OrientaliaPontificium Institutum Biblicum., 1968 |
À l'intérieur du livre
Résultats 1-3 sur 16
Page 402
... verbal system . In order to substantiate this assumption , the mutual relation be- tween the above - mentioned three groups and the he- verbal complex ( 2 ) will be examined . And in this examination attention will be focused in ...
... verbal system . In order to substantiate this assumption , the mutual relation be- tween the above - mentioned three groups and the he- verbal complex ( 2 ) will be examined . And in this examination attention will be focused in ...
Page 415
... verbal complex is revealing . As will be shown below , the verbal suffix -e is usually not attested after this verb : hé - ĝál : Gud . Stat . B IX , 22 . ḥé - na - ğál : Ent . Statue back IV , 10 ; Ukg . Stone tablet A. V , 5 ; sub hé ...
... verbal complex is revealing . As will be shown below , the verbal suffix -e is usually not attested after this verb : hé - ĝál : Gud . Stat . B IX , 22 . ḥé - na - ğál : Ent . Statue back IV , 10 ; Ukg . Stone tablet A. V , 5 ; sub hé ...
Page 416
... verbal affix -e- , and gives reason to presume that the verbal suf- fix -e in the he- complex is identical , in its grammatical function , with the verbal affix -e- ( 1 ) included in the verbal suffix -e - dè / - e - da ( m ) . In short ...
... verbal affix -e- , and gives reason to presume that the verbal suf- fix -e in the he- complex is identical , in its grammatical function , with the verbal affix -e- ( 1 ) included in the verbal suffix -e - dè / - e - da ( m ) . In short ...
Table des matières
WV VON SODEN Aramäische Wörter in neuassyrischen | 261 |
J MAKKAY The Tartaria Tablets Tab XLIVXLV 272289 | 272 |
J STEVE Fragmenta Elamica Tab XLVIXLVIII 290303 | 290 |
6 autres sections non affichées
Autres éditions - Tout afficher
Orientalia commentarii de rebus assyro-babylonicis, arabicis, aegyptiacis Affichage du livre entier - 1928 |
Orientalia commentarii de rebus assyro-babylonicis, arabicis, aegyptiacis Affichage du livre entier - 1928 |
Orientalia: commentarii de rebus assyro-babylonicis, arabicis, aegyptiacis Affichage du livre entier - 1920 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
a-ak add Akk add Aram add G add Syr Aistleitner akkad Alten Ameny Aamu Anatolia Arabic Aram Aramaic Assurbanipal Belege Benno Landsberger Berkeley Berkeley Berlin BibOr blocchi Branden Brazil text Brazilian text briques CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Canaanite century B.C. connection corridoio cult culture dalet der Sumerer Ezion-Geber Falkenstein forger fossa Geez Geschichte Gesenius Gordon Gurage hamțu Hebr Hebrew ibid Inschrift jüd.-aram Kition Koehler König Kültepe Lesung letter loanword marû matres lectionis mattoni Mesopotamian Mukol neuass neubab Niniveh Orientalia parallels parete Phoenician phönizischen pictographs piramide di Ameny pottery Prof Punic reduplicated root saracinesca Schlottmann schon Soden songs spätbab stato suffix Sumerian Susa tablets Tărtăria Tărtăria tablets temple Texten Tordos translation Trincea Ugaritic UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA verb verbal Vinča Vinča-Tordos Vlassa wohl