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of observing a more regular and cheerful attendance of the children at school and at church, neatly attired. This pleasing result of the first-fruits of their labours was most encouraging, and your Committee, as soon as their funds would admit, furnished thirty boys with a leather cap and blue cloth jacket each, and an equal number of girls with plaid bonnets. Twelve most indigent boys were also supplied with a suit of clothes each, to enable them to attend the school, from which they had been previously almost excluded.

Your Committee might mention, as some proof of the benefits which have already attended their humble efforts, that the average attendance of children at school and church has lately increased from forty-five to eighty in number; a circumstance to which they advert with pleasure, and which can only be rendered permanent by the kind assistance of a generous public.

Your Committee have the honour, with sentiments of the highest respect, to acknowledge the liberal donation of 157. sterling from the Lord Bishop and Mrs. Coleridge, in April last, and for which they beg most respectfully to offer their grateful acknowledgments. They are aware that his Lordship is actuated by higher motives than any satisfaction to be derived from the praises of a few humble individuals, but they cannot suffer the opportunity to pass, without noticing the peculiar gratification felt by your Committee, that their endeavours have received the sanction and support of a Prelate of the Church so justly held in the highest estimation in every part of his diocese.

The thanks of the Committee are offered, as well to the friends of the Society generally, for their support during the past year, as to those in particular by whose liberal contributions a plain and wholesome repast was provided for the children connected with the School, during the Christmas holidays; and likewise to those gentlemen who honoured them with their presence on that occasion. The Committee trust that a Society so decidedly useful will not be suffered to become extinct through actual want, and they fervently hope that they may be enabled to prosecute an under

taking in which they have embarked their best feelings and exertions for the good of the rising generation.

The subscriptions and donations for one year amount to 72/.

Antigua Branch Association of the Incorporated Society for "The Conversion and Religious Instruction and Education of the Negro Slaves in the British West India Islands."

FROM the Report of last year, it appears that in the extensive and populous parish of St. John, the Schools, supported by the Parent Society, are producing the most beneficial results.

At the close of 1828, the number in the Boys' School was reported to be as follows: :- Free, 163, slaves, 42; total, 205.

Quitted during the year 1829, viz.

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At the examination of the boys and girls at Christmas, great satisfaction was afforded to all present at the proficiency made by the children; and it was gratifying to observe the effects of a plan, formed with a view of training up boys and girls in habits of economy and industry. From the small weekly saving of two dogs, or three halfpence sterling, and the like sum added to it by a few charitably disposed persons associated with the Rector, several of the children were enabled to appear,— the boys, each in a pair of white drill trowsers, distinguished by a red stripe, and the girls, each in a plain white frock, distinguished by a bow of blue riband, as the produce of their little savings.

The day after Christmas-day, a comfortable dinner, consisting of roast mutton and plum pudding, was provided for the children, from contributions raised expressly for the purpose.

The "Society for aiding the Education of Poor Children," has fully answered the end mainly contemplated in its formation, and by the judicious and kind attention of the Managing Committee in furnishing sixty of the children with a common and Sunday dress, their attendance at school has been much more regular, and their appearance at church highly respectable.

From the gratifying report here given of the Daily Schools, attention is next called to the progress of religious instruction among the negroes. With them a system different from what had been heretofore followed has been of late pursued, and the success that has attended it warrants its permanent adoption. It was found that in this parish the visits of a lay catechist, unless frequently supported by the presence of the minister, were coldly received by the negroes, and little appreciated by the planter. Experience had already pointed out the necessity of engaging subordinate teachers to give instruction daily, if possible, on each estate, in order to make any sure progress. The expectations held out at the Rector's departure to England at the close of 1828, that such teachers would, in some few instances, receive pecuniary compen

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sation from their respective masters, having failed, and the depressed state of the funds of the Branch Association being inadequate to recompense any longer, as it has been wont to do, even so small a number as seven such

teachers for the whole parish, the Rector was induced, when he required the resignation of the catechist, to entreat the Bishop to allow a portion of that officer's salary to be applied to the rewarding of the humble but indispensable labours of the subordinate teachers. His Lordship, ever anxious to meet the wishes of his Clergy in adopting such measures as they consider most beneficial to their respective parishes, immediately consented to the arrangement; and thus, with the sacrifice of the labours of the catechist, the services of a larger number of subordinate teachers have been secured, and through their endeavours, directed and encouraged by the visits of the minister on every chief estate once in a fortnight out of crop, instruction in the Church Catechism, broken into short questions and answers, and especially in reading, has made a marked progress; and with great satisfaction it can now be said, that out of about forty estates in the parish, every considerable estate has its subordinate teacher, either belonging to it or living nigh by; and it is confidently hoped, that by this domestic provision a security has been made against the loss of instruction, hitherto so painfully felt by the interruption of the crop.

The good effect of this system has been further proved by the great increase of the Sunday School in St. John's, the instruction there to be received, as well as on the estate, being, by an understanding between the Rector and the subordinate teacher, connected with each other. The number in August was found to be about seventy; from September to the present time it has been seldom below 250, and often as high as 300.

The day after Christmas-day, nearly 300 slaves, who attend the Sunday School, were assembled in the unoccupied space before the altar in St. John's Church, and examined in the broken Catechism by companies, ac

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cording to the estates to which they belonged. The effect was most pleasing, not only for the accuracy with which the answers were made, but for the well-ordered and varied tone in which they were delivered by the united voices of the negroes from each estate, according to the manner in which they are taught in classes by their teachers. Some of them afterwards spelt words of one or more syllables on the national system, and others (about twenty) read correctly in the Psalms. The examination concluded, as it had begun, with singing a portion of the Evening Hymn.

By the following statement of marriages and baptisms in the parish of St. John, it will be seen that of the former, as respects the slaves, there has been a most gratifying increase during the last year, far beyond any former

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(male and female), composed of the free blacks and slaves of the town of St. John. Its object is, by small savings (the men of four shillings currency, the women of two shillings currency per month), to lay up in store for themselves a provision for sickness, and in death for their interment. It has merited the kind patronage of his Excellency and Lady Ross, the former having contributed a liberal donation to the males, and the latter to the females, on their first organization; and the like liberality was also shewn by the Bishop and Mrs. Coleridge, the moment that the institution was recommended to his Lordship's notice by the Rector of the parish. The number and condition of the members of the two branches of this Friendly Society are as follows:—

Males-Free blacks....





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Baptisms-Free, coloured and black....

74 Slaves (of whom 5 were adults) 162 Total...


The attendance of all classes at church, both at morning and afternoon service, has been greatly on the increase. The pews have been found inadequate to meet the numerous applications for sittings, and being also in a state of decay, the inhabitants of the town and parish have, with a liberality highly creditable to themselves, come forward with subscriptions for erecting new pews on an arrangement by which it is calculated 250 persons more than at present will be accommodated, and it is hoped that before the close of this year that highly desired object will be accomplished.

Connected, if not with the religious instruction, doubtless with the moral improvement of that part of the community whom the Society in England, and the Association here, have ever regarded as objects of their care, is the establishment of a FRIENDLY SOCIETY


As is the custom with similar societies in England-the members of the Friendly Society, the males first, two and two, and the females next, in the same order-the procession, headed by the Rector and his Curate in their gowns, walked to St. John's Church on New-year's-day, where there was delivered to them a sermon appropriate to the occasion. The deportment of all the members was very respectable, and their appearance decent and sober; and this association of religious feelings with moral obligation will tend, it is hoped, under the Divine blessing, to knit them together more closely, and induce them, as they were then exhorted to do, to "consider one another, to provoke unto love and good works."

The space which this department of our journal already occupies, prevents us from entering more into detail with this interesting Report. We may remark, however, that the state of the other parishes are in a corresponding course of progressive, intellectual and religious improvement; and thus the

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unremitting exertions of the Bishop and Clergy are abundantly attested by their success. The plain statement of facts is an ample refutation of the calumnies which are daily poured forth by the anti-slavery orators, and of the falsehoods which are unblushingly published in their Reports.

This attendance of the negro population at public worship increases, notwithstanding the evil continuance of Sunday markets would tempt them to profane the Sabbath, and to turn their backs on the house of God. It is further gratifying to observe an increasing desire to abandon the still too common and unholy practice of promiscuous intercourse, and to enter the holy estate of matrimony. As respects the progress in reading and religious instruction in the several parishes of this island, it would appear from the Report, that a more extended


system of domestic instruction is indispensable to the furtherance of the important objects which the Society in England and the Association here so anxiously desire. But the low state of the finances of the Association forbids us to look to that quarter for the means required. By the subjoined statement from the Treasurer, it will be seen that the small sum of 70l. 19s. currency only has been appropriated to the payment of such teachers, and that this is all that the funds can allow towards that purpose, the remainder being applied, for the present, to the payment of the rent of a house for the Mistress of the Girls' School, in St. John's. Still it is hoped, that as the character of the Society is better understood, and the measures pursued in connexion with it are better appreciated, greater readiness will be shewn in forwarding its objects.

Anthony Musgrave, Treasurer, in Account with "The Branch Association."

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£. s. d.

31 8 0

former Treasurer

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£ s. d.

£137 14 0

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35 2 0

70 19 0

31 13 0

£137 14 0


Ar a meeting of the Legislature, the Report of the Governors of the Charitable Institution, directed at the last meeting to be prepared, was laid before the Honourable Board and House. The children, with the Principal, attended in the Assembly Room, and the House expressed itself highly gratified at the improvement which had taken place in the appearance and in the education of the children, and at the attention of the Principal. The following is a copy of the Report.

Report of the Governors of the Chari

table Institution.

To the Honourable the Board of
Council, and the Honourable the

House of Assembly.

The Governors of the Charitable Institution, for the support and education of destitute white children, present to the Honourable the Board of Council, and the Honourable the House of Assembly, the accompanying statements, as the most satisfactory means of shewing how they have discharged

the important trust which has been reposed in them. The first statement shews the amount of money which has been at the disposal of the Governors since the 1st of August, 1827, to the 8th of February, 1830, with the application in gross sums; the second, the several charges in each quarter's account, with its amount, and first and second years' expenses; and the third, the number of children that have been admitted and discharged since the passing of the present Bill. It will be found, that during that period, eighteen children have been educated and sent out to business; and there are at present on the Institution, twelve permanent boarders, who are furnished with every necessary, at 40%. each; twenty-two day-boarders, who are supplied with breakfast on every school-day, and clothing sufficient to enable them to give a constant attendance at church and school, and generally to make a decent appearance, at about 117. each per annum; and thirty-four day-scholars, who receive the benefits of education, and occasionally have a small gratuity, generally shoes, as a reward for their punctual attendance at church and school. The Governors have tried every means of rendering the liberal grant of the Legislature as effective as possible, and they have sometimes found it necessary to give the clothing


designed for a boarder, who had been negligent in attendance, to one of the day-scholars, that had been more punctual; and they have found this occasional practice produce a most happy effect, in procuring a regular attendance at church and school. In December last, the Governors deemed it advisable to renew the practice of the Anniversary Sermon, chiefly with the view of bringing again the interests of the important establishment more distinctly before the public. Governors trust that the measure has been attended with this effect, and they are happy to state that the collection made on the occasion enabled them to afford the children a very comfortable dinner on that day, and to take into the establishment two additional day-boarders. The Governors trust it will be found that they have conducted the Institution entirely on the principles of the Bill under which they acted, and they would further, from ample experience, give a most decided opinion as to the important good ends which the Institution is now furthering.





Eleventh Annual Report of the Barbados Society, for the Education of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church.

THE number of boys at present in the school is 121, the number of girls, 65-total 186 children: of these, 40 boys and 15 girls are clothed and boarded. Through the liberal provision of the vestry of St. Michael's, the day-scholars continue to have a dinner every day, with the exception of Saturday; and are clothed in a uniform dress, which both gives respectability to their appearance, and secures their attendance at public worship on Sunday.

To those who have been prevented from witnessing the manner in which the schools are conducted, it may be desirable to convey some accurate information, as to the routine of daily employment and study. Before the hour of school, the boarders are busied in putting their dormitory and schoolroom in order-in making or mending their clothes-in cleaning their shoesand in forming other habits conducive to method and cleanliness. At nine o'clock the school is opened with prayers, which are read by the Rev. Mr. Redwar, the master, after the Morning Hymn has been sung. Two hours are then devoted to reading, to writing (on paper and slate), and to

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