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extension of its general objects, a special fund is opened for the support of the Home, and Mrs. Daniel Wilson Islington, will thankfully receive the names of annual subscribers.

Subscriptions may also be paid into the bank of Messrs. Robarts and Co., Lombard-street, to the account of the rev. Daniel Wilson.

The Cabinet.

GOD THE FOUNTAIN OF HONOUR.-God is the fountain of honour; and the conduit by which he conveys it to the sons of men are virtuous and generous practices. That which makes the clergy glorious is to be knowing in their profession, unspotted in their lives, active and laborious in their charges, bold and resolute in opposing seducers, and daring to look vice in the face, though never so potent and illustrious; and, lastly, to be gentle, courteous, and compassionate to all. These are our robes and our maces, our escutcheons and highest titles of honour; for by all these things God is honoured, who has declared this as the eternal rule and standard of honour derivable upon men, that those who honour him shall be honoured by him.-Dr. South.





(For the Church of England Magazine).

"Perfect love casteth out fear."-1 JOHN iv. 18.
WHEN called to pass beneath the cloud,
And all around seems dark and drear,
How precious are the hallowed words,
That "perfect love shall cast out fear"!

For much there is, below the skies,

To draw the sigh and start the tear,
And much to make the timid quail;
But "perfect love doth cast out fear."

The soul that's justified by grace

Is kept in peace when storms appear,
And shows a tempest-driven world
That "perfect love has cast out fear."

For even as a little child

Dreads not, but loves a father dear,
So doth a pardoned sinner feel,
When "perfect love has cast out fear."

O may this blessedness be mine,

What time the tempter doth appear; That I may boldly face the fiend, Since "perfect love hath cast out fear."

And, when remembrance of my sins

Suggests despair, may Christ be near, Who Lov'd me with a perfect love;

And "perfect love shall cast out fear." Thus, in the gloomy vale of death,

My every doubt shall disappear: "His rod and staff shall comfort me,"

And "perfect love shall cast out fear."


And, when the last great day shall come,
And thunders roll from sphere to sphere,
E'er then his blessed words declare,
That "perfect love shall cast out fear."


BY MRS. H. W. RICHTER. (For the Church of England Magazine.)



"So they went, and made the sepulchre sure, sealing a stone, and setting a watch."-MATT. xxvii. 66.

THE watch is set, the stone is seal'd,
And, through the dewy night,
Wan stars their lustre have reveal'd
In the blue concave's height,
Shining above earth's misery

With their unearthly light.

No sound breaks on the tranquil hour;
But, in that garden lone,

All dimly on each tree and flower
The hue of night is thrown;
And silence reigns, the watch is set,
And the wild crowd are gone.

And they, with measured step, before
The rocky tomb pass by;

They tread the dusky pathway o'er,
Gloomily, silently;

For still they see the sealed stone,
Unmoved, unbroken, lie.

Why do the strong ones turn so pale,
And to the earth fall down?

While awe and fear their spirits quail,
The tomb is open thrown,

And, all too bright to gaze upon,

Is one beside the stone.

His face as heaven's own lightning gleams,
And whiter far than snow
The floating robe around him seems;
No form of earth, they know,
Is the all-radiant being there ;
And to the earth they bow.

Away! and tell your fearful tale
To the proud rulers' ear,
Ere the first streak of morning pale
Is breaking on the air:
Away! and tell an angel stands,
And watches for you there.

"O, grave, where is thy victory!"
No more thy terrors bring;
Her buried Saviour faith can see
Rise on immortal wing-
The first-fruits of a countless throng-
And death has now no sting.

London: Published for the Proprietors, by JOHN HUGHES, 12, Ave-Maria Lane, St. Paul's; and to be procured, by order, of all Booksellers in Town and Country.


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(Roman Sepulchre.)

THERE is something very touching in the thoughts suggested by an ancient sepulchre. To come upon a house tenanted by bones, which the pious care of friends, long since themselves departed, arranged in the place of their repose; to mark the furniture which has been set around, the vases and such things, with useless precision; to recollect that that skeleton had once a living soul within it, and that hereafter it shall rise up to live again-thoughts like these may testify to the fading character of worldly life and enjoyments, and may point our minds onward to that which only deserves to be called life. "Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust; for thy dew is as the dew of herbs; and the earth shall cast out the dead" (Isa. xxvi. 19).

Sepulchral structures have varied in various ages and nations. Some are subterraneous excavations, of which there are numerous specimens No. 949.

still subsisting in Egypt; others are raised mounds, or lofty buildings, such as the pyramids. Vast labour has been bestowed upon ancient sepulchres: they have been adorned with paintings, and costly and exquisitely-wrought articles have been deposited in them. The tombs in Egypt and Etruria prove not only the perfection which the mechanic arts had attained, but also the luxurious refinement of more remote ages.

Among the Romans the body was sometimes burnt. After the fire was extinguished, and the embers soaked with wine, the bones were gathered up by the nearest relations. Then these bones and ashes, besprinkled with rich perfumes, were put into an urn made of earth, marble, brass, silver, or gold, according to the wealth of the family. Sometimes a small glass vial full of tears, called a lachrymatory, was put into the urn, which was then solemnly deposited in th sepulchre.

When the body was not burnt it was put into a coffin, and laid in the tomb, on its back. Obla

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tions were afterwards made to the dead, and the sepulchre bespread with flowers, and covered with crowns and fillets. Before it was a little altar, on which libations were made, and incense burnt. A keeper was appointed to watch the tomb, which was frequently illuminated with lamps.

To the believer in Christ the sepulchre is a hallowed place of repose. His Redeemer lay therein, and by his glorious return from it has certified his followers of life and immortality. The friends of those who sleep in Jesus need not therefore sorrow for them as they that have no hope.



Incumbent of Butley, Suffolk.

No. XV.-PART 2.


Address of Counsel for the Prosecution.

tators if they be Romanists, without any reference to the faith which purifieth the heart. "Let him be cursed," she thunders, "who shall say that a true sacrifice is not offered (in the mass), or that it will profit only the person receiving"*. She likewise teaches that extreme unction is the grace of the Holy Spirit, and that the anointed party has all remains of sin taken away, so that he will escape hell, although he may have to suffer for & period the pains of purgatory. If, then, Romanists are taught that men, who are forced to obey the pope, and to receive at the hands of his priests what they call sacraments, will be saved. must they not, should they be kind and benevolent persons, deem it a duty and a charity to persecute and torture protestants, if by that means they can compel them to be saved. "Heretics," says the popish canon law, "are to be dragged to salvation, even when unwilling." "It is useful heretics to suffer what catholics usefully inflict Hence it is evident that the tenets of popery mak those who implicitly receive them slaves to t pope, and persecutors of all who will not obey the pope and partake of his sacraments, and, conse quently, that rigid papists must be the enemies of civil and religious liberty.

And, as to men who are naturally cruel, ambitious, licentious, covetous, &c., but who wish to follow their propensities and yet obtain heaven at last, popery makes large and tempting promises to them, on condition that they will become per

that "those who die fighting against the enemies of the church of Rome shall not be excluded from heaven"§. Hence it was very common for ber pontiffs to gather men under their banners, for the purpose of exterminating heretics, by the promi of an entire remission of all their sins. Will it be objected that these promises were made on the condition that such soldiers should die truly pentent and believing? I answer, no conditions e this sort are specified. Pope Innocent III., we are told by Matthew Paris, "enjoined prine

IF further proof be needful to satisfy you, gentle men, that the church of Rome breathes a spirit of intolerance and persecution, I would refer you to a rescript of Pius IX., dated Sept. 5, 1850. A prosecutors of protestants. Her canon law declares fessor of canon law in the university of Turin having published a book in which he states that "the church has only moral and religious influence, and should not use the power of the magistrate to carry out her views," the pope prohibited the work "because," the papal rescript states, "he deprives the church of its exterior jurisdiction and coercive power, which were given to it to bring back into the ways of justice those who stray out of them." How friendly the pope is to religious liberty may also be seen in the following extract from " an allocution" of the same pontiff, relative to the concordat lately made with the queen of Spain: "You will perceive that the catholic religion, with all its rights, which it enjoys by its divine institution and the sanction of the sacred canons, is simply, as heretofore, to flourish and be dominant in that kingdom; and every other worship is altogether removed and interdicted." With such evidence before him, the learned counsel would not surely venture to speak of popery as a friend to civil and religious liberty, were not his eyes and ears and feelings and understanding all under the potent spell of the old magician of Rome.

We do not, as my learned friend insinuates, condemn popery on account of the language and deeds of individuals, but because its tenets are calculated to render all, who sincerely and without hesitation receive them, persecutors and slaves. Only examine a few of those tenets, and you will be convinced that such is their tendency. The Roman church teaches that none can be saved who do not submit to the pope, and receive at the hands of his priests the papal sacraments which, according to her doctrine, confer grace, ex opere operato, on the recipients*, and even on the spec

* Concil. Trid. sess. vii, can. 8,

* Ibid, sess. xxii. c. i. 3.

† Ibid, sess. xiv. cap. 2.

"When in the Irish massacre," says lord Barringt terms) with their passports in their hands, they only follow "the papists murdered all the protestants (who yielded on the example of that infallible council, which most religions burnt John Huss and Jerome of Prague, notwithstanding their safe-conduct. In truth, no protestant can depend for moment on popish power, wherever lodged. Did not our popst queen Mary promise the nation the continuance of their re gion, and declare, calling God to witness, that, though as different faith, she would only exercise herself in private with her religion, and support her protestant subjects in the rights? Did she not, when placed on the throne, pull off the mask, and did not Smithfield glow with the blaze of heretics The papists, it is well known, prefer Jews and Mohammedan. has frankly owned that an inquisition in England is so abso nay, even heathens, to protestants; and Parsons, the jest lutely necessary that without that care all will slide and down again; and had queen Mary lived to set up an inq sition in England, as she designed, in all likelihood we bad been at this day as great popish bigots as any on the face of labour so to remain, and especially bear in mind that the God's earth. By God's blessing we are protestants; let us jesuits are attempting to get a footing in our island" (A Dissuasive against Jacobitism, 1718).

What would lord Barrington have said had he lived in the present day, when jesuits, like an army of locusts, are pertheir abominable and destructive principles? mitted to spread themselves over the land, and to inculeate

§ Corp. Jur. Can., Caus. xxiii, qu. v. c. 46, et qu. viii, c. 9.

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and other Christian people, for the remission of nals went in procession to church, and gave thanks their own sins," to enter into a crusade against to God that so many heretics had been destroyed! the Albigenses (A.D. 1213). When men, there- | As to the morality of Romanists and their revefore, are too indolent to think for themselves, and rence for religion, of which the learned counsel too vicious to give up their darling sins, it is no boasts, if this can be predicated of many of them it wonder that they listen to a church which pro- is certainly not owing to the principles which their mises them impunity for their evil deeds, and the church inculcates; it is rather owing to the fact inheritance of heaven at last, on such easy terms. that they have received higher and better instrucWe thus find that the most licentious and aban- tion than she is able or willing to afford them. But, doned individuals have been remarkably zealous with respect to multitudes of her most devoted for the church of Rome. The destruction of members, experience shows that they are neither heretics was an easy mode of removing the burden moral nor, in the best sense of the word, religious, of a guilty conscience. This will account for the although they are most degradingly superstitious. wholesale murders of protestants by Philip of "My official duties," writes a chaplain of a Spain and Louis XIV. of France, and for the prison in London, "for the last fourteen years assassinations so awfully prevalent in Ireland, and brought me much into contact with the humbler for the apathy with which the popish peasantry classes of Roman catholics, as a very great prolook on the expiring victims, and for their readi- portion of the inmates of our prisons come under ness to screen the guilty parties from merited that description; and I have almost invariably punishment. My learned friend intimates his found that their ignorance of scripture, and on dissent from my argument, and seems to deny that every subject of a spiritual nature, was most such principles are taught and sanctioned by his lamentable and almost incredible. Their percepchurch. But has not that church fixed her infal- tions even of moral duties are very obtuse; and lible seal of approbation on similar enormities, by the only species of knowledge in which they seem canonizing Pius V., who cursed queen Elizabeth, to be well instructed, and on which they place and instigated her subjects to revolt from her, and great reliance is, that they may confess their sins murder her and all her supporters? Are not her to a priest, and obtain absolution, and by this members taught that he is a saint in heaven, to means remove every obstacle to their salvation. whose intercession they may profitably apply?+ This is the only real substantial faith I have found This favourite saint of the Romish church was the in them; but as for the fruits of which Mr. monster who urged Charles IX., of France, to let Bennett speaks, 'self-denial, gratitude, love, no entreaties prevail upon him to spare his protes- or sanctity,' I look in vain for any traces of them tant subjects. The fruits of this advice were after- on my memory, in my intercourse with them"*. wards seen in the horrible massacre of 30,000 to 40,000 French protestants. You all know how the tidings of this dreadful event were received at Rome. The pope Gregory XIII. and his cardi

• Popish writers state that there are more atrocious crimes perpetrated in protestant England than in Ireland. But, even if this were true, can those crimes be traced to the doctrines taught by the church of England? They must know, if they have ever examined into the subject, that the teaching of our church gives no sanction whatever to crime or immorality. There would be neither murders nor immorality of any kind, if men would follow the instructions of our scriptural church. But the crimes and vices of the Romanist may be distinctly traced to the doctrines of his church. See, for instance, the notes appended to the Douay and Rhemish translation of the holy scriptures, published in 1816 under the sanction of an Irish popish prelate :

Matt. xiii. 29: "Where evil men, be they heretics or other malefactors, may be punished or suppressed without disturbance or hazard of the good (i. e., of papists!) they may, and ought, by public authority, either spiritual or temporal, to be chastised or executed."

Acta xix. 19: "A Christian man is especially bound to burn and deface all heretical books; and therefore protestant bibles, prayer-books," &c.

Deut. xvii. 12: "God was pleased to give to the church guides of the Old Testament authority, without appeal, to punish with death such as proudly refused to obey their decision; and surely he has not done less for the church guides in the New Testament."

Rev. xvii. 6: "The protestants foolishly expound this of Rome, for that they put heretics to death, and allow of their punishment in other countries; but their blood is not called the blood of saints, no more than the blood of thieves, mankillers, and other malefactors, for the shedding of which, by order of justice, no commonwealth shall answer."

It is no wonder that after such teaching as this, agents are never wanting to carry into effect the altar-der.unciations of popish priests against protestant landlords, clergymen, scripture-readers, &c. &c.

See the bull of Clement XI. A. D. 1712, and Catena and Gabutius, De vit. et. gest. Pii V.

My learned friend may call this kind of knowledge "reverence for religion" if he pleases, but he must allow others to give it a very different name. He may also think that Mr. Oakley was actuated by the deepest reverence for religion when he called upon his congregation to pray for those who called the pope antichrist, by saying five Pater nosters and five Ave Marias! But what will any one versed in holy scripture think of a congregation of reasonable beings repeating after their priest five times a Latin prayer, and five times a Latin invocation to the blessed virgin? Prayer to the divine Saviour, and invocation to a creature, in the same breath! Or what notion of religion is that which a certain young nobleman has got in his head, who, as the papers state, has been making his round of devotional pilYesterday he visited the grimages" at Rome? church of St. Peter ad vincula; and at his request the chains of the apostle (?) were placed on his neck, and afterwards on that of lady --, and of the servant-man. He has ordered a silver cradle to be made for the infant statue called the Santo Bambino, in the church of Ara Coeli, in the hope that thereby an heir may be granted to perpetuate the honours of his noble house"!

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But let us see

what "
reverence for religion" and what state of
morals the church of Rome has produced in her
own favoured Italy. Amongst the educated
classes the popish religion is considered generally
as a fable. And great must have been their con-
tempt for the credulity of the English nobleman to
whose gift to the Bambino, and veneration for the
chains of probably some galley-slave, I have just
referred. Mr. Whiteside was present, three or
four years ago, at the festival of this wooden
* Letter to "The Record," April 3, 1851.

image of the infant Saviour. Afterwards, meeting an Italian gentleman of his acquaintance, he was asked how he had spent the day? "I replied, 'Witnessing the benediction of the Bambino.' "Ah!' said he, laughing, 'so you have seen the Bambino-our little doctor! And what do you think of him? He is a skilful physician!' and so on, manifestly scoffing at the absurdity of the popular belief." It is the same in Naples. On asking a Neapolitan nobleman what was his belief as to the miracle of St. Januarius, "The Neapolitan," says Mr. Whiteside, "replied, without a moment's hesitation: 'I believe it to be an imposition, of course.' 'Does any man of your rank in Naples believe it?' 'Not one,' he replied. 'Permit me then to inquire, how do you justify witnessing the imposture, and appearing to sanction what you know to be false?' He coloured slightly, and then gave a reply never to be forgotten by me: "Signor, you are a stranger, and evidently unacquainted with the state of things in this kingdom. There exists a compact between the government and the priests, each to support the other in their abuses. The priests will sustain the government so long as it sustains them; and, when this imposture is acted, it is part of the bargain that the king and the court shall attend'."


which prevails where conscience is silenced, reason fettered, and the understanding darkened. common plea of these men," says Dr. Croly, "is the ease of conscience in an infallible church; as well might they talk of the energy of slumber, or the vigilance of blindness. When once they steer into the trade-wind of Rome, requiring no skill in the navigation, and exciting no anxiety for the harbour, they move on over the ocean of error, shifting no sail and consulting no star, in alternate idleness and sleep, till they are, in the course of nature, consigned to the grave, and heard of no more. There is no return." Such is the indolent and dangerous tranquillity which Mr. Newman would persuade men to seek, in exchange for the labour of reading, marking, learning, and inwardly digesting those holy scriptures which are able to make men "wise to salvation through faith in Jesus Christ." But it is necessary to his "position" to speak in this way at present: yet, as he used very different language when he was nominally a member and minister of the church of England, although holding secretly, and teaching stealthily popish doctrines to his unsuspecting followers, his words will gain no credit with thinking persons. "Romanism," said Newman in 1837, "is a mis-shapen development of the truth; not the less dangerous because it retains traces of its genuine features and usurps its name, as vice borrows the name of virtue. She is a church beside herself crafty, obstinate, wilful, malicious, cruel, unnatural, as madmen are; or, rather, she may be said to resemble a demoniac, possessed with principles, thoughts, and tendencies not her own-in outward form and in outward powers what God has made her, but ruled within by an inexorable spirit, who is Mr. Whiteside also informs us that there were sovereign in his management over her, and most trials at Naples: "Five of parricide, thirty-seven that, to deport to the colonies (!), are not dead yet, but, on the of conjugicide, twenty-one of murder of relations, contrary (as we say in Ireland) are alive and kicking; and let fifteen infanticides, nine for poisoning and attempts him know that, when I choose to address you under the sanc at poisoning, one hundred and thirty-four for pre- tion of the church, I can command you to do what I please, meditated homicides, forty-six attempts at murder, and that you will neither walk, nor drink, nor sing, nor dance, eighty-nine involuntary homicides, four hundred nelly, "can be truly a Romanist who is not so unlimitedly but according to my pleasure." "No man," says Mr. Conand eighty-two stabbings, many horrible crimes and without reserve. Conscience and the creed of Pius V. besides, one hundred and twenty-nine burnings are contraries, contradictories. To make a consistent, conof houses, seventy-five thefts, with murder, &c." gruous Roman-catholic, there must be unreasoning submission All these crimes perpetrated amongst a population catholic doctrine is only the inference of common sense. That in morals as in faith. Bellarmine's inference from the Romannot exceeding that of Liverpool or Manchester! doctrine practically blots God out from the moral government Surely, gentlemen, if fruits are the surest test of of all who believe it. The church' (that is, the baptized), the good or bad quality of a tree, popery must be says Bellarmine, 'is inviolably bound to believe that to be the upas-tree which produces misery and desola- morally good which the sovereign pontiff commands, and that tion wherever its malignant influence prevails. morally bad which he forbids. The conscience must be These lamentable facts are a sufficient answer to ready to be given up to another and for another, who is the assertion of "that learned and distinguished right to absolve from all individual responsibility, and held to represent Omnipotence, who is held to have the ornament" of the Roman church, Mr. Newman, to whom obedience paid blindly is accounted the very that converts to popery "receive light for dark-highest practice of Christian virtue. Let him that desires ness, peace for warfare." Peace! gentlemen; what kind of peace? That which the crouching slave enjoys, so long as he promptly obeys every mandate of his despotic mastert: the peace

The state of morals may easily be imagined in a country where such arts are countenanced by the church. "With respect to morals," observes this gentleman, "notwithstanding the ceremonials of religion are celebrated with frequency and splendour, Naples is admitted to be one of the most profligate capitals in Europe; and, I grieve to add, questions are sometimes put to passengers, in the streets of this brilliant city, calculated to make a man start with horror" *.

p. 85.

* Whiteside's "Italy in the Nineteenth Century," vol. iii., †The following extract from a late address to the Romanists of Liverpool, by Dr. Cahill, will illustrate the kind of slavery to which members of the church of Rome are expected to submit: "Tell him (lord John Russell), in words that cannot be mistaken, that the priests are your magistrates, and that their words are more powerful than an armed police; proclaim by your good order that the catholic (popish) bishops whom he attempted to disrobe, consume, annihilate, and, after

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to be obedient to him as to God. He that thus acts is safe to grow in godliness give himself up to a learned confessor, from having any account to render of all his actions. The Lord will see to it that his confessor leads him not astray' (St. Philip Neri)."-A letter to the earl of Shrewsbury, by

Pierce Connelly, M.A. (formerly chaplain to his lordship). "No man's crime," observes the same writer, "is in secret ever thoroughly applauded, or even quite forgiven; but, with another man to keep his conscience in the name of God (!), with absolution ready, or probability making absolution superfluous, or a 'director's' warrant given beforehand (!), audacity becomes a part of faith, and remorse a criminal mistrust. A husband, a father, or a king, is struck down with as steady a hand as any sentenced felon. The eighteen Revaillacs go forth to their task with as firm a step as any Calcraft."

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