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SPEECH of the Queen-Regent of the Netherlands, on the Opening of the States-General.-The Hague, September 19, 1893.



C'EST avec un sentiment de reconnaissance que je puis, à l'eccasion de l'ouverture de la Session Ordinaire des États-Généraux, donner au sujet de la situation générale du pays des communications satisfaisantes à beaucoup d'égards.

Les relations avec toutes les Puissances étrangères sont éminemment amicales. L'invitation que j'ai adressée à plusieurs Gouvernements dans le but de préparer une entente concernant le règlement de certaines questions touchant le droit international privé a été accueillie favorablement.

La flotte et l'armée continuent, tant dans le pays que dans les Colonies, à s'acquitter de leur tâche d'une manière digne de tout éloge.

Dans plusieurs localités les résultats de la récolte ont été moins favorables par suite de la sécheresse prolongée du commencement de l'été. L'état du bétail peut être considéré en général comme satisfaisant. Aucun changement notable ne s'est pro luit dans l'état du commerce, de l'industrie, et de la navigation.

L'état sanitaire général est satisfaisant. Jusqu'ici le pays est resté préservé d'une propagation sérieuse des maladies contagieuses qui ont si gravement menacé la sauté publique et le bétail dans le courant de l'année dernière.

Des travaux de la plus haute importance vous attendent de nouveau pendant cette Session.

J'en appelle en premier lieu à votre co-opération pour continuer et terminer l'examen du projet de Loi, dont la discussion est restée pendante, et qui a pour objet de régler le droit électoral pour la Seconde Chambre des États-Généraux et pour les États Pro


Les projets de Loi, dont vous avez déjà été saisis, demeurent recommandés à votre appréciation.

Un projet de Loi sur la discipline militaire sera soumis incessamment à vos délibérations. D'autres propositions tendant à améliorer notre législation vous seront également présentées.

L'état des finances du pays est satisfaisant. Une augmentation. des impôts n'est pas requise, et les fonds dont dispose le Trésor suffisent à couvrir les exigences du service.

Un projet de Loi destiné à garantir la sécurité et l'hygiène dans les fabriques et ateliers, vous sera présenté.

Des propositions vous seront soumises, ayant pour objet l'amé lioration de l'administration publique dans les Indes Néerlandaises. J'en appelle à nouveau avec confiance, Messieurs, à votre zèle et à votre dévouement.

Puissent vos travaux, sous la bénédiction de Dieu, contribuer à la prospérité durable de notre patrie bien-aimée.

Au nom de la Reine je déclare ouverte la Session Ordinaire des États-Généraux.

BRITISH NOTIFICATION respecting the Claims of British Subjects on the Government of Venezuela. - London, August 22, 1893.*

Foreign Office, August 22, 1893.

THE Earl of Rosebery, K.G., has received the following despatch from Her Majesty's Consul at Carácas, respecting the claims of British subjects on the Venezuelan Government :



British Consulate, Carácas, July 12, 1893.

I have the honour to inclose copy and translation of a communication received yesterday from Count von Kleist, returning all British claims in his possession, his Excellency stating that they should be presented by the interested parties or their attorneys to the Commission of Public Credit.

I herewith send copies of Decree establishing this Commission, which is referred to in above-mentioned despatch, and trust that your Lordship will approve of my having informed Mr. Ch. H. de Lemos, the British Vice-Consul at Ciudad Bolivar, of the above measure, as per inclosed copy of my despatch to him, as nearly all the claimants reside in Guiana. I have, &c., The Earl of Rosebery.





Caracas, July 8, 1893.

As the claims of British subjects due to the late revolution, deposited at this Legation, may be numbered amongst those that may be submitted for examination to the Commission of Public Credit in accordance with Articles 10 and 11 of the Decree of the 9th June, published in the official "Gazette" of the 12th June last, it is necessary that the claimants should, without delay, present

"London Gazette," August 25, 1893.

eir duly authorized petitions to said Commission, either personally through their attorneys.

To this end this Legation returns to Her Majesty's Consulate, r delivery to the claimants or their agents, after retaining a record ereof in its archives, the claims that in due time were sent to it, ong with one from the Carenero Railway Company.

As the Resolution referred to affords claimants a possibility of le restitution of their rights, they should, without loss of time, ike the necessary steps not to be further on excluded therefrom. Herewith I send all the documents relative to claims of British subjects.

II. L. Boulton, Esq.

KLEIST, Imperial German Minister Resident.

DECREE of the Netherlands Government, for carrying out, as far as relates to Netherlands India, Article 2 of the Law of the 30th September, 1893, containing provisions concerning Trade-Marks.-The Loo, November 9, 1893.


In the name of Her Majesty Wilhelmina, by the grace of God Queen of the Netherlands, Princess of Orange-Nassau, &c.; We, Emma, Regent of the kingdom;

On the proposal of the Ministers of the Colonies and of Justice, dated the 4th October, 1893, and 10th October, 1893;

Having consulted the Council of State;

Having regard to the subsequent Reports of the Ministers aforesaid of the 3rd November, 1893, and of the 7th November, 1893;

Having regard to the Convention concluded at Madrid on the 14th April, 1891, ratified by the Law of the 12th December, 1892, and to Article 2 of the Law of the 30th September, 1893:


We have sanctioned and approved the following Articles :ART. 1. The Department of Justice in Netherlands India, as a Branch Office of the Head Office for Industrial Property installed at the Hague, is charged with the service relating to industrial property in Netherlands India.

That Branch Office is also a Branch Registration Office, charged with supplying information to the public concerning trade-marks in Netherlands India.

The Branch Office shall furnish the Head Office at the Hague with all the information required by the latter Office relating to industrial property.

2. The right to an exclusive use of any mark distinguishing any person's manufactures or articles of commerce from those of another person belongs to that person who has first made use of that mark for the intended object in Netherlands India or in the Netherlands, Surinam, or Curaçao, but only for that description of goods for which he uses it, and for not longer than three years from the date of its having been last used.

In the absence of proof to the contrary, and in accordance with the provision contained in the following paragraph, the person who was the first to comply with the instructions in Article 3 shall be accounted as the person who first made use of the mark sent in.

Every person who has sent in a mark to the Branch Office for Industrial Property within the dates fixed in Article IV of the International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, concluded at Paris on the 20th March, 1883,* and which he has deposited, according to the regulations, in one of the States that are parties to that Convention, with due observance of Article VI of the Convention aforesaid, shall be accounted as having used that mark in Netherlands India from the beginning of the date applicable to the case.

3. In order to obtain the registration of a mark, the person concerned shall send to the Branch Office for Industrial Property two copies, with his signature affixed, of a distinct drawing, and with them a corresponding accurate description of his mark. In this description must also be mentioned the kind of wares for which the mark is intended, and the address of the sender.

The mark may also be sent in by another person, with an authorization in writing.

The mark must contain no words or representations at variance with public order or morality. It must not contain, even with a slight variation, the arms or the seal of any legally-recognized Corporation.

The sum of 10 fl. must be paid on every mark sent in, and in no case will this amount be returned.

4. The mark sent in according to the foregoing Article, reserving the provision in Article 8, shall be entered by the Branch Office for Industrial Property, within three days from the receipt thereof, in the public register appointed for that object, the form being the same as that decided on by the Minister of Justice according to Article 5 of the Law of the 30th September, 1893.

The two copies of the drawing sent in and the description shall be initialled, with the date annexed, and the number under which they have been entered in the register.

* Vol. LXXIV, page 44.

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One of these copies shall be returned to the sender within three 8 after this registration.

In the case mentioned in the second paragraph of Article 3 the thorization shall be attached to the other copy.

5. The descriptions mentioned in Article 3 of the marks gistered since the last public announcement shall be inserted the Branch Office for Industrial Property in the next number of e" Javasche Courant," the kind of wares for which they are innded, and the addresses of the senders being stated.

A drawing of the mark shall be annexed to each announcement the sender has deposited a "cliché," 1.5 centim. at least in ugth and breadth, and not exceeding 10 centim., and 2-4 centim. hick. This "cliché" shall, when done with, be returned to the ender on his request.

These announcements shall be made in separate supplements of he Javasche Courant," which shall be separably accessible for Jublic inspection.

6. All persons, whether residing or not residing in Netherlands. India, having their principal trade and industrial establishments there, who wish to secure protection for a mark already sent in according to Article 3, in other States also which are parties to the Convention of Madrid mentioned in this Decree, shall send to the Branch Office for Industrial Property four more copies, one with their signatures annexed, of a distinct drawing of such mark, and either a "cliché," as described in the preceding Article, or a French translation, also signed, of the description of the mark sent in according to Article 3.

The second paragraph of Article 3 is applicable in this case.

The sum of 55 fl. for each mark must be paid on sending it in, which will in no case be refunded.

If the mark sent in according to Article 3 is not registered in accordance with Article 4, the Branch Office for Industrial Property shall give notice to the sender that the application for registration at the International Office at Berne cannot be entertained.

If the mark has been registered according to Article 4, the Branch Office for Industrial Property shall at once send, inclosing the sum of 50 fl., the three unsigned copies of the drawing mentioned in the first paragraph, with the "cliché" or the signed French translation of the description of the mark, to the Office at the Hague, which shall make immediate application for its registration at the International Office at Berne.

The Branch Office shall retain the copy of the drawing with the signature, which shall be initialled.

The Office at the Hague shall immediately inform the Branch Office of everything brought to its knowledge by the International [1892-93. LXXXV.]

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