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God, to be children of so great a Father, members of the mystical body of his Son Jesus Christ, incorporated into him, and made the living Temples of his Divine Spirit.

This therefore principally calls for your attention when you assist at the administration of the Sacrament of Baptism: and this you ought daily to think on. You have long ago entered into this covenant of life with the living God: you have made him these solemn promises: you have been in this manner dedicated to the service of the Blessed Trinity: But have you fulfilled your part of this great covenant? Have you kept your baptismal promises? Have you never by wilful sin, defiled your Souls and bodies which have thus been consecrated to God? Have you not, long ago, forfeited the dignity of children of God, of brethren and members of Jesus Christ, of Temples of the Holy Ghost and with it all your title to the kingdom of heaven. For all this is lost in the moment you fall away from God by mortal sin. Think well on this: and if the divine grace has hitherto preserved you from be

ing so miserable, give glory to God, and beg a continuance of this grace. But if, on the contrary, your conscience reproaches you with having fallen from the grace of baptism: broken your Covenant with God: and by mortal sin delivered up to Satan, whom you had renounced, the possession of your Soul which God had consecrated for himself: make haste whilst you have time to return to your allegiance, to detest your guilt, and efface it by penance: to renew your former covenant: and to turn again to God, and he will turn again to you. But see you lose no time; lest there should be no more time for you; lest you should be suddenly overtaken by divine justice, and should die in your sins.

I will now proceed to the administration of this Sacrament, in which you will be pleased to accompany me with your attention and devotion.

After Baptism,

ET us now return our most hearty thanks to God for the mercy he has shewn to this child, whom by

his grace he has washed from sin : whom he has sanctified for himself: and made a living member of his Church in order that he may obtain eternal life. And let us also earnestly beseech this same Father of mer cies, to carry on and perfect this great work of grace which he has begun, and be himself the keeper of this his Temple and never suffer this child to be separated from him by sin, and so to fall a prey to Satan. You, who are the Godfather and Godmother, and much more you who are the Parents, are bound to use your utmost endeavours to prevent so dreadful an evil: by giving or procuring for your child, as soon as capable of it, all necessary instructions in the Christian doctrine: by giving him (or her) early impressions both of the fear and love of God, and by keeping him out of evil company and all the dangerous occasions of sin. This obligation is first and chiefly incumbent on the Parents: and if they neglect it, it is then incumbent on you who are the Godfather and Godmother, who by this act of answering for the child at its baptism, have voluntari

ly taken this obligation upon your selves. This then the Church of God requires at your hands: and God himself expects it from you. So that if this child should perish eternally through your neglect of taking this care of it: God will require it's Soul. at your hands. You must also observe that by a Law of the, Church no man or woman can marry his or her God-child: nor the Father or Mother of their God-child. Lastly, the Church, like a tender mother, solicitous not only for the spiritual, but also for the corporal welfare of her children, requires of its Ministers, that they should on these occasions, admonish the parents, not to suffer their child, during its infancy, to be laid in the same bed either with them, or with its nurse, for fear of its being overlaid, and thereby killed in its infancy. This then in the name of the Church I charge you the parents of this child diligently to observe: as you must expect to answer to God and to his Church for any evil consequences that may happen from your neglect in this matter.


An Exhortation proper to be made to a sick Person at the first Visit.

EAR Brother (or Sister) I am

D sincerely grieved to see you re-


duced to this state of affliction. as you are sensible that nothing can happen to you but by the appointment, or permission of Almighty God; you should consider this sickness as ordained by his divine Providence to promote the sanctification and salvation of your soul. He is infinitely wise, and knows what is best for us: and he is infinitely good, and will not fail to ordain for his dearly beloved children what he knows to be most conducive to their welfare, if they will but resign themselves into his hands. And we are assured by his sacred word, that whom the Lord loveth he chastiseth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. Heb. xii. 6. Perhaps indeed he sees that you have not paid so much regard as you ought to his sacred Law and Command. nents that you have not made it your business to seek first the kingdom of God and his justice: or that

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