise ye', except' ye ut'ter by the ton'gue words e'asy to be understood', how' shall it be known what' is spo'ken? fo'r ye shall spe'ak in'to the air. 10 There are, it may be, so man'y kinds of voi'ces in the world, and non'e of them is without' significa'tion. Therefore if I kno'w not the me'aning of the voice, I shall be un'to him that speaketh a barbarian, and he that spe'aketh shall be' a barbarian un'to me'. Even so ye, forasmuch' as ye are zealous of spiritual gifts,' se'ek that ye may excel' to the ed'ifying of the church'. 13 Wher'efore let him that spe'aketh in an unkno'wn' tongue pra'y that he may inter'pret. 14 For if I pray in an unknown' tongue, my spir'it pra'yeth, but my understan'ding is unfruitful. 15 What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understan'ding a'lso: I will sin'g with the spirit, and I will sing with the understan'ding also. 16 Else, when thou shalt bless' with the spir'it, how shall he that oc'cupieth the room of the un'learned say A'men' at thy giving of thanks, se'eing he understan'deth not what thou sa'yest? 17 For thou ver'ily giv'est thanks well', but the oth'er is not ed'ified. 18 I thank my Go'd, I speak with ton'gues more than ye all: 19 Yet in the church' I had rath'er spe'ak fi've words with my understan'ding, that by my voice' I might te'ach oth'ers also, than ten thou'sand words in an unknown' tongue. 20 Brethren, be not chil'dren in understan'ding: howbe'it in mal'ice be ye children, but in



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understan'ding be men'. 21 In the la'w it is writ'ten, With 'men of' oth'er tongues and oth'er lips will I spe'ak un'to this people; and yet for all that' will they not hear me, saith the Lord. 22 Wherefore ton'gues are for a sign, not to them that belie've, but to them that belie've not' but prophesying ser veth' not for them that belie've not', but for them which belie've. 23 If ther'efore the whole church' be come togeth'er in'to on'e place, and a'll speak with ton'gues, and there come in' those that are unlearned, or unbelievers, will they not sa'y that ye are mad'? 24 But if a'll prophesy, and there come in' one that believeth not', or one' unlearned, he is convin'ced of a'll, he is judged of a'll: 25 And thus' are the se'crets of his hea'rt made man'ifest; and so, falling down on his fa'ce, he will wor'ship Go'd, and repo'rt that Go'd is in' you of a truth. 26 Họw is' it then, breth'ren? when ye come togeth'er, ev'ery on'e of you hath a psalm, hath a doc'trine, hath a ton'gue, hath a revela'tion, hath an interpreta'tion. Let a'll things be done un'to ed'ifying. 27 If an'y man spe'ak in an 'unknown' tongue, let it be' by two, or at the mo'st by' thre'e, and 'that' by co'urse; and let on'e interpret. 28 But if there be no' inter'preter, let him keep silence in the church'; and let him speak to himself', and to Go'd. 29 Let the prophets spe'ak two or thre'e, and let the oth'er judge. 30 If an'y thing' be revealed to anoth'er that sitteth by', let the first hold his peace. 31 Fo'r ye may all prophesy on'e by on'e, that a'll may learn', and a'll may be com'forted. And the spirits of the proph'ets are subject to the proph'ets. 33 For Go'd is not the a'uthor' of confu'sion, but of peace, as in a'll church'es of the saints. 34 Let your

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wom'en keep silence in the church'es: fo'r it is not' permit'ted un'to them' to spe'ak: but they are comman'ded' to be un'der obe'dience, as also sa'ith the la'w. 35 And if they will learn' an'y thing, let them ask' their hus'bands at ho'me fo'r it is a sha'me for wom'en to speak in the church'. 36 What'! ca'me the word of Go'd out from yo'u? or ca'me it unto you o'nly? 37 If an'y man think himself' to be a prophet, or spir'itual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write un'to you are the commandments of the Lord. 38 But if an'y man be ignorant, let' him be ignorant. 39 Wherefore, breth'ren, cov'et to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with ton'gues. 40 Let all things be done de'cently, and in o'rder.

CHAP. XV. Moreover, breth'ren, I decla're un'to you the gospel which I pre'ached un'to you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand'; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye ke'ep in memory what I pre'ached un'to you, unless' ye have belie'ved in vain : 3 For I deliv'ered un'to you first of all that which I also received, how that Chri'st di'ed for our sin's acco'rding to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again' the third day according to the scriptures; 5 And that he was se'en of Ce'phas, then of the twelve: 6 Af'ter that, he was se'en of abov'e five hun'dred breth'ren at once; of whom the grea'ter pa'rt rema'in un'to this pres'ent; but some are fallen asleep. 7 After that, he was se'en of Ja'mes; then of all the apostles. And last'


of all he was se'en of me' a'lso, as of one bo'rn out of due ti'me. 9 For I' am the le'ast of the apostles, that am not me'et to be called an apos'tle, because I persecuted the church of Go'd. 10 But by the grace of Go'd I am' what' I am and his gra'ce which was besto'wed' upon' me was not in vain; but I laboured more abun'dantly than they all: yet not I', but the grace of Go'd which was with' me. Therefore, wheth'er it were' I' or the'y, so we' preach, and so ye' belje'ved. 12 Now, if Chri'st be preached that he ro'se from the dead', how say som'e amon'g you, that there is no' resurrection of the dead? 13 But if there be no' resurrection of the dead, then is Chri'st not ris'en: 14 And if Chri'st be not ris'en, then 'is' our pre'aching va'in, and your fa'ith 'is' a'lso vain. 15 Yea, and we are found false wit'nesses of Go'd; beca'use we have tes'tified of Go'd that he ra'ised up Chri'st: whom he raised not' up, if so' be that the dead ri'se not. 16 Fo'r if the dead ri'se not, then is not Chri'st ra'ised; 17 And if Chri'st be not ra'ised, your fa'ith 'is' va'in; ye are yet in your sin's. 18 Then they also which are fallen asleep in Chri'st are per'ished. 19 If in this life o'nly we have ho'pe in Chri'st, we are of all men most mis'erable. 20 But now' is' Chri'st ris'en from the dead', 'and' become the first'-fru'its of them that slept'. 21 Fo'r since by man' came' death', by man' 'came' also the resurrection of the dead. 22 Fo'r as in Ad'am a'll di'e, e'ven so' in Chri'st shall a'll be made ali've. 23 But every man in his o'wn o'rder: Chri'st the first'-fruits; af'terward the'y that are Chri'st's at his com'ing. 24 Then com'eth' the end', when he shall have de



liv'ered up the kingdom to Go'd, e'ven the Father; when he shall have put down' a'll rule, and a'll authority and power. 25 Fo'r he must re'ign, till he hath put a'll en'emies un'der his feet. 26 The last' en'emy that' shall be destroy'ed 'is' death'. 27 Fo'r he hath' put a'll things un'der his fe'et. But when he saith, a'll things are put un'der him, it is' man'ifest that he' is excep'ted which did' put a'll things under him. 28 And when all things shall be subdu'ed un'to him, then shall the Son also himself' be sub'ject un'to him' that put all things un'der him, that Go'd may be all in' a'll. 29 Else what shall the'y do which are baptized for the dead', if the dead ri'se not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead? 30 And why stand we in jeop'ardy ev'ery hour? 31 I protest' by your rejoicing which I have in Chri'st Je'sus our Lo'rd, I di'e da'ily. 32 If after the man'ner of men' I have fo'ught with beasts at Eph'esus, what advan'tageth it me if the dead ri'se not? let us eat and drink'; fo'r to-morrow we di'e. 33 Be not deceived e'vil communications corrupt' good' man'ners. 34 Awa'ke to right'eousness, and sin' not; fo'r som'e have not the knowledge of Go'd: I speak 'this'' to your sha'me. 35 But some man' will say, How' are the dead ra'ised up? and with what' bod'y do they com'e? 36 Thou' fo'ol, that which thou so'west is not quick'ened, except' it di'e. 37 And that which thou so'west, thou so'west not that' body that shall' be, but ba're gra'in, it may chance of wheat, or of some oth'er gra'jn: 38 But Go'd giv'eth it a bod'y as it hath pleased him, and to every se'ed his own body. 39 A'll flesh is not the sa'me flesh but there is' on'e 'kind of flesh of men', anoth'er flesh of be'asts, anoth'er of fish'es, 'and' anoth'er of birds. 40 There are also celes'tial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial 'is' on'e, and the 'glo'ry' of the terrestrial 'is' another. 41 There is on'e glo'ry of the sun, and another glo'ry of the moon, and anoth'er glo'ry of the stars; for on'e' star dif'fereth from anoth'er' star in glo'ry. 42 So' also 'is' the resurrec'tion of the dead' it is so'wn in corruption, it is ra'ised in in'corruption: 43 It is so'wn in dishon'our, it is raised in glo'rý: it is so'wn in weakness, it is raised in pow'er: 44 It is so'wn a natural bod'ý, it is ra'ised a spiritual bod'y. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual bod'y. 45 And so it is writ'ten, The first' man Ad'am was made a living so'ul,



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