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Why does she not come to see my wife? She would be very glad to go sometimes to your house, but she can not; she has not time. Then my wife will go and see her. — Have you much more English money? I have three pounds, five shillings, and two pence more (left). — At whose house did you dine yesterday? I dined at my friend, Colonel S.'s. - Were there many people? No; there were only Captain B. and I.—Do you see Baron R. sometimes? I see him from time to time at Mrs. de K.'s. He is quite old; how old is he? Seventy-two.

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Study and conjugate the verb aller, p. 166.

Il y a (to express time).

When speaking of an action, a state or condition begun in the past, but still continuing, the French use the present indicative, while the past indefinite is used in English.

D. F. M. 11.

How long have you been in Paris? Combien de temps y a-t-il que

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Depuis, since, may often be used instead of il y a, que, but never il y a and depuis together.

I have been here a fortnight.

Je suis ici depuis quinze jours.

I have been learning French two J'apprends le français depuis months. deux mois.

However, when the action or state no longer continues, the past is used in French.

It had been raining four days.

I had been in Paris a month.

Il y avait quatre jours qu'il pleuvait, or, Il pleuvait depuis quatre jours.

Il y avait un mois que j'étais à Paris, or, J'étais à Paris depuis un mois.

It was five years since I had seen Il y avait cinq ans que je ne her.

l'avais vue, or, Je ne l'avais

pas vue depuis cinq ans.

Il y a, ago.

Ago is always translated by il y a, and the French verb is used in the past.

I came to Paris thirty years ago. Je vins or je suis venu à Paris

My father died ten years ago.
Mr. K. was here half an hour ago.

il y a trente ans.

Mon père mourut il y a dix ans. M. K. était ici il y a une demiheure, or, Il y a une demiheure que M. K. était ici.

Il y a is also used for distance, in the sense of "how far?"

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brosse ?

Could you tell me where my brush Pourriez-vous me dire où est ma is? It was on your dressing table a few Elle était sur votre table de toilette il y a quelques minutes.

minutes ago.

I want a comb and a tooth-brush. J'ai besoin d'un peigne et d'une

brosse à dents.

Lend me your soap and pomatum, Prêtez-moi votre savon et votre if you please. pommade, s'il vous plait.

Who is singing in the drawing- Qui chante au salon?


It is my daughter.

C'est ma fille.

It is long since I have heard any Il y a longtemps que je n'avais

one sing so well.

entendu si bien chanter.

She has been taking lessons only four Il n'y a que quatre mois qu'elle months.

Have you heard of Miss P?

prend des leçons.

Avez-vous entendu parler de

mademoiselle P?

Yes, and I heard her sing two Oui, et je l'ai entendu chanter

days ago.

il y a deux jours.

I think your daughter will sing Je crois que votre demoiselle

better than Miss P.

chantera mieux que
demoiselle P.


To whom are you listening with so Qui écoutez-vous

much attention?

I am listening to that beautiful voice. My daughter listens to what we tell her.


avec tant

J'écoute cette belle voix.

Ma fille écoute ce que nous lui disons.

We have been living here eight years. Il y a huit ans que nous demeurons ici.

I am tired; I have been working Je suis fatigué; il y a dix heures these ten hours.

que je travaille.

How long have you been writing? Combien de temps y a-t-il que

vous écrivez ?

Three hours.

Il y a trois heures.


Combien y a-t-il que vous avez cette table de toilette? Combien (de temps) y a-t-il que vous êtes dans cette maison? Quand êtes-vous venu à Paris? Combien y a-t-il que vous étudiez le français? Combien y avait-il que vous n'aviez vu mon père? Combien de temps y avait-il qu'il pleuvait? Combien y a-t-il de New York à Ann Arbor? Quand avez-vous vu le général M. pour (for) la première fois? Combien y a-t-il que vous avez mal aux dents? Combien y a-t-il que votre mère est morte? Que dit cet homme? Que vous a dit mon ami il y a deux jours? Qui avez-vous vu hier soir? Ecoutezvous tout ce que votre sœur aînée vous dit?


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For whom are you looking? I am looking for my servant. Perhaps he has gone out. He never goes out in the evening. I saw him half an hour ago. - Have you had this dressingtable long? I have had it more than twelve years. How long have you had the arm-chairs which are in your drawing-room? I bought them five years ago. They are beautiful.— Have your parents been dead long? My mother has been dead twelve years, and my father died fifteen years ago. - Have you heard of the Englishman who lives at Mr. H.'s? Yes, I am slightly acquainted with him. He will come to our house this evening, and will sing. I should like to hear him.

Come at nine

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o'clock, and you will. Your bedroom is very small; why do you not take a larger one? Because I like mine; I have been living in it more than seven years.


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What do you say? I say you are my best friend. — We have long been friends. It is more than thirty years. What are you looking for? I am looking for my pen-holder; have you not seen it? I saw it on your desk (bureau, pupître) five minutes ago. I do not at all know where it is. —Are there robbers in your house? I don't think so. Will you travel next summer? I have no time to travel. - Do you never travel? Not often; three years ago I went to France. - Do you know the gentlemen who were at Mrs. C.'s? They are her husband's friends; I had never seen them before. Is it far from Ann Arbor to New York? It is eight hundred kilometres. - Do you understand all that you read in French? I understand almost all. What does that man want? I know what he wants; he needs money; he is always thirsty, and never has any money.

TWENTY-FIFTH LESSON-Vingt-cinquième Leçon.

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