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This young man is as tall as you. Ce jeune homme est aussi grand

He is taller than I.

Is he older than his sister?

que vous.

Il est plus grand que moi.

Est-il plus âgé que sa sœur?

Yes, his sister is the youngest of Oui, sa sœur est la plus jeune de

the family.

Is their father rich?

la famille.

Leur père est-il riche ?

He is the richest man in the town. C'est l'homme le plus riche de la


Is that gentleman's house as large La maison de ce monsieur est-elle

[blocks in formation]

Is that lady as kind as her sister? Cette dame est-elle aussi bonne

[blocks in formation]

Yes, but she is still more modest than Oui, mais elle est encore plus

modeste que belle.

pretty. Have you as many good pens as bad Avez-vous autant de bonnes que ones? de mauvaises plumes?

I have more bad ones than good J'en ai plus de mauvaises que


How old is that woman?


de bonnes.
Quel âge a cette femme ?

quatre-vingts ans.

She is old; she is already eighty Elle est vieille, elle a déjà
She is always well (in good health). Elle se porte toujours bien.
She never drinks wine.

Elle ne boit jamais de vin.


N'aviez-vous pas une tante? Cet homme n'avait-il pas un fils? N'aviez-vous pas de meilleur vin? N'aviez-vous pas autant

de chemises que moi? Où est le mari de cette femme ? Ne connaissez-vous pas le frère de cette demoiselle? Qui est le monsieur qui est avec votre voisin? Pouvez-vous déjà parler anglais? Quel âge a votre fils ainé? N'est-il pas plus jeune que ma fille? Cette dame est-elle l'amie de votre tante? Ce jeune homme est-il majeur? Parlez-vous toujours anglais? Aimez-vous à écrire des lettres? Qu'avez-vous aux mains? N'avez-vous pas une robe neuve? N'avez-vous pas sommeil? Que désirez-vous boire? Voulez-vous du thé? Au revoir.


[ocr errors]

Had not that young lady a brother? She had no brother, but she had a sister. Is that young man as kind as his father? I do not know; I do not know him well, but his brother Charles, my friend, is a very good young man. Do you know that man? I do; he is my cousin's husband. — Is he not much richer than his wife? He is. Is that woman as old as your mother? She is not so old. - Has your grocer (d') as bad coffee as ours? Our grocer has (de) very good coffee. - How are you to-day, my friend? Very well; and you? Pretty well. - Have you a book to lend me? I have a book, but I do not lend it to you; I give it to you. You are the kindest man I know. Do you know K. the younger? I do.

[ocr errors]


Has your uncle as many enemies as we? My uncle has no enemies, he has only friends. - Is he as rich as your father? He is not so rich. Is your house as large as your neighbor's? Ours is not so large as our neighbor's, but it is finer. - Have you more clothes than your brother? He has as many as I.Is your sister's watch as fine as her mother's? My mother's is pretty, my sister's is prettier, but mine is the prettiest. - To whom does that pretty, small house belong? It is my aunt's.Are the plates, butter, tea, cream, and sugar upon the table? Yes, madam. - Very well. — Will you lend me a knife? I have none. - Will your sister lend me hers? She has none either (non plus). — Will you have an apple, my child? Thank you,

[ocr errors]

madam, I am not hungry. - How old are you? I am six years old, madam. Are you very good? Mamma (maman) is satisfied with me. That is very good.

[blocks in formation]

Double, double; treble, triple; fourfold, quadruple; fivefold, quin

[blocks in formation]

Two, three... dozen, deux, trois About fifteen, une quinzaine.


About a hundred, une centaine.

TWELFTH LESSON-Douzième Leçon.

The grandfather.

The grandmother.

The grandson.

The granddaughter.
The ancestors, forefathers.
The father-in-law.
The mother-in-law.
The son-in-law.

The daughter-in-law.

Le grand-père, l'aïeul. La grand'mère, l'aïeule. Le petit-fils.

La petite-fille.

Les ancêtres, les aïeux. Le beau-père.

La belle-mère.

Le gendre, le beau-fils,

La belle-fille, la bru.

[blocks in formation]

The godfather, the godmother. Le parrain, la marraine.

The godson, the god-daughter. Le filleul, la filleule.

Study and conjugate être, (p. 134) in the imperfect and past definite, in the four forms.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

I have neither book, nor pencil, nor Je n'ai ni livre, ni crayon, ni

[blocks in formation]


How many grandchildren has your Combien votre grand-père a-t-il


There are fourteen of us.

de petits-enfants? (or, com

bien de petits-enfants a votre grand-père?)

Nous sommes quatorze.

How many granddaughters are Combien y a-t-il de petites-filles? there?

There are five granddaughters and Il y a cinq petites-filles et neuf

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I have no brother-in-law, but I Je n'ai pas de beau-frère, mais

have two sisters-in-law.

Where is your godfather?

j'ai deux belles-sœurs.

Où est votre parrain?

I don't know; I don't see him Je ne sais pas; je ne le vois pas


Which lesson do you know?

I know the eighth and ninth lessons.
Do you know the first seven lessons?

Tolerably well.

To whom are you writing?

I am writing to my sister; I write to her twice a week.


Quelle leçon savez-vous?
Je sais la huitième et la neuvième.
Savez-vous les sept premières
leçons ?

Assez bien; passablement bien.
A qui écrivez-vous ?
J'écris à ma sœur, je lui écris
deux fois par semaine.

She writes to us three or four times Elle nous écrit trois ou quatre

[blocks in formation]

Combien votre grand'mère a-t-elle de petits fils? N'a-t-elle pas aussi des petites-filles? Votre grand-père était-il beaucoup

D. F. M.-6.

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