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" There are two sorts of corruptions— one when the people do not observe the laws; the other when they are corrupted by the laws: an incurable evil, because it is in the very remedy itself. "
United Service Magazine and Naval Military Journal - Page 528
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The Spirit of Laws, Volume 1

Charles de Secondat baron de Montesquieu - 1750 - 538 pages
..."f ftatt 1 here are two torts of corruption ; one when afain. the people do not obfente the laws 5 the other when they are corrupted by the laws : an incurable ( / evil, -becaufe it is in the very remedy icfelf. ' *, Impotency of the Laws of "Japan. Vi. 1 /* XCESSIVE punifhments...
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British Education: Or, The Source of the Disorders of Great Britain. Being ...

Thomas Sheridan - 1756 - 434 pages
...inevitably be oUf lot.* ' There ' are two forts of corruption ; one, when the peo* pie do not obferve the laws ; the other, when ' they are corrupted by the laws; an incurable ' evil, becaufe it is in the very remedy itfelf.' The antients knew the force and necefllty of the principle...
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A Course of Lectures on Elocution

Thomas Sheridan - 1803 - 222 pages
...of the laws ; where he fays, " There " are two forts of corruption, one, when men do " not obferve the laws, the other, when they are «« corrupted by the laws : an incurable evil,becau{e' " it is in the very remedy itfelf." And indeed as in that cafe, the evil muft be in-,...
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The Opinions of Different Authors Upon the Punishment of Death

Basil Montagu - 1809 - 338 pages
...lion, that it might please the Gods to turn the hearts of the Athenians from so cruel a thought. \ , There are two sorts of corruption ; one when the people...incurable evil, because it is in the very remedy itself. J Xenoph. hist. lib. 3. $ Morals, of thoie »Ao are intrusted with the direction of the state affairs....
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Observations on Penal Jurisprudence and the Reformation of Criminals: With ...

William Roscoe - 1819 - 342 pages
...uncontrolled by moral rectitude, can invent" " There are two sorts of corruption," says Montesquieu, " the one when the people do not observe the laws, the other...corrupted by the laws; an incurable evil, because it is the very remedy itself." Whilst the revenues of government are thus derived from the crimes of the...
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The Spirit of Laws, Volumes 1 à 2

Charles de Secondat baron de Montesquieu - 1823 - 810 pages
...expiation, that it might phase the Gods to turn the " hearts of the Athenians from so cruel a thought." There are two sorts of corruption ; one when the people...incurable evil, because it is in the very remedy itself. CHAP. XIII. • Insufficiency of the Laws of Japan. EXCESSIVE punishments may even corrupt a despotic...
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The Christian Teacher, Volume 1

1835 - 802 pages
...proceed from the impunity of criminals, and not from the moderation of punishments ;' he also adds, ' that there are two sorts of corruption ; one when...incurable evil, because it is in the very remedy itself.' Mr. Clarkson justly observes, that 'As Christians, it seems that we should be influenced by Christian...
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The Metropolitan Magazine, Volume 27

1840 - 594 pages
...corrupted. If he is unamiable, it is because he has been mocked and spitefully entreated and spit on. There are two sorts of corruption ; one, when the people do not observe the laws, the other when the people are corrupted by the laws : an incurable evil, because it is in the very remedy itself....
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Elocution, Or, Mental and Vocal Philosophy: Involving the Principles of ...

C. P. Bronson - 1845 - 390 pages
...philosophy — corrupt the simplicity of the Christian religion ? 2. There are two sorts of popular corruption ; one, when the people do not observe the...laws; the other, when they are corrupted by the laws. 3. Cesar — added the punishment of conjiscation, for this reason ; lest the rich, by preserving their...
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Elocution: Or, Mental and Vocal Philosophy: Involving the Principles of ...

C. P. Bronson - 1845 - 330 pages
...philosophy — corrupt the simplicity of the Christian religion ? 2. There are two sorts of popular corruption ; one, when the people do not observe the...laws; the other, when they are corrupted by the laws. 3. Cesar — added the punishment of confiscation, for this reason ; lest the ricA, by presenting their...
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