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It was they who were crying just Ce sont eux qui criaient tout à


Have you got a pack of cards?

I have; do you wish to play piquet?
I should prefer to play écarté.


Avez-vous un jeu de cartes ?

Oui; voulez-vous jouer au piquet?
J'aimerais mieux jouer à l'écarté.


Jouez-vous quelquefois aux échecs? Savez-vous jouer aux dames? Voulez-vous faire une partie (play a game) de cartes? Comment appelez-vous club et spade en français ? Combien de cartes y a-t-il dans un jeu? Qui est-ce qui a gagné hier soir? A quoi cette demoiselle passe-t-elle son temps? Est-ce vous qui venez de donner? Vous reste-t-il plus d'argent qu'à moi? Combien pensez-vous qu'il me restera quand j'aurai payé mes deux chapeaux au chapelier? Avez-vous souvent de bons jeux quand vous jouez aux cartes? Qui a écrit cette page, vous ou votre sœur? S'en faut-il de beaucoup que vous ayez fini votre leçon ?

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It is your sister who sings so well, is n't it? No, it is my cousin. Has she been taking lessons long from Mr. Dupré? Two months; she only takes a lesson a week. - How much does she pay by the (par) lesson? Twenty francs. -How shall you spend your time this evening? I don't know yet what I shall do; perhaps I shall pay a visit to my godmother. Is it worth while to have my old boots mended? They are too much worn out (usées); get a new pair made. - Have we much more wine left? Not much; it is time to buy some. -How many

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bottles do you drink a day? We drink three or four bottles a day. How much do you pay a (la) bottle? Seventy centimes. Do they (on) drink much wine in your country (pays)? They (y) drink more beer than wine. - Are there any peaches left in the dining-room? There were two left; why do you ask me that? Because I should like to have one. — There are no more. So much the worse. You are very fond of peaches, are you not? Is there anything better in the world?-Go to my grandmother's garden; there are plenty, and I am sure she will be very glad to give you some. Do you know how to play piquet? Not very well; I prefer whist, because I am accustomed to play it. As for me, I never play at cards; I scarcely know the names of the cards. Can you play chess? No, it is too difficult a game for me. — How do you spend your time? I talk or read.

An Answer Better than the Question1.

Mgr. Affre, archbishop2 of Paris, was traveling in a stagecoach 3 in which he was not known, for he was dressed like a simple priest1. A commercial traveler", who was among the passengers, asked the archbishop, "Could you tell the difference between an ass and a bishop?? You are a scholar; you ought to know that perfectly well."

"I assure you," said the archbishop, "that I can not answer you." "Well, Monsieur l'abbé, the difference between an ass and a bishop is, that the bishop wears his cross on his breast 10, and the ass wears his on his back 11"


All the passengers began laughing, and Mgr. Affre laughed with them. But the archbishop, to have his revenge 12, addressed 13 the young man thus: “And you, sir, can you tell us the difference between an ass and a commercial traveler?" "The difference between an ass and a commercial traveler!" repeated the young man; "I don't see any." "Nor I either; on the contrary, they have great resemblance 14."

Everybody laughed heartily, except the commercial traveler.

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A clarinet, une clarinette.
A horn, un cor, un cornet.
A flageolet, un flageolet.
A flute, une flûte.

A guitar, une guitare.
A harp, une harpe.
An organ, un orgue.

A piano-forte, un piano.

A drum, un tambour.
A drummer, un tambour.
A kettledrum, une timbale.
A trumpet, une trompette.
A violin, un violon.

A violoncello, un violoncelle.
A bow, un archet.
A key-board, un clavier.

To play (on).

Do you play the violin?

I can not play any instrument.

Jouer de.

Jouez-vous du violon ?

Je ne sais jouer d'aucun instrument.

My sister is going to play on the Ma sœur va jouer du piano. piano.

Listen; P. is playing on the flute. Ecoutez; P. joue de la flûte.

To get rid of.

To part with.


To discharge, to shake off.}

Se débarrasser de.
Se défaire de.

Se défaire de.

I have at last got rid of my horse. Je me suis enfin défait de mon


Have you been able to get rid of Avez-vous pu vous débarrasser that man?

de cet homme ?

Mrs. B. has parted with her cook. Madame B. s'est défait de sa

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To take off, to take away. Oter, enlever, desservir (the


Why do you take off your boots? Pourquoi ôtez-vous vos bottes ?
Because they hurt me.
Parce qu'elles me font mal.
Take away the glasses and plates. Otez les verres et les assiettes.

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What instrument does Mr. F. play? De quel instrument M. F. joue

He plays the flute and flageolet.
Is there an organ in your church?

t-il ?

Il joue de la flûte et du filageolet.

Y a-t-il un orgue dans votre église ?

There is a large one and a small Il y en a un grand et un petit.


Do play (on) the piano; you play Jouez donc du piano; vous jouez so well.

si bien.

I will play the piano, if you will Je jouerai du piano, si vous voulez jouer de la harpe. Vous êtes-vous défait de votre

play the harp.

Have you got rid of your horn?

Yes, I have exchanged it for a

better one.

cor ?

Oui, je l'ai changé contre un meilleur.

We are going to pay a visit; put Nous allons faire une visite;

on another coat.

I can't take off my shoes.

changez d'habit.

Je ne peux pas ôter mes souliers.

Who has taken away my books Qui a ôté mes livres de ma

from my library?

Your sisters.

bibliothèque ?

Ce sont vos sœurs.

You often change your mind, don't Vous changez souvent d'avis, you?

Do you think so?

I not only believe it, but I am sure

of it.

You will make me blush.

You don't blush for so little.

n'est-ce pas ?

Croyez-vous ?

Non seulement je le crois, mais

j'en suis sûr.

Vous allez me faire rougir.

Vous ne rougissez pas pour si



Etes-vous musicien? De quel instrument jouez-vous? Aimezvous à jouer du violoncelle? Pourriez-vous me prêter un archet? Jouez-vous de la harpe? Mademoiselle L. joue-t-elle bien du piano? Auriez-vous la bonté de jouer du piano? Combien y a-t-il que votre fils apprend le violon? Lequel de ces deux organistes joue le mieux? Qui joue de la harpe? Pourquoi n'ôtez-vous pas votre pardessus (overcoat)? Ne changez-vous pas de gants? Pourquoi ne vous débarrassiez-vous pas de cet homme ennuyeux (tiresome) hier soir? Voulez-vous changer votre porteplume contre le mien?


This evening we are to have a concert: my sister will play the piano; my cousin will play the harp; Mr. I., the violin: and I shall play the violoncello. Will there be many people at your concert? Only a few friends; and I very much regret that you can not come yourself. I am very sorry for it; I should have been so happy to hear you play. — Your cousin plays the harp well, does she not? She plays admirably. — Do you know the organist of Saint S.? No. He is a good musician; he will give piano lessons to my sister. — How much does he charge (prend-il) a lesson? Ten francs (il prend).

Charles, put on another coat; we are going to pay a visit to Colonel R. At what time shall we go out? As soon as you are ready. I ask you for ten minutes. Must I put on my overcoat? I think you would better put it on, because it is not warm to-day. Why do you take off your gloves? Because my hands are too warm. - Has your neighbor been able to get rid of his white horse? Yes; he has exchanged it for a fine young horse. Do you know who has taken away my dictionary from the table? It is your wife. - Do you know where she put it? I think she lent it to Miss M.; do you want it? I shall want it by and by.

Cold and Hungry.

Mr. de B. one day introduced1 a relative2 of his to Cardinal Mazarin, assuring3 him that he had only two words to say to him. "I consent," said the Cardinal; "but two words, and no

D. F. M. 26.

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