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171. Doubting may confift with an Intereft in Chrift, Con. 17:3. 18: 4. Cat. 81. And therefore fhould not hinder from partaking of the Lord's Supper, Cat. 172. But the Ignorant and Scandalous are not to be admitted, Con.29: 8. Cat. 173. What Duties required in the Time of receiving, Cat. 174. What Duties after receiving, Cat. 175. Frequent Attendance on it, a Duty, Cat. 175, 177 The Agreement and Difference between the Lord's Supper and Baptifm, Cat. 176, 177LOTS, Cat. 112, 113. LOVE. Election is of Gods free Love, Con. 3: 5. Cat. 13. Which is unchangeable, Con. 17: 2. Cat. 79. and therefore true Believers can neither totally nor finally fall away from theState of Grace, Ibid. The Senfe of God's Love is attainable in this Life, Cat. 83. See Affurance. Love to God is a Duty, Cat. 104. which the Light of Nature fheweth, Con. 21: 1. To love the Lord our God with all our Heart, &c. is the Sum of our Duty to him, Cat. 102. Love to God is neceffary to the right Performance of the Duty of Prayer, Con.21: 3. Cat. 185. Love to God and the Brethren is neceffary to right Communicating, Cat. 168, 171, 174. True Believers are never utterly deftitute of the Love of Chrift and the Brethren, Con. 18: 4. Wherein Love towards our Neighbour confifts, Cat. 135, 141, 144, 147. what contrary to it, Cat. 136,142, 145, 148. It is the Sum of our Duty to Man, Cat. 1'2 2. LYING, finful, Cat. 145.



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AGISTRATES, appointed by God, Con, 23: 1. For

what End, ibid, Lawful for Chris ftians to accept the Office of a Magiftrate, Con. 23:2. The Du. ty of the Civil Magiftrate, Con. 23:2. Cat. 129. Con. 20:4. Read the Scriptures Letter The Sins of the Magiftrate, Cat. 130, 145. He may wage War upon juft and neceffary Occafions, Con. 23. 2. His Power in Church Affairs ftated, Con. 23.3. The Duty of the People toward their Magiftrates, Con. 23:4. Cat. 127. Their Sins against them, Cat. 128. Ecclefiaftical Perfons not exempted from Obedience to the civil Ma

giftrate, Con. 23: 4. The Pope hath no Power or Jurifdiction over Magiftrates or their People, ibid. The Magiftrate is not to be oppofed in the lawful Exercise of his Power, upon pretence of Chriftian Liberty, Con. 20: 4 Infidelity or Difference in Religion doth not make void the Magiftrates juft and legal Authority, Con. 23:4.

MAN, How created, Con. 4: 2; Cat. 17. His State before the Fall, Con.4: 2. Cat. 17, 20. His Fall and the Effects of it, Con, 6. Cat, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29. His State by the Covenant of Grace, Con. 7:3, 4, 5, 6. Car. 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35. End, Cat. 1. MAN-STEALING, discharged,Cat,

Man's chief

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Degrees can never be made lawful, ibid. Proteftants fhould not marry with Infidels, Papifts or other Idolaters, Con. 24: 3. Nor fuch as are Godly, with those that are notoriously wicked, ibid. A Contract of Marriage may be diffolved for Adultery or Fornication committed after the Contract, Con. 24:5. The Bond of Marriage can only be diffolved for Adultery after Marriage, and fuch wilful Desertion as cannot be remedied, Con. 24: 5, 6. Undue Delay of Marriage, prohibiting of lawful, and dispensing with unlawful Marriages, are finful, Cat. 139. Vows of perpetual fingle Life, are finful Snares in which no Chriftian may intangle himself, Con. 22: 7. Cat. 139. Those who have not the Gift of Continency ought to marry, Cat. 138. The Duties of married Perfons, Cat. 139, 141. The MASS abominably injurious to Chrift's one only Sacrifice, Con. 29: 2.

MEANS. God in his ordinary Providence maketh Ufe of Means; yet is free to Work without, above and againft them at his Pleasure, Con. 5:3. The outward and ordinary Means of Salvation under the Law, Con. 7: 5. Cat. 34. Under the Gospel, Con. 7:6. Cat. 35, 154. The diligent Ufe of them is required in order to escape the Wrath of God, Cat. 153. How they are made effectual, Con. 25: 3. Cat. 155, 161, 182. Trusting in Means, finful, Cat. 105. Unlawful Means not to be used, ibid.

The MERCY of God, Con. 2: r.
Cat. 7.
It is manifested in his
Works of Providence, Con. 5:1.
It is of God's free Love and
Mercy that the Elect are deliver-
ed from Sin and Misery, and
brought to an Estate of Salva-
tion by the second Covenant,
Cat. 30.
God is Merciful to pe-
nitent Sinners in Chrift, Con. is:
2. Cat. 76. For whofe fake Mer-
cy is to be prayed for, Cat. 180.
Works of Mercy are to be done,
even on the Lord's Day, Con. 21%
8. Cat. 117.

MERIT. NO Merit in good Works,
for Pardon of Sin or eternal Life,
and why, Con. 16: 5. Nor can
we merit the outward Bleffings
of this Life, Cat. 193. But we
are to truft in the Merits of
Chrift, Cat. 174. Who appears
ing in the merit of his Obedience
and Sacrifice, maketh Intercef-
fion for his People, Cat. 55.
MESSIAH. The Elect under the
Old Teftament believed in the
promised Meffiah by whom they
had full Remiffion of Sins, and
and eternal Salvation, Con. 7:5.
8:6. Cat. 34.

The MINISTRY given by Chrift

to the Visible Church, Con, 25:3. The Maintenance thereof, a Duty, Cat. 108. A Minifter of the Gofpel is one fufficiently gifted, and alfo duly approved and lawfully called and ordained to that Office, Con. 27: 4. 28: 2. Cat.. 158. By fuch only the Word is to be read publickly and preached, and the Sacraments difpenfed, Con. 27:4. 28. 2. Cat. 156, 158, 159, 169.

Falfe MEASURES unlawful, Cat. MORAL LAW, See Law.

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of the Body of Sin, Con. 13: 1. Believers draw Strength from the Death and Refurrection of Chrift for the mortifying of Sin, Cat. 167.




AME OF CHRIST. That Prayer be accepted, it is to be made in the Name of Christ, Con. 21: 3. Cat. 178. What it is to pray in the Name of Chrift, Cat. 180. Why Prayer is to be made in his Name, Cat. 181 The NAME OF GOD is only that by which Men ought to fwear, and therein it is to be used with all holy Fear and Reverence, Con. 22:2. How the Name of God ought to be used, and how it is profaned, Cat. 112, 113,

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impofed by lawful Authority, ought to be taken, Ibid. it is a fin to refuse it, Con. 22: 3. A Man muft swear nothing but what he is fully perfwaded is truth; neither may he bind himself by Oath to any thing but what he believes to be just and good, and what he is able to perform, Ibid. An Oath is to be taken in the plain and common Sense of the Words; and in Things not finful, it binds to Performance, tho' to a Man's own Hurt, or made to Hereticks, Con. 22:4. Cat. 113. But it cannot oblige to Sin, Ibid. OBEDIENCE is due to God in whatsoever he is pleased to command, Con. 2:2. Cat. 104. Chrift hath performed perfect Obedience to the Law for us in our Nature, Con. 8: 4. Cat. 38, 39, 48, 97. And by it purchased an everlafting Inheritance in the Kingdom of Heaven for the Elect, Con. 8: 5. Cat. 38. His Obedience is imputed to Believers, Con. 11: 1. Cat. 70. He hath not abolished, But much ftrengthned the Obli gation to the Obedience of the Moral Law, Con. 19: 5. Good Works done in obedience to God's Commands, are the Fruits and Evidences of a true Faith, Con. 16. 2. Cat. 32. How the fincere, tho' imperfect Obedience of Believers, is accepted and rewarded, Con. 16: 6. OBEDIENCE is due to the lawful Commands of Magistrates, CTM. 23: 4. Cat. 127, 128. OFFICES of Chrift, of Mediator. See Mediator. His Prophetical Office, Cat. 43. Prieftly, Car. 44. and Kingly, Cat. 45. The OLD TESTAMENT in Hebrew, is that to which the Church is finally to appeal in Controverfies of Religion, Cm. 1: 5.


The Adminiftration of the Covenant of Grace, under the Law, is called The Old Teftament, Con.


7: 5. The ORDINANCES of GoD given by Chrift to the Vifible Church, Con. 25: 3. The Ordinances under the Law, Con.7:5. Cat. 34. Those under the Gofpel, Con. 7:6. Cat.35. Which are fewer, and adminiftred with more Simplicity, and lefs outward Glory; yet in them Grace and Salvation are held forth in more Fulnefs, Evidence and Efficay, Ibid. All God's Ordinances, especially the Word, Sacraments, and Prayer, are the outward and ordinary Means of Salvation, Cat. 154. How they are made effectual, Con. 25: 3. Cat. 155, 161, 182. The neglect, Contempt or oppofing them, finful, Cat. 109. ORIGINAL Corruption, See Corruption. Original Sin, See Sin.


APISTS. Proteftants fhould
not marry with Papifts, Con.


24: 3. PARDON, See Sin. PASSIONS, to be reftrained, Cat. 135, 136.

PASSOVER, one of the Types and : Ordinances by which the Cove

nant of Grace was adminiftred under the Law, Con. 7: 5. Cat. 34.

PATIENCE. Patient bearing of
the Hand of God, a Duty, Cat.
135. Patient bearing and for.
giving of Injuries, a Duty, ibid.
PEACE of Confcience, See Con-

PEDO-BAPTIS M, See Infants.

They whom God hath accepted
in Chrift can never totally nor

finally fall away from the Eftate of Grace, Can. 17:1. Cat. 77,79. Upon what their Perfeverance depends, Con.17:2. Cat. 79. How far they may fall, Con. 6:5. 11: 5. 13:2. 17:3. 18:4. Cat. 78. They are always kept from utter Defpair, Con. 18:4. Cat. 81. How they are recovered when they fall under God's fatherly Difpleafure, Con. 11:5. 13:3.

Three PERSONS in the Godhead
distinguished by perfonal Proper-
ties, Con. 2: 3. Cat. 9, 10. The
Equality of the Persons proved,
Cat. II.

two Natures in Chrift, Con. 8: 2.
Cat. 36, 37. By Reason of this
Union, the proper Works of each
Nature are accepted of God and
relied on by Believers as the
Work of the whole Person, Çɔ.
8: 7. Cat. 40.
PHYSICK to be used moderatly,

Cat. 135.

Lafcivious PICTURES discharged,
Cat. 139.

POLIGAMY, unlawful, Con. 24: 1.
Cat. 139.

The POPE has no Power or Jurifdiction over Civil Magiftrates or their People, Con. 23:4. He is in no fenfe Head of the Church, but is Antichrift, Can. 25: 6. POWERS Ecclefiaftical or Civil, not to be oppofed upon pretence of Chriftian Liberty, C. 20: 4. Power of the Keys, See Keys. PRAISES to be joined with Prayer, Cat. 196.

The PRAISE of any good, we
either are, have, or can do, not to
be afcribed to Fortune, Idols,
our felves, or any other Crea-
ture, Cat. 105.
PRAYER, What, Cat. 178. The
Duty of all Men, Con. 21:3. To
be made to God only, and why,


Con. 21:2. Cat.179. That it may be accepted, it is to be made in the Name of Chrift, by the Help of the Spirit, Con. 21:3. Cat. 178. What it is to pray in the Name of Chrift, Cat. 180 Why Prayer is to be made in his Name, Cat. 181. How the Spirit helps to pray, Cat. 182. How Prayer is to be made, Con. 21:3. Cat. 185. For what and for whom we are to pray, Con. 21: 4. Cat. 183, 184. Prayer not to be made for the dead, nor for thofe of whom it may be known that they have finned the Sin unto death, ibid. Prayer, now under the Gofpel, is not made more acceptable by any Place in which it is performed, nor towards which it is directed, Con. 21: 6. The Rule of Prayer, Cat. 186. The LORD'S PRAYER, How to be used, Cat. 187. It is explained in the Catechifm from Question 188, to the End. PREACHING of the Word, is a Part of the ordinary religious Worship of God, Con. 21:5. And

one of the Ordinances in which the Covenant of Grace is adminiftred under the New Teftament, Con. 7:6. Cat. 35. None are to preach the Word, but Minifters of the Gospel, Cat. 158. How they are to preach, Cat. 159. How the preaching of the Word is made effectual to Salvation, Cat. 155. PREDESTINATION, Con. 3: 3,4. Cat. 13. The Doctrine of Predeftination how to be handled, and what Ufe to be made ofit, Con. 3: 8. PREPARATION required to the hearing of the Word, Cat. 160. What Preparation requifite to the Sabbath, Cat. 117. What to the Lord's Supper, Cat, 171.

PRESCIENCE, See Foreknowledge, PRIESTLY OFFICE of Chrift, how executed, Cat. 44. PRIVAT WORSHIP in Families daily, a Duty, Can. 21: 6. C4,


PRIVILEDGES of the Invisible Church, and of the Visible, Sa Courch. PRODIGALITY, a Sin, Cat. 142. The PROFESSION of the Gospel is adorned by good Works, Con. 16: 2. And ought to be attended with a Conversation in Holiness and Righteousness, Cat. 112,


PROPERTY in Goods and Pof

feffions not infringed by the Communion of Saints, Con.26:3. PROPHECIES. The Covenant of Grace adminiftred by Prophecies under the Law, Cm. 7: 5. Cat. 34The PROPHETICAL OFFICE

of Chrift, how executed, Cat. 43PROPITIATION. Chrift's one only Sacrifice the alone Propitiation for all the Sius of the Ele&t, Con. 29: 2. PROTESTANTS fhould not marry with Papifts, Con. 24: 3. PROVIDENCE, is God's moft Holy, Wife and Powerful preferving, directing, difpofing and governing all his Creatures and all their Actions; according to his infallible Foreknowledge, and immutable Decree; to the Glory of his Wifdom Power, Juftice, Goodnefs and Mercy, Con. 5: 1. Cu 18. Events are ordered according to the Nature of fecond Caufes, Can. 3: 1. 5:2. God in his ordinary Providence maketh Ufe of Means, yet is free to Work without, above and against them at his Pleafure, Con. 5: 3. How Providence is exercifed about Sin, Con. 5: 4. See Sin. The actual Influence of the Holy

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