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founder of the cell-theory in its relation to animal endogenous. Cartilage-C. afford a good example or tissues, and as has since been confirmed by Kölliker this process. The nucleus and the contents of each and other later observers. The contents of the parent cell undergo division into two parts, so that nucleus usually consist, the number of C. is successively doubled. This with the exception of process is exhibited in fig. 4, where a represents the nucleus, of a limpid or slightly yellowish b d fluid, from which water and acetic acid precipitate granular matter. In general, only one nucleus exists in each cell, except when it is multiplying (a process which we shall presently explain); occasionally, however, we meet with several nuclei -four, ten, or even twenty (see fig. 3).

Fig. 3.

a, cells with a single nucleus; b, a cell with two nuclei.


The nucleolus round, sharply defined, and often so small as to Nucleoli are found in

be almost immeasurable.
most nuclei so long as the latter are still young,
and in many during their whole existence. As,
however, nuclei exist in which no nucleolus can be
detected, we cannot regard the nucleolus as so essen-
tial an element of the cell as the nucleus. Most

commonly a nucleus contains only one nucleolus;
two are not unfrequently seen; more are rare.

Our knowledge of the chemical composition of C. is very imperfect. That the cell-membrane is a protein substance (q. v.)-at all events in young C.-is obvious from its solubility in acetic acid and in dilute caustic alkalies; and the membrane of the nucleus seems to have a similar composition; while there are chemical reasons for believing that the nucleolus is composed of fat. In the contents of most C. we usually find such substances as occur in solution in the cytoblastema-viz., water, albumen, fat, extractive matters, and salts; and in the C. of secreting organs, as, for instance, the liver and kidneys, we find the special secretions of those glands; in the blood-C., we find hæmatocrystalline, &c.

There are two perfectly distinct ways in which C. can be generated: they may be developed independently of other C. in a plastic fluid (the cytoblastema); or they may be developed from preexisting C. by cell-multiplication, the existing C. either producing secondary C. within themselves, or multiplying by division. In both these latter kinds of cell-development, the nucleus seems to be the centre of development of the young cells.

In order that free or independent cell-development shall take place, we must have a cytoblastema containing protein substances (probably fibrin), fat, and certain salts (especially phosphates) in solution; and very possibly the presence of the particles of pre-existing C. may also be necessary, in which case free cell-development ceases to exist. The chyle and lymph corpuscles may be mentioned as examples of this mode of cell-formation. The steps of the process are not very clearly made out, but we know that the nuclei are first formed, and that the cell-membranes are developed around them. Free cell-development is far less common in man and the higher animals than cell-multiplication, and, we believe, never occurs in the vegetable kingdom. All pathological cell-formations-the C. in pus (q. v.), and in other morbid exudations-come, however, under this head.

The development of C. within other C. is of very common occurrence. An original or parent cell produces two or more secondary or daughter C., and the process of formation is said to be


Fig. 4.


the original cell; b, the same, beginning to divide; c, the same, shewing the complete division of the nucleus; d, the same, with the valves of the nucleus separated, and the cavity of the cell subdivided; e, a continuation of the same process, with cleavage in a direction transverse to the first, so as to form a cluster of four C.; and f, g, h, the production of a longitudinal series of C., so as to produce filaments, by continuous cleavage in the same direction. The takes place cannot be definitely made out in all mode in which the multiplication of the nucleus cases, but when clear observation is possible, the nucleoli first divide into two, and then separate.

A multiplication of C. by division has been proved to take place in the red blood-C. of the embryos of birds and mammals, and in the first colourless blood-C. of the tadpole, and very probably occurs extensively in many embryonic and adult tissues, in which a self-multiplication of C. is certain, but where no parent C. with secondary C. can be detected. In fig. 5 are shewn the blood-C. of the


Fig. 5.

Blood-corpuscles of the Chick, in the act of division.

chick dividing in this manner. In this and similar cases we have an elongation of the cell, and the single nucleus becomes divided into two; the cell then suffers constriction in the middle, which proceeds till it finally separates into two parts, each of which contains a nucleus. This variety of cellformation affords a good illustration of the doubt and difficulty connected with this class of investigations. It was altogether unknown to Schwann when he published his great work in 1839, and was first noticed and described by Remak in 1841, who, however, subsequently retracted his published view, and did not again advocate it till Kölliker confirmed his observation, and declared it to be correct.

No satisfactory theory has been propounded with the view of explaining the development of cells, Schwann compares the formation of C. with that of crystals, but it must be recollected that the molecular attraction concerned in the formation of


C. is so far peculiar, that-1. It never produces indiscriminately; but they have the power of taking geometrical solids, but even in the nucleus and up one constituent, and rejecting another, and thus nucleolus determines a globular form; 2. That it exhibit a selective faculty. aggregates not homogeneous, but chemically different substances; and 3. That the final result of its action-namely, the cell-is extremely limited in size, while a crystal may be of a comparatively indefinite magnitude.

The growth of C. requires some notice. Growth probably occurs in all C., although not in all to the same extent. It is most obvious in those which are formed directly round a nucleus, since in these the membranes which at first closely invest the nucleus, in time become distended and enlarged, and merely remain in contact with the nucleus at one point. Growth may take place either in surface or in thickness. The former is most commonly general-viz., in all those cases where C. increase without altering their form; but is sometimes partial-viz., in those cases in which the cell deviates considerably from the primary globular form. The latter occurs to a certain degree in all C., but in some kinds to a far greater extent than in others. In fig. 6, two cartilage-C., magnified 350 diameters, are shewn, in which the walls are much thickened; in addition to their nucleus, each contains a clear drop of fat. The nuclei and nucleoli also take part to a certain extent in the growth of the cells. Schwann gives the following general explanation of the process of growth. He considers that the molecules of the cell-membrane exert an attractive influence on the fluid which surrounds them, and deposit its newly formed particles amongst themselves. If the deposition take place between the molecules already present in the substance of the membrane, the cell becomes distended; if it take place only in one or more definite directions, the membrane becomes thickened.


Fig. 6.

Having now traced the cell to the period of its full growth, we are prepared to consider the processes which occur in the interior of this minute organic structure, or, in other words, the physiology of cells. To enter satisfactorily into this subject, we ought to have an exact knowledge of the chemical composition of the contents of different cells. All that we know of the contents of C. generally is, as we have already stated, that they usually consist of a moderately concentrated solution of protein matters, with alkaline and earthy salts, and dissolved or suspended fat-particles; and that besides these ingredients many C contain either a great preponderance of one of these constituents, to the almost entire exclusion of others, or are found to contain altogether new substances. Thus, there are C. with much protein matters, as the nerve-C., and with much fat, like the fat-C.; while there are other C. which specially contain hæmatine (the red colouring matter of the blood), pigment, biliary and urinary constituents, mucus, milk, sugar, &c.

The main cell-processes occurring in these variously constituted C. are absorption, secretion, and excretion. These depend principally, if not entirely, upon chemical and physical laws, and are to a great extent amenable to micro chemical observation.

Absorption, or the appropriation of matters from withort, is most manifest in those C. which at first have little or no contents save the nucleus. Although endosmose must be taken into account as a condition of absorption, C. must not be regarded merely as vesicles provided with indifferent porous membranes; for the filling of C. does not take place by their admitting every kind of matter

The cell having thus become filled from without, we have next to inquire into the changes which take place in the membrane and in the contents. As regards the former, the membranes of most C. not only become denser and more solid with age, but they undergo changes in their chemical constitution. Thus, in the horny tissues, the young C. are easily soluble in alkalies and acids, while older C. of the same nature are scarcely affected by these re-agents; again, in cartilage-C., the membrane not only becomes firmer with age, and thickens as ossification proceeds, but is changed into a tissue yielding gelatine or glue on boiling, which subsequently becomes impregnated with salts of lime (phosphate and carbonate). See BONE. The function of secretion is mainly carried on by changes in the contents of the cells. Thus, mucus is formed in the epithelial C. of the mucous membranes, pepsin in those of the gastric glands, bile in the C. of the liver, and sepia in the C. of the ink-bag of the cuttle fish. In these cases, the C. do not separate mucus, pepsin, &c., from the blood, but merely the materials from which they elaborate these substances. In other cases, as for instance, in the C. of the kidney, the function of these minute organisms is not to manufacture new products, but merely to separate certain substances (urea, uric acid, &c.) from the blood, which, if not immediately removed from the general circulation, would speedily accumulate, and act as a deadly poison. That these C. merely separate the urea from the blood, and do not form it in their interior, is proved by the fact that, if the kidneys of an animal were extirpated, the urea and other urinary constituents may speedily be found in large quantity in the blood.

Excretion takes place by the bursting or solution of the distended secreting cell, usually into the duct of a secreting gland. The reader who desires further information on the functions of the C. in relation to secretion and excretion, is especially referred to an admirable memoir by Professor Goodsir, On Secreting Structures,' published in John and Harry D. S. Goodsir's Anatomical and Pathological Researches, 1845.

In conclusion, we must notice the metamorphoses of cells. The ovum itself is, as we have already mentioned, merely a nucleated cell; after impreg nation, a number of secondary C. are formed within it, by a process of cleavage or segmentation. See articles GENERATION and OVUM. Some of the C. which occur in the ovum in its early stages soon coalesce with others to form the higher elementary parts, which we shall shortly enumerate; others, without entering into combinations, more or less change their previous nature, as the horny plates of the epidermis and nails; while others, again, undergo no change of form throughout the period of their existence.

The permanent C. are arranged by Kölliker (Manual of Human Histology, translated by Busk and Huxley, 1853, vol. i. p. 47) under the following heads:

1. True Cells, which have in no essential respect altered their cellular character. These occur in the epidermis and the epithelium; in the blood, chyle, and lymph; in the glandular secretions, in the fatty tissue, in the gray nervous substance, in the glands (liver, spleen, &c.), and the cartilages, Their varieties of form and contents have been already noticed. Regarding their modes of occur rence, some are either isolated in fluids or in solid tissues; others are united by apposition, without any intervening structure, into a cellular parenchyma:


while others, again, are conjoined by an intercellular substance of some kind.

2. Metamorphosed Cells. To these belong-The horny scales flattened, polygonal, or fusiform; their membrane being fused into one mass with their contents. They occur in the epidermis, the laminated pavement epithelium, and the hair and nails. The contractile fibre-C.: fusiform, slightly flattened, considerably elongated C., whose membrane, with its soft, solid contents, is changed into a contractile substance. They occur in the smooth or involuntary muscles. The tubules of the crystalline lens of the eye: very elongated C., with viscid, albuminous contents. The prisms of the enamel of the teeth greatly elongated, prismatic, and strongly calcified ceнs. The bone-C.: thickened C. (with canaliculi, or minute branching canals) which have coalesced with the matrix of the bones. The transversely striated muscular C.: large polygonal C. whose contents have become metamorphosed into a transversely striated or striped tissue, such as is found in voluntary muscular fibre. From these C. are formed all the different fibres, net-works, membranes, tubes, &c.; in short, all the higher elementary parts of which the animal body is composed.

For further information on C. and cell-development, the reader is referred, in addition to the works quoted in this article, to Leydig, Lehrbuch der Histologie des Menschen und der Thiere, 1857; and to Frey, Histologie und Histochemie des Menschen, 1859; while he will find full details on morbid cell-development (the development and growth of C. in tubercle, cancer, and other morbid deposits) in Vogel's Pathological Anatomy of the Human Body, translated by Day, 1847; and in Wedl's Pathological Histology, translated (for the Sydenham Society) by Busk, 1855.

II. VEGETABLE CELLS.-In the vegetable, as in the animal kingdom, the primary form of the cell is that of a sphere. They are, however, interfering influences, which usually alter or modify the primary form, of which the most important are, (1.) Special directions assumed in the development, in obedience to a law regulating the structure of the tissue in which the cell occurs; and (2.) Obstructions to the expansion of the cell in certain directions from the pressure of surrounding cells.

The most common forms referrible to the law of development are, (1.) the spherical or fundamental form; (2.) The cylindrical, in which there is a tendency to elongation in the direction of a vertical axis; and (3.) The tubular, in which there is an excess of development in the direction of the two

transverse axes.

The secondary modifications of these forms are numerous. Thus, in lax tissues, the spherical form may become an irregular spheroid, running out into lobed, and even stellate forms, as may be seen in the pith of rushes and the stems of various aquatic plants. Again, in seeds, the hard part of fruits, &c., the mutual pressure of the C. converts the spherical into polyhedral forms, of which the dodecahedron giving a hexagonal section, and arising from equal pressure in all directions-is the most common, although cubic and many other forms occasionally

Both the cell-wall and the contents differ from the corresponding parts in animal cells. In all young C. the wall is membranous, freely permeable by water, elastic, and flexible. In many cases it retains these properties, whilst in others it becomes much modified, as the cell grows older. It consists mainly of CELLULOSE (q. v.). As the vital and chemical phenomena exhibited by plants depend primarily upon operations in the interior of the cell, the careful study of the cell contents is of the highest importance. Of these contents, the most important are the primordial utricle, with the protoplasm, the nucleus, chlorophyll corpuscles, and starch granules. The primordial utricle is a layer of substance of mucilaginous consistence (coloured yellow by iodine), lining the entire wall of the young cell, but often disappearing at a comparatively early period. The protoplasm is a tough mucilaginous and frequently granular fluid, which fills up the space in the interior of the cell not occupied by the nucleus. The nucleus or cytoblast is a globular or lenticular body, identical in its character with the substance of the primordial utricle, and occurring in the protoplasm of most young cells. Little is known with certainty regarding the chlorophyll corpuscles, except that, under the influence of solar light, green colouring matter is developed from them. Of the starch granules, which are very commonly found in the cell contents, we need not speak, as they are sufficiently described in the article STARCH.

In addition to the above organised structures, we must mention as frequent constituents of the cellcontents, fluid colouring matters, essential and fixed oils, resins, sugar, dextrine, gum, alkaloids, and mineral or organic salts, which are not unfrequently found in a crystalline form, when they are termed raphides.

There are two modes of cell-development in the vegetable kingdom--viz. (1.) Cell-division, where two or more new cells fill the cavity of the parent cell, and adhere to its membranes, appearing to divide it into compartments; and (2.) Free cell-formationnot to be confounded with a process of the same name which is supposed to occur in the animal kingdom-in which the whole or part of the cellcontents become detached from the cell-wall and resolved into new loose C., which ultimately escape from the parent cell. The former mode universally occurs in the formation of the C. by which growth is effected; the latter occurs only in the production of C. connected with reproduction. For further information, we must refer the reader to Von Mohl's Principles of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Vegetable Cell, translated by Henfrey, London, 1852.

CE'LLULAR TI'SSUE. This is the old term for a widely diffused animal texture, which has also received the names of areolar, reticula, filamentous, and connective tissue. If we make a cut through the skin, and proceed to raise it, we see that it is loosely connected with the subjacent parts by a soft, filamentous, clastic substance, which, when free from fat, has a white fleecy aspect. This is the tissue in question. It is also found underneath the serous and mucous membranes which are spread over internal surfaces, and serves to attach these membranes to the parts which they line. We likewise find it The magnitude of the vegetable C. is very varied. lying between the muscles, the blood-vessels, nerves, In flax, the liber-cells have been found, or even &c., occupying the interspaces between the different of an inch in length, and the cylindrical C. of organs, and often investing each of them with a some of the Confervæ are more than an inch long-special sheath. While it thus connects and insulates although their transverse diameter is very minutewhilst, on the other hand, the spores of Fungi are C. of a diameter of of an inch. The average diameter of the C. in the parenchymatous tissues is about of an inch.


entire organs, it at the same time performs a similar function in regard to the minute parts of which each organ is made up. Thus, for instance, in muscular tissue, it enters between the fibres of the muscle, uniting them into bundles; and similarly, it enters


into glands, &c. This is termed penetrating or parenchymal cellular tissue.

It is not only one of the most general and most extensively distributed of the tissues, but it is continuous through the whole organism, and may be traced without interruption from any one region of the body to any other. It is in consequence of this continuity that dropsical fluids, air, &c., effused into the C. T., may spread far from the spot where they were first introduced.

On examining a fragment of this tissue, when stretched out, we see with the naked eye that it presents the appearance of a multitude of fine, soft, colourless, elastic threads, like spun glass; intermixed with these are delicate films or laminæ, crossing one another in all directions, and leaving open spaces, or areola; hence the name of areolar tissue. A small quantity of colourless transparent fluid is always present in this tissue; when abnormally increased, it gives rise to the form of general dropsy known as anasarca. The microscopic characters of C. T. are briefly noticed in the article TISSUES,


CELLULAR TISSUE, in Botany, is any vegetable tissue formed of cohering cells alone, and in which there are no vessels. It is often called parenchyma (Gr. something spread out), although an attempt has been made to restrict that term to one kind of it, with cells of a particular form, and terms of Greek derivation have been multiplied for other kinds. The cells of C. T. vary much, both in form and size (see CELLS); but particular forms and sizes are characteristic of particular kinds or particular parts of plants. The products of the vital activity

[blocks in formation]

of plants are formed in the interior of cells, or by secretion from the inner side of their walls. Vessels being formed from cells, it is not easy to fix the limits between C. T. and Vascular Tissue (q. v.). Some kinds of plants, however, are entirely composed of C. T. (see next article); all consist of it in the earliest stages of their growth; none are at any time destitute of it. Fluids are transmitted from cell to cell, through the mass of C. T., passing through the walls of the cells where there are no openings that can be detected by the microscope. The soft and succulent parts of plants, which it is the care of the gardener to cherish and increase, consist chiefly of cellular tissue.

CELLULA'RÉS, in Botany, a designation applied to those plants which consist entirely of Cellular Tissue (q. v.), without proper vessels of any kind. C., thus defined, are a sub-class of acotyledonous plants, containing the orders of Lichens, Fungi, and Algae. In the system of De Candolle, however, the name C. was given to the second grand division of plants, the first being called Vasculares, and the distinction between them being the presence or absence of vessels, the C. including all acotyledonous or cryptogamous plants. But ferns and mosses are not destitute of vessels; so that this system is not strictly accurate with regard to them: whilst, as all

vessels are now known to be formed by the elongation and union of cells, the distinction between vascular and cellular tissue is not generally regarded as affording a good basis for primary divisions in the classification of plants.

CELLULOSE is the term applied to the carbohydrate, C12H10010, which forms the mass of the cell-membranes of all plants. It is one of a class of compounds intimately connected in their chemical constitution, but presenting remarkable physical differences. Without entering into chemical details, we may mention the following points of difference between it and the chemically allied substances-sugar, dextrine, and starch. Sugar and dextrine are soluble in cold water, and occur in the cell sap in solution; starch is insoluble in cold water, but softens into a mucilage in boiling water, and is found in granules in the cell-contents; while C. is insoluble in cold or boiling water, and, as far as is at present known, is very slightly soluble in the strong mineral acids, its only perfect solvent being a solution of oxide of copper in ammonia.

The occurrence of C. in an organism was formerly regarded as a certain proof that the latter belonged to the vegetable kingdom. It has, however, been shewn to be a constituent of the lower animals.

Although C. forms a large proportion of the food of herbivorous animals, it is supposed to pass through the intestinal canal unchanged, and not to contribute directly to nutrition.

CELSUS, an Epicurean philosopher, but tinged with Platonism, lived in the 2d c. after Christ, and wrote, after 150 A. D., under the title Logos Alethes (the True World), the first considerable polemic against Christianity. The book itself has perished; but considerable fragments have been preserved as quotations given by Origen in his answer, Contra Celsum, in eight books. In the fragments-which are very interesting, as shewing the views of a heathen philosopher in regard to Christianity-C., with wit and acuteness, but without depth or earnestness of thought, prefers against the new religion charges of unphilosophicalness and blind credulity; and especially endeavours to convict Christians of self-contradiction in their spiritual doctrine contrasted with their anthropomorphic representations of Deity; in their religious arrogance contrasted with their confession of sinfulness; and in their views of the necessity of redemption. He also reproaches Christians with their party divisions and ever-varying opinions. With regard to his own positive doctrines, he speaks of evil as necessary and eternal, as an essential property of the material world (hyle); sin as something that can never be entirely removed, and least of all, through a vicarious sacrifice. He charges Christians with having wilfully altered their sacred writings.

CELSUS, AULUS CORNELIUS, a Latin physician and writer, who flourished probably in the reign of Augustus. He was called the Roman Hippocrates, because he generally followed the great Father of Medicine,' and introduced the Hippocratic system among the Romans. C. wrote not only on medicine, but also on rhetoric, history, philosophy, the art of war, and agriculture. His style is succinct and clear, but full of Græcisms. The only great work of his which survives, is the De Medicina, which is divided into eight books. The portions relating to surgery are exceedingly interesting and valuable, because C. has there given an account of the opinions and observations of the Alexandrian school of medicine. The first edition of the De Medicind appeared at Florence in 1478. C.'s works have been translated into several modern languages. A translation into English was made by Dr. Grieve, London, 1756.



Among the best editions are those of Krause (Leip. | low to receive the handle, and generally with a loop 1766), Dr. Milligan's 2d edition (Edin. 1831), and one or ear upon its lower surface, as in fig. 7. at Cologne, 1835.

CELT (Lat. celtis, a chisel), the name by which certain weapons or implements of the early inhabitants of Western Europe are known among archa-hatchets of the South Sea Islanders and other savage ologists. Celts are either of stone or of bronze.

Both stone and bronze celts were probably used for several purposes, serving for chisels, adzes, and axes, as well as for weapons of war, like the stone or barbarous tribes. Examples of stone and bronze Stone celts vary in length from about 1 inch to 22 celts of all classes (together with the moulds in inches; but the most common size is from 6 to 8 which bronze celts were cast) may be seen in the inches in length, and from 2 to 3 inches in breadth. British Museum at London, in the National Museum They are made of almost every kind of stone, and of the Antiquaries of Scotland at Edinburgh, and in shew considerable diversity of shape, almost all, the Museum of the Royal Irish Academy at Dublin. however, having more or less resemblance to the This last collection has more than 500 examples of muscle-shell. Fig. 1 in the accompanying wood- stone celts, about one-half of which were found in cut shews a stone C. of the better kind. The ruder deepening the bed of the Shannon or its tributaries, celts are generally of slate, shale, schist, or grit; between the years 1843 and 1848. A bushel of the finer, of flint, porphyry, geenstone, syenite, or bronze celts has more than once been discovered at agate. Many of the finer celts are beautifully shaped one spot. and highly polished. A remarkable example of this class, the property of Sir Coutts Lindsay, found near St. Andrews, in Scotland, is described by Sir David Brewster in the Philosophical Journal for 1823. Recently, a class of celts found in the later geological strata have excited much interest as well among archæologists as among geologists. They are obviously of the same type with the more common celts, but of ruder construction, as if fashioned by a more barbarous people. The stone C. was fastened into a handle of horn, bone, or wood, as shewn in the accompanying wood-cut. Fig. 2 rep

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resents a C. of serpentine, with a handle of deer-horn, found in one of the Swiss lakes in July 1859. Fig. 3 represents a stone C. with a wooden handle, found in the county of Tyrone, in Ireland.

Bronze celts vary in length from about 1 inch to 8 or 10 inches, the most common length being about 6 inches. They are sometimes ornamented with rudely incised lines or circles, and have occasionally been found wrapped up in linen, or enclosed in bronze cases or sheaths. They shew much greater diversity of shape than the stone celt. As many as four classes have been distinguished by archæologists -1st, The simple wedge-shaped C., most nearly resembling the common form of the stone C., as in the accompanying wood-cut, fig. 4. 2d, The wedgeshaped C., with sides more or less overlapping, and a stop-ridge or elevation between the blade and the part which received the handle, as in fig. 5. 3d, The wedge-shaped C., with sides greatly overlapping, with or without the stop-ridge, but with a loop or ear upon, and parallel to, its lower surface, as in fig. 6. 4th, The socketed C., or the C. with a hol

CELTIBE'RI, a powerful people of ancient Spain, supposed to have sprung from a blending of the Iberians or Spanish aborigines with Celtic invaders from Gaul. The C. inhabited a large inland district of the Peninsula, corresponding to the south-west half of Aragon, nearly the whole of Cuença and Soria, and a great part of Burgos, but the name Celtiberia had often a wider signification, including the country as far south as the sources of the Guadalquivir. The C. were divided into four tribes, and were unquestionably one of the bravest and noblest peoples in the Peninsula. Their cavalry and infantry were equally excellent. For many years, they withstood the efforts of the Romans to subdue them, and it was not till after the campaigns of Sertorious that they began to adopt the Roman language, dress, and



CELTIC NATIONS, one of the groups of the great Aryan (q. v.) family.

Languages. In addition to the English, and retreating before it, there are at present four languages spoken in the British Isles-the Irish, the Highland Scotch (or Gaelic), the Manx, in the Isle of Man-all three nearly related to one another, and constituting the northern (Erse, Gadhelic) branch of the Celtic languages; whilst the fourth language, the Welsh, constitutes, together with the Cornish of Cornwall (extinct since 1778) and the Bas Breton of Brittany, the southern (Briton, Cymric, Cambric) branch. The remains of the language of the Gauls or Celts, the ancient inhabitants of France, closely resemble the British and Gadhelic idioms; hence the name Celtic languages has been applied to the whole of them. The Celtic idioms belong to the Indo-German (Aryan) family, as their numerals shew. Compare

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The Gaulish was nearer to the Cymric branch, its numerals 4 and 5 having been petor, pempe. There are a few Gaulish inscriptions which shew a declension with full inflections; in old Irish, five cases still exist, but the terminations are very much mutilated; in Welsh, they have disappeared. Thus, the Gaulish name Segomaros is declined: gen. ri, dat, ru, acc. -ron: the old Irish, fer, a man, has the gen. fir, dat. fiur, acc. fer. voc. fir; whilst the corresponding Welsh gur is inflexible. Hence it follows that the

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