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fruits of unity and peace are not gathered, but where integrity and comfort have taken root. One temple was builded for the people of God, one law written by the finger of God, that the church of God might in all things be The bond of unity is verity: neither can they be truly one, which are not one in truth. And therefore, although an angel should come from heaven with all shew of learning, and all appearance of unspotted and undefiled purity, teaching things contrary to that one truth which you have received, reach him no hand, salute him not in token of consent unity with him is enmity with God. But if all be builded upon the settled foundation of God's truth, if all be members of one body, servants to one master, soldiers fighting under one banner, children of one and the same father; then is the name of unity and peace amiable. Behold," saith the prophet, "how good and how sweet Psal. cxxxiii. [1.] a thing it is for brethren to dwell together in one." It is good like the dew which watereth the hills, sweet like that oil which was poured upon the head of the high priest. Oil is pleasant, and dew profitable: the one giveth a most fragrant smell, the other maketh the ground fruitful: but the goodness and sweetness of unity, of peace, no tongue is able sufficiently to express. If this oil and dew of peace, unity, and concord shall be poured, as upon Hermon and Aaron, so likewise upon the tops of our mountains, upon the heads of our guides, upon our magistrates, and upon our ministers, and shall thence distil to the lower parts, as it were to the valleys that lie under the one, and to the skirts of the other's garments, the fruit that shall thereby grow unto us, and the pleasure which all beholders shall conceive of it, is unspeakable. Wherefore, with St Paul, "I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus 1 Cor. i. [10.] Christ, that you all speak one thing, and that there be no dissentions among you, but be ye knit together in one mind and in one judgment." And, as it is said that the last lesson which St John the evangelist gave to his disciples was, Filioli, diligite cos invicem : "my little children, love one another;" so, my dear brethren, receive you also this last lesson at my hands: "Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace."

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19. And then I dare conclude and promise with St

The promise made to

do as they

have been



them which Paul, "the God of love and peace shall abide with you." That God which hath so much commended peace unto us, that God who is so much delighted in love, that God which is the author of love and peace, that God which is peace and love itself, he will be with you; a sure tower for your defence, against whose power no power is able to stand; a present help in all necessities; a loving Father which cannot forget you; a merciful God; a faithful Schoolmaster; a good Shepherd. He will feed you with the food of life: he will augment and increase your faith, confirm and stablish you in all truth: his love to the end shall continue with you: his peace he will give you, and leave among you: he will stand always at your right hand, maintain your lot, lead you through this vale of tears, and conduct you safely to the land of promise: he will pull from your shoulders this miserable coat of your corruption, and clothe you with the robes of immortality: he will change this vile body, and make it like the glorious body of Jesus Christ. All this that God, which cannot lie, hath promised all this that omnipotent, mighty, and merciful God will perform even to all such as labour to become perfect, as joy in the Holy Ghost, as have comfort in Christ, as consent in true religion, and live in peace and brotherly concord. To that God immortal, invisible, and only wise, be all honour, glory, and praise, now and ever. Amen.








From Strype's Annals, Vol. 1. Part 1. Chap. XXIX.

HERE bishop Sandys brought in his paper: wherein his advice was to move her majesty,]

in Synodo.

First, That, with her majesty's authority, with the assistance of the archbishop of Canterbury, according to the limitation of the act provided in that behalf, might be taken out of the Book of Common Prayer private baptism, which Potest fieri hath respect unto women: who, by the word of God, can- Bishop not be ministers of the sacraments, or of any one of them. marginal Secondly, That, by like authority, the collect for crossing the infant in the forehead may be blotted out as it seems very superstitious, so it is not needful.

Thirdly, That, according to order taken by her majesty's father, king Henry VIII. of most famous memory, and by the late king Edward, her majesty's brother, certain learned men, bishops and others, may by her majesty be appointed to set down ecclesiastical orders and rules in all ecclesiastical matters, for the good government of the church of England, as shall be by them thought most meet; and the same in this present session of parliament, whatsoever they shall order or set down, within one year next to be effectual, and for law confirmed by act of parliament, at or in this session.





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