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Qui la vu? toi ou lui?
toi et moi, nous l'avons vu,
elle ne loue que moi,
toi, tu l'as dit,
c'est lui qui l'a fait,
c'est nous qui l'avons vu,
ce sont eux qui l'ont pris,
je suis plus grand que lui,
il est plus modeste que vous,
je suis arrivé avant toi,
nous sommes venus après eux,
confiez-vous à elle,

ne te découvre pas à lui,

who has seen it? thou or he?
we both have seen it, thou and I.
she only praises me.
thou hast said it.
he has done it.

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we have seen it. they have taken it. I am taller than he. he is more modest than you. I have arrived before thee. we have come after them. confide yourself to her. do not reveal yourself to him. 57.

Je porte tout 2 sur 3 moi, disait Bias. Il faut aimer 5 les hommes, non pour 6 soi, mais pour eux. Le vieillard' plante, non pour lui, mais pour la postérité 9. L'homme est droit 10 et lève 11 la tête, pour être occupé de ce qui 12 est au dessus 13 de lui. Si tu as trouvé 14 un ami véritable, abandonne-toi 15 à lui sans réserve 16. Celui qui n'aime que1 17 19 soi, est méprisable 18. Si tu veux corriger 20 les autres, il faut commencer par te corriger 21 toi-même. Un homme qui est toujours content de lui-même, l'est rarement 22 des autres. Les esclaves ne travaillent pas 23 pour eux-mêmes. L'amour-propre 24 nous empêche 25 de nous connaître 26 nous-mêmes. Quand 27 on ne trouve 28 pas son repos 29 dans soi-même, il est inutile 30 de le chercher ailleurs 31.

1 carry. 2 every thing. 3 with. 4 said. 5 one must love. 6 not (for one's self). 7 old man. 8 plants. 9 posterity. 10 erect. 11 raises. 12 that he may occupy himself with that, which. 13 above. 14 found. 15 give up. 16 without reserve. 17 he who loves but. 18 detestable. 19 wilt. 20 correct. 21 thou must first correct. 22 rarely. 23 do not work. 24 self love. 25 prevent. 26 to know. 27 when. 28 find. 29 rest. 30 useless. 31 to seek elsewhere.




Who has written this letter, he or she? To whom 2 have you given 3 it, to him, or to her? We have done it for you and not 5 for him. Your brother has arrived fore 7 us. Thou hast not thought of me. They speak more of you than of me. I cannot allow it, without 10 him. Thou art 11 taller than I, but I am 12 older 18 than thou. He has made fewer mistakes 14 than you, but you have 15 written 16 better than he. Come with T1 me. My cousin will go 18 with you. He has received 19 it froni her. I was 20 with 21 him yesterday. He complains 22 about 23 me, and about you. I shall always 24 remember him and you. Your brothers were here 25, my father has gone out with them. There is thy little sister, hast thou nothing 27 for her? How are your friends 28, we often think 29 of them. Have you been 30 to Mesrs. 31 Mure? Yes we have taken leave 32 of them.


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1 qui. 2 à qui. 3 avez-vous donné. 4 avons. 5 non pas. 6 arrivé. 7 avant. 8 n'as pas. 9 pensé. 10 je ne puis pas permettre sans. 11 es. 12 suis. 13 àgé. 14 faute. 15 avez. 16 mieux. 17 viens avec. 18 ira. 19 reçu. 20j'ai été. 21 chez. 22 plaint. 23 de. 24 souviendrai. 25 étaient ici. 26 sorti. 27 n'as tu rien. 28 comment portent vos amies. 29 pensons. 30 avez-vous été. 31 chez Messieurs, avons pris congé.

32 ...

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These pronouns take the place of the article and take the gender of the substantives.

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ma, ta, sa, are changed before a vowel or an,,h“

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L'avare compte 2 toujours ses trésors. Chaque état 2 et ses peines 5. La rose a sa beauté,

a ses agréments

sa fraîcheur et son odeur, mais elle a aussi ses épines 1. Une fille sage écoute 9 les conseils 10 de son père et de sa mère. Les enfants doivent obéir 11 à leurs parents. L'enfant qui n'obéit 12 pas avec plaisir 13 à ses parents, ne les aime 14 certainement 15 pas. Les Romains conservaient 16 dans des urnes 17 les cendres 18 de leurs ancêtres 19. Les hommes sont bien différents 20 par 21 leur caractère, leurs moeurs 22 et leurs inclinations 23. Nos destins 24 sont prévus 25, nos moments sont comptés 26.

1 miser.


2 counts. 3 every position. 4 pleasures. 5 troubles. 6 freshness. 7 thorn. 8 wise. 9 hears. 10 council. 11 must obey. 12 obey. 13 readily. 14 love. 15 certainly. 16 preserve. 17 urns. 18 ashes. 19 ancestors. 20 differ. 21 by. 22 customs. 23 inclinations. 24 destiny. 25 foreseen. 26 counted.

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This young man supports 2 his father, his mother and his sisters. A virtuous woman loves her husband and her children. The dog guards 5 the house of his master 6. Youth is the pleasantest time of our life. This woman thinks only of her finery and her pleasures. Good children love their parents. It is said 10 that the bees never leave 11 their queen. Your sister bas left 12 her pocket handkerchief and her gloves on 13 my table. I have lent 14 my watch 15 to your brother, and he has lost 16 it. He is extremely careless 17. He looked everywhere 18 for his hat yesterday, and at last 19 our servant found 20 it in 21 the garden of our aunt. Your mother wished lately 22 to examine 23 his chest of drawers 24, and found 25 his shirts 26, cravats 27, stockings and boots 28 in confusion 29 in the same drawer 30.

7 ne

1 ce. 2 nourrit. 3 aime. 4 mari. 5 garde. 6 maître.
pense qu'. 8 parure, f. 9 aiment. 10 on dit. 11 n'aban-
donnent jamais. 12 laissé. 13 sur. 14 prêté. 15 montre, f.
16 perdue. 17 extrêmement négligent. 18 il cherchait par-
tout. 19 enfin. 20 trouva. 21 dans. 22 voulut dernière-
ment. 23 visiter. 24 commode. f. 25 elle trouva. 26 che-
mise, f. 27 cravate. 28 botte, f. 29 pêle-mêle. 30 dans
le même tiroir.

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are formed by,,mon" and ",ma", they allow therefore no article to precede them.

In speaking of one or more persons it is customary in french to use one of the above terms: as:

Monsieur est sorti.
Madame S. est malade.
Messieurs Bénoît sont arrivés.
Monseigneur est à la cam-


The Gentleman is gone out.
Mrs. S. is ill.

The Mesrs. Benoit have arrived.
The squire is in the country.

Mesdemoiselles N. dessinent The Misses N. draw well. bien.

If a title follow these addresses, the article,,le, la, les“ is placed after it, as:

Monsieur le comte.
Madame la comtesse.
Monsieur le professeur.

The Count.

The Countess.
The Professor.

In speaking of relations,,son" et,,votre"; are placed after monsieur, madame and mademoiselle, as:

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Monsieur, j'ai l'honneur de vous souhaiter le bon jour1. Comment va 2 votre santé? Que font 3 vos chers enfants? Monsieur, je suis très-sensible à votre attention 5. Ma santé est assez bonne, et mes enfants se portent à merveille 6. Comment se porte madame votre épouse? Elle a été un peu indisposée ces jours-ci 10; je crois 11


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