The Family Expositor: Or, A Paraphrase and Version of the New Testament ...G. Virtue, 1755 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
angel answered apostles appear attend baptized begat behold Bethsaida blessed bread brought called Capernaum cast character Christ cometh command cure devils disciples discourse divine grace earth eternal evil faith Father favour Galilee give glorious glory gospel hand happy hath healed hear heard heart heavenly Herod holy honour humble immediately IMPROVEMENT Israel Jerusalem Jesus Jews John the Baptist Judas Iscariot Judea kingdom of heaven labour lest live Lord Luke manner Mark Matt mercy Messiah ministry miracles mother multitude occasion ourselves parable person Pharisees pious pleasure preach prophet receive regard righteousness sabbath Sadducees saith unto salvation say unto sea of Galilee sent servants Sidon sins son of Zebedee souls spake Spirit synagogue teach testimony thine things thou art thou hast thou shalt tion truth unto thee verily whole whosoever wisdom woman word