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Decline as an exercise: l'ami, the friend; l'église, the church; l'oreille, the ear; l'habit, the gown.



L'éducation seule distingue l'homme de l'homme. L'été 2 succède au printemps 3, et l'hiver à l'automne. L'écolier 5 doit obéir 7 au maître 8. L'étude forme le coeur 10 et étend 11 l'esprit 12. La vie 18 de l'homme est courte 14.

1 only. 2 summer. 3 spring. 4 winter. 5 pupil. 6 must. 7 obey. 8 master. 9 study. 10 heart. 11 extends. 12 mind. 13 life. 14 short.


Never turn from the path 2 of virtue and honour 3 Man may learn much 4 from animals 5. The eel leaves 7 the water sometimes 9. Do you come 10 from school or 11 from church? I expect 12 the news 13 of the arrival 1a of the prince.

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11 ou.

12 j'at

1 ne t'écarte jamais. 2 chemin, m. 3 honneur, m.
beaucoup apprendre. 5 animaux, pl. 6 anguille, f.
8 eau, f. 9 quelquefois. 10 venez-vous.
tends. 13 nouvelle, f. 14 arrivée, f.

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The indefinite article (l'article ind fini) is rendered before a masc. noun,,un", before a feminine ,,une":

un père, a father; une mère, a mother.

If the genitive,,de" stand before un or une, the,,e" is omitted and an Apostrophe substituted, as:

d'un and d'une, instead of de un and de une.


a mother. A friend of The wall of a town.'

The flower of a garden. The brother of a mother. The book of a sister. The garden of a house. The way to a town. I come from a town. I go to a garden. garden of my father. A letter to peace. Give the flower to a child. I go to a fountain. The horse of a soldier. The ear of a bird. A cap of a girl. Give the pen to a child. The man goes to the mountain. A table of a room. The friend of a friend. The daughter of a mother. Give the picture to a painter.


le mur,

Le chemin, the way; je viens, I come; je m'en vais, I go;
the wall; donnez, give; va, goes; la chambre, the room; le
peintre,, the painter.


Declension of proper Names.

N. Paris, Paris.

G. de Paris, of Paris.

Emilie, Emily.
d'Emilie, of Emily.
à Émilie, to Emily.
Emilie, Emily.

D. à Paris, to Paris.
A. Paris, Paris.
belle, beautiful; la situation, the situation; demeurez-vous, do
you live?
il retourne, he returns; Avez-vous vu, have you
seen? malade, ill; le chapeau, the hat; beau, beautiful;
nous parlons, we speak; ceci, this; connais-tu, knowst thou?

Paris est une belle ville. La situation de Vienne me plaît. Je viens de Berlin. Demeurez-vous à Aix-la-Chapelle? Il retourne à Londres., Avez-vous vu Boulogne? Louis est malade. Le chapeau d'Émilie est beau. Nous parlons de Charles. Donnez ceci à Guillaume. Connais-tu

Pierre et Jean?


Charles and Louisa are in the country, I have seen William and Charlotte. We often speak of Caroline and Emily. Berlin is a beautiful town. I like the situation of

Dover. Do you live in Havre or in Boulogne? He returns to Brighton. Have you seen Paris? My brother comes from Paris and goes to Berlin. My uncle lives at Brussels. Have you been to Rome and to Venice? My aunt lives at Liége, and my brother at Antwerp. Have you seen the curiosities of Cologne and Aix? Do you come from Brussels or Antwerp?


sont à la campagne, are in the country. J'ai vu, have seen; souvent, often; ma tante, my aunt; Anvers, Antwerp; les curiosités, the curiosities; venez-vous, do you come?


Partitive Article.

To express a part of an object,,some“, „,any" or „a few" are used in English; but in French it is expressed by the definite article with the preposition,,de" and termed the partitive Article.

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Du pain et de l'eau me suf- (Some) bread and water are


AHN, french Grammar. I.

sufficient for me.


Nous mangeons du pain et de la viande.

J'ai acheté des livres et des plumes.

Vous pensez toujours à de l'argent et à des habits.


We eat (some) bread and meat.

I have bought some books and pens.

You always think of money and of dresses.

Le cheval mange de l'herbe, du foin 2 et de l'avoine 3. L'autruche avale 5 souvent du fer, du cuivre, du bois 8 et des pierres 9. L'écureuil 10 mange des noisettes 11, des amandes 12, des faînes 13 et des glands 14. La belette 15 tue 16 des rats, des serpents, des pigeons et des lapins 17. La Sicile 18 produit 19 du blé 70, des légumes 21, du vin, du café, du sucre 22, des olives, des amandes, des figues, de la soie 23, du marbre et de l'albâtre.

1 Eats. 2 hay. 3 oats. 4 ostrich. 5 swallows. 6 iron. 7 copper. 8 wood. 9 stone. 10 squirrel. 11 nuts. 12 almonds. 13 beach nut. 14 acorns. 15 weasel. 16 kills. 17 rabbits. 18 Sicily. 17 produces. 20 corn. 21 vegetables. 22 sugar. 23 silk.



Give me some fruit 2, and some bread, and some vegetables 4. some wine? Do you drink or milk 10. Do you eat 11 salt 14, pepper for 18

some soup 3


Do you wish 5 for some beer or coffee or chocolate. I drink 3 tea9 meat or fish 12. Bring me13 some 15, mustard 16 and oil 17. Do you wish any flowers or fruit? Do you want any apples 19 pears 20 or plums 21? I have bought 22 some ink 23 paper, pencils, wafers 24 and sealing wax 25. Bring us 26 a (some) light 27. Have you 28 some money 29 with you 30? The spring brings 31 us flowers, the autumn fruit. Italy 32 furnishes us 33 with wine, oil, silk, cotton 34 and fruit. The truth 35 and the rose are very beautiful 36, but both 37 have thorns 38. It is rare 39 that an unfortunate person 40 has friends, but still rarer avaritious 44 are like 45 and eat 49 thistles 50. and this wine 53 like water.


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that he 42 has relations 43. The donkeys 46, which carry 47


This beer 51 looks like 52 wine,
Do you prefer
Do you prefer 54 paintings 55

to prints 56, or prints to paintings? You always think 57 of balls and concerts, and but rarely 58 of books and serious occupations 59,

son, m.

1 Donnez-moi. 2 fruit, m. soupe, f. 4 légumes, pl. m.
5 souhaitez-vous. 6 prendrez-vous. 7 chocolat, m.
8 je
prendrai. 9 thẻ, m. 10 lait, m. 11 mangerez-vous. 12 pois-
13 apportez-moi. 14 sel, m. 15 poivre, m. 16 mou-
tarde, f. 17 l'huile, f. 18 désirez-vous. 19 pomme, f. 20
poire, f. 21 prune, f. 22 acheté. 23 encre, f. 24 pain à
cacheter. 25 cire d'Espagne. 26 apportez-nous. 27 lumière,
f. 28 avez-vous. 29 argent, m. 30 sur vous. 31 nous donne.
32 l'Italie, f. 33 nous fournit. 34 coton, m. 35 vérité, f.
36 très-belles. 37 mais l'une et l'autre. 38 épine, f. 39 il
est rare. 40 qu'un malheureux ait. 41 mais il est plus rare
encore. 42 qu'il ait. 43 parent, m. 44 avare, m. 45 res-
semblent. 46 âne, m. 47 qui portent. 48 or, m. 49 et qui
mangent. 50 chardon, m. 51 cette bière, f. 52 ressemble à.
53 ce vin, m. 54 préférez-vous. 55 tableaux, pl. m.
56 gra-
vure, f. 57 vous pensez toujours. 58 mais rarement, 59 oc-
cupation sérieuse, f.


If an adjective stand before a substantive which is used with the partitive article, the article is left out and the preposition,,de" is used, viz:

not: du mauvais vin, but: de mauvais vin, bad wine. not: de la bonne bière, but: de bonne bière, good beer. not: des belles fleurs, but: de belles fleurs, beautiful flowers

If however the adjective stand,,after" the substantive, the article is retained: du vin rouge, red wine; de la bière fraiche, fresh beer.


Donnez-moi du papier,
Donnez-moi de bon papier,
Voici de la viande,
Voici de meilleure viande,
Ce sont des soldats,
Ce sont de braves soldats,
J'ai acheté de la soie,
J'ai acheté de la soie noire,
Je pense à de bons livres,

Give me some paper.
Give me some good paper.
There is some meat.
There is some better meat.
That are soldiers.

That are brave soldiers.
I have bought some silk.
I have bought some black silk.
I think of some good books.

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