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Why have they opened the door? Because it is 2 too warm in the room. It would be better 3 to open a window, the outer air is purer 5. I would have opened a window, if I had not feared 6 that the rain would come 7 in. Well 8, we shall 9 the door of the next room open I cannot bear (souffrir) the draught 11, I suffer much 12 to day from my chest. Cover yourself with your cloak. Permit me to offer you mine. I shall never allow you to expose 13 yourself to the danger of catching cold 14. You are too kind 15. Your brother has already offered me his great coat 16 I would have wrapped myself up in it, if it did not prevent me from writing 17. I will in preference 18 place myself a little nearer to the fire 19.

1 pourquoi. 2 c'est qu'il. 3 plutôt. 4 extérieur. 5 pur. 6 si je n'avais craint. 7 entrer (subj.). 8 ch bien. 9 (fut.). 10 chambre voisine, f. 11 le courant d'air. 12 beaucoup. 13 s'exposer (subj.). 14 à gagner un froid. 15 trop honnête. 16 redingote, f. 17 si cela ne m'empêchait d'écrire. 18 préférer. 19 de m'approcher un peu du feu.

AHN, French Grammar. II.


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Part. Pres. Disant, saying. Part. Past. Dit, said.

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Part. Pres. Lisant, reading. Part. Past. Lu, read.

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Part. Pres. Écrivant, writing. Part. Past. Écrit, written.

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Ne croyez pas tout ce que vous entendez dire. Celui-là est vraiment malheureux qui croit l'être. En confiant nos maux, nous croyons les adoucir 1. Le mérite produit ordinairement l'envie. Le soleil luit sur les méchants comme sur les bons. Le temps détruit tout; rien ne peut lui résister. Quelle puissance a construit au-dessus 2 de nos têtes une si vaste et si superbe voûte 4? L'émigration des réformés sous Louis XIV nuisit beaucoup à la France. Alexandre le Grand vainquit Darius dans trois batailles. Tant que 5 Néron suivit les avis de son précepteur Sénèque, il gouverna humainement et fut estimé. Marot, poète français, vécut sous le règne de François premier. Cette vie est si courte, tous les moments en sont si précieux, et néanmoins 6 nous vivons comme si cette vie ne devait jamais finir.

to soften. 2 over. 3 head. 4 vault. 5 as long as.

6 yet.

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What do you say? I say that this news afflicts me

Tell nobody anything2 of it.

greatly 1. If you repeat it. I shall have no more 3 faith 4 in 5 discretion 6. Be assured that I will tell it to no one. My father has often


told me that we must not 8 tell 9 secrets which have been confided 10 to us. Do you write to your brother? Pardon me, I write to my friend at 11 Hamburgh. We have hitherto 12 written to each other every fortnight, but he wishes me to write to him oftener. He wished me to write to him every week. Have you written to the merchant 13 who does 14 our commission business 15 ? I have not yet written to him; I would at once write to him if I knew his address 16. I will 17 give you his address. Pray 18, write it 19 this piece 20 of paper. There it is 21. You write very nicely 22. I used formerly to write much better 23; have spoiled 24 my hand by too much writing 25. I see 26 you also read the newspapers 27. It is a long while since 28 I have read the literary journals 29. I should much like 30 to read them if I had more leisure 31. Do you wish me to read you some passages 32? Yes, read some to me. You read too low 33 I wish you would read a little louder 34. It is too dark 35 I cannot see any more 36.



1 affliger. 2 rien. 3 plus. 4 confiance, f. 5 en. 6 discrétion, f. 7 assuré. 8 qu'il ne fallait pas. 9 divulguer. 10 confiés. 11 de. 12 jusqu'à présent. 13 négociant, m. 14 soigner. 15 nos commissions. 16 adresse, f. 17 (fut.). 18 s'il vous plait. 19 sur. 20 feuillet, m. 21 la voilà. 22 bien. 23 mieux. 24 gâter. 25 à force d'écrire. 26 je vois que. 27 journal, m. 28 il y a long-temps que. 29 feuille littéraire, f. 30 volontiers. 31 loisir,m. 32 passage, m. 33 trop bas. 34 plus haut. 35 obscur. 36 je n'y vois plus.

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Part. Pres. Faisant, doing. Part. Past. Fait, done.

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