The Analytical Review, Or History of Literature, Domestic and Foreign, on an Enlarged Plan, Volume 9

Containing scientific abstracts of important and interesting works, published in English; a general account of such as are of less consequence, with short characters; notices, or reviews of valuable foreign books; criticisms on new pieces of music and works of art; and the literary intelligence of Europe, &c.

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Page 41 - There went up a smoke out of his nostrils, and fire out of his mouth devoured: coals were kindled by it.
Page 40 - I'll have a' things made ready to his will. In winter, when he toils thro' wind and rain, A bleezing ingle, and a clean hearth-stane; And soon as he flings by his plaid and staff, The seething...
Page 14 - The cubs are incapable of swimming until they are several months old. . . . She will not leave her young ones in the moment of danger, and therefore shares their fate. . . . They are unable to remain under water longer than two minutes. . . . The male otter is, beyond all comparison, more beautiful than the female. . . . Skins of this animal taken in the Corean and Japan seas are superior to those of Russia or the north-western coast of America.
Page 141 - Powell states a contract to be a transaction in which each party comes under an obligation to the other, and each reciprocally acquires a right to what is promised by the other.
Page 507 - For it is not glory, it is not riches, neither is it honour, but it is liberty alone that we fight and contend for, which no honest man will lose but with his life.
Page 451 - They come from one, almost the whole of whose public exertion has been a struggle for the liberty of others; from one in whose breast no anger durable or vehement has ever been kindled, but by what he considered as tyranny...
Page 248 - ... try the experiment, but my heart always failed me when I came to the trial ; because, among these wretched people, it was a pretence they might very probably have sheltered themselves under, that I was a Christian, — that, therefore, it had no effect upon me. I have still remaining by me a small quantity of this root, but never had an opportunity of trying the experiment.
Page 262 - The first settler in the woods is generally a man who has outlived his credit or fortune in the cultivated parts of the State.
Page 40 - I'll employ with pleasure a' my art To keep him cheerfu', and secure his heart. At e'en, when he comes weary frae the hill, I'll have a' things made ready to his will. In winter, when he toils thro...
Page 5 - Boil a quarter of a peck of malt for about eight or ten minutes, in three pints of water; and when a quart is poured...

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