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She is not afraid, she is ashamed. Elle n'a pas peur, elle a honte.

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I am very warm; it is very warm. J'ai bien chaud; il fait très-chaud.

It is damp here.

It is damp to-day.

How are your parents?

They are pretty well.

Il fait humide ici.

Il fait humide aujourd'hui.

Comment se portent (or, vont)

vos parents ?

Ils se portent (or, ils vont), assez bien ?

How are you


Are you not hungry?

No, I am not thirsty. —

Is it cold? It is very

to-day? I am pretty well. - Did you sleep well last night? Very well, thank you. I am very hungry. Are you thirsty? Is she cold? Yes, she is very cold. cold. Is it not damp? No, it is dry. Are they not right? They are right, we are wrong. Are they (f.) afraid? They are afraid. — Are you not sleepy? I am very sleepy. She is very well. They (f.) are very well. Is it cold there? No, but it is cold here. It is astonishing.—Is she modest? She is gentle and modest. Are you very glad? No. - Are you obstinate? I am very obstinate. Is she not inquisitive? She is very inquisitive. Are they wet? No, they are not wet.Bread is very necessary. You are learned. -- The water is not clean. I have some new wine. - How is your father? He is very well, thank you. --I am very glad of it. — Good-night.

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GENERAL RULE.—A substantive, as well as an adjective, becomes plural by taking an s.

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EXCEPTIONS.-1. Words ending in s, x, z, remain unchanged

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3. The following words in ou do not follow the general rule,

but take x instead of s.

the jewel, the jewels.

the pebble, the pebbles.
the cabbage, the cabbages.

the louse, the lice.
the knee, the knees.

the owl, the owls.

the plaything, the playthings.

le bijou, les bijoux. le caillou, les cailloux. le chou, les choux. le pou, les poux. le genou, les genoux. le hibou, les hiboux. le joujou, les joujoux.

4. Words in al change that termination into aux.

the horse, the horses.

the canal, the canals.

the animal, the animals.

le cheval, les chevaux.

le canal, les canaux.

l'animal, les animaux, etc.

Except bal, ball; carnaval, carnival; fatal, fatal; etc., which follow the general rule: bals, carnavals, fatals, navals, etc.

5. Words in ail follow the general rule.

a fan, fans.

the detail, the details.

a rail, rails.

un éventail, des éventails.

le détail, les détails.

un rail, des rails, etc.

Except the following, which change ail to aux:

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Some nouns have no singular; as, funérailles, fiançailles, etc. Some are used only in the singular; as, la crainte, la honte, etc.

Adjectives and verbs used substantively are employed only in the singular: as, l'agréable, le comique, le possible, l'avoir, le boire, le manger.

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Study and conjugate, affirmatively and interrogatively, the indicative present of aimer. See page 139.

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N. B.- Before a feminine singular noun, beginning with a vowel or mute h, mon, ton, son are used instead of ma, ta, sa.

My soul, mon âme, instead of ma âme.

His friend, f. son amie, instead of sa amie, etc.

Him, it, le, m.; her, it, la, f.; him, her, it, l', m. and f.; them, les, m. and f. plur.

These personal pronouns, third person, singular and plural, are placed before the verb, except in the imperative affirmative. They stand for the English objective case, or Latin accusative.

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Do you love your father?
I love him very much.
Does he love his mother?
He does love her.

Does she love her parents?
She does love them.
Do you know my sons?


I know your sons and daughters.
Do they like their niece?

Aimez-vous votre père ?
Je l'aime beaucoup.
Aime-t-il sa mère ?
Oui, il l'aime.

Aime-t-elle ses parents?
Oui, elle les aime.

Connaissez-vous mes fils?

Je connais vos fils et vos filles?
Aiment-ils leur nièce ?

They like her very much, she is very Ils l'aiment beaucoup, elle est

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Avez-vous du sucre? N'avez-vous pas de chocolat? Etesvous fàché? Etes-vous paresseux? Est-elle modeste? Fait-il froid aujourd'hui ? Avez-vous chaud? N'avez-vous pas faim? Aimez-vous le lait? Avez-vous soif? Aimez-vous la bière? Comment se porte votre père? Aimez-vous vos parents? Avezvous bien dormi cette nuit? Comment vous portez-vous aujourd'hui? N'avez-vous pas mon canif? Aimez-vous le café? A-t-elle son verre? N'avez-vous pas sommeil ?


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My mother is very kind; she loves her children very much. Does she love her niece? She loves her niece and nephew.Do you like your uncle, Paul? I like my uncle and my aunt

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