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(blue), and 7 of Dragoon Guards, classified as heavy cavalry; 3 regiments of Dragoons, and 5 of Lancers, classified as medium; and 13 Hussar regiments or light cavalry-all carrying carbines and swords. The war strength of each is 1 lieutenant-colonel, 1 major, 8 captains, 9 lieutenants, 7 sub-lieutenants, 1 adjutant, 1 paymaster, 1 quartermaster, I medical officer, 1 veterinary surgeon, 75 non-commissioned officers, 8 farriers, 8 shoeing-smiths, 8 trumpeters, 4 saddlers, 2 wheelers, 15 bandsmen, 480 troopers, and 22 drivers, 559 riding and 44 draught horses, and 11 wagons.

The native Indian cavalry are all light, and some have the front ranks armed with lances, the rear with sabres. Bengal has 19 regiments, each of 8 troops, consisting of 10 European officers (1 in command and 1 surgeon), 17 native officers, and 536 native non-commissioned officers and troopers. Madras has 4 regiments of only 6 troops each, the same number of European, but 12 native officers and 396 of other ranks. Bombay has 7 regiments with the same organisation and numbers as Bengal, but only 518 native non-commissioned officers and troopers. Besides these regiments there is a troop of native cavalry at Aden, and one as a body-guard for each lieutenant-governor, and the governorgeneral of India.

The auxiliary cavalry in Great Britain comprises 39 regiments of Yeomanry, 2 of Volunteer Light Horse, and 1 of Volunteer Mounted Rifles, of various strengths. There is a cavalry depôt at Canterbury, and a school of instruction for auxiliary cavalry at Aldershot.

After the American civil war, the United States' cavalry was reduced to 10 regiments of 936 privates each. The commissioned officers of a regiment consist of 1 colonel, 1 lieutenantcolonel, 3 majors, 12 captains, 14 first lieutenants, and 12 second lieutenants.

History. For the place of cavalry in the ancient armies, see ARMY. In the middle ages horsemen -knights, esquires, and their attendants-formed the most important part of the great armies; but after the disappearance of the Roman cohort with its 132 highly trained horsemen, the organisation of cavalry, as we now understand the word, was neglected until 1445, when Charles VII. of France grouped his men-at-arms into companies 100 strong. The method of fighting, from 1645 until Frederick the Great introduced the charge or shock tactics, was to advance to close quarters, fire pistols from the saddle, and then commence cutting with the sword. The value of dismounted cavalry able to act as infantry was then recognised, and dragoons armed with muskets were much in vogue until the beginning of the 19th century. They then lost favour, and they were taught that the sword was their proper weapon, and the saddle their proper place. Mounted infantry, however, using their horses merely as a means of rapidly covering the ground, have been found so useful in the British army that in 1887 a school for this arm was formed at Aldershot. The great importance of this branch was experienced in the Transvaal war (1899-1900), where all the Boer army were practically mounted infantry, and their mobility gave to them enormous advantage in proportion to their numbers. The future development of all armies is bound to be very largely in this direction. The usefulness of the lance as a weapon for regular cavalry in pursuit and other tactics has led the British war authorities to arm part of nearly all their cavalry regiments with it in addition to their other arms.

Formation.-A cavalry regiment in the field is divided into 4 squadrons, each of 2 troops. The men of each squadron when in line are 6 inches from knee to knee, and formed in two ranks, a horse's length apart. The officers are at a similar distance


in front, and the 'serrefiles,' or supernumerary noncommissioned officers, in rear. There is an interval of 12 yards between squadrons. The pace is, walk 4 miles an hour, trot 8, gallop 12. The maximum distance covered by cavalry is 68 miles by day (6 A.M. to 10 P.M.) and 18 by night—86 for the 24 hours; but after such a march there must be a rest all next day. For a continuous march 35 miles a day, at 5 miles an hour, is a good rate.

Duties on Service.-In large armies, from oneeighth to one quarter of the whole force should be cavalry. Their duties are to cover the movements of their own army, and to find out those of the enemy-besides taking part in the actual battles by guarding the flanks, seizing all opportunities of charging, completing success by an active pursuit, or covering defeat. The screening and reconnoitring duties are performed by the cavalry divisions, each of two or more brigades, one or two days' march in front of the main body. The light Brigades (q.v.) are perhaps best for the actual scouting, but must be supported by heavy cavalry in order to meet that of the enemy, which would otherwise have the advantage of greater weight in the charge. Each brigade of two or more regiments is accompanied by a battery of Horse Artillery.

The battle of Mars la Tour in the Franco-German war of 1870, supplies the best examples of a cavalry fight on a large scale, and of a charge (that of Barby and Bredows' brigades) directed against infantry. The action of the German cavalry throughout the same campaign illustrates the screening and reconnoitring duties of the arm. The capture of Cairo by the rapid advance of the British cavalry after the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (1882), shows its value after a successful engagement.

Tactics. Unless acting dismounted, cavalry must either attack or retire; it cannot otherwise defend itself. Against cavalry it must therefore manœuvre with its first line, so as to attack to the best advantage-i.e. against the adversary's flank. Its second line following, en échelon, in order to have a clear front, protects the flanks of the first from counter attack, and supports its movement, completing its victory, or covering its retreat. Horse artillery on the protected flank fire upon the enemy up to the last moment before the charge. A third portion, formed into a reserve, follows, and behind it the other two can rally after the charge, which, even when successful, creates great confusion. Cavalry attacks artillery in two bodies-one in line formation charges the escort, and the other in extended order, the men a horse's length apart, converges upon the guns. Infantry can defend itself from a cavalry charge, unless surprised by a flank attack, which would generally be delivered by comparatively small bodies in successive lines, but such an opportunity rarely occurs on a modern battlefield.

Cav'an, an inland county in the south of Ulster. It lies in the narrowest part of Ireland, 18 miles from the Atlantic, and 20 from the Irish Sea. Area, 746 sq. m., of which less than a third is under crops. Bogs and hills, with many small lakes, are found in the north-west, where Cuilcagh attains a maximum altitude of 2188 feet. The chief rivers are the Erne, the Woodford, and the Annalee. The eastern half of Cavan rests on clay-slate and graywacke; the mountain district in the west is carboniferous formation. Of minerals, Cavan affords coal, iron, lead, and copper, with many mineral springs. The climate is cold and damp; and the soil is poor, wet, and clayey, except along the streams. The chief crops are oats and potatoes, the cultivation of flax having greatly decreased since 1850. The farms are small. Agriculture forms the staple industry, but linen is manufactured to a considerable extent. The chief towns are Cavan, Cootehill, and Belturbet. Cavan returns two members to parliament. Pop. (1851)


174,064; (1881) 129,476; (1891) 111,679, of whom 90,329 were Catholics, and 16,325 Episcopalians.CAVAN, the county town, stands on a branch of the Annalee, 85 miles NW. of Dublin by rail. It has a court-house and a grammar-school; and the beautiful demesne of Lord Farnham lies between Cavan and Lough Oughter, which is about 5 miles west. Pop, about 3000.

Cavati'na, a short form of operatic air, of a smooth and melodious character, differing from the ordinary aria in consisting only of one part, and frequently appearing as part of a grand scena. Examples of cavatina are found in many well. known operas, as Sonnambula and Les Huguenots. The term is also often used for a complete air or song, such as the 'Salve dimora' in Faust.

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these are simply great blisters or hollows formed
by the expansive power of the highly heated
vapours contained in the lava at the time of its
eruption. Others again may have been caused by
the sudden conversion into steam of the water of
lakes or streams suddenly overwhelmed by a lava-
flow-the steam thus generated might either
violently rupture the lava by its explosive force, or
produce great tunnels and irregular cavities under
the liquid lava, already inclosed in its solid crust,
della Palomba of Etna is supposed by some to have
by pressing it upwards. The extensive Fossa
But probably the greater
had such an origin.
formed by the escape of the lava itself from its own
number of the larger caves under lava have been
solidified envelope. When lava pours out from a
volcanic orifice it very rapidly coagulates above
and below, so that the liquid rock becomes im-
prisoned in a hardened crust of its own material.
The great pressure of the inclosed lava, however,
upon the crust at the terminal point of the flow
then flows out freely until it is again imprisoned in
the same manner. In the case of very liquid lavas
this escape is often completed in a perfect manner
-and a long underground tunnel is left behind,
from the roof of which depend long stalactites of
black glassy lava. Extensive caves formed in this
way-some of them measuring over 100 feet in
width-occur in the Azores, the Canary Islands,
Iceland, and other volcanic regions.

Cave, or CAVERN (Lat. cavus, 'hollow'). The natural hollows which occur in and underneath rocks have originated in various ways-some being due to the chemical and mechanical action of water, others to dislocations and disruptions pro-suffices again and again to rupture it, and the lava duced by movements of the crust, or by superficial rock-falls and landslips, while yet others are tunnels which now and again occur in or under thick sheets of lava. Caves formed by marine erosion are frequently met with along the coast-line of Britain and other countries, Fingal's Cave at Staffa (q.v.) being a splendid example. They are not confined to any particular kind of rock-although, other things being equal, they are of course more easily formed in readily yielding rocks than in more durable kinds. It is rather the character of their natural divisionplanes or beds and joints than their composition and texture that determines whether the rocks at the base of a sea-cliff shall be hollowed out or not by the action of the waves. If the rocks are thinbedded and abundantly and regularly jointed, it is obvious that as soon as any portion is undermined by the sea, the overlying masses will immediately vield along their division-planes and topple down. If, on the other hand, the rocks are meagrely and irregularly jointed, and occur in massive beds, then they will not so readily collapse when undermined, and caves will tend to be formed. Caves which have had this origin are not uncommonly met with along the line of old sea-margins in many regions which have been elevated in recent geological times. Most frequently, however, the entrances to such caves are concealed by the rock-rubbish which has been detached from time to time by the action of the weather from the cliffs above. Caves of erosion are also formed by river-action at the base of crags and cliffs in many valleys. And now and again such hollows may be detected at various levels in river-cliffs, as if they had been formed during the gradual excavation of the ravines in which they occur.

In Britain and other countries long occupied by man most of such river-cliff caves or rock-shelters have been artificially deepened and widened, and this to such an extent that it is often hard to say how much of the work can be attributed to nature. By far the most important caves, however, are those which owe their origin to the action of underground water. But before these are described, mention may be made of the hollows which occur now and again in and under lavaflows. Where lava has flowed over and solidified above a mass of snow and ice, the subsequent melting of the latter will leave a hollow behind. Near the Casa Inglese, on the south-east side of the highest cone of Etna, a mass of ice of unknown extent and thickness, covered by lava, was seen by Lyell in 1828 and again in 1858. But this, it must be remembered, is at a height of 10,000 feet above the sea. In lava itself, however, caves of considerable extent occur. Many of

Another class of caves embraces such hollows as have originated during earthquakes or other movements in the crust of the earth. At such times rocks are rent asunder, and when they fall rudely together irregular cavities are left between the disjointed masses, and similar results often take place when great landslips occur. But the most extensive caves and underground galleries have been excavated by the chemical and mechan. ical action of underground water. Sometimes these hollows continue more or less persistently in one direction, but most usually they wind tortuously about, and often open into similar intricate galleries, which, in like manner, communicate with lateral extensions of the same character. There can be no doubt that caves of this kind are the channels of underground streams and rivers, and that they have been excavated, in the first place, by the chemical action of acidulated water making its way downwards from the surface along the natural division-planes of the rocks, until eventually space has been licked out for the passage of a subterranean stream. The cavities would then tend to be enlarged by the filing action of the sand and gravel which the underground stream and its numerous feeders might sweep along. Many such underground watercourses are well known at the present day, and the direction of some of them can be traced by the swallow-holes, chasms, and sinks,' which indicate places where the roofs of the cavities have given way, or have been pierced by the action of acidulated water. In certain regions almost all the drainage is thus conducted underground-rivers after flowing for a considerable distance at the surface suddenly dis appear, and follow a hidden course, for it may be many miles, before they emerge again to the light of day. Sometimes, indeed, they never come to the surface again, but enter the sea by subterranean channels. Should anything occur (such as earthquakes, &c.) to interrupt such a system of underground drainage, and the streams and rivers be compelled into new channels, the old subterranean courses will then become galleries more or less dry, which may be accessible by one or even by several openings.

As it cannot be doubted that all such great

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underground galleries owe their inception entirely to the chemical action of water seeking its way downwards from the surface, and following the lines of natural division-planes in the rocks, it is | obvious that caves will be of most common occurrence in regions where the rocks yield most readily to such chemical action. Among the more soluble rocks are rock-salt and gypsum, but these are only locally developed in such quantities as to give rise on their removal to underground cavities of any extent. Calcareous rocks, more especially limestone, have not only an almost world-wide distribution, but they also occur in greater mass than either gypsum or rock-salt, and hence, although not so readily acted upon by water as the latter two, it is in limestones that nearly all the most renowned caves and subterranean galleries appear.

Many caverns have a calcareous incrustation lining their interior. Sometimes this deposit is pure white; it is, however, more generally coloured by the impurities which the water, percolating downwards from the surface, has taken up from the superincumbent rocks. To the incrustations which are suspended from the roof like icicles, the name stalactites is given, while those rising from the floor are called stalagmites. The origin of these is as follows: Water which has percolated down from the surface always contains a certain proportion of carbonic acid-it is acidulated water-the acid being derived from the atmosphere and the decaying organic matter of the soil, &c. Water thus charged with carbonic acid has the power of dissolving limestone-i.e. it takes up a certain proportion of carbonate of lime and converts it into the soluble bicarbonate. Arrived at the roof of a cave it oozes out and is there subject to evaporation, the excess of carbonic acid is parted with, and a thin pellicle of carbonate of lime is deposited as an incrustation. When the drops fall to the floor they are subject there in the same way to evaporation, and are thus compelled to give up the remainder of the calcareous matter held in solution. By this constant dropping and falling, icicle-like pendants grow downwards from the roof, while sheets, bosses, and domes gradually accumulate upon the floor-until, not infrequently, these stalagmites come at last to unite with the gradually lengthening stalactites, and so to form, as it were, pillars which look as if they had been placed to support the roof. See the articles on ADelsberg, Ágtelek, KENT'S CAVERN, MAMMOTH CAVE, &c.

BONE-CAVES.-Caves are of interest to geologists not only because they testify to the potency of the chemical and mechanical action of underground water, but on account of the remarkable evidence they have yielded as to the contemporaneity of man with many extinct and no longer indigenous mammals. This evidence is furnished by the accumulations which so frequently cover the floors of caverns to a greater or less depth. The accumula tions in question consist partly of clay, sand, gravel, and shingle, and partly of red earth and sheets of stalagmite. Some of these are doubtless the alluvial detritus carried forward by underground streams. This detritus often consists largely of angular, subangular, and water-worn fragments of limestone, which have doubtless been derived from the roof and walls of the underground galleries, but not infrequently the presence of other kinds of rock-fragments shows that no inconsiderable amount of material has been introduced from the outside by the streams as they plunged into their subterranean courses. Much debris also may have been swept in by heavy rain or flooded torrents washing down through the sinks and swallow-holes that so frequently pierce the roofs of subterranean watercourses. These sinks often become pitfalls to unfortunate cattle in our own day, and in former

times many animals may have been entrapped in the same way-for broken and rubbed bones often occur, sometimes very abundantly, in the old torrential accumulations of deserted subterranean watercourses. When the galleries ceased to be traversed by streams, stalagmitic accretions would then begin to accumulate over the shingle and debris beds. In course of time many of these subterranean hollows, becoming more or less accessible from the outside, were occupied by carnivorous animals, who carried thither their prey, and thus by and by accumulations of bones were formed, which the drip of water from above gradually inclosed in calcareous matter, and eventually covered up under a sheet of stalagmite. Now and again the caves were occupied for shorter or longer periods by man-his presence being still evidenced by his implements and weapons, by charred and split bones, &c., and occasionally by portions of his own skeleton-and these relics, in like manner, subsequently became sealed up in a more or less thick accumulation of stalagmite. Some of these bone-caves contain the record of many physical changes. Thus, we have evidence to show that after having been the haunt of wild beasts or the abode of man for some indefinite but often prolonged period, the cave again gave passage to a flow of water, and deposits of loam, clay, or gravel, &c. were laid down upon the stalagmitic pavement and bone-breccia. Or, as in some cases, the stalag. mite, together with bones covered by and inclosed within it, was broken up and partially or wholly removed. Then, at a subsequent date the stream once more deserted its channel, while carnivores or man again returned, and newer heaps of bones and stalagmite accumulated. Commingled with these stalagmites of the bone-caves there is almost always more or less of a reddish earth or clay, which is the insoluble residue of the limestone from the dissolution of which the stalactites and stalagmites are formed. Some of the more remarkable bone-caves which have yielded testimony as to the contemporaneity of man with extinct mammalia, are Kent's Cavern (q. v) and Brixham Cave in England, the caves in the valley of the Lesse in Belgium, the caves of Perigord and the Pyrenees in France, and the Kesserloch near Thäingen in Switzerland. Bone-caves containing the remains of post-tertiary mammals are rare in North America; those of Brazil have many bones of large rodents and edentates. For caves at Wick, in Scotland, still occupied by tinkers, see Sir Arthur Mitchell, The Past in the Present (1880). For accounts of special caves, see the British Association Reports (for Kent's Cavern) and the Philosophical Transactions (1822-73). For general descriptions, see Buckland's Reliquiæ Diluviance, Dupont's L'Homme pendant les Ages de la Pierre, Lartet's and Christy's Reliquiæ Aquitanica, Lubbock's Prehistoric Times, Dawkins' Cave-hunting, J. Geikie's Prehistoric Europe. For further information as to the European_cavedwellers of prehistoric times, see MAN, FLINT IMPLEMENTS, PLEISTOCENE SYSTEM.

ARTIFICIAL CAVES.-The primitive inhabitants of most civilised countries and many primitive tribes at the present day have been troglodytes or cave-dwellers. In many countries where natural caves are either of rare occurrence or do not occur at all, certain rock-exposures have been artifici ally excavated, and occupied either permanently as dwelling-places or occasionally as retreats in times of danger, while others have been used as cells, hermitages, or burial-places. Such caves are not uncommon in the cliffs of Scottish river ravines, as at Hawthornden near Edinburgh, and in the valley of the Jed, Roxburghshire. Caves of this kind occur usually in rocks that are readily dug into, such as soft sandstone. Now and again,


they have been excavated in conglomerate, as in the case of Hobbie Noble's Cave, Roxburghshire. In volcanic regions it is the softer tuffs or ashes that are usually holed, as in the caves of the Canary Islands. There the Guanches have also excavated caves under the lavas, by simply raking out the more or less loose scoriæ and cinders which so commonly occur in that position. Vast areas in Central China are covered with a coherent loam, of the same character as the Loess (q.v.) of the valleys of the Rhine and Danube, in which dugout dwelling-places are of common occurrence. And a similar deposit, exposed along the bluffs of rivers in the far west of North America, has been utilised by some of the early inhabitants in the same way. In Arizona, parts of Colorado, Nevada, Utah, and south-east California, the rocky precipitous walls of deep cañons are in places riddled with human habitations, so as to look like honeycombs. The strata forming the walls of the cañons have been eroded in different degrees, and horizontal caves larger and smaller have been formed. The cliff dwellings are often adobe or stone structures built on the ledges overhung by projecting rock masses; smaller caves have served as dwellings, and been partially completed by adobe walls. Some of these houses are at a height of 700 feet above the level of the valley, and are with difficulty accessible. They seem to have been made as places of refuge and defence by the same ancient races as left the pueblos or stone ruins in the valleys, like those occupied by the Pueblos and Moqui Indians now. Some assume them to have been the ancestors of the present Pueblos; others that they were akin to the Aztecs. See Hayden in Stanford's North America; Nadaillac's Prehistoric America (Eng. trans. 1885); and the U.S. Survey Reports since 1874.

Hermitages, belonging to all ages, some of very simple, others of a more elaborate construction, have in like manner been excavated in rocks of very different kinds; so that we are presented with every variety of artificial rock-excavation, from simple hollows scraped out of some soft yielding material to the richly ornamented grottoes and temples of Ellora, near Daulatabad, which are cut out in red granite. And so again in the matter of rock-tombs we meet with artificial grottoes of all kinds-from mere holes picked out without much trouble in loess, tuff, sandstone, or other yielding substance, to the great rock-cut sepulchres of Egypt, and the no less famous catacombs of Rome. Many caves have been doubtless partly natural, partly artificial-the cells of the monks of the Thebaid in Egypt, St Serf's cave at Dysart, St Ninian's at Whithorn. For the cave-dwellers known to the ancients, see TROGLODYTES, PETRA. For the Indian cave-temples, see ELEPHANTA, ELLORA. CAVE-ANIMALS.-Various caverns, both of the Old and New World, are tenanted by animals which are usually more or less blind. From one point of view the eyes have degenerated from disuse and from the absence of the necessary light stimulus; from another point of view they have degenerated because no longer of use, and no longer maintained by that natural selection which through the struggle for existence is supposed by many to be necessary not only for the establishment, but for the main tenance of organs. The fauna of the Mammoth Cave of Kentucky has been most studied, and is catalogued with figures in Putnam and Packard's description of that famous cavern. Leydig has made a special study of the highly developed tactile organs borne by some fishes frequenting German caves. Among the cave-animals may be noticed the amphibian Proteus (q.v.) with eyes in an_embryonic state; various Blind Fish (q.v.), such as Amblyopsis (q.v.), Typhlichthys, &c.; hundreds of

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blind insects, of which in some cases (Machærites) only the females are blind; blind spiders and myriapods; many Crustaceans (Niphargus puteanus, Titanethes albus, Crangonyx, Asellus sieboldii, &c.); a few univalves and other forms.

It is noteworthy that the blindness may exist in various degrees, some being totally blind and others possessing rudimentary eyes. It is also to be remembered that not all cave-animals are blind, but forms with well-developed organs of vision also occur. Fish, insects, spiders, myriapods, and crustaceans with well-developed eyes have been recorded from various caves, and the explanation of this persistence of organs in such environment is still to find. See DEGENERATION, ENVIRONMENT, and Semper's Natural Conditions of Existence as they affect Animal Life (International Science Series, 1881).

CAVE BEAR, HYENA, LION, &c.-(1) Ursus spelœus, a fossil bear, like those now living, found very abundantly in the Pleistocene caves of Europe. (2) Hyæna spelaa, once abundant in Britain and other parts of Europe, and very closely allied to the H. crocuta now found in Africa. (3) Felis spelæa, a fossil lion, very like the modern form, abundant in caves of England and Europe generally. The prefix cave obviously refers to the fact that in caves the fossil remains of recent animals are well preserved and abundantly found.

Cave, EDWARD, the founder of the Gentleman's Magazine, was born at Newton, Warwickshire, in 1691; received some schooling at Rugby; and after many vicissitudes, became apprentice to a printer. Obtaining money enough to set up a small printingoffice, in 1731 he started the Gentleman's Magazine, the earliest literary journal of the kind. Samuel Johnson became its parliamentary reporter in 1740; and with his hand in Johnson's, Cave died on 10th January 1754.

Leicestershire, in 1637, from Oakham school passed Cave, WILLIAM, divine, born at Pickwell, to St John's College, Cambridge (1653), and was the rectory of Allhallows the Great, London (1679), appointed to the vicarage of Islington (1662), to and to the vicarage of Isleworth, Middlesex (1690). twelve works on church history are Lives of the He died at Windsor, 4th July 1713. Among his Apostles, Lives of the Fathers, and Primitive Christianity, which once were standard authorities.

Caveat is a formal warning, entered in the books of a court or a public office, that no step shall be taken in a particular matter without notice to the person lodging the caveat, so that he may appear and object. Thus, caveats are frequently entered at the Patent Office to prevent the unopposed granting of letters-patent; or at the Probate Court to prevent the unopposed making up a title to the property of deceased persons; or at the Admiralty Court to prevent the unopposed arrestment of a ship. The term is also used in ecclesiastical practice in England; although a caveate.g. against an institution to a particular beneficehas not now the high effect attributed to it by the Canon Law. In Scotland the term is confined to such notices as are placed in the Bill Chamber (the summary department of the Supreme Civil Court) or in the Sheriff Courts to prevent any interdict being granted without notice to the person interested. Such caveats require to be renewed every month.

Cavedoné, GIACOMO, an Italian artist of the Caracci school, born in 1577 at Sassuola, assisted Guido Reni at Rome, and finally settled in Bologna, where many of his religious pictures are preserved. He died in poverty in 1660.

Cavendish, the surname of the ducal House of Devonshire, a family directly descended from the

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chief-justice Sir John Cavendish, who in 1381 was beheaded at Bury St Edmunds by Jack Straw's followers; and from Sir William Cavendish of Cavendish, Suffolk (circa 1505–57), a brother of Wolsey's biographer. His third wife, the celebrated Bess of Hardwick,' afterwards Countess of Shrewsbury, brought Chatsworth (q.v.) into the family; and William, their second son, was in 1618 made Earl of Devonshire. His great-grandson, William (1640-1707), was, under the last two Stuarts, a steadfast member of the Whig opposition, Russell's friend to the death, and an active promoter of the Habeas Corpus Act. He succeeded as fourth earl in 1684, and, for his services at the Revolution, was in 1694 raised to be Duke of Devonshire and Marquis of Hartington. His great-grandson, William (1720-64) succeeded as fourth duke in 1755, and was prime-minister from November 1756 to the following May. William, fifth duke (1748-1811), was a bit of a poet; but is less remembered than his beautiful duchess, whom Gainsborough and Reynolds painted. William, sixth duke (1790-1858), was chiefly distinguished by his sumptuous embassy to St Petersburg (1826). William, seventh duke (born 1808), had for twenty-four years been Earl Burlington when he succeeded his cousin in the ducal title. He died 21st December 1891, and was succeeded by his eldest son, SPENCER COMPTON CAVENDISH, ninth Duke of Devonshire, born 23d July 1833, and educated at Trinity College, and for thirty-three years known as Marquis of Hartington. He entered parliament in 1857, being first returned for North Lancashire, then in 1869 for the Radnor boroughs, in 1880 for North-east Lancashire, and in 1885 for the Rossendale division of that county. The representative of a great Whig house, he was chosen as early as 1859 to move the vote of want of confidence that overthrew the Derby government, and between 1863 and 1874 held office as a Lord of the Admiralty, Under-secretary for War, War Secretary, Postmaster-general, and, from 1871, Chiefsecretary for Ireland. Neither a born statesman nor great orator, he had yet shown an infinite capacity for taking pains,' when, in February 1875, on Mr Gladstone's temporary abdication, he was chosen leader of the Liberal opposition. He led it admirably, and in the spring of 1880, on the downfall of the Beaconsfield administration, was invited by the Queen to form a ministry. He rejected the offer, and served under Mr Gladstone, first as Secretary of State for India, and then as War Secretary from 1883 to 1885. But he wholly dissented from Mr Gladstone's scheme of Irish Home Rule; and from 1886, as head of the Liberal Unionists, he firmly supported Lord Salisbury, both when in power and in opposition.

His younger brother, Lord FREDERICK CAVENDISH, was born 30th November 1836, and was also educated at Trinity, taking his B.A. in 1858. He sat in parliament as Liberal member for the northern division of the West Riding of Yorkshire from 1865 till the spring of 1882, when he succeeded Mr Forster as Chief-secretary for Ireland. Between seven and eight o'clock, on the evening of 6th May, having only that morning reached Dublin, he and Mr Burke, an unpopular subordinate, were stabbed to death in the Phoenix Park. Eight months later, twenty Irish Invincibles' were tried for the murder, and, Carey and two others having turned Queen's evidence, five of the rest were hanged, three sentenced to penal servitude for life, and the remaining nine to various terms of imprisonment. Carey himself disappeared; but in July news came from the Cape that he had been shot dead by an Irishman named O'Donnell on board an emigrant ship. O'Donnell was brought back to London, and hanged.

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Cavendish, GEORGE, the biographer of Wolsey, was born about 1500, and became Wolsey's gentle. man-usher at least as early as 1527. He remained in close attendance upon his great master till the end (November 28, 1530), after which he retired to his house at Glemsford, in Suffolk, where he lived quietly with his wife, a niece of Sir Thomas More, till the close of his own life in 1561 or 1562. His affection for the great cardinal was most devotedhe had attached himself to his household, in Wolsey's own words, abandoning his own country, wife, and children, his own house and family, his rest and quietness, only to serve me.' He never laid aside his loyalty to his memory, but in the quiet meditation of after-years brooded over his fall, and from it learned for himself 'the blessedness of being little.' Thirty years after he wrote his Life of Cardinal Wolsey, one of the most interesting short biographies in the English language. Its pensive wisdom and simple sincerity reflect a pleasing picture of the gentle and refined nature of its author, and enable us to see intimately with our own eyes, but with singular clearness, the outlines of one of the grandest figures in our history. The book, written by a devout Catholic, full of regrets for the past, could not well be printed in Elizabeth's reign, but circulated pretty freely in manuscript copies, as many as twelve of which are still extant. It is almost certain that Shakespeare had read it before writing or collaborating in Henry VIII., as all the redeeming features in the picture of the great cardinal, and the lesson of his fall as a solemn homily upon human ambition, are directly due to the tender and loyal touch of Cavendish. book was first printed imperfect, for party purposes, in 1641. The best edition is that of S. W. Singer (2 vols. 1815), the text of which was reprinted with a good introduction in Professor Henry Morley's Universal Library' (1886).


Cavendish, HENRY, natural philosopher, eldest son of Lord Charles Cavendish, and a grandson of the second Duke of Devonshire, was born at Nice, October 10, 1731. From a school at Hackney he passed in 1749 to Peterhouse, Cambridge, but quitted it three years later without a degree; thereafter he devoted the whole of his long life to scientific investigations, a large fortune bequeathed him by an uncle enabling him to follow uninterruptedly his favourite pursuits. A silent, solitary man, he hated so to meet strangers, that he had his library-a magnificent onein London, four miles from his residence on Clapham Cominon, so that he might not encounter persons coming to consult it; whilst his female domestics had orders to keep out of his sight, on pain of dismissal. His dinner he ordered daily by a note placed on the hall-table. He died, unmarried, at Clapham, 10th March 1810, leaving more than a million sterling to his relatives. As a philosopher, Cavendish is entitled to the highest rank. To him it may almost be said we owe the foundation of pneumatic chemistry, for prior to his time it had hardly an existence. In 1760 he discovered the extreme levity of inflammable air, now known as hydrogen gas-a discovery which led to balloon experiments and projects for aërial navigation; and later, he ascertained that water resulted from the union of two gases-a discovery which has erroneously been claimed for Watt (q.v.; see also WATER). The famous Cavendish Experiment was an ingenious device for estimating the density of the Earth (q.v.). The accuracy and completeness of Cavendish's processes are remarkable. So high an authority as Sir Humphry Davy declared that they 'were all of a finished nature, and though many of them were performed in the very infancy of chemical science, yet their accuracy and their beauty have remained unimpaired.' Cavendish also wrote

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