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ings of Professor Franck soon received from their associates in study the designation of Pietists. This new name seemed like a signal to the adversaries of the truth, and the opposition which followed was so olent, that it ended in the banishment of Professor Franck and his athérents from Leipsic They were, however, joyfully received by Dr. Spener, who was then resident at Erfurt; and, on the appointment of that pious and learned man, by Frederick the First of Prussia, to superintend the Lutheran Churches in his dominions, he procured that, of Dr. Franck as Professor of the Greek and Oriental Languages in the newly founded university of Halle, in Saxony. The account given by Mosheim, of the Pietists, is certainly not so favourable as that of the preceding brief sketch; but, as the editor of the work now under our consideration justly observes, it could scarcely be expected that the learned historian should be altogether impartial in his judgment of those with whom he was contemporary, and whose efforts in religion he decidedly opposed. Mosheim, However, gives full credit to Spener, Franck, and their associates, for learning and sanctity, as well as for their integrity and earnestness in promoting the cause of practical religion.

vine Being yet in the world." For the account itself, we must refer to the volume before us; in which every lover of piety and every friend of humanity will be gratified by a most striking and encouraging proof of the extraordinary benefits which may result from the zealous and continued efforts of one indivi dual, animated, as Professor Franck was, by the love of God and man. From the practice of catechising the children of some poor people who were accustomed to come once a week to his house to be relieved, and upon the foundation of the trifling sum of eighteen shillings and sixpence, deposited in an almsbox fixed in, bis study, Professor Franck conceived and executed the design of building his celebrated Orphan House, in which not only a large number of children were educated and supported, but many poor students also intended for the university, and lastly, some indigent widows. The funds for this great undertaking were gradually obtain ed by voluntary contributions from different parts of Europe. Frequently was the pious founder at a loss or the supply of the daily expenses of his institution; but the providence of God never failed to support him in every hour of need; and he lived to see the buildings completed, and the establishment The university of Halle, under the confirmed by a royal charter. auspices of its founder, the King of The detail of this great work is Prussia, and by the unwearied dili- highly interesting, and exhibits gence of Professor Franck and bis the character of Professor Franck friends, soon became pre-eminent in a very exalted point of view. among the colleges of Germany. May this imperfect tribute to his "But of the life of this eminent man, faith, zeal, charity, and deep humi subsequently to his arrival at Halle, lity, (to use some of the expressions the editor has not been able to of the excellent Dr. Woodward), collect any regular memoirs, The tend to excite others to an imita remainder of his narrative is occu- tion of his pious labours; the repied with a very interesting ac- cord of them will not then have count of the rise and progress of beeu in vain. It is greatly to be the Orphan Flouse at Glaucha, near regretted, that the editor of this -Halle, of which the Professor was volume has not been able to col minister. This is an abstract of the lect any of the remaining circum -Jowork which was published at the stances of Professor Franck's life aime, under the title of Demon-till his death, which took place *strations of the Footsteps of a Di- in the year 1727. The only addi

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tional fact with which we are our ference to the Greek Testament, selves acquainted is, that from the which cannot fail of being highly Orphan House at Glaucha have useful to a learner, but are not of proceeded some of those pious and course necessary to a Greek scholar; Jaborious some "Missionaries who have though even he may derive

been employed in India under the
patronage of the venerable Society
for promoting Christian Knowledge;
and that a connexion still exists
between those two excellent instita-
which will, we trust, long
continue to be productive of great
and extensive good both to Ger-
many and India. We must at
present, however, apologize to our
readers for this unusual introduction
to a review, and proceed to give
them some account of the work to
which the memoirs of Dr. Franck
have been prefixed; hoping, with
the editor, that whoever peruses it
nay feel something of a disciple's
spirit, while he contemplates in its
pages the precepts of so experienced

a master...

valuable hints for the study of that
part of the Sacred Volume, The
directions for the attainment of the
Hebrew language will be more ge-
nerally useful; and the references
to books from which more exten-
sive information may be obtained,
both with respect to Greek and He-
brew, with the additional works re-
commended by the editor, render
this part of the work sufficiently
comprehensive and complete. We
may here, indeed, observe, once for
all, that the notes by the translator
contain a valuable fund of biblio-
graphical knowledge, collected and
digested from various approved
sources, on all the topics discussed
by Professor Franck, from which
the student of the Sacred Writings
may derive important direction and
assistance;-and supplying, in this
respect, the deficiency which an
English reader of the present day
cannot but feel in the original refe-
rences, which are, as must be ex-
pected, almost exclusively to fo-
reign works of the last, or rather of
the preceding, century.

The testimony of Dr. Doddridge is in itself a sufficient recommendation of the present work. "Franck's Manuductio," said that judicious and experienced writer, "deserves to be often read. It contains the best rules, for studying the Scriptures that I ever remember to have seen."-This is, we think, a just encomium, and that of Dr. Allix, in his preface to the Latin edition in 1706, is not less favourable. The work is divided into two parts; of which one respects the letter, the other the spirit of the Inspired Writings. The former is again subdiIvided into three branches;-Grammatical, Historical, and Logical the latter into four-Expository, Doctrinal, Inferential, and Practi


cal, bu

Under the head of historical Reading, are comprehended the sun and substance of the Old and -the Inspired New Testaments Penmen-the occasion or causes of their writings-the scope, so far as it can be gathered from historical incidents--the arguments of the respective books; where, speaking of compendiums, the learned Professor justly remarks, that" diligence, in reading and examining the word itself, is a compendious system of mnemonics"-the seats of subjects, by which are meant, the places in Scripture, where subjects are more or less professedly, and fully discussed-and external circumstances, such as MSS., Editions, Versions, &c. The following obtheVers servations at the close of this chapter deserve the attention of those 5K 2

In the first chapter, which treats of grammatical Reading, the learned author seems to suppose that his reader is unacquainted not only with the Hebrew, but even with the Greek language. He begins, therefore, with laying down some excelJent rules for the acquisition of the atter tongue, with a particular reLectures on Preaching,

ink done is "

who are in danger of attaching peated, or too strenuously and anxi

undue importance to mere historical reading doct

"To be iminoderately anxious," says the pious author, about things merely external argues great insensibility to the excellencies of the Holy Scriptures. It should likewise Be our concern to guard against vain glory, in a business wherein the glory of God should be our only object. There is a necessity also for the exercise of caution, lest a knowledge of external points render us less ardent and lively in reading the word itself. How many are there who err in this respect, and feed contentedly on the husks, while those heavenly delights which flow from the volume of Revelation remain untasted and uuenjoyed.”


In the succeeding chapter on logical Reading, by which he intends the accurate analysis of entire books, or of particular texts, the Professor, after a very able and use. ful view of this branch of biblical study, in a similar manner guards his readers against supposing that they are mighty in the Scriptures," if they are more solicitous to analyse a text, than concerned about understanding and applying


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"In the exercise of refined subtilties, and the solution of difficult passages," he con cludes, "we may lose sight of holy Chris. tian simplicity, and sacrifice the edification of ourselves to these: for when the rays of Truth are divided, they cannot act with so much life and power, as when its energies are collected together. May the reader learn not to abuse this branch of Scripture exposition; and in the sober use of it, may he realize its excellencies!"

In the second part of his subject, which treats of Reading, as it respects the spirit of the word, the excellent author introduces the following universal and important axiom respecting the exposition of Scripture: "that one word or sentence having respect to one and the same subject, has but one literal sense formally purposed. To dis


This one and true meaning of the Holy Spirit in the Scriptures, is therefore the business of Expository Reading." This is a maxim, which cannot be too frequently re

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mously enforced. For want of understanding or attending to it, many well-disposed persons have affixed meanings not only to particular passages, but to the general system of Scripture, which the remembrance of the sound principle in question, and an accurate and enlarged knowledge of the means of applying it with effect, would have shewn to be entirely contrary to that sense which the Holy Spirit purposed, directly or indirectly, to declare. It is obvious that fancy, and all hasty and half-digested, notions must be excluded from the task of

discovering this true and only meaning of the Divine Oracles. Dr. Franck has pointed out some excellent helps, both external and inters nal, for this serious and important work; and while the extent of his learning and the soundness of his judgment afford ample security to one class of inquirers as to his qualifications as a safe and rational guide, the depth of his religious views, the spirituality of his mind, and the length of his experience, may well assure some others, that he is not unworthy of their confi dence as an instructor upon this fundamental subject. Our author is particularly earnest in recom mending Scripture as its own interpreter, and consequently in declar ing, that expository helps are to be chiefly drawn from its own pages. The consideration of the whole con "text, and sometimes of the whole book, the collation of parallel pas sages, the analogy of faith, the affections both of the inspired writers and of the student of Scripture himself, the order observed by the sa'cred penmen in proposing their subjects, and a consideration of cir "cumstances, are the principal topics discussed in this important part of the work. Upon one of them, vi. the consideration of the affections of the writer and reader of Scrip ture, a separate treatise is added in the Appendix; from which, as it is a subject not so generally treated of

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says he, "it was, that he derived his
spiritual erudition."id

as it deserves, we are tempted to cart of investing himself with the w extract the following passage. The mind of this author, and of correctnu celebrated Dr. Spener, in a lettering his own affections by those of addressed to the Philobiblical Colthe sacred penman; and thence," lege at Leipsic, after strongly re commending the students, subse quently to fervent, secret prayer, to discriminate and enter into the af fections of the inspired writers, and strive to unfold their nature and character, supports his advice by the following interesting quotation from Luther.


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Some admirable observations oć, lo cur in that part of the chapter which relates to expository reading. as to the choice of commentatorsparticularly as to the absolute necessity of the illumination of the Spirit to form just expositors of Scripture, and the restriction of that Divine influence to those who are! truly regenerate. Upon this pointe Professor Franck quotes some very striking remarks of the learned and excellent Melancthon, Hel adds o! however, a very useful caution tons the scriptural student, to beware of neglecting the perusal of the word, while searching after many and ivaju? rious external assistances.

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"That eminent divine," observes the pious Superintendant, "speaking of this practice, says," Whoever adopts it will, I am satisfied, learn more himself, than he can gather from all Commentaries united. By means of incessant and attentive reading, we should, as it were, raise the writer from the dead, and consider him as alive; so as to form perfect conceptions mentally, of what we cannot actually behold. When "We may,” says he," safely assure those!!! engaged in the study of the Scrip- who read the word with devotion and sinitures, the idea formed in the writer's plicity, that they will derive more light and mind should be carefully ascertain-profit from such a practice,) and from con-05 ed; the affections by which he was necting meditation with it, (in the satiner sis influenced; his 'state of life; and exquisitely described by David, Psalm i.);-3! his office at the time he penned the than can ever be acquired from drudging book. Much do I wish that the la- through an infinite variety of unimportant bour which Casaubon has bestowed minutia," on Horace, Juvenal, and Persius, in his Prolegomena were applied to the elucidation of the Sacred Oracles, so as to give a just description of the genius, mind, condition, manners, and affections peculiar to each of the sacred writers. These are "The consideration of the abstruser does desirable subjects which yet remain trines," observes this holy and experienced untouched." nellaɔ ɔd! ¿dood divine, may be deferred, until the student We wish that we could add, that have made greater advances in the know these were not still, after all that ledge of fundamental truth. Those which has been written since the days of are most essential to salvation and to a full of assurance of faith, should be first learned Luther, to be 'too justly numbered with x6 amongst the desiderata of sacred liby a living and practical acquaintance terature. In Doddridge, however, them and then, the transition to doctrine and in Scott, it must be acknow more profound, but less essential, will res come pleasant and easy." Joudre omez ledged with pleasure, that the dem lemzot sense ficiency of which the great Reformer We earnestly wish that this wise complained has been materially, and seasonable suggestion may be, though not perfectly, supplied. Lu- seriously considered by those whods ther afterwards remarks, that Stare anxious to in foduce Bernard excelled in the heavenly inexperienced inquirer, into those 20 betsent ylleiana'y of von josidue S

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The chapter on doctrinal Readi ing, though short, is full and com prehensive. We extract the two following observations as applica ble to two very different classes off readers. jo ang puder sat un hau ; neitizogas

mere or


depths of doctrinal discussion, luable observations, from which it which ought not to be sounded without reverence and godly fear, even by the most advanced and established Christian.

The other observation to which we referred is of a different, but not less important and interesting,

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Inferential Reading, which is the subject of the next chapter is the deduction of conclusions by legitimate consequences from texts; when the literal sense is explored, and the truths expressed have been fully examined. The foundation of this reading is the perpetual analogy of Divine things; which is such, that from one truth rightly known, all others depend, being linked, as it were, together. It is, of course, essential to a right use of this method of reading, that the mind be endued with a living knowledge and "form of sound words in faith and love." It cannot otherwise be prosecuted in a consistent and profitable way; nor can the inexhaustible fulness of the sacred text be else perceived. The learned author gives a copious example of this mode of reading from 2 Tim. i8. But this chapter would have been more useful and complete, had he added some example of that false and unsound mode of deducing inferences upon which we have in the present day had occasion so frequently to animadvert. As the discovery of truth is, however, the best preservative against error, the directions given by the Professor may be a sufficient guide upon this part of his subject. R

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The succeeding chapter on practical Reading contains a series of va.


would be difficult to select any with out injuring the symmetry of the whole, We particularly recommend it to the attention of our readers, and would only remark, that Professor Franck is not one of those who think, that the illiterate are not qualified to derive instrucusu from the private and practical pe rusal of the Scriptures; but while he strenuously contends, in his whole work, for the use of learning as an important subsidiary to the profess ed and complete elucidation of the Sacred Oracles, he asserts, equal confidence, that they are able to make the unlearned, who search them, "wise unto salvation." The simplest application of Divine truth, observes our pious author, is cer tainly the most profitable, if it be made with sincerity of soul. We should compare the portion of Scripture under present notice with the habit of our minds, and we shal thus perceive as in a glass the par ticular faults under which we labour, We must have our eyes fixed og Christ, and depend on the internal operation of that Spirit which God in infinite mercy to his children in parts to them continually for their illumination and guidance. The work closes with some brief direc tions as to the order in which the Holy Scriptures ought to be st died.


It was observed by Dr. Doddridge in his character of the Manuduc tio," that it has not many illustra tions of particular faces of Scrip ture. The remark is undoubtedly just, and forms the only material objec tion to the book. The truth is that conciseness was evidently the object of the author, and as the work was chiefly designed for the benefit of students in divinity, this deficiency is the less important; the fundamental principles and sources of right interpretation being un folded with sufficient perspicuity 19 enable them to explam and illus trate the Sacred Writings for them selves. An elaborate specimen,

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