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STATEMENT of the Value of Merchandize exported from Great Britain and Ireland to Spain.-1805 to 1818.

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No perfect Statement of the declared Value of the Produce and Manufactures of the United Kingdom exported, was ascertained previous to the passing of the Act of the 53rd Geo. III. cap. 98.

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BRITISH Order in Council, prohibiting the Exportation of Gunpowder, Arms, &c., to Spain, the Coast of Africa, the West Indies, or to certain Parts of America.-20th November, 1819.

At the Court at Carlton-House, the 20th November, 1819.



WHEREAS the time limited by the Orders of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent in Council, of the 28th May, and the 12th July last, for prohibiting the exportation of Gunpowder, Arms, or Ammunition, to the places therein specified, will expire on the 30th day of this instant November; and whereas it is expedient, that the said prohibition should be continued for some time longer; His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, and by and with the advice of His Majesty's Privy Council, doth hereby, order, require, prohibit, and command, that no Person or Persons whatsoever (except the Master-General of the Ordnance for His Majesty's service,) do, at any time during the space of 6 months (to commence from the 30th day of this instant November), presume to transport any Gunpowder or Saltpetre, or any sort of arms or ammunition, to any Port or Place within the Dominions of the King of Spain, or to any Port or Place on the Coast of Africa, or in the West Indies, or on any part of the Continent of America, (except to a Port or Place, or Ports or Places, in His Majesty's Territories or Possessions on the Continent of North America, or in the Territories of The United States of America,) or ship or lade any Gunpowder or Saltpetre, or any sort of arms or ammunition, on board any Ship or Vessel, in order to transporting the same into any such Ports or Places within the Dominions of the King of Spain, or into any such Ports or Places on the Coast of Africa, or in the West Indies, or on the Continent of America (except as above excepted), without leave or permission in that behalf first obtained from His Majesty, or His Privy Council, upon pain of incurring and suffering the respective forfeitures and penalties inflicted by an Act, passed in the 29th year of His late Ma. jesty's Reign, intituled " An Act to empower His Majesty to prohibit the Exportation of Saltpetre, and to enforce the Law for empowering His Majesty to prohibit the Exportation of Gunpowder, or any sort of Arms or Ammunition, and also to empower His Majesty to restrain the carrying coastwise of Saltpetre, Gunpowder, or any sort of Arms or Ammunition;" and also by an Act, passed in the 33rd year of His Majesty's reign, cap. 2, intituled "An Act to enable His Majesty to

restrain the Exportation of Naval Stores, and more effectually to prevent the Exportation of Saltpetre, Arms, and Ammunition, when prohibited by Proclamation or Order in Council :"

And the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, the Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of Great Britain, the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, the Master-General and the rest of the Principal Officers of the Ordnance, and His Majesty's Secretary at War, are to give the necessary directions herein as to them may respectively appertain. CHETWYND.

BRITISH Order in Council, regulating the Trade of British and Foreign Vessels with the Island of Mauritius.--28th May, 1819.

At the Court at Carlton-House, the 28th of May, 1819.



WHEREAS by an Act, passed in the 57th year of His present Majesty's reign, intituled " An Act to continue and extend the Provisions of an Act of His present Majesty, for regulating the Trade and Commerce to and from the Cape of Good Hope, until the 5th day of July, 1820; and also for regulating the Trade of the Island of Mauritius;" His Majesty is authorized, by and with the advice of His Privy Council, by any Order or Orders to be issued from time to time, to give such directions, and to make such regulations touching the trade and commerce to and from all Islands, Colonies, or Places, and the Territories and dependencies thereof, to His Majesty belonging, or in His possession, in Africa or Asia, to the eastward of the Cape of Good Hope (excepting only the possessions of the East India Company), as to His Majesty, in Council, shall appear most expedient and salutary, any thing contained in an Act, passed in the 12th year of the reign of His Majesty King Charles the Second, intituled "An Act for the encouraging and increasing of Shipping and Navigation," or in an Act, passed in the 7th and 8th years of the reign of His Majesty King William the Third, intituled An Act for preventing Frauds, and regulating abuses in the Plantation Trade," or any other Act or Acts of Parliament now in force, relating to His Majesty's Colonies and Plantations, or any other Act or Acts of Parliament, Law, Usage, or Custom, to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding; His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, and by and

with the advice of His Majesty's Privy Council, is pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that from and after the date of this present Order, British Vessels arriving at any Port of the Island of Mauritius, or its dependencies, from any Country in amity with His Majesty, laden with any articles of the growth, production, or manufacture of such Country (excepting all articles composed of cotton, iron, steel, or wool, of Foreign manufacture), shall be permitted to enter and land their Cargoes, and dispose of the same in the said Ports, subject to such Duties as may be payable thereon:

And it is further ordered, that every such British Vessel, arriving as aforesaid, shall be permitted to export to any such Foreign Country in amity with His Majesty, a Cargo consisting of any articles of the growth, produce, or manufacture of the Island of Mauritius, or its dependencies, or of any other articles which shall have been legally imported there, on payment of such Duties as may be payable thereon.

And it is hereby further ordered, that Vessels belonging to the subjects of any Foreign State in amity with His Majesty, which Foreign State shall allow British Vessels to carry on trade as aforesaid between the Ports of such State and the Island of Mauritius, on the same terms as in Vessels of such Foreign State, shall be permitted in like manner to import into the Ports of the Island of Mauritius, or its dependencies, from any Port of the Country to which such Vessel shall belong, any articles of the growth, production, or manufacture of such Country (excepting all articles composed of cotton, iron, steel, or wool, of Foreign manufacture), and to dispose of the same in the Ports of the said Island and its dependencies, on payment of the same Duties as shall be payable on the like articles when imported from such Foreign Port in British Vessels; and that every such Foreign Vessel shall be permitted to export a Cargo consisting of any articles of the growth, produce, or manufacture of the Island of Mauritius, or its dependencies, or of any other articles which shall have been legally imported there, on payment of the same Duties as shall be payable on similar articles when exported to such Foreign Ports in British Vessels:

It is, however, hereby further ordered and declared, that no Foreign Vessel, allowed by the terms of this Order to export a Cargo from the Island of Mauritius, or its dependencies, shall be permitted to export such Cargo to any of His Majesty's Possessions, or to any other place than a Port or Place belonging to the State or Power to which the Vessel itself shall belong:

And the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, and the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, are to give the necessary directions herein as to them may respectively appertain.


DISCOURS du Roi des Pays Bas, prononcé à l'Ouverture de la Session des Etats-Généraux.-La Haye, le 18 Octobre, 1819.



J'OUVRE aujourd'hui votre Assemblée avec un intérêt d'autant plus grand, qu'il est proportionné à l'importance des objets sur lesquels Vos Nobles Puissances seront appelées à délibérer pendant cette Session ordinaire, et que leur décision mettra la dernière main à l'achèvement de notre édifice politique.

J'aime à croire qu'en commençant leurs délibérations, Vos Nobles Puissances apprendront avec non moins de satisfaction que j'en éprouve moi-même à le leur communiquer, que toutes nos relations à l'extérieur ont été entretenues sur le pied de la confiance et de l'amitié, et que les diverses Puissances sont toujours animées des mêmes dispositions pacifiques. Nous pouvons donc nous flatter qu'avec la Bénédiction Divine, un repos salutaire continuera à régner parmi les Peuples de l'Europe.

En ouvrant votre Session précédente, j'ai annoncé à Vos Nobles Puissances que, dans le cours de la Session actuelle, le Projet des Codes des Pays-Bas pourrait vous être présenté; ce travail, fait d'après ce qu'exige la Loi Fondamentale, sera successivement et par parties, soumis à vos délibérations. Une Législation Nationale est un besoin pour tout Peuple libre et indépendant, et l'époque à laquelle son systême complet pourra devenir Loi de l'Etat, sera d'une majeure importance.

Le moment est arrivé où la division des dépenses de l'Etat en 2 parties doit avoir lieu. Je l'ai fait précéder de mesures préparatoires, tendantes à l'introduction d'ultérieures économies. La mise en vigueur des dispositions de la Loi Fondamentale concernant le waterstaat (les digues et canaux,) est particulièrement conçue de façon à ce que les Etats de Province reçoivent une direction très-étendue sur les travaux qui s'y rapportent. La pensée que cette direction plus immédiate, les bonnes dispositions et le zèle des Etats à prendre à cœur les intérêts dont ils seront chargés, permettent d'espérer une administration plus simplifiée et d'importantes économies, a amené à l'idée de confier de la même manière d'autres objets à leurs soins. Sur ces principes, reposent les Projets de Loi qui vous seront présentés au premier jour de ma part, tant à l'égard de la première partie du Budget des dépenses pour le période de 10 années, qu'à l'égard des besoins extraordinaires pour l'année 1820.

L'examen le plus soigneux a dirigé le calcul des dépenses; les frais de l'Armée Nationale en forment toujours une partie principale; mais leur rapprochement avec les besoins auxquels ils doivent pourvoir, offre la preuve de l'économie qui préside à l'exécution de ce que la Loi Fondamentale prescrit relativement à cet objet essentiel. Chacun de vous, Nobles et Puissans Seigneurs, qui se placerait avec moi dans

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