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plus âgé que sa femme? Quel âge a votre grand'mère? Combien de cousins avez-vous? Combien de fois par semaine voyezvous votre beau-frère? Votre petit frère était-il aussi fatigué que vous? N'étiez-vous pas fâché contre le fils de votre voisin ? Combien de leçons prenez-vous par semaine? Combien y a-t-il de livres? Sont-ils tous à votre père? Etes-vous l'ainé de la famille? Quel âge a le plus jeune? Combien y avait-il de bouteilles? Quelle viande voulez-vous, or désirez-vous?


Yes, sir. — How many

Do you usually know your lessons? children has your sister? She (en) has four. Then you are four times an uncle. More than that; I have eight nephews and nieces. — Do you like your nephews better than your nieces ? On the contrary, I like my nieces better than my nephews; they are better than they. - Do you love your grandmother better than your grandfather? I love them both (tous les deux) very much; they are so kind.—Is your grandfather still alive? No, but my great-grandmother (arrière-grand❜mère) is still alive.— Are your brother-in-law's parents still alive? His father is still alive, and he has a step-mother. - Were you not fatigued? I was very much fatigued; more than my husband. - Do you know my mother-in-law? I know her very well; the more I see her the more I like her; she is so kind. - - She is the best woman I know. Do you often write to your parents? I write to them three or four times a month.- Write the following numbers in French 18, 29, 31, 47, 58, 63, 82, 96, 108, 353, 1080, 2975, 3421871.

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Does your sister

Is your ink as bad as mine? Yours can not be worse than mine. - Is Robert's paper as good as mine? It is better than yours; it is the best paper that I ever saw. know her lessons better than you do? She always knows them much better. - How many inkstands have you? only one. Will you lend it to me? My ink is have a letter to write. To whom will you write? I will write to my brother. - Does he answer you? He always answers

I (en) have very bad. -I


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- Does he write better than you? Yes, much better. — How many children are there in that family? There (en) are seven or eight. — Will you have the half of this bottle of wine? No, thank you, I do not like wine. - Do you wish to have some water? I am not thirsty.— How many thirds are there in an integer? (un entier)? There (en) are three; a little child knows

that. — How old is your godson?

He is thirteen. — Is he as tall

as your son? He is taller; he is two years older than my son. — Is this new book yours? No, it is Paul's.


A marble table

A gold watch.

A watch-key.
A silver snuff-box.
A silk dress.

A silver fork and spoon.

A cloth coat.

A crystal inkstand.

A dining-room.

A wine-bottle.

A mustard-pot.

Treizième Leçon.

Une table de marbre.

Une montre d'or.

Une clef de montre.

Une tabatière d'argent.

Une robe de soie.

Un couvert d'argent.
Un habit de drap.

Un encrier de cristal.

Une salle à manger.

Une bouteille à vin.

Un pot à moutarde.

In French, the name of an object precedes the name of the substance of which it is formed or which it contains. The preposition de is placed between them.

The name of an object precedes the noun representing its use, produce, etc. The preposition à generally connects the two nouns. (See examples above.)

Study and conjugate the imperfect and past definite of aimer, p. 139, finir, p. 145, recevoir, p. 152, and vendre, p. 155, and of pouvoir, p. 172.

To think of.

To receive. Recevoir.

To learn.



[blocks in formation]

Que, (conj.) always expressed after the verb).

One, ones, (of them, of it, thereof, etc.)


Yesterday, Hier. Formerly, Autrefois. When, Quand, lorsque.


Did you know (that) I had a gold Saviez-vous que j'avais une mon


I knew (that) you had a watch, Je

but I thought it was a silver


tre d'or?

savais que vous aviez une montre, mais je pensais que c'était une montre d'argent.

Had not your father a silver snuff- Votre père n'avait-il pas une

[blocks in formation]

Did you not often break the plates? Ne cassiez-vous pas souvent les

What do you think of that?
He wore a cloth vest.

She broke her crystal inkstand.
I did not like their dining-room.

Where is the mustard-pot?

assiettes ?

Que pensez-vous de cela ?
Il portait un gilet de drap.
Elle cassa son encrier de cristal.
Je n'aimais pas leur salle à

Où est le pot moutarde?


Quand avez-vous cassé votre montre d'or? Où avez-vous acheté cette tabatière d'argent? Combien aviez-vous de bouteilles à vin? Qu'avez-vous appris hier? Avez-vous pu prendre votre leçon hier? Ne pensiez-vous pas à nous? Quand êtesvous allé voir votre parrain? Où étaient autrefois vos ancêtres? Quand avez-vous reçu ces beaux couverts d'argent? N'aviezvous pas plusieurs moutardiers? Qui a cassé mon couteau hier? N'aviez-vous pas plusieurs habits de drap? Ne saviez-vous pas que j'avais une montre d'argent? Où puis-je acheter une clef de montre? N'avez-vous pas plusieurs filleuls? Où sont les cahiers de mes sœurs?


Did you often think of me when you were so unfortunate? I often thought of you and of my uncle. Could you not write to us? I had neither pen nor paper, and I could not buy any. When did you go to see your family? Three times a year. Did you never go to see your brother-in-law? I could not; he was angry with me.— Is not your dining-room larger than ours? I think yours is smaller than ours. - How many lessons did you take a week? I took five lessons a week. — Did you learn them well? Not always. — Did you receive many books? I received some often enough. -Formerly you had a silver pen-holder; where is it? My sister has it (or, it is my sister who has it).— What vest do you give the servant? I give him an old vest.



Do you often eat fowl? We (en) eat some twice or three times a week. —Do you eat many potatoes? Yes, we (en) always have some with our meat. - What do you drink? We drink wine and water. Do you often take chocolate? No, we do not like chocolate much. — Will you breakfast with us? I can offer you a leg of mutton: I know you like it very much. You are very kind, but I can not; I am to breakfast with my friend Charles. How are your sisters?

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very well.

I thank you, my sisters are Do you know how many cousins I have? I know (that) you (en) have a great many. I (en) have twenty-two.


Were there not wine-bottles in the dining-room? There (en) were more than ten.. - Where are they? I do not know; the servant (en) often breaks some. - Did your grandfather come and see you? He came to see us several times a year.

AN IMPORTANT REMARK. To ask questions when the subject is a noun preceded by an interrogative, always begin with that


When is your sister Quand votre sœur doit-elle venir

(or, quand est-ce que votre sœur doit venir) ?

[blocks in formation]

to come?

[blocks in formation]

Where does your

Où demeure votre oncle (or, où

uncle live?

[blocks in formation]

votre oncle demeure-t-il)?

Why does not Mrs. Pourquoi Madame S. ne vient

[blocks in formation]

What way did Mr. Par où M. T. est-il venu?

[blocks in formation]

Est-ce que might be placed after any of the interrogatives;

Où est-ce que votre oncle demeure ?

Pourquoi est-ce que Madame S. ne vient pas ?
Quels livres est-ce que votre sœur lit ? etc.

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