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The stars are ganglionic centers of recuperation for the systems. That is, they are centers of light and energy reflected from the bodies of the external planets.

They are also suns and bodies belonging to other systems similar to our own.

This diagram represents the development of the planets and their moons. The elemental source of the planets and the plane through which they evolute is a field of helium, atorence weight 4. Jupiter marks the point where physical growth telli minates, and physical decline begins. Saturn represents the culmination of mental development.

One by one the planets pass to the peripheral orbit to become secondary systems. The order of this progression is as follows:

Mercury, solid; Venus, semi-solid; Earth, solid and fluid; Mars, fluid; Jupiter, gaseous; Saturn, vibratory; Uranus, solid; Neptune, nebulous. From the earthy period they all exercise axial motion, which holds the great spiral intact.

On the periphery, billions of miles from the original center, these bodies reproduce secondary, and tertiary systems, the tertiary being stars It is a process of disintegration.

The following diagram illustrates the developing process by which the eight planets are perfected and equalized after all have reached the periphery and assumed orbital motion.

From our observation we are convinced that the period of vegetation and flesh only extends from the first intimation of primitive, living matter on Venus, to the remnant of physical life upon Mars, the elemental conditions of all the other planets not being consistent with such forms of life.

This diagram explains the cause for all the planetary bodies turning in one plane or direction. Moreover, it also illustrates why one side of the visible heaven seems to be more thickly studded with stars. It is a developing system of sun, planets, moons and stars.

The fruit of the systems, like all other systems, manifests upon the periphery, hence the stars are but the reproduction of suns, and, in due time they, too, will reproduce planetary

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systems. The tree comes out of the spiral, and the circle produces the fruit. This is a reminder again, that the sun principle is physical, masculine and positive, and the moon principle is mental, feminine and negative, and these two are one in the objective purpose.

This is all governed, directed and controlled by a perfectly balanced circulatory and nervous system, which gives life, respiration and nourishment to every part of the body causing it to function and bear fruit.

In the following diagram we attempt to demonstrate this theory in a well defined

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The atomic waves represent the nerves and respiration.
The valence units represent the blood circulation.
They balance each other and work in perfect unison.

In the construction of living, breathing systems there are four ultimate tissues, the flesh, the muscle, the bone and marrow. In principle these are the same in all bodies. We have an excellent example of it in these universal diagrams. But the ideal example is the animal body.

The spiral center represents the marrow or medullated matter; the surrounding circle represents the bones, even the

elemental nature of their composition. The field in which appear the vibratory and gaseous elements represent the respiratory act and the exchange of vital energy in muscular action. The surrounding bodies represent the muscular and fleshy tis


It is well to examine the respiratory act. The vibratory waves between the inner and the outer parts of the system represent respiration, which at once reveals that it distributes electrons, the valence units, each complete respiratory unit supplying the equivalent of one atom of oxygen, 16 electrons. This is spirit, and spirit is life. The words respire and spirit are both derived from the Latin resperare, re + spirare, to breathe, literally to rest, recuperate, to respirit. To expire is to despirit the body, to die.

From this the Ecclesiasts take their idea of the soul signifying a shade, ghost, apparition. The breath is the holy ghost.

The respiration is to distribute the vibratory, or primary life or energy equally to all parts of the system and the circulatory system distributes the basic elements for cell construction and nourishment. These are inseparable. Should one cease the other immediately ceases. The attempt to make of respiration a spirit, and circulation the soul, is absurd on its face. The process is merely the combining of the elements from primary sources to provide a store of living pabulum upon which the system may, draw for the energy which it requires in its activities. The circulation simply embodies and holds the products of respiration, oxygen and its chemical products.

Circulation becomes the final proof of the cyclic nature of


The word circulation simply means the act of moving in a circle or in a course which brings the moving body back to the point from whence it started. We recognize this as the distribution of the arterial blood from the heart, and the return of the venous blood back to the heart. Throughout the body a calcining or hardening process is going on. Chemical combustion is producing carbon in its several forms. The surplus is cast out of the body as carbon dioxide, especially by exhalation. The

bones consist of calcified products of this combustion. The venous blood carries away the waste and the arterial blood replenishes the cells with life-giving substance, hence, every living body is a storage battery of reserve energy.

Radiated energy especially has to do with the distribution of elements, reflected light measures this energy.

We have not clearly defined the reflective functions of the satellite moons, which seem to be essential helpmeets to the several planets.

The moon principle balances the sun principle in nature. This signifies cold and warm, negative and positive. The negative is conserving and reflective, and the positive is expansive and active. They are both born out of the same potențial center, the original potential, universal pabulum, and they develop the balanced potential atom out of which nitrogen, oxygen, carbon and hydrogen, are consecutively evolved and manifested. It is by the character of these primary atoms that we are enabled to follow the creative process and demonstrate it as a cycle. They are living entities, and are ever in pursuit of each other in a consecutive set of waves recorded by their motion.

It is because of the physical fact that the elements cannot regurgitate back through the convolutions of each other's waves, that they are compelled to record a complete act. Each of the primary creative waves is born with a forward or positive trend, with the head representing the positive end of the wave and the tail the negative end, hence we find the head of the one always attached to the tail of the preceding wave, on the theory that they are antagonistic and the one attempts to devour the other. The positive trend is bent into a neutral attitude in the hydrogen spiral. In fact, the hydrogen spiral symbolizes digestion, hence, out of the spiral we find the reaction of the same waves forced out backwards, we may say, with their heads pointing toward the spiral, yet maintaining the same wave continuity, proving them to be individual entities, which may not pass through each other's convolutions. It is this reflective set of waves which manifests the mentation of living systems and

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