Evaluating Social Programs: Theory, Practice, and PoliticsPeter Henry Rossi, Walter Williams Seminar Press, 1972 - 326 pages |
À l'intérieur du livre
Résultats 1-3 sur 24
Page 84
... variance of y is a necessary result of a change in the correlation between x and x2 , given our specification of ... variance of y ( oỷ ) is equal to 6.0 , and this partitions nicely into a component due to school differences with ...
... variance of y is a necessary result of a change in the correlation between x and x2 , given our specification of ... variance of y ( oỷ ) is equal to 6.0 , and this partitions nicely into a component due to school differences with ...
Page 85
... variance ( from u ) becomes a smaller part of the whole variance of y . The incremental explanatory power or " unique contribution " ( measured by ; ) declines as p12 increases from zero , and reaches zero in the limit where P12-1 . The ...
... variance ( from u ) becomes a smaller part of the whole variance of y . The incremental explanatory power or " unique contribution " ( measured by ; ) declines as p12 increases from zero , and reaches zero in the limit where P12-1 . The ...
Page 104
... variance accounted for " which we used is that the total explained variance , R2 , can be partitioned into a sum of portions of the variance attributable to different independent variables and sets of independent variables in the equa ...
... variance accounted for " which we used is that the total explained variance , R2 , can be partitioned into a sum of portions of the variance attributable to different independent variables and sets of independent variables in the equa ...
Table des matières
The Organization of the Volume and Some Key Definitions | 3 |
Compensatory Education | 8 |
Testing for Success and Failure in Social Action | 11 |
Droits d'auteur | |
31 autres sections non affichées
Autres éditions - Tout afficher
Evaluating Social Programs: Theory, Practice, and Politics Peter Henry Rossi,Walter Williams Affichage d'extraits - 1972 |
Evaluating Social Programs: Theory, Practice, and Politics Peter Henry Rossi,Walter Williams Affichage d'extraits - 1972 |
Evaluating Social Programs: Theory, Practice, and Politics Peter Henry Rossi,Walter Williams Affichage d'extraits - 1972 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
academic achievement administrators agencies alternative areas assessment benefit-cost benefit-cost ratio benefits beta coefficients Cain and Watts centers cognitive Coleman Report compensatory education concept control groups correlation cost-benefit analysis costs critical decision dependent variable disadvantaged discussion Economic enrollment estimates evaluation research evaluation studies ex post example experiment experimental designs factors families funds goals Head Head Start impact important improve income increase individuals inputs Institute interview Job Corps major manpower programs McDill measures methodological negative income tax objectives Office outcome paper participants poverty preschool problems projects question random regression analysis regression coefficients relatively relevant sample Sesame Street social action programs social policy social science social scientists specific staff statistical target population teachers techniques tion treatment types University Upward Bound variables variance War on Poverty Westinghouse x₁ and x2