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TWENTY-THIRD LESSON — Vingt-troisième Leçon.

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To take notice of, to notice. S'apercevoir de.

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Notwithstanding, still.

Ne laisser pas de.

He will succeed, notwithstanding Il réussira, mais il ne laisse pas

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What a beautiful mahogany table! Quelle belle table d'acajou!
My daughter wishes by all means

to have it.

That is a new four-horse carriage.

Ma fille la veut à toute force.

Voilà une voiture neuve à quatre chevaux.

Look at that man with the gray Voyez cet homme à la barbe


I think he has lost his wits.

Still, he is very covetous.


Je crois qu'il a perdu la tête.

Il ne laisse pas d'être bien avare.

Unfortunately, he says he has been Pour surcroît de malheur, dit-il,

robbed of some money.

Do not apply to him to borrow

money. How do you manage to do your exercises without a dictionary?

on lui a volé de l'argent. Ne vous adressez pas à lui pour

emprunter de l'argent. Comment vous y prenez-vous

I do not need a dictionary, since I Je use only those words which I have learned in my method.

Let us go and see that wind-mill.

pour faire vos thèmes sans dictionnaire ?

n'ai pas besoin de dictionnaire, puisque je ne me sers

que de mots que j'ai appris dans ma méthode.

Allons voir ce moulin à vent.

It is too fatiguing to ascend so high. C'est trop fatigant de monter

I notice that you are a little lazy.

si haut.

Je m'aperçois que vous êtes un

peu paresseux.

Do you perceive that house yonder. Apercevez-vous cette maison là

D. F. M. 29.

bas ?


Avez-vous voyagé dans le nord de la France? Avez-vO118 remarqué quelles élégantes maisons de briques il y a? Y a-t-il des maisons de briques à Paris? Ne sont-ce pas généralement des maisons de pierre? Combien avez-vous payé votre montre à répétition? Est-elle de Genève? A qui est cette voiture à quatre chevaux? N'est-ce pas celle de l'ambassadeur d'Angleterre? Conduisez-vous quand vous prenez votre voiture à deux roues? Pourquoi vous éloignez-vous de notre société? A qui pensez-vous qu'il faille m'adresser pour avoir une place pour mon petit-fils? Comment cette dame s'y prend-elle pour faire tant de choses en si peu de temps? Ne perd-elle pas la tête de temps en temps.


Are there wind-mills in your country? I don't know; I never saw any; I think there are only water-mills. - Do they use two-wheeled carriages much? Yes; almost everybody has his own in the country town I live in. - Have you seen the lady with the yellow dress? Why do you ask? She is from my village. Whether she be (qu'elle soit) from your village or not (qu'elle n'en soit pas), I confess (avoue) that that has very little interest for me, as I do not know her. - Have you been able to get rid of that importunate man (importun)? He wished by all means that I should lend him two thousand francs; I had great trouble to make him understand that I not only could not lend him money, but, on the contrary, wanted to borrow some myself. That poor man has lost his wits, I believe; he owes so much that his creditors do not leave him anything; and for more bad luck, his eldest son has just lost his situation on account of his bad conduct. I pity him with all my heart; some people are born for bad luck (le malheur). Did you notice the bad humor of Mrs. B.? No, but I know she is not in good spirits every day.

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Cousin Deborah.

Cousin Deborah was an old, unmarried lady', who had no other property than a moderate life annuity 2. The furniture3 of her house was faded and antique; the linen was well darned;

the plate was scanty, and worn thin with use and frequent scouring; the books were few7, and in no very good condition. She had no jewels or trinkets; her days were passed in a dreary state of tranquility stitching, stitching 10, stitching forever, with her beloved, huge 12 work-box at her elbow 13. That 14 wanted nothing, for it was abundantly fitted up 15 with worsted, cotton, tape 16, buttons, bodkins 17, needles, and such a multiplicity of reels and balls 18, that to enumerate them would be a tedious 19 task. Cousin Deborah particularly prided herself on her darning; carpet, house linen, stockings, all bore unimpeachable 20 testimony to this branch of industry.

1 vieille fille; 2 modeste rente annuelle ; 3



4 ameublement; mes5 aminci ; 6 nettoyage; rares; colifichets; 9à tirer l'ai10 à la tirer encore; 11 à la tirer toujours; 12 immense; à son côté ; ce panier;

quine; guille;








fourni; le ruban;

pelotons; fatigant; irréprochables.



TWENTY-FOURTH LESSON - Vingt-quatrième

The betrothed, le fiancé.
The betrothal, les fiançailles.

The marriage, le mariage.


The bridegroom, le nouveau marié.
The bride, la nouvelle mariée.

The wedding, la noce.

The bridesmaid, la fille d'honneur. Wedding presents, la corbeille de mariage.

To get married, se marier.

To marry, se marier, se marier avec, épouser.

A widower, un veuf.

The groomsman, le garçon d'hon- A widow, une veuve.


Ihave married my daughter to C. F.
Paul has married the young widow

Mr. H. and Miss G. are married.
My sister is going to be married.

A bachelor, un célibataire.

J'ai marié ma fille avec C. F.
Paul a épousé la jeune veuve M.

M. H. et Mademoiselle G. sont
Ma sœur va se marier.

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The present participle is not used so frequently ir French as in English; it is translated sometimes by a noun, sometimes by an infinitive; as:

His coming rejoices us.

A singing master.

Sa venue nous réjouit.

Un maître de chant.

Reading good authors is instructive. Lire les bons auteurs est in


Going too frequently to the theater Aller trop souvent au théâtre

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Arthur has married a cousin of Arthur a épousé une de meз


Whatever you may say or do, you

will not prevent my marrying.

The bishop married my sister.


Vous avez beau dire et beau

faire, vous ne m'empêcherez

pas de me marier.

L'évêque a marié ma sœur.

When I marry, I will invite you to Quand je me marierai, je vous

the wedding.

inviterai à ma noce.

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