Psychological Monographs, Volume 25American Psychological Association, 1918 |
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Expressions et termes fréquents
30 secs accuracy algebra amoeba analysis apparatus arithmetic attitude auditory imagery average biology botany caffeine cerebellum chemistry chlorophyll color consonance consonance and dissonance correlation crustacean curve degree of attention dementia praecox denoting or implying determining tendency difficult movement dots Double Single duodenum easier effect efficiency error experimental experiments Extensor fact factors Failure Frequency fatigue feeling flexor forefinger fraction geography geometry given green high standard value imagery impulse individual differences Individuality Frequency inhibition interference intervals introspection investigation kinaesthetic kymograph laboratory lists mathematics measure ment mental method mollusc motor motor imagery musical normal observers omissions pairs physics physiology pitch discrimination problem protoplasm Psych Psychol Psychological Review psychology react retroactive inhibition revolution rhythm rhythmic Ring finger Series singing slow speed stimuli stimulus words subjects synkinesis tapping task term test records tion Tonal memory tones trigonometry variation Word denoting zoology
Fréquemment cités
Page 16 - The individual determining tendencies responsible for individual differences we propose to call "personal determinants," because they constitute collectively the complex known as personality. Setting out with our primary determining tendency, viz., the course of least exertion, we shall see that all the other tendencies are either manifestations of the same principle or else modified by it. The course of least exertion has been taken account of in more than one work, but so far as the writer is aware,...
Page 3 - Research Laboratory of the National Lamp Works of the General Electric Company at Cleveland, and C. Zwikker1' in the Research Laboratory of the Philips' Lamp Company in Eindhoven, Holland.
Page 56 - MUSICAL TRAINING 1. In public schools 2. Private vocal lessons (when, where, how long, etc.) 3. Private instrumental lessons (when, where, how long, etc.) II. MUSICAL ENVIRONMENT 1. Instruments in your home, and their use 2. Musical encouragement at home (trained voices in family) 3. Opportunities for hearing music of any sort (specific) • III. MUSICAL EXPRESSION 1. Favorite selections you can sing (by ear? by note?) 2. Favorite selections you can play (by ear? by note? instruments?) 3. Singing...
Page 113 - Gerne dien' ich den Freunden, doch thu' ich es leider mit Neigung, Und so wurmt es mir oft, daß ich nicht tugendhaft bin. ENTSCHEIDUNG Da ist kein anderer Rath, du mußt suchen, sie zu verachten Und mit Abscheu alsdann thun, wie die Pflicht dir gebeut.
Page 50 - refractory period" (compare p. 131) is also a phenomenon related, at least superficially, to fatigue, though in duration it lies at the other extreme from the progressive type. It seems to be of the nature of a back-swing from the condition of activity. There is, apparently, a radical difference between metabolic fatigue, which really lowers the power of an organ, and the inhibitions which result from the action of certain stimuli to the organ. It is probable that inhibitions or interferences give...
Page 111 - ... refuse to follow it. He who under the surgeon's knife represses cries of pain, or he who exposes himself to social obloquy for duty's sake, feels as if he were following the line of greatest temporary resistance. He speaks of conquering and overcoming his impulses and temptations. But the sluggard, the drunkard, the coward, never talk of their conduct in that way, or say they resist their energy, overcome their sobriety, conquer their courage, and so forth.
Page 70 - Plants of high latitudes are more sensitive to heat and cold than those of the same species growing nearer the equator ; ie, they start or vegetate relatively earlier in spring. This subject has been investigated in several directions ; but, so far as the writer is aware, it has not been pursued in this couutry in relation to germination of seeds.
Page 17 - Guglielmo Ferrero : Les Lois Psychologiques du Symbolisme, p. 18. assumptions and sweeping generalizations ; yet we cannot afford on that account to lose sight of the suggestive idea that FERRERO has hit upon. In his last work51 the late Professor Ribot has approached the subject with more insight than his younger contemporary, applying the "least effort" tendency in various connections in close conjunction with the law of parsimony or economy. The pith of his remarks is expressed in the following:...
Page 36 - ... or approximately to the first occurring secondary maximum. (8) The rotation of localization with experienced observers occurred as follows: At o° phase difference the sound was localized as in front and distant, ie, external to the head. The localization then described in a horizontal plane a path which appeared to be somewhat circular, but in which the apparent distance contracted until the path entered the ear leading in phase. Then at about 180° phase difference the localization passed quickly...