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Construction of Suez Canal.

EGYPT. Acts of Concession of Viceroy.

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30th November, 1854, 5th January, 1856. 970, 976

Award. Arbitration of Emperor of the French between Pasha of
Egypt and M. de Lesseps. Suez Canal.

Fontainebleau, 6th July, 1864. 1004

Bye-Laws. Universal Maritime Suez Canal Company.

Alexandria, 5th January, 1856. 981
Conventions. Financial concerns of Suez Canal Company. 6th
August, 1860, 18th and 20th March, 1863.

997, 999, 1003

Engagement. Nubar Pasha and M. de Lesseps. Arbitration of
Emperor of the French in Differences relative to

Suez Canal


Paris, 21st April, 1864. 1005

Regulations. Employment of Egyptian Workmen by Suez Canal
.Alexandria, 20th July, 1855. 995


Report to Viceroy, and Instructions. Canalization of Isthmus of
.....Camp de Maréa, 30th April, 1855. 973
to Emperor of the French. Composition of Commission to
examine Differences between Viceroy of Egypt and Suez
....Paris, 3rd March, 1864. 1008

Canal Company

ELBE. TREATIES, &c. with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :-between

Austria, Hanover, &c. Convention.


River Elbe.

Navigation of

Magdeburg, 8th February, 1854. 915
Convention. Regulation of River
Elbe Tolls.

Austria, Prussia, &c.

Hamburgh, 4th April, 1863. 938
Agreement. Administration

and Collection of Joint

Elbe Tolls at Wittenberg.

Hamburgh, 4th April, 1863. 958

"EMILY ST. PIERRE." Correspondence. Great Britain and United States.

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Quito, 18th March, 1864. 880

EUSTIS, MR. Correspondence. Great Britain and United States. Seizure

of Messrs. Mason, Slidell, McFarland,
and Eustis, from on board Royal Mail
Packet "Trent" by Commander of
United States Ship-of-War "San
Jacinto "

1861, 1862, 602


FLAG. Correspondence. Great Britain, Austria, and Prussia. Provisional
Recognition of a Flag for the Duchies of

Schleswig, Holstein, and Lauenburg.


February, March, 1865. 961

Notification (British). Grant by Austria and Prussia of a Pro-
visional National Flag to Duchies of
Holstein, Schleswig, and Lauenburg.

London, 30th March, 1865. 295

FLAG OF TRUCE. Correspondence. Great Britain and United States.

Steamer "Resolute," with Flag of
Truce, fired at with shot, by United
States Steamer "Union" off the
bar of Savannah River. Subsequent

..July, 1861. 678

FLORENCE. Declaration. France and Italy. Transfer of Capital of Italy
to Florence............. Paris, 3rd October, 1864. 462

FOREIGN JURISDICTION. Act of Parliament (British). Explanation of

Foreign Jurisdiction Act of 24th August,

1843, (defining term “British Colony"

used therein)..................
........................ 5th July, 1865. 1295

FRANCE. Award of Emperor. Differences between Pasha of Egypt and
M. de Lesseps. Suez Canal.

Fontainebleau, 6th July, 1864. 1004

Correspondence. Great Britain and United States.

1864. 1079

to Contending Parties in United States.
Proposed Adhesion to Principles of Mari-
time Law, as laid down by Congress of
Paris in 1856............................ 1856-1861.
with Great Britain. Slave Trade
with The United States. Proposal of France
to use her Good Offices, or to Mediate, with
a view to Termination of Civil War, in
North America. Proposed Joint Intervention
of Great Britain, France, and Russia. Pro.
posed Conclusion of Armistice. 1861-1863. 412

Decree. Promulgation of Treaty of Commerce with Sweden and
Norway, of 14th February, 1865.

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Paris, 25th March, 1865. 233

Promulgation of Treaty of Navigation with Sweden
and Norway, of 14th February, 1865.

Paris, 25th March, 1865. 267

Promulgation of Treaty of Commerce with Prussia,
&c., of 2nd August, 1862.... Paris, 10th May, 1865. 297
Promulgation of Treaty of Navigation with Prussia,
&c., of 2nd August, 1862.... Paris, 10th May, 1865. 344
Promulgation of Arrangement with Peru, relative to
supply of Guano, of 15th January, 1864.

Paris, 17th May, 1865.
Promulgation of Treaty of Commerce and Navigation
with the Hanse Towns, of 4th March, 1865.


[1864-65. LV.]

4 Z

Paris, 3rd June, 1865. 352


FRANCE. Decree. Promulgation of Protocol with the Hanse Towns,
relative to the Treaty of Commerce, of 4th March,
Paris, 3rd June, 1865. 361
Promulgation of Treaty of Commerce and Navigation
with Mecklenburg-Schwerin, of 9th June, 1865.

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Paris, 24th June, 1865. 367
Promulgation of Protocol with Mecklenburg-Schwerin,
relative to the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation,
of 9th June, 1865......... ..Paris, 24th June, 1865. 375
Promulgation of Declaration with Switzerland, of 29th
June, 1865, for the execution of the Treaty of Com-
merce, of 30th June, 1864... Paris, 30th June, 1865. 378
Promulgation of Convention of Commerce with Spain,
of 18th June, 1865 ..Plombières, 26th July, 1865. 379
Promulgation of Treaty of Commerce and Navigation
with the Netherlands, of 7th July, 1865.

Chalons, 15th August, 1865. 383
Promulgation of Commercial Arrangement with the
Uruguay, of 7th July, 1865. Maintenance of Con-
vention of Commerce and Navigation, of 8th April,
Fontainebleau, 3rd September, 1865. 393
Promulgation of Treaty of Limits with the Nether-
lands, of 28th March, 1820.

Biarritz, 15th September, 1865. 395
Promulgation of Customs Convention with Monaco, of
9th November, 1865.. Compiègne, 2nd December, 1865. 407
Protocols of Conferences between Commissioners of Austria,
France, Great Britain, Italy, Prussia, Russia, and
Turkey. Navigation of Mouths of the Danube.
Galatz, October, November, 1865.

Public Act. European Commission. Navigation of Mouths
of the Danube ....Galatz, 2nd November, 1865.
Composition of Commission to examine
into Suez Canal Question.

Report to Emperor.



Paris, 3rd March, 1864. 1008

Speech of Emperor. Opening of Legislative Chambers.

TREATIES &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with
Great Britain. Agreement. Defence of Shanghae.

Paris, 15th February, 1865. 229

22nd April, 1862. 963

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FRANCE. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, contd., viz. :-

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Paris, 3rd October, 1864. 462
Treaty. Commerce.

Paris, 9th June, 1865. 367
Protocol. Do. Do..... 375

Convention. Customs.

Paris, 9th November, 1865. 407

Morocco, &c. Convention. Lighthouse on Cape
Spartel...Tangiers, 31st May, 1865. 16
Treaty. Limits.


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Turkey, &c.

United States.

Paris, 29th June, 1865. 378
Act. Accession to Treaty of 29th
March, 1864. Union of Ionian
Islands to Greece.

Constantinople, 8th April, 1865. 48
Convention. Consular.

Washington, 23rd February, 1853. 718

Uruguay. Arrangement. Commerce. Navigation.

Maintenance of Convention of
8th April, 1836.

Monte Video, 7th July, 1865. 393

FRANKFORT. Decree. (French.) Promulgation of Treaty of Commerce

with Zollverein of 2nd August, 1862.

Paris, 10th May, 1865. 297

FRANKFORT. Decree. (French.) Promulgation of Treaty of Naviga-


tion with Zollverein of 2nd August,
1862............Paris, 10th May, 1865. 344

TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :-with
France, &c. Treaty. Commerce.


Berlin, 2nd August, 1862. 298
Treaty. Navigation.

Berlin, 2nd August, 1862. 344

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GIBRALTAR. Declaration. Great Britain and Spain. Abolition of Prac-



tice of Firing on Merchant Vessels from
British and Spanish Forts in Straits of Gib-
raltar............ Madrid, 2nd March, 1865.
Correspondence. Great Britain, France, Russia, and
United States. Proposal of France
to use her Good Offices, with a view
to the termination of Civil War in
North America.....1861-1863. 412, 514


Act of Parliament.

Protection of Inventions and De-
signs exhibited at certain Indus-
trial Exhibitions in United
Kingdom.... 27th March, 1865. 1289

Incorporation of Territories of
British Kaffraria with Colony of

Cape of Good Hope.

27th March, 1865. 1290

Protection of Inventions and De-

signs exhibited at Dublin Inter-
national Exhibition for 1865.

27th March, 1865. 1294

Removing of Doubts respecting Va-
lidity of certain Marriages
contracted in Her Majesty's
Possessions Abroad.

29th June, 1865. 1294

Explaining Foreign Jurisdiction

Act. Defining term "British
Colony"............5th July, 1865. 1295

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