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[blocks in formation]

Beaucoup, much, many.

Combien ? how much? how Mais, but.


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Aide (f.), aid.

Boulanger, baker.
Chagrin, grief.
Chanteur, singer.
Écorce (f.), bark.
Empereur, emperor.
Espèce (f.), species.
Fille (f.), daughter, girl.

Fleur (f.), flower.
Guinée (f.), guinea.
Habit, coat.

*Hache (f.), axe.

Imperatrice (f.), empress.

Lendemain, next day.

Mal, evil.

Nation (f.), nature.

Pécheur, sinner. Pêcheur, fisherman. Prix, price, prize. Valeur (f.), value. Vue (f.), sight.


Ancien, ne, ancient, former. Bas, basse, low.

Bénin, bénigne, kind.

Blanc, che, white.

Caduc, que, feeble.

Célèbre, celebrated.
Doux, ce, mild.
Épais, se, thick.
Faux, sse, false.
Favori, ite, favourite.

Fou, folle, foolish, mad.

Frais, che, fresh.

津 His sounded.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Vocabulary 10.

To be copied and learnt before reading Lesson 98.

[blocks in formation]

*These verbs change y into bcfore an e mute.

[blocks in formation]

Always, toujours.

Amiable, aimable.

Ancient, ancien, ne.

Anger, colère, f.
Answer, répondre.

Appetite, appétit.

Approach, s'approcher


[blocks in formation]

Brother, frère.

Buy, acheter.

By, par.

[blocks in formation]

Careful, soigneux.

Carry, porter.

Carriage, voiture, f.
Castle, château.
Cat, chat.

Celebrated, célèbre.

Cheese, fromage.
Chest, caisse, f.

Child, enfant, m. & f.
Choose, choisir.
Clever, fin.

Cloud, nuage.

Coat, habit.

Cock, coq.
Cold, froid.
Come, venir.
Come in, entrer.
Contain, renfermer.
Content, content.
Crow, a, corbeau.
Crow, to, chanter.
Crowd, foule, f
Cunning, rusé.
Cut, couper.


Dance, danser.

Daughter, fille, f.

*H is sounded.

Day, jour.

Day, the next, le lende-
Dead, mort.

Deceive, tromper.
Desire, désirer.

Diamond, diamant.

Die, mourir.
Dinner, diner.
Dirty, sale.
Do, faire,
Dog, chien.
Door, porte, f.
Doubt, doute, f.
Draw, tirer.
Dress, robe, f.
Drink, boire.
Drunk, bu.
Dry, sec, sèche.
Dumb, muet, te.


Each one, chacun.

Eat, manger.

Egg, auf.

Eight, huit.

Eighteen, dix-huit.

Eighty, quatre-vingt.

Elder, ainé.

Eleven, onze.

Emperor, empereur.
Empress, impératrice.
Empty, vide.

End, bout, m., fin, f.
Enemy, ennemi.
Enough, assez.
Enrich, enrichir.
Enter, entrer.
Evening, soir.
Ever, jamais.
Evil, mal.

Experience, éprouver.
Eye, ail, pl., youx.

Fail, manquer.
Fall, tomber.
False, faux, sse.
Far, loin.
Fat, gras, sse.

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