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Lesson 3.


Ja je jé jè ji jo ju

Jis sounded like z in azurc.

ge gé gè gi.

g before e and i has the same sound as j. ga gue gué guè gui go gu.

[blocks in formation]

is called the circumflex accent, and requires a longer

sound than the grave.

Lesson 4.

Révère ta mère. Le père de Robert fume. The father of Robert

Respect thy mother. Robert's father smokes.

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Go through in the same way Je fume, I smoke; Je cache, I hide; je pique, I sting; J'imite, I copy;' je révère, I respect.

Je me lève. Tu te lèves.
I myself raise. Thou thyself raisest.
I get up.

Il se lève.

He himself raises

Thou gettest up.

He gets up.

[blocks in formation]

Who washes thee? My mother washes me.

Qui a caché le livre? Je cache le Who has hidden the book? I hide the

livre. Qui a bu la bière ? Il a

Who has drunk the beer?


[blocks in formation]

He has

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Go through, as in Lesson 4, Je parle, I speak; je lave, I wash; je frappe, I hit; also je me lave, I wash myself, like je me lève.

Lesson 6.

Qui a parlé ?

Who has spoken?

Le père de Georges a
The father of George
George's father has

parlé. Que dit-il ?*

says he

Il dit que

spoken. What does he say? He says that

je me lève à midi. Il a pu lire

myself raise

I get up at noon. He has been able to read

le livre. Émile sera sage. Si tu



the book. Emile will be good. If you

es (è) sage, ta mère achètera le piano.



are good, your mother will buy the piano.

Ma mère a

su cela. Le dîné

My mother has known that. The dinner


Papa se


himself will vex.

will finish. Papa will be vexed.

N.B.-Notice that in verbs of the 1st conjugation, the participle ends in e and the future third person ends in ra. Parler (é), to speak; parlé, spoken; il parlera, he will speak.

Go through the other verbs in Lessons 3 and 4 in the same manner. Also fâcher (é), to vex; acheter

(é), to buy.

* The t in dit is sounded because of the vowel i that follows.

Lesson 7.

La petite Aline lira le Télémaque. The little Aline will read


Caroline a déchiré sa robe de gaze. Le

dress of gauze.

Caroline has torn her gauze dress. The

rivage sera le refuge du pilote fatigué. pilot weary.

shore will be the refuge of the weary pilot.

Le camarade de Jerome a avalé une pilule. The schoolfellow of Jerome.

Jerome's schoolfellow has swallowed a pill.

Maxime a tiré une fiole de sa poche. Maxime has drawn a phial from his pocket.

La rapidité de la rivière a diminué. The rapidity of the river has diminished

Le nuage a caché la lumière de la lune. The cloud has hidden the light of the moon

Cacher (é), to hide; il cache, he hides; il cachera, he uill hide; il cacha, he hid; il a caché, he has hidden.

In the same way go through the verbs in Lessons 3 and 4. Also déchirer (é), to tear; fatiguer (é), to weary; avaler (é), to swallow; tirer (é), to draw.

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