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I should like very much to have a Je voudrais bien avoir une bibli

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Mr. G. has been robbed of several On a volé plusieurs livres à M.

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N'avez-vous pas acheté une maison de campagne? Est-elle loin de Paris? L'avez-vous déjà meublée? Est-ce une grande maison? Combien y a-t-il d'étages? Y a-t-il un grand jardin? Y a-t-il un parc? Combien l'avez-vous payée ? N'avez-vous pas peur des voleurs? Les plafonds sont-il propres? Les murailles sont-elles épaisses? Quand comptez-vous aller à la campagne ? Combien faut-il de temps pour aller à votre maison de campagne ? Vaut-il mieux traduire du français en anglais que de l'anglais en français? Vaut-il la peine de traduire cette anecdote en français? Quand votre oncle fera-t-il bâtir une maison? Où la ferat-il bâtir?


I must buy some furniture to furnish my country house. When will you go and live in it (l'habiter)? We think of going (partir) next month. - Will you stay there long? We shall stay there during summer and part of autumn. — Have you a library there? You know very well that I can't do without (me passer de) my books. Is there a large park? The park is not large, but very pretty; there are beautiful trees. — Do you know any of your neighbors? No, I do not know any one; but I hope I shall make some acquaintances. — I have been told that Mr. de C. does not live far from there; but you had better not visit him, because

he would soon be asking you for some money. He borrows everywhere; he is always moneyless. I do not know him, and don't wish to become acquainted with him.

I must get some coats made for (à) my boy; do you know a good tailor for children? My wife knows one. -I have been told that you have been robbed; is it true? One of my servants has robbed me of twenty francs, and I don't know which. It is very disagreeable. Is it better to learn German than English? It is better for you to learn English, since you are to make several journeys in England on business. How much is Mr. N. worth? He may be worth from four to five hundred thousand francs. — Is it worth while to put on another coat to pay a visit to Mrs. G.? I think you will do well to put on your frock-coat. Have you found

your gloves? Yes, they were in the pocket of my coat.

He who Has Drunk, Will Drink.

An honest workman1 of X. frequented too assiduously one of the inns of R. street. The stops 2 he made became longer and longer3, and more disorderly. His friends reproached him on the matter 5. The friend of the bottle felt the justice of the remonstrance, and promised to amend7; he even took a solemn oath to do so. Next day he passed before the inn without entering it as he usually did 10. Nevertheless, he felt himself attracted toward it, but he overcame 11 the temptation. When clear of the town, a friend who had followed him heard him speaking 12 to himself as follows 13: "I am satisfied with myself; I have been firm 14; I have kept my word not to drink any more. This is worth a bottle, and I am going to that wine merchant's to drink it." And he entered, well satisfied with himself.


I brave ouvrier; 2pauses; 3 de plus en plus longues; désordonnées; en firent des reproches; justesse; 6 7 de se corriger ; ser




ment solennel;
10 selon son habitude;
sant à lui-même ; ce petit discours; ferme.



surmonta; s'adres


1. The verb agrees in number and person with its nominative, or subject, whether that subject precedes or follows; as:

They run too fast.

The women and children came


Ils courent trop vite.

Vinrent ensuite les femmes et les enfants.

2. A verb is put in the plural when it has two or more singular subjects; as

My father and mother are out. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, are vain words.

Mon père et ma mère sont sortis. Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité, sont de vains mots.

3. When the subjects are of different persons, the verb is put in the plural, and agrees with the person having the priority: the first rather than the second, and the second rather than the third; as:

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The Subjunctive mode is so called because it always depends upon another verb, to which it is united by a conjunction; or, rather, upon a proposition expressing

doubt, wish, fear, command, necessity, indecision, supposition, surprise, etc.; in one word, all that which is not positive.

RULE I. The subjunctive is used after impersonal verbs, and others expressing doubt, wish, etc.

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I must go out this afternoon. I wish that you would write to me once a fortnight when you are in England. It is useful for him to know how to swim. It is important for us to know the history of our country. We must obey (obéir à) our parents. You must begin studying mathematics. It is necessary for them to study geography; they want it for their examinations (examens, m.). I wish you would come with me to Neuilly. It is sad that you should suffer (souffrir) so frequently. You must consult a good physician. The servant must go to the butcher's (boucher) to get some veal for our breakfast.

I doubt whether you will be able to go away to-night. My father wishes me to learn German. It is necessary that you should be at your banker's before three o'clock. He desires that I should speak to Mr. F. I wish you to speak to your teacher (maître). I consent to your going to pay a visit to our old friend Mr. V. We doubt if you get off to-morrow week; it will be difficult for you to be ready before a fortnight. I am astonished that you do not know that. I require (exige) you to pay me what you owe me. I wish you to read that book and give it to your sister, who wishes to read it as soon as possible. I wish you to tell the joiner (menuisier) to come and speak to me. I am astonished that he has not come yet. It is necessary that they send the parcel immediately, in order that it may arrive in time.

RULE II.The subjunctive is used after most interrogative and negative propositions, unless we have a positive fact to express.

Do you believe-think, suspect, imagine that there are robbers here?

I will never believe — I do not suppose that there can be any.

Croyez-vous pensez-vous, soup

çonnez-vous, vous imaginezvous qu'il y ait des voleurs ici P

Je ne croirai jamais —je ne suppose pas qu'il puisse y en avoir.

But with a positive fact, the indicative mode is used:

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Do you think he is right? I don't think he is wrong. — Do you think he knows arithmetic? I do not think he knows it well. Are you sure (sûr) that Mr. G. teaches geometry? Does he not believe that we should confess (avouer) our faults (torts) P You do not wish that they should play unceasingly (sans cesse). Do you believe I have consoled that man? Can any one imagine that he has spent such a sum in so short a time? I can not conceive of their having invented such a tale. Is it possible that those young men should not have paid their expenses of last year? Do you wish me to speak to your landlord (propriétaire) P Do you doubt that your father is at home? Do you wish me to do my exercises now? I shall not require you to do them now, but you must do them to-day.

Are you not astonished that we know that? I am not astonished at your knowing anything, you are so inquisitive. - Does not your wife wish you to buy a garden? She wishes me to buy not only a garden, but a house also. - Does he wish me to stay with him? He prefers that you should take a bath, because it is very fine weather. Is it necessary for me to finish my work? It is necessary for you to finish it before twelve.

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