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minute investigation of each fection of his inquiry, and. each of thofe effays, which together make up a quarto volume of 766 pages. Thefe indeed, if they were made feparately, fubjects of inquiry, might give birth to as many vo lumes of comments and controverfies as ever fprung from the writings of Ariftotle. The fpirit, the genius, the effence of his philofophy is, that the mind has a direct and intuitive power of judging, as well as of judging by reafoning in a train by means of propofitions connected by sylogism and argument; that the convictions derived from fenfation, confcioufnefs, perception, are derived from the exercife of the intellect, and ftand upon the fame foundation with our apprehenfions of the moft evident, that is felf-evident propofitions; and that we have the fame evidence for the exiftence of things without us, that we have for the existence of what are called impreffions and ideas, and even of confcioufnefs itself.

We proceed now to make fome obfervations on this fyf tem in general: after which we fhall endeavour to give fome idea of each of thefe effays, which are the object of this re view; and to point out any inftances, that may occur, in which our very learned and acute author has added to the ftock of human knowledge.

[To be continued.]

ART. X. An Anfwer to the Reply, to the fuppofed Treasury, Pamphlet. 2s. Stockdale, 1785.

THE author of this anfwer, clearly convicts the leaders of oppofition of many inconfitencies between their former profeffions and conduct, and their prefent; he also in fome inftances refutes the reafoning, and calls in question the facts alledged in the reply. For example, he fhews, that the fraudulent trader has now precifely the fame opportunity of running goods from Ireland, that he will have hereafter, if it can be worth the while to try the experiment. On the fubject of the fuperiority of ports, our author writes thus.

The propofition which is maintained relating to them is, "That the markets of Great Britain can be fupplied with Welt"India produce cheaper through Ireland, by a circuitous naviga"tion, than by a direct importation from the West Indies." And,~ to defend this novelty in commercial reafoning, the advantages of ports of Britain are decried by our Commentator, and the harbours of Ireland exalted in their flead. The fea coaft of Britain, which comprehends, according to Templeman, at leaft eight hundred marine leagues, can be no longer confidered, it feems, as the most commodious for trade of any in Europe. And we are no more to give credit to the Survey of Campbell, That we have as many large and fafe bays, fecure roads, and convenient ports, arifing



from the peculiar difpofitions of our fea and fore, as any other country in Europe. Yet our author admits the force of the remark of his adverfary, that the Irish ports, lying on the Irith fea,. from Belfast to Waterford, poffefs no one fuperiority over the Engifh ports, on the oppofite coaft, from Whitehaven to Milford, In the comparison between Corke and the ports of the Bristol channet, our commentator confefles his difappointment at finding fo much fuperiority where he least expected it. It is the Weft coast of Ireland, from Cape Clear, on the South, to the Mullet, and even to Lough Swilly, on the North, where he contends for fuch fuperior advantages. Yet, having a very different purpose to anfwer, he very confiftently exhibits" the wild and thinly inhabited ftate of

the far greater proportion of the coaft of Ireland which the fmug"gier must first make on his return from the West Indies." A wild and thinly inhabited coat, then, is to overpower the South-Western ports of England in every competition for freights.

But is it at all probable, that a fmall advantage of local pofition, a little more to the Weft, or to the East, should fix the feat of com→ merce, or retain the refidence of merchants? The "wild and "thinly inhabited fhores" of Wales have not rifen fuperior in trade to the English coats of the neighbouring channel. And the merchants of Bristol choose rather to improve the courfe of the Avon than emigrate to Milford Haven, notwithstanding its alluring, advantages.'

Our author, with plaufibility, at leaft, controverts other arguments urged in the reply; contending party-men have greater advantages when they attack their adverfaries, than when they defend themfelves. The author of the reply,.

and the author of the answer are both vulnerable, and, accordingly have aimed mutual thrufts, not without effect. But fill the ftubborn facts authenticated by the manufacturers, Commiffiongs of excife, &c. &c. plead very powerfully against the conduct of miniftry with refpect to Ireland, and are fufficient to do more than over-balance the utmost. ingenuity of abler writers than our author. This indeed he feems to be fenfible of, and therefore refts the defence he. withes to make, chiefly on the actual independence of Ireland; and the perplexities arifing from the conceffions of former minifters. The beft argument he fays, which can be oppofed to his adverfary's objections, and to the clamours of his party, may be at last found in the report of the commit-tee of council" The prefent queftion, fay they, is not whether the propofed fyftem of commerce, is better or worfe than that which exifted before the change made in the Irish Conftitution; but whether it is better or worse than that, which, if fome agreement is not made, is likely now to take place." This is the conclufion, and indeed the main ftrength of Mr. Rofe's anfwer to Mr. Burke's reply. ART..

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ART. XI. Moral and Sentimental Ejays, on Mifcellaneous fubje&is, Written in Retirement, on the Banks of the Brenta in the Venetian State. By J. W. C-tfs of R-f-g. 2 Vols. 6s. Sewed. Robfon, 1785.


HE editor of thefe effays, thinks it proper to inform us, or to affirm, that this Countefs's father was of an an cient proteftant Houfe in Wales, her mother a Greek lady, a zealous catholic, and a perfon of diftinguifhed merit. That her father's long refidence at Venice gave rife to her connection in marriage with the late Cof Rg, fome years ambaffador from the Court of Vienna to the Venetian Republic. That this lady, retired from the great world, in which the had fhone from the ftrength of her understanding, her amiable qualities, and the graces of her perfon, chufes at prefent, in a peaceable retreat, the amufement of converfing with herself by writing, and of imparting thefe converfations to her moft intimate friends. We are alfo informed, that the fair author publifhed two editions of thefe effays, differing in fome refpects from each other one in the English language, and one in the French.

Concerning the authenticity and accuracy of all these par-. ticulars, the editor, who chufes to remain incognito, will excufe us if we entertain a degree of fcepticifm. And as to what he fays, of the character of the work, although we thinks his encomium too high, we judge it to be a very just account of the stile and manner at which it aims.

As to the fubjects of the work, we cannot give a better idea of them, than by comparing them to that number and diverfity of ar ticles which form a lady's drefs. No author is without a certain degree of coquetry: nor ought he to be, as his object is to please: but coquetry has ever been thought lefs becoming in men than in women. The choice of every thing that can contribute to ornament is allowed to the fex without reftraint; the arrangement subject to no rules it is caprice, under the direction of taste, which chufes, and which places its objects always in an agreeable manner, and conform ably to the end it happens to have in view. But as the drefs of ar woman, how great foever the variety of the articles of which it is compofed, has always a determined character, fuch as national, drefs, a court drefs, a hunting drefs; fo to this work, confidered as a dress, of the mind or understanding, we may affign the character of fentiment. When this character, in itself fo interefting, animates the the whole, and diffufes its warmth throughout, in a manner fo fpon. taneous and natural as we obferve it to do in these pieces, it ever furnishes an agreeable kind of reading; although the fubjects treated may. be old, trivial, or even fantastic. The wild flights of the ima gination, the intricacies of metaphyfical difcuffion; even the fhafts, of fatire, of irony, and perfifflage, have, under this amiable pen, a tincture of that character. That frank and ingenuous manner, too,,


fo confpicuous in the following pages, adds new value to their ton of fentiment! inafmuch as we are the more difposed to believe it true, and to delight in it; just as, in fociety, we prefer the attachment and converfation of thofe perfons, whofe characters announce feeling, franknefs, and fimplicity.',

This character is drawn by the partiality of a warm friend. And perhaps, the author and the editor may be one and the fame perfon; yet the writer under review, feems to be a perfon of genteel education, well acquainted with the levities, follies, and vices of fathionable life; her reading lies chiefly among novels and mifcellanies; he is not unacquainted with modern hiftory: but it is fuch obfervations and fentiments as we find Montagne, La Fontaine, Chesterfield, &c;—these are her favourite lines of reading; as it is the exotic buffoonery of Sterne that is the great object of her imitation in writing. As fhe wants the humour and vivacity of Sterne, fhe endea vours to make up for the deficiency by conftantly affecting,. it even on the graveft fubjects. Sterne is often ferious, tender, and pathetic; our author fcrews the mufcles of her countenance into an almoft perpetual grin; the endeavours to tickle the fancy, even when the treats of the fublime fubject of mufic which

-Soothe's the favage breaft

Which foftens rocks and bends the knotted oak! and when the leads you into the houfe of mourning, and difcourfes of death, and of a future ftate. She is in writing what we fometimes find women to be in company who have furvived, or never poffeffed any perfonal attractions, but who are endowed by nature with an openness and frankness of difpofition. Such women, regardless of the decorum of fafhionable drefs and manners, feek, fometimes, to distinguish themselves by fome flight tre fpafies on the extreme delicacy expected in the fex, and by affuming the character of odd but good natured perf ns who think fhrewdly and speak with perfect, freedom whatever comes uppermoft. If all other means should fail of attracting obfervation, they will even proceed to downright mimicry, and the making of wry faces. We proceed to justify this character, by a few extracts from the performance before us. The author introduces herself in her firft effay which the entitles "The firft Step" thus,

"You are writing, aunt ?"—I am, my dear girl." May I afk what fubject employs your thoughts?"-I am preluding a preface.— "A preface! you have written a book then ?"--No: but don't let that furprize you." You have at least the subject of one ready."The fubject? That is coming too close to a point, my dear, which is ufelefs enough. What author now adheres to his fubject, even if he propofes one? However I have none at all, and that pleafes me beft. Liberty of ideas is a gift of nature, in which all men par


take, though but few know how to make a good use of it: our fex may act more freely, in this matter than the men. There is a libertinifm of the understanding, as well as of the heart and it is allow, able to a woman to give herself up to the former, as in thus doing fhe excites no jealoufy, nor produces any diforder in fociety. A woman of wit is look'd upon in the world as an ignis fatuus, which fhines without burning, and may fall upon any object without hurt ing it. Concurrence of pretenfions caufes rivalry: but there never will be women enough to alarm the other fex as competitors for fame. If a woman fits down to write, every prepoffeffion is in her favour: a bad production is tolerable; a good one charming.'

Towards the conclufion of this effay, the fays,

You are a charming girl for having interrupted me; for I know no longer where I am, nor how I began this rhapfody.-" Why, it feems you was writing a preface."-A preface! let it be fo; all this may make one, if people like it. An authorefs must absolutely have a preface to her publication. It is her literary chauffure. But. as I am writing it before the completion of half my work, the materials of which are already very multifarious, and the reft not likely to be lefs fo, it is neceffary, above all things, that my chaussure be perfectly cafy, and fit to draw upon any fort of work whatever. The danger of an unaccommodating chauffure brings to my mind a cruel adventure of a pretty woman of my acquaintance, who danced like an angel. On the day of a grand ball, the was honored with the hand of a prince quite à la mode, who paid his court to her. She put on, as her evil genius would have it, a pair of fuch small fhoes as pinched her hurribly: the floor was flippery, and her step uncer tain. In a pas de chaffe fhe loft her balance, and fell flat upon her face. The prince ran to take her up, and at the fame time, a lady in the fecond couple flooped to render her the like fervice. This lady had the finest teeth in the world, and fmiled with a grace, which gave wonderful effect to her countenance. The prince helping up his partner, met the eyes of the little figure who affifted him. Whether it was, that the fmile had preceded her look, or whether it fprung from the prince's glance (for the tranfition from perception to expreffion is in women extremely rapid) I know not; the prince, however, fell into a state of abfence and distraction for the rest of the evening. The fmile of the little brunette, had abfolutely emancipated him from the conqueft of her rival. Ever fince this unlucky acci dent, I have always made a point of bearing an eafy chaussure and in my province of authorefs, you fee, dear niece, that to prevent, as far, as poffible, all rifk of disjointing my nofe by a fall, my preface wears the character of my chauffure; and I defy the fevereft critic to prove, that it will not fit any book whatsoever, and keep it upright on its legs too, as far as that pofition can depend on a preface.'

Yet amidst the effufions of this old literary roimp we meet with many juft fentiments, very happily expreffed. It is an affectation of fingularity, which is the great blemish of her effays.


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