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He, she, they, and these are expressed by ce when the verb être is followed by an article, a possessive, a demonstrative:

He is a friend of mine.
She was my best friend.
These are my books.
She is a German lady.
They are Americans.
They are yours.

C'est un de mes amis.

C'était ma meilleure amie.

Ce sont mes livres.

C'est une dame allemande.

Ce sont des Américains.

Ce sont les vôtres (or, ils sont à vous).

But he, she, they, are translated by il, elle, ils, elles when the verb être is followed by a noun which has neither an article, nor a possessive, nor a demonstrative before it.

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It is translated by il, elle, when an adjective referring to a masculine or feminine noun in the singular comes after est, était.

Speaking of a hat:

It is new, beautiful.

Speaking of a house:

It is large, high.

Il est neuf, il est beau, etc.

Elle est grande, elle est haute.

Connaître, to know (by the senses), to be acquainted with, to know a place, to have the knowledge of. to know, to know how, to know where, to know what, to know something.

To know


I know your father.

Je connais votre père.

I know what you mean. Je sais ce que vous voulez dire.

To begin, to commence.


To understand.

Comprendre (p. 168).

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She speaks it as well as an En- Elle le parle aussi bien qu'une glish lady. Do you know many Englishmen? Connaissez-vous beaucoup d'An



I know a few Englishmen in Je connais quelques Anglais à

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Votre fille peut-elle parler anglais? Cet Anglais comprend-il le français ? Pourquoi ne me répondez-vous pas en anglais? Ne pouvez-vous pas comprendre cette demoiselle anglaise? Connaissez-vous plusieurs Anglais qui parlent bon français? Quand irez-vous en France? Resterez-vous longtemps à Paris? Votre fils saura-t-il bientôt le français? Y a-t-il beaucoup d'Anglais à Paris? Pouvez-vous comprendre les Français quand ils parlent ensemble? Quand commencerez-vous à écrire vos lettres? Quand votre mère viendra-t-elle vous voir? Pourquoi n'allezvous pas à l'Université de Michigan? Qui est cette dame?


Are there many Englishmen in Paris? There (en) are always a great many. Are there more Englishmen in Paris than Frenchmen in London? I don't know, but there are a great many Englishmen in Paris. -Can you speak French? I begin to speak it pretty well. - Do you know the verbs? I already know how to conjugate several tenses (temps) of a great many verbs. Shall you go to France? Perhaps.- Has not your brother been there? Yes, he has been in Paris. Do you often speak French? I only speak French with my teacher (professeur), one hour every day. - Do you read (p. 171) French books? 1 do; but I do not yet know French enough to understand what I read. Is that gentleman English? No, he is a Frenchman, but he speaks English as well as an Englishman. — There are few Frenchmen who have a good English accent. My father has a very good accent. Why do you not speak with that lady? Because I do not understand her, and she does not understand me. You see that it is necessary to know how to

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speak several languages.


When will you go to Versailles? Perhaps I shall go tomorrow. -- Why do you not go there to-day? Because I have several letters to write.-To whom have you to write? To my


aunt, my brother, and to a friend who is in France. shall you go to Paris? Very soon; to-morrow, perhaps. —Shall you soon be able to speak French? I begin to speak and understand it pretty well. - Did you learn it in England? Yes, a little. Do you like France? I like it better than England. Are you acquainted with many Frenchmen now? I am, but I shall soon have more friends in Paris, because I have several French families to visit; to-day I shall go and see (j'irai voir) the family B.- When will you take your lesson? I do not know it yet; I am going to learn it. Do you understand me very well when I speak French to you? I do, because you speak very distinctly (distinctement). — Do you like the French language? I do; but I shall like it better when I can speak and understand it better. --Will you remain long in France? I intend to remain eight months in Paris, and four months at Versailles.

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Study and conjugate avoir, être, aimer, finir, recevoir, vendre, in the conditional present and past, and the same verbs in the futur antérieur.

After quand, lorsque (when), aussitôt que (as soon as),

*We will no longer give the genders of adjectives.

etc., the future is used, in French, instead of the present, as in English, when we have to express a future action or state.

When you have finished, come (i. e., Quand vous aurez fini, venez. when you will have finished).

As soon as he knows how to read

(i. e., he will know), he will have these books.

Aussitôt qa'il saura lire, il aura ces livres.

When you come (i. e., when you Quand vous viendrez, il sera ici. shall have come), he will be here.

When he is here.

Lorsqu'il sera ici.

After si (if), do not use a future or conditional in French; but the present or imperfect, according to the


If I can do that, I will do it.
If he could write, it would be better.

Si je puis faire cela, je le ferai.
S'il pouvait écrire, ce serait mieux.

Still, when si stands for whether, the future and conditional are used.

I don't know whether she will come. I should like to know whether it will rain.

I did not know whether you would go.

If I had, or had I; if he had, or
had he; if we had, etc.

I should like to know.
He would like to come.

He will come and take it.

Go and look for my son.

Je ne sais pas si elle viendra.
Je voudrais savoir s'il pleuvra.

Je ne savais pas si vous iriez. Si j'avais; s'il avait; si nous avions, etc.

Je voudrais, je désirerais savoir.
Il voudrait bien venir, il désire-
rait venir.

Il viendra le prendre.
Allez chercher mon fils.

In these and similar phrases and is not expressed in French.

To go out.
To depart, to leave.
To sell.

Sortir (p. 148).

Partir, (être), (p. 148).


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